The Deprogram

JT, Hakim, and Yugopnik
The Deprogram

What do an Iraqi, a Balkan Slav and a Texan have in common? A burning hatred for the system. Oh, and a podcast. Say no to eating out of the trash can of ideology. Join us on a journey exploring and critically assessing the perceived “normalcy” of late-stage capitalism. The only truly international, global, and anti-capitalist podcast you’ll find. SUPPORT US on PATREON: FOLLOW US on Twitter @TheDeprogramPod



What do an Iraqi, a Balkan Slav and a Texan have in common? A burning hatred for the system. Oh, and a podcast. Say no to eating out of the trash can of ideology. Join us on a journey exploring and critically assessing the perceived “normalcy” of late-stage capitalism. The only truly international, global, and anti-capitalist podcast you’ll find. SUPPORT US on PATREON: FOLLOW US on Twitter @TheDeprogramPod


Uygunsuz bölümleri dinlemek için giriş yapın.

Bu şov ile haberdar kalın

Şovları takip etmek, bölümleri kaydetmek ve en son güncellemeleri almak için giriş yapın veya kaydolun.

Ülke veya bölge seçin

Afrika, Orta Doğu ve Hindistan

Asya Pasifik


Latin Amerika ve Karayipler

ABD ve Kanada