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Join KG Stiles for your Astro Highlights, the essential heavenly news that matters most to you with practical guidance to help you make the most of current astrological cycles. Astro Highlists is brought to you by http://www.healthmasterysystems.com
ABOUT KG STILES: KG has been a student of metaphysics and astrology for more than four decades. She has utilized astrology in her professional practice as an intuitive mindbody therapist and energy healer to personally guide tens of thousands of clients to resolve life challenges and experience healing at all levels of their being. She is the owner of Springhill Wellness Center in Ashland, Oregon, and the founding director of Health Mastery Systems for body, mind, and soul, and PurePlant Essentials organic aromatherapy. KG's website: https://www.kgstiles.com

Astro Highlights - KG Stiles, Host KG Stiles, Host

    • Gesundheit und Fitness

Join KG Stiles for your Astro Highlights, the essential heavenly news that matters most to you with practical guidance to help you make the most of current astrological cycles. Astro Highlists is brought to you by http://www.healthmasterysystems.com
ABOUT KG STILES: KG has been a student of metaphysics and astrology for more than four decades. She has utilized astrology in her professional practice as an intuitive mindbody therapist and energy healer to personally guide tens of thousands of clients to resolve life challenges and experience healing at all levels of their being. She is the owner of Springhill Wellness Center in Ashland, Oregon, and the founding director of Health Mastery Systems for body, mind, and soul, and PurePlant Essentials organic aromatherapy. KG's website: https://www.kgstiles.com

    Astrology September - December 2012 Astro Highlights - KG Stiles, Host

    Astrology September - December 2012 Astro Highlights - KG Stiles, Host

    Aloha and welcome to your Astro Highlights. I’m your host, KG Stiles, with a special Indian Summer/Fall forecast for 2012.

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Jan - May 2012 - Mars Retro, Neptune into Pisces & More - KG Stiles, Host

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Jan - May 2012 - Mars Retro, Neptune into Pisces & More - KG Stiles, Host

    Astro Highlights 2012 Report for January to May is sponsored by HTTP://WWW.PUREPLANTESSENTIALS.COM Home of Organic Pure Essential Oils, Custom Crafted Blends, Sprays & Ready-to-Use Formulas please visit PurePlantEssentials.com today. >>>>Celestial highlights for January to May include the astro numerology for 2012, Mars station Retrograde January 23 the same day as the Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon, Neptune moves into Pisces for a 14 year stay on February 3rd, followed on February 7th by Saturn’s station retrograde the exact same day as a Leo Full Moon. Then on March 12th Mercury stations Retrograde, on April 10th Pluto stations Retrograde and on April 13th Mars stations Direct. >>>>With Neptune about to cross over into Pisces for a 14 year stay we’re about to enter the generation of The Intuitives when listening to and developing your Intuition is highly favored and rewarded. >>>>Let’s start with the Astro Numerology for 2012. We are in a 5 Universal year, 2+0+1+2 in 2012 = 5 a year of Great and Expansive Change is upon us. The age of the 3rd Millenium which began in 2,000 B.C. is the number 2 with 3 zeros which amplifies the creative energy of the number 2. The frequency or vibration of the number 2 is peace, harmony and cooperation in relationship whereas the 2nd Millenium which began in 1,000 B.C. was about me versus you, and separation into us and them. We saw war, strife and struggle in many guises dominate our experience during this 1,000 year epoch as we developed our sense of identity and individuality which served a purpose we have now outgrown. >>>>Now we are evolving a different mentality resonant with the quantum world revealed at the end of the 2nd Millenium. Through Quantum Science we now know that we share the same life force energy, the life force that animates you also animates me, and at the energetic level we are one with all that is, there is in truth no separation. We all share the same life force animating energy. >>>>At the end of a Millenium there is always a great purge of the collective unconscious which we have been experiencing for some time now. >>>>We need to breakdown and breakthrough old patterns and paradigms to birth something completely new. And as with a birth the more resistance, the more suffering and pain experienced. Using your breath to relax and allow whatever is happening to be okay is a simple technique you can use to assist you through any periods of challenge.
    At this special time in Earth’s history we are having more than one cycle end as new ones begin and they overlap one another. A cycle begins and ends during a window of time. For instance the Earth began to cross the Galactic center in the Milky Way Galaxy back in 1987 and will conclude sometime around 2033 which many say is the actual birth of the Aquarian age. The key point to remember is that the birth or dawn of a epoch occurs through a window of time, and we are all being evolved as we expand our consciousness for birthing new cycles of time. In other words we naturally begin to resonate with the new energies being born as these new cycles are birthed and an entirely New Epoch is born through us. What it will look and feel like is up to each of us individually as we form new collective energetic and archetypal matrixes for Earth’s New Epoch. This is a very exciting opportunity to be here at this time! >>>>We started 2012 with Jupiter at 0º Taurus and Uranus at 0º Aries. In astrology the 0º of a sign initiates and activates a new cycle of energy. This energy to initiate something new was amplified by the Waxing Aries moon which is tremendous birthing energy. >>>>However, because Mars was already slowing down to begin its Retrograde movement on January 23rd at 23º Virgo you may have felt a strong burst of energy at the New Year activate an internal cleansing release of old psychic and emotional baggage with the Cancer Full Moon on January 8th. I’ve never seen so many people start a New

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Nov-Dec Mercury Retro, 2 Eclipses & More - KG Stiles Host

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Nov-Dec Mercury Retro, 2 Eclipses & More - KG Stiles Host

    KG Stiles with your Astro Highlights November & December 2011 Report. Astro Highlights Sponsored by HTTP://WWW.PUREPLANTESSENTIALS.COM Home of Organic Pure Essential Oils & Custom Crafted Blends, Sprays & Ready-to-Use Formulas. ....Celestial highlights in November and December include Neptune’s station Direct on November 9th, followed by a Taurus Full Moon on November 10th on the same day Mars moves into Virgo for an unusually long 8 month stay. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd and Mercury stations Retrograde on the November 23rd, the very next day on November 24th there’s a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Two weeks later Uranus stations Direct on December 9th and the next day on December 10th we have a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, followed by Mercury’s station Direct on December 13th. Next we have the Winter Solstice on December 21st and the Sun moves into stabilizing Capricorn followed by a Capricorn New Moon on December 24th and finally Jupiter (the planet of good fortune) stations Direct in Taurus on Christmas Day December 25th. So there’s lots happening in the stars as dramatic shifts occur over the next several weeks. It’s never been a more ideal time to meditate and stay connected to your own internal guidance system for taking right action and many of you will feel challenged to stay cool and calm with all the energies bouncing around you. Thanks so much for joining me. Wishing you much prosperity, peace and happiness always. Mahalo, -KG

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Sept 2011 + Pisces Harvest Moon - KG Stiles, Host

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Sept 2011 + Pisces Harvest Moon - KG Stiles, Host

    Astro Highlights is sponsored by KG Stiles Health Mastery Systems Holistic Products for Body, Mind & Soul https://www.kgstiles.com and http://www.PurePlantEssentials.com organic aromatherapy please visit these websites today. ...September is a 9 month, a powerful month of completion and you’re challenged to face and clear away old familiar entanglements and co-dependent patterns of relating this month. It’s a great month to clutter clear and Feng Shui every area of your life, especially the area of your life represented in your astrology chart where the Pisces Harvest Moon is located. ....2011 is a 4 universal year 2+0+1+1=4 and the number 9 month of September doubles any number it’s added to. So that means September is a powerful 44 month. The number 4 represents the power of Truth and material manifestation. The purpose of the number 4 is to stabilize, and one of the main ways to bring stability is to face the truth about what isn’t working in the structure of your life. ....Ask yourself what isn’t supporting my high functioning successful living. What do you need to re-structure that will bring stability and optimal functionality that serves your personal, as well as the collective greater good. This is the theme of the Pluto Square to Uranus that is playing itself out through 2015 and begins in earnest next June 2012. ....On September 10th Mercury reaches 1º Virgo where it began its retrograde movement last August and you can breathe a little easier as any vestiges of blockage or stuckness from Mercury’s dictum to re-think and intuit right action becomes fully integrated and you get a green light to put your decisions into action. ....During Mercury’s rapid 2 week jaunt through the sign of Virgo, an earth sign which Mercury rules, all the details in the area of your life where Mercury is located in your astrology chart will begin to easily fall into place for you on a material level. ....Also on the 10th Venus the planet of love and desire forms a Sextile with her lover Mars the planet of action and making it happen. Allow your self to soak up and feel the good vibes prevalent in the air and make the most of your opportunities and fortunate circumstances. ....The very next day on September 11th Mercury the planet of communication and connections has you in the right place at the right time, meeting all the right people who can make things happen for you. ....Manifesting your ideas into reality has never been easier than when Mercury the planet of communications and connections makes an easy flowing trine to Pluto the planet of regeneration and power. ....On September 12th celebrate the Harvest Full Moon at 19º Pisces exact at 2:27am Pacific. ....The Pisces full moon inspires you with spiritual and emotional ideals. You are psychically very sensitive and you can have extraordinary intuitions, as well as feel confused and deluded. ....Fortunately the Pisces Harvest Moon forms an auspicious Grand Earth Trine with the planets Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto helping you to ground and manifest your dreams. ....The Harvest Full Moon in Pisces clearly illumines and fulfils your most treasured desires as you experience heartfelt union with your dreams. Look in your astrology chart to see where you are experiencing a completion and harvest in your life. ....Take time to celebrate your completions over the past 2 weeks and especially over the last 6 months. Review what has happened FOR you and all that you’ve accomplished since the Pisces New Moon last March. ....The Harvest Full Moon also illumines opportunities for you to easily let go of situations, people and things that do not nourish your life any more. ....You may find this time of the Pisces Harvest Moon to be intensely emotional. Your imaginative forces are working over time as Neptune, the planet that rules the Pisces Moon, augments your already intensified emotional desires experienced at the time of a full moon. ....Focus on what you want to attract and

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Aquarius Full Moon, Grand Cross, Mercury Retro & More - KG Stiles, Host

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Aquarius Full Moon, Grand Cross, Mercury Retro & More - KG Stiles, Host

    Astro Highlights is sponsored by http://www.HealthMasterySystems.com holistic products for Body, Mind and Soul and http://www.PurePlantEssentials.com organic aromatherapy please visit these website today. ....On today’s show besides giving you the Full Moon report KG also talks about the Cardinal Grand Cross being activated by the planet Mars as it Squres Uranus, Opposes Pluto and Squares Saturn over the next 3 weeks. You might want to write down these dates. Mars in Cancer Squares Uranus in Aries on August 9th, Opposes Pluto in Capricorn on August 10th and Squares Saturn in Libra on August 25th. In a moment I’ll talk more about the Cardinal Grand Cross and what you can expect and how to make the most of the energies. ....During this time we are also in a 3 week Mercury retrograde period that started on August 2nd and ends on August 26th. ....Amidst this heavenly ruckus is our Aquarius Full Moon which is giving completion and birth to whatever we’ve had our attention focused on over the past two weeks and on a grander scale over the past six months since the Aquarius New Moon in February. ....The Aquarius Full Moon is an ideal time to review your intentions and plans you activated at the time of the last New Moon or at the Aquarius New Moon. Celebrate your accomplishments with a full moon ceremony by lighting a white candle, writing down all that you’ve completed and give thanks. Acknowledging all those who have helped you along your way both seen and unseen. ....Perhaps there are things left still to be completed, or you’ve decided there are things that are not serving your long term goals. You may want to perform a releasing and letting go ceremony. A Ho’oponopono ritual is always helpful for forgiving and being at peace with the past, allowing yourself to heal and move on. ....You can find a free podcast download of a Ho’oponopono Forgiveness Meditation available on my website at https://www.kgstiles.com in our CD and Podcasts section. ....The Aquarius full moon is at 21º Aquarius on Saturday, August 13th exact at 11:57am Pacific. ....The Aquarius full moon represents the Visionary in your life. Your ability to download creative ideas will be greatly enhanced at this time, especially with Mercury’s retrograde through Leo the sign of creativity, fun and romance. Your intuitions are now off the charts. Trust your gut and follow your intuitive hunches to navigate the potential rough white waters during the Cardinal Grand Cross period. ....Let’s talk about the Cardinal Grand Cross opportunities available for you. A Grand Cross is very much about the Death of the Egoic Mind as it realizes it does not control what happens in life. We are part of and one with Life as it moves and lives through us. We do not control Life but we can influence life by learning how to act in accordance with our highest good and manage our own energy system to respond creatively to all life circumstances to influence circumstances from a relaxed, calm, centered and trusting space within ourselves. Knowing that we are always perfectly guided through life. As Norman Vincent Peale said, You must "Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture. Do not build up obstacles in your imagination." ....The Cardinal Grand Cross Energies are about taking control, responsibility and leadership of your own self. Being the Captain of your Soul. Rather than playing out Victim and Scapegoat patterns in your life. The Cardinal Grand Cross activation by Mars shakes you up to realize how your choices are creating the circumstances of your life. ....As Mars squares Uranus on August 9th there could be sudden tension, and pressures that surface needing release. Keep breathing and focus your attention on what is trying to be birthed at this time. Perhaps there’s an old pattern that does not serve you that you need t

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Capricorn Full Moon & Cardinal Grand Cross - KG Stiles, Host

    Astrology - Astro Highlights, Capricorn Full Moon & Cardinal Grand Cross - KG Stiles, Host

    Astro Highlights FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN FORECAST. On today's show KG also talks about continuing activation of the 3 Eclipses recently experienced, as well as the Cardinal Grand Cross that’s heating up through August and the building pressures from the square that’s forming between Pluto, the planet of regeneration and healing and Uranus, the planet of sudden revolution and unexpected change.....Astro Highlights is brought to you by http://www.PurePlantEssentials.com organic aromatherapy.....The Capricorn full moon is at 22º Capricorn on Thursday, July 14th at 11:40pm Pacific. The moon will go void of course exactly at the time of the full moon, so you’ll want to plan to complete any full moon ritual by the Full Moon to make the most of its powerful celestial energies. The Capricorn full moon represents power and authority in your life. What has power and authority over you that needs to be released. You may also experience rewards and recognition for your achievements at this time. The Capricorn Full Moon marks the culmination of a 6 month cycle that began with the Capricorn Solar Eclipse back at the first of January of this year.....This full moon is especially potent because it’s exactly opposite the Cancer Lunar Eclipse that occured on July 1st. Review the past six months of your life and recognize and celebrate all that you’ve accomplished. If you set New Moon Intentions at the time of the Solar Eclipse last January review them and note what you’ve accomplished and where you may be feeling stuck, or in need of revision of your plans, and making course corrections.
    If you’re feeling stuck your Capricorn Full Moon ritual may include releasing old patterns, and situations, people or things you’ve outgrown that are not working for you.....The series of 3 Eclipses we just experienced will be reactivated by the moon each month as it cycles through the zodiac over the next 6 months. For instance the 11º Gemini Solar Eclipse will be re-activated every time the Moon crosses 11º Gemini which occurs the first time on June 28th and approximately every 27-28 days after that. The 24º Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which was the longest Full Lunar Eclipse experienced in 100 years will be re-activated for the first time on the 12th of July and there after every 27-28 days for the next six months. And finally the 9º Cancer Solar Eclipse that occurs on July 1st gets re-activated on the 27th of July and there after every 27-28 days for the next 6 months. Notice these days when an Eclipse is re-activated as you are very likely to receive a cosmic green light to move forward and advance your position on the game board of life. This opportunity for advancement may come as the result of having released a block or something you’ve outgrown.....Many of the changes being activated by the 3 Eclipses have to do with upgrades in your thinking and letting go of mental attitudes and beliefs. Networking opportunities are likely, as are opportunities for self nurturance and setting healthy boundaries if you’re ever to experience fulfillment of your life purpose.....On June 26th we began to feel the Cardinal Grand Cross between the planets Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries and the Sun & Mercury in Cancer. In July the planet Venus and in August the planet Mars will cross over the Cardinal Grand Cross point as they move through the sign of Cancer.....As Pluto and Uranus near within 1º orb of an exact square to one another in July the pressure continues to build with an intense feeling of something’s got to give. The challenge with Cardinal planets is that everyone wants to be first and be the leader, no one wants to compromise. As things fall apart at the seams no one seems to notice as everyone is too busy defending they’re position, not noticing that there’s nothing left to disagree about or to defend. It’s all gone! Expect sudden, unexpected turns of events. My guides say if you want

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