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You’ve heard of selling and marketing your way to business growth but it’s time to increase your revenue with what really matters: having a brand that gets attention.

Brand Your Way to A Million is a podcast hosted by Jasmine Haitalani: immigrant, creative director and founder of 7 figure design agency Highflier Powerhouse.

On the podcast, she discusses marketing strategies for entrepreneurs that help them expand their creativity, and shares her insights and hot takes on the latest industry trends so you can go from follower to a leader that’s setting the standard and making a million with your brand in your own way.

You will also listen to her sharing stories and starting bold (and tough) conversations with some of the best innovators in the industry so you can take some notes and feel inspired to make changes, become a respected brand, and increase your sales.

In a space that’s constantly evolving, creating new trends and chasing algorithms, this podcast is meant to help you develop the skill of building a brand that’s always top of mind, demanding attention, creating connections and generating sales.

Whether you’re a starting founder, rising entrepreneur, wanting to be more creative or just looking for hot gossip and rants, this show is for you.

Jasmine has been part of a brand marketing team for a billion dollar brand and has helped service-based entrepreneurs create millions of dollars in revenue with the power of branding. She values becoming a respected brand worth millions of dollars by setting the bar high for branding like you do with your revenue goals.

Learn more about her here: https://highflierpowerhouse.com/

Brand Your Way to A Million Jasmine Haitalani

    • Wirtschaft

You’ve heard of selling and marketing your way to business growth but it’s time to increase your revenue with what really matters: having a brand that gets attention.

Brand Your Way to A Million is a podcast hosted by Jasmine Haitalani: immigrant, creative director and founder of 7 figure design agency Highflier Powerhouse.

On the podcast, she discusses marketing strategies for entrepreneurs that help them expand their creativity, and shares her insights and hot takes on the latest industry trends so you can go from follower to a leader that’s setting the standard and making a million with your brand in your own way.

You will also listen to her sharing stories and starting bold (and tough) conversations with some of the best innovators in the industry so you can take some notes and feel inspired to make changes, become a respected brand, and increase your sales.

In a space that’s constantly evolving, creating new trends and chasing algorithms, this podcast is meant to help you develop the skill of building a brand that’s always top of mind, demanding attention, creating connections and generating sales.

Whether you’re a starting founder, rising entrepreneur, wanting to be more creative or just looking for hot gossip and rants, this show is for you.

Jasmine has been part of a brand marketing team for a billion dollar brand and has helped service-based entrepreneurs create millions of dollars in revenue with the power of branding. She values becoming a respected brand worth millions of dollars by setting the bar high for branding like you do with your revenue goals.

Learn more about her here: https://highflierpowerhouse.com/

    EP 116 - Profitable Pivots: Navigating Rebrands in the Post-Pandemic Business Landscape

    EP 116 - Profitable Pivots: Navigating Rebrands in the Post-Pandemic Business Landscape

    We often pivot to solve a problem. But what we don't realize is that pivot can actually end up introducing a whole new set of problems. So how can we pivot profitably? The thing about a rebrand is that you have to change your consumer's assumptions about you. 
    If you're going from the cheerleader archetype to the assertive, straight forward coach, you'll need to illustrate these changes with precision. Otherwise, you're going to confuse your audience and ultimately lose out on sales and reach! A brand pivot is a tricky moment because the identity itself is shifting and business owners often navigate that unconsciously. 
    One of the huge decisions that we're constantly navigating is how to use the marketing tools we're given. Even big businesses have to work with socials that look entirely different than they did four years ago. Think about it - Instagram stories are new, reels are new, Tiktok went from Musical.ly to the almost QVC-esque platform it is today.
    So while you're pivoting, the rest of the world is constantly doing so as well. It's a bit of a dance to move gracefully through it without losing money in the process. So today, we're chatting about the biggest mistakes people make during a pivot and how exactly they can be avoided. If you prefer a good read, check out the full blog of the episode HERE! 
    In this episode, we're also chatting about: 
    The Pre and Post Pandemic Business Landscape The Impact of the Pandemic on Branding Priorities Navigating New Competition with Pivots Real-Life Examples of Successful Pivots The Role of Rebranding in Profitable Pivots Connect with me: 
    Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest
    Learn how to build a strong brand and sign your next 5 highest paying clients using cold leads inside our 12-month program Brand Revenue Lab. Join today: www.highflierpowerhouse.com/revenue   
    Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience https://highflierpowerhouse.com/rebrand-experience
    Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client: https://highflierpowerhouse.com/retainer

    • 22 Min.
    EP 115 - The Stages of Brand Awareness: Breaking Out of the Income Plateau

    EP 115 - The Stages of Brand Awareness: Breaking Out of the Income Plateau

    If your income was steadily growing for a while only to come to a mysterious halt, it might be time to check on your brand awareness. The plateau is actually not as mysterious as it might seem! When you understand the different stages of brand awareness, it's so much easier to break to the next level. 
    Brand awareness is one of the most underutilized areas of branding. So many people will get a nice, shiny new brand and think that's that. The thing is, new branding will only get you so far if you're not constantly evolving your marketing to keep up with your buyers. Think of it like meme culture. The first time you see a meme, you might laugh and share it with your friends. The second time, you might laugh but you're no longer sharing it. The next time, the joke is old and you've moved on. 
    You want to stay ahead of the curve of people's attention. In the final stage of brand awareness, you're converting people instantly. Whether it's through word of mouth of completely cold leads stumble on your website, brand awareness is strong enough to convert. Tune in because we'll be discussing the stage that most people get stuck on and how exactly to break past that threshold! 
    In this episode, we're chatting about: 
    Why brand awareness is so important  What is brand awareness?  The stages of brand awareness  Why you'll need stronger brand awareness with each stage in your business Connect with me: 
    Website Join our email list! Instagram Pinterest Learn how to build a strong brand and sign your next 5 highest paying clients using cold leads inside our 12-month program Brand Revenue Lab. Join today: www.highflierpowerhouse.com/revenue   
    Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience https://highflierpowerhouse.com/rebrand-experience
    Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client: https://highflierpowerhouse.com/retainer 

    • 23 Min.
    EP 114 - Welcome to Brand Your Way To A Million! Here's Our Full Rebrand Recap

    EP 114 - Welcome to Brand Your Way To A Million! Here's Our Full Rebrand Recap

    If you’ve been a fan of Becoming The Brand for a while, don’t fret. Your favorite podcast still exists, it’s just undergone a rebrand! So today, the podcast is actually a perfect example to take you behind the scenes into the rebranding process. We’ll start with why I felt like now was the time for a rebrand, what elements we intentionally changed, and close out with what the plan is moving forward.  
    Believe it or not, I actually didn’t plan on changing the direction of the podcast until the final days of the rebrand. If you’re on the email list, you’ve been getting updates and sneak peaks along the way but today, we’re really getting into the intentionality behind every choice. From choosing to go with a rebrand instead of a refresh to the details of our most recent photoshoot, we’re covering it all! 
    This episode is going to be especially valuable to you if you're in stages of deciding whether you want to rebrand or not. It can be a tricky decision. You'll find yourself wondering - should I just do a brand refresh? Do I just need new photos? What's working and what's not? So I'm excited to take you behind the scenes into our thought process to help you make that decision for your business. On top of the rebrand, we've got some new and improved resources for you. So if you're more of a reader than a listener, go check out the episode in blog form over on our website. 
    In this episode, we're chatting about: 
    How to answer the question "how often do I need to rebrand?"  Why design trends can affect the way cold leads react to your brand  What we loved about our first rebrand The reason behind this rebrand Behind the scenes on the entire process of rebranding  
    Connect with me: 
    Read the full blog post HERE  Instagram  Facebook  
    Learn how to build a strong brand and sign your next 5 highest paying clients using cold leads inside our 12-month program Brand Revenue Lab. Join today: www.highflierpowerhouse.com/revenue   
    Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience https://highflierpowerhouse.com/rebrand-experience
    Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client: https://highflierpowerhouse.com/retainer 

    • 34 Min.
    EP 113 - Why Bold Opinions Are One of Your Brands Greatest Assets

    EP 113 - Why Bold Opinions Are One of Your Brands Greatest Assets

    People pleasing creates watered down brands. If you're a people pleaser, I want you to ask yourself to name three people that are actually pleased with you and being LOUD about it. It's hard to bring out bold, enthusiastic opinions in other people if you're not sharing them yourself. 
    Think about your favorite celebrities. People rally around celebrities because of their brand! And part of building their brand comes from super bold actions and statements. From one confident claim, we can all guess what their next move might be. We can start to feel like we understand them and even know them on a deeper level. 
    I think we're all a little bit afraid that we'll sound like a hater if we share our boldest opinions. But here's the thing: you're only a hater if you have no other solutions. I've been guilty of this before! I used to be totally against website templates. But was I coming to the table with a solution for people who weren't ready for a full rebrand? Nope! So I've been a bit of a hater before and I'm sure you have too. 
    But the great news is, we're all allowed to evolve and change our opinions over time. Yes, it's important to have conviction and congruency in your brand. So don't go out and flip flop with contradicting opinions every week. We don't want to encourage distrust. But there is a way to change your opinion and stay on brand! Tune in till the end for the inside scoop. 
    In this episode, we're chatting about: 
    Why brands that don't center bold opinions have a hard time finding aligned clients  Reframing "mean girl energy"  The difference between a hater and a business owner that knows who they are  How to change your mind without feeling off-brand   
    Learn how to build a strong brand and sign your next 5 highest paying clients using cold leads inside our 12-month program Brand Revenue Lab. Join today: www.highflierpowerhouse.com/revenue   
    Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience https://highflierpowerhouse.com/rebrand-experience
    Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client: https://highflierpowerhouse.com/retainer 

    • 28 Min.
    EP 112 - This Hack Will Make Brand Decisions 10X Easier: How to Model Your Brand Off a CHARACTER

    EP 112 - This Hack Will Make Brand Decisions 10X Easier: How to Model Your Brand Off a CHARACTER

    How do you make brand decisions before you get any feedback from your audience? We can't for everyone else to tell us who we are. And yet, I see a lot of business owners doing this. They'll try to be for everyone because they want to cast a wide net. They feel like committing to a certain vibe will isolate potential clients. 

    The result? Super vanilla branding with no perspective at all. But how do you know what to commit yourself to? One day, you might feel called to the light, airy, beachy vibe and the next, you feel more bold, powerful, and luxury. If that sounds like you, you need to listen to this episode because indecision is death to a good brand. 
    Your brand is your ability to stand out. We don't want you to be basic, we want you to be a one of one entrepreneur. For Highflier Powerhouse, that meant tuning into the Villian archetype. Growing up, I was always more drawn towards Kate Sanders than Lizzie McGuire. And you can feel that in the brand. We're not afraid to be a little sassy, bold and confident. 
    You want people to make automatic associations with you. They see a certain meme and they immediately tie it back to your brand. They see your posts on Instagram and they can IMMEDIATELY tell it's your post without looking at the username. How do you do that, even without a big audience? You personify the brand. And you'll have to tune into the episode to learn more about how to do that! 
    In this episode, we're chatting about: 
    Why I don't like the term "cult-like branding"  How I built a brand with a small audience  How your personal brand can allow you to intentional craft an identity that YOU want to embody  Why it makes no sense for a brand like Marc Jacobs to try and appeal to a Gen Z, hyper-trendy audience  Connect with me: 
    Join the email list  Follow on Instagram Work with us: 
    Learn how to build a strong brand and sign your next 5 highest paying clients using cold leads inside our 12-month program Brand Revenue Lab. Join today: www.highflierpowerhouse.com/revenue   
    Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience https://highflierpowerhouse.com/rebrand-experience
    Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client: https://highflierpowerhouse.com/retainer 

    • 17 Min.
    EP 111 - Stop Wasting Your Time Scrolling Pinterest For Random Mini-Shoots

    EP 111 - Stop Wasting Your Time Scrolling Pinterest For Random Mini-Shoots

    Are you feeling bored of your brand? Well, before you go and tear it all down, I want you to ask yourself "when was the last time I had a brand shoot done?" If it's been more than a year, it's been too long! 
    A shoot that's well done can provide marketing materials for an entire year. But longer than that? You're at risk of your audience's eyes glazing over. So if you're at the 100K+ mark in your business, it's time to get serious about incorporating annual brand shoots into your strategy. 
    But before you jump in to a mini-shoot or spend hours browsing Pinterest with no real direction, listen to this episode. I don't want you pouring a bunch of time, energy, and money into small photo shoots that ultimately won't last you more than a month.
    There are some key aspects to planning your yearly shoot that go way beyond recreating a cool picture you saw on Pinterest. We want to think through exactly how these photos will be used. It's always fun to get a hyper trendy, creative shoot done...until you can't use half of the photos! Working with an agency or creative director will ensure that no photo goes to waste. 
    In this episode, we're chatting about: 
    Why business owners over the 100K mark need annual photoshoots  Why poorly thought through mini-shoots might cost you more in the long run  The importance of planning where each look will be used in your marketing strategy  How having a creative director can help the process go smoothly  Connect with me: 
    Join the email list  Follow on Instagram Work with us: 
    Learn how to build a strong brand and sign your next 5 highest paying clients using cold leads inside our 12-month program Brand Revenue Lab. Join today: www.highflierpowerhouse.com/revenue   
    Looking to make an extra $100K with your next rebrand and have your visuals completely overhauled and rebranded for you? Apply for The Rebrand Experience https://highflierpowerhouse.com/rebrand-experience
    Want to never have to touch Canva again and get sales and marketing assets designed for you? Design on Demand is our monthly retainer that elevates the way your brand is being presented online. From social media graphics, to workbooks to launch assets, you can delegate any design task you need. Become our retainer client: https://highflierpowerhouse.com/retainer 

    • 24 Min.

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