9 episodes

Taking the taboo away from suicidal thoughts - one podcast at a time.

Feel No Shame Rowan and Alan

    • Gesundheit und Fitness

Taking the taboo away from suicidal thoughts - one podcast at a time.

    #9 - One Armed and Dangerous Meets The One Handed Lover

    #9 - One Armed and Dangerous Meets The One Handed Lover

    Episode 9...or for continuity purposes, Episode 1 of the possible second series (or 'season') and we rise again to record, edit, delete and edit...and upload more of Feel No Shame!  

    Holy moly, this was fun! It seems a strange thing to say about recording a podcast talking about suicidal feelings, but they took a backseat this time around as this episode was about making memories.  

    Dean and Rowan go back 10+ years to a former life of Rowan’s where he was a teaching assistant (shout out to the TAs!); Dean struggles to have his story heard, hence the invitation to the Feel No Shame podcast.  

    But as you hear, an embryonic idea to surprise Dean turned into a beautiful baby of a podcast episode, as his childhood wrestling hero, Gregory Iron, appears OUTTA NOWHERE (more specifically, Ohio) to shock the world.  

    We never thought this episode would happen but thanks to the generosity and kindness of both Gregory Iron (Instagram: @gregory_iron) and Dean Chard (Instagram: @horrorlover43), we proudly present to you this special episode.   

    Also featuring nerves and background dogs - plus some swears - it’ll be different to previous episodes but go with it! Around the midway point, you’ll see/hear pure joy and possibly encounter the happiest person that has ever existed.  

    Hopefully Rowan repeating and paraphrasing Dean’s speech isn’t too irritating - although he threw Rowan under the bus by saying that it was, after asking him to help out before we started recording!   

    To watch the moment Greg was praised by former WWE and current AEW wrestler CM Punk, head here: https://youtu.be/XtjLedE7yAw  

    More information on Greg’s story and motivational speaking: https://youtu.be/EHsGibX4O9c Greg also has some t-shirts for sale here: https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/wrestler-t-shirts/gregory-iron.html  

    To book Greg in any capacity, head to https://linktr.ee/gregoryiron  

    Music is by Adobe and Dean Gaylard, and until next time, whenever that may be, Feel No Shame... 

    #podcast #vodcast #feelnoshame #suicide #suicideprevention #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealth

    • 1 hr 18 min
    #8 - A Counsellor Who Had Suicidal Thoughts And Now Feels No Shame

    #8 - A Counsellor Who Had Suicidal Thoughts And Now Feels No Shame

    Episode 8, The Last One...maybe. 

    @rowanlongcounselling here, writing out the description for the episode with frosty hands on an early morning dog walk on the Notes app - an app I used back in the day to draft suicide notes which nobody ever saw, thankfully. 

    I want to say a massive thank you to Al for listening, gently questioning, and for always being there to allow me to vent. I sincerely hope this episode helps others but I’m also conscious that there is so much more that I could have said which just escaped my mind in the moment: friends dragging me into work while I attempted to return; strangers on mental health apps supporting me from afar; my sisters (biological and metaphorical) normalising and accepting me, to name a few forgotten shout outs. 

    I appreciate the chance to tell my story and I’m always happy to talk more about it, if it helps. 

    The take home is that people helped to save me, connection saved me, and it required me coming out of my cave and letting people accept and love me to strengthen those feelings towards myself, from myself too. Thanks guys! 

    Another big forgotten thing was my Good Plan - a holistic diary based around mindfulness and setting small goals just to get through the day. I published a photo of it on my own Instagram page the other day, and I heavily recommend it if it’s still available to buy. 

    Other books I recommend this week are 'Drop The Disorder', edited by Jo Watson, and 'Unshame' by @carolynspringwriter. And also, the albums III by @badbooksmusic and Mother Nature by @thedangeroussummer which are fond memories of a horrific time. 

    Thank you as always to @therapoet for the Dark Interlude and credit to @thesparkdotcompany who made the LOVE🌈 t-shirt I was wearing. 

    Music is by Adobe and Dean Gaylard, and until next time, whenever that may be, Feel No Shame... 

    #podcast #vodcast #feelnoshame #suicide #suicideprevention #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealth

    • 1 hr 19 min
    #7 - Exercise, Emigration and Existential Crises

    #7 - Exercise, Emigration and Existential Crises

    Episode 7, and the George awakens bright and early from sunny Australia to chat to us about all things exercise and mental health.

    @georgethomas_92, aka @coachgeorgethomas talks us through how exercise has helped him find fulfilment both personally and professionally, particularly while thousands of miles away from his supportive family unit. 

    It was great to speak with Gorgeous George; his passion and determination shines through and really proves the resilience which we can all dig deep to find inside of us. 

    The book George mentioned is 'Ego Is the Enemy' by @ryanholiday, while we can also recommend Daring Greatly by @brenebrown to endorse the importance of vulnerability. Read, read, read! 

    Thank you to @therapoet for the Dark Interlude and to @sportinmind for all the wonderful work they do. 

    Music is by Dean Gaylard, and until next time, Feel No Shame... 

    #podcast #vodcast #feelnoshame #suicide #suicideprevention #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealth

    • 1 hr 6 min
    #6 - Responding To Suicidal Thoughts

    #6 - Responding To Suicidal Thoughts

    Episode Six and did somebody say “journey”? Yes. We did. A lot. 

    ‘We’ being Rowan, Al and our guest, Alex, who spoke to us about responding to suicidal ideation as a professional. 

    Alex was also kind enough to tell us a big part of his own story, and we applaud his candour and bravery to do so. Alex spoke to us about things which he had never really gone into with anybody else previously, and hopefully found some comfort and resolution in doing so. What stands out - and was hopefully emphasised enough - is how Alex used his Adverse Childhood Experiences not as weapons to use against himself and others, but as inspiration to benefit a whole generation of young people. 

    We would like to also emphasise that we don’t want to appear critical to anybody who makes mistakes while radiating to suicidal ideation; mistakes happen because we are human and we are all flawed. 

    As long as there is no malice or deliberate harm caused, we can learn to forgive those who may have reacted in an unpleasant way. Easier said than done, but possible... 

    Apologies for Rowan’s dog, who may have barked her way into the limelight, but thank you to @therapoet and @zesty_jewellery for their contributions to the episode. 

    The book mentioned in the outro is 'The Gift of Therapy' by Irvin Yalom, while information on the concept of a Wounded Healer can be found here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-mind-body-connection/201610/the-wounded-healer-psychotherapist 

    We have two more episodes to go until we take a bit of a break - no foreign holidays, mind - but until then, stay tuned for the next one, stay safe, and Feel No Shame. 

    #podcast #suicide #suicideprevention #feelnoshame #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #vodcast #respondingtosuicide #childrenandyoungpeople #youtube #applepodcasts #spotify #googlepodcasts

    • 1 hr 13 min
    #5 - Suicidal Thoughts and 'Shoulds'

    #5 - Suicidal Thoughts and 'Shoulds'

    Episode 5, and technology strikes back as we gaze upon the lovely face of our guest, Dean Gaylard, but he misses out on our adoring visages as he finds himself speaking to a blank screen for an hour or so. 

    No matter, as he talks us through struggling to fit in, expectations from family, friends, frenemies and society, as well as describing some of the ways that suicidal feelings can get ‘stuck’ in the body. Stay tuned right until the end for a particular gem of a closing statement from Dean. 

    Dean is a counsellor, hypnotist and reiki master who can be found online at https://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/counsellors/dean-gaylard. 

    His music, mentioned on the episode, can be enjoyed here: https://eyesfly.bandcamp.com/album/eyes-fly and here: https://flowily.bandcamp.com/album/flowily 

    Thanks to Dean for sharing his story as well as his knowledge, while we’re also grateful to @Papyrus_uk (featured on Rowan’s shirt) for all they do to help prevent suicide in young people. 

    Thanks also to @amypearceartist for the beautiful Little Prince-inspired artwork behind Rowan and to @therapoet for this week’s Dark Interlude.

    Books mentioned and/or recommended this week include The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk; In an Unspoken Voice by Peter Levine; Revolutionary Trauma Release Process by David Berceli; and The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner. 

    Music is by Adobe, and until next time, Feel No Shame... 

    #podcast #vodcast #feelnoshame #suicide #suicideprevention #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealth

    • 1 hr 5 min
    #4 - Suicidal Thoughts After The Death Of A Father

    #4 - Suicidal Thoughts After The Death Of A Father

    Episode 4 - Full of hope, as Alan AB transforms from host to interviewee. 

    Al speaks to the pod about the death of his father and how this affected his own mental health, his coping skills, and his intrusive thoughts as a result. 

    Flanked by members of the Leeds United staff on his virtual background, Al is anything but artificial; he is open and honest and makes no excuses for what he was going through at the time. He also represents proof that a 15-year-old boy can go through immense trauma and end up as a robust, compassionate and kind 35-year-old man. He uses the support, he finds meaning amidst the meaningless, and he doesn’t turn his feelings into actions. 

    Rowan and Al also do what EVERYONE else is doing at the moment and discuss the Piers Morgan and Meghan Markle hoo-ha. 

    The attempted minimising and invalidating of Markle’s suicidal thoughts is particularly pertinent for our pod (say that fast a few times) and endeavouring to do the opposite to Morgan is one of our continuous goals. How is it that somebody can be vulnerable and ask for help, only to be shut down, told they are wrong, and for it to result in a national argument? Bizarre... 

    The books mentioned in the pod are 'It’s Ok That You’re Not Ok' by Megan Devine (@refugeingrief) and Michael Rosen’s 'Sad Book'. 

    Candles are by @dina_nur_s and Rowan’s shirt is from @bhf. 

    The Dark Interlude is from the mind of @therapoet. 

    Until next time, Feel No Shame...

    • 1 hr 6 min

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