GitMinutes #46: Jeff King from Git-Merge 2017 GitMinutes

    • Technologie

If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element. Use the link below to download the mp3 manually. Link to mp3 Listen to the episode on YouTube In this final episode of GitMinutes, we talk to Jeff “Peff” King at Git-Merge 2017. We talk about how Git itself changes to tackle the needs of companies and users as Git has to scale more and more. We also talk about how protection of the trademark Git will happen in the future. Unfortunately, my interview with Peff got cut slightly short because of technical difficulties. Since this is probably the last GitMinutes episode ever, there’s going to be a little sentimental blabbering after the interview, so stay tuned for that if you’re into that stuff, or just read my personal blog post here. If you want to see what I'm up to next, you can keep track of me on Twitter as @tfnico or on my blog. For another podcast about Git, check out All Things Git.

If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element. Use the link below to download the mp3 manually. Link to mp3 Listen to the episode on YouTube In this final episode of GitMinutes, we talk to Jeff “Peff” King at Git-Merge 2017. We talk about how Git itself changes to tackle the needs of companies and users as Git has to scale more and more. We also talk about how protection of the trademark Git will happen in the future. Unfortunately, my interview with Peff got cut slightly short because of technical difficulties. Since this is probably the last GitMinutes episode ever, there’s going to be a little sentimental blabbering after the interview, so stay tuned for that if you’re into that stuff, or just read my personal blog post here. If you want to see what I'm up to next, you can keep track of me on Twitter as @tfnico or on my blog. For another podcast about Git, check out All Things Git.

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