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Each episode of Halfway There features an ordinary Christian sharing their story of spiritual formation on the journey of life with God. Go beyond the classic Christian testimony into the ups and downs, the joys and the difficulties of being a Christian in the 21st century. Our guests offer insights and hope from their own stories. If you ever wondered if God is active and alive, this show is for you.

Halfway There Eric Nevins

    • Religion und Spiritualität

Each episode of Halfway There features an ordinary Christian sharing their story of spiritual formation on the journey of life with God. Go beyond the classic Christian testimony into the ups and downs, the joys and the difficulties of being a Christian in the 21st century. Our guests offer insights and hope from their own stories. If you ever wondered if God is active and alive, this show is for you.

    Paul Ybarra and Discovering Kingdom Character

    Paul Ybarra and Discovering Kingdom Character

    Paul Ybarra’s story is one of redemption and empowerment. Growing up in the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Paul later turned to a life of drug dealing before a pivotal encounter led him to Christ.

    • 48 Min.
    Christina Dent and the Spark of Curiosity

    Christina Dent and the Spark of Curiosity

    Christina Dent of End It For Good paints a vision of creating a health-centric approach to helping people overcome addiction. Hers is a movement rooted in the way Jesus sees them not behavior modification that we can all learn from.

    • 59 Min.
    Scott Brown and Reaping the Harvest

    Scott Brown and Reaping the Harvest

    Whether you are feeling bright and alive in Christ or need a fresh wind of faith, Scott Brown’s story will remind you that the Lord does amazing things if we’re open to them.

    • 1 Std. 2 Min.
    355: Caris Snider and Hope Over Anxiety

    355: Caris Snider and Hope Over Anxiety

    Caris Snider is a speaker, author, coach, and podcaster. Her latest book is There’s an Elephant on My Chest, a picture book for children she wrote to help kids understand what anxiety feels like. Today, Caris shares her story of growing up in a Christian home in the Bible belt feeling like she had to be perfect. Trying to live up to her beliefs led to anxiety and depression until she was willing to accept help. Caris shares with us how she found hope over anxiety and the Lord’s closeness during the process. Caris’ story reminds us that we need community and don’t have to be perfect to be loved.
    Listen to Caris’ story in your favorite podcast player today!
    Children's Picture Book- There's an Elephant on My Chest
    Stories Caris shared:
    Overcoming anxiety and helping others
    Growing up in Alabama in a Christian family as a twin
    Her mom’s example as a prayer warrior
    Having to overcome cerebral palsy on the left side of her body
    Trying out for cheerleader and not making it
    Studying early childhood development
    Meeting her husband who was in a Christian boy band
    Buying her own childcare center and realizing that it wasn’t for her
    The season of uncertainty after giving up the childcare center
    Trying to pull herself up by her bootstraps and finding it impossible
    Having anxiety attacks with increasing frequency
    Trying to numb her pain by not eating
    Having a miscarriage and how that affected her
    Realizing she had to accept help to get out of her depression
    Giving up the idea of perfection for herself
    Learning the identities that the Lord has for her
    Writing books about anxiety and helping others
    Great quotes from Caris:

    When I looked up the things I was believing were proven to be lies.
    I had to recognize that help was not bad.
    I had to stop believing that I had to be perfect to be loved by Him.
    Those struggles are real but there is real hope.

    Resources we mentioned:
    Caris’ website
    There’s An Elephant On My Chest by Caris Snider
    Car Line Mom Devotional: 100 Days of Encouragement for the Mama Who Gets Everybody Everywhere by Caris Snider
    Related episodes:
    Edith Leland and Intimate Friendship with God
    Jon Fugler and Ditching Performance Christianity
    Christy Boulware and Love That Casts Out Fear

    The post Caris Snider and Hope Over Anxiety appeared first on Eric Nevins.

    • 52 Min.
    354: Jacci Turner and Tumbled People

    354: Jacci Turner and Tumbled People

    Jacci Turner is an author, spiritual director, trainer of spiritual directors, and a retried trauma therapist. Today, Jacci shares her story of discovering the Lord at camp, serving as a trainer for campus ministers for decades, and how her growing understanding of God’s love changed everything. She lost her position and became an outcast from a community she loved. Jacci shares how she got through that difficult season and how spiritual direction helped her see the way through the spiritual desert. Jacci’s story reminds us that we all get a little tumbled by life but that the Lord makes something beautiful out of us all in the end.
    Listen to Jacci’s story in your favorite podcast player now!
    Stories Jacci shared:
    Growing up as a daughter of a produce
    Finding Jesus “for the first time” as a child
    Praying for Jesus to take away her nightmares
    Forgetting her relationship with God as a teenager
    Giving her life to Christ as a teenager at camp
    Going to college and learning Scripture
    Growing in love for the LGBTQ+ community
    Leaving her organization by invitation
    The pain of becoming an outcast because of her position
    The dreams she had during this painful season
    Starting a group called Shalom for church wholeness
    Experiencing Jesus even through the difficult times
    The identities she had to let go in order to get through the spiritual desert
    How a spiritual director helped her through her issues with the church
    What spiritual direction is and why it is valuable at every stage of the journey
    Spiritual cairns in the desert
    Great quotes from Jacci:
    If I never get to Hollywood, I still want to follow you.
    As we got to know them, they didn’t become our gay friends. They became just our friends.
    Look to hope. Find hope in people, in God, in the books, in Scripture, in the forest, wherever you can find it.
    Resources we mentioned (affiliate links):
    Jacci’s website
    Tumbled People: Deconstructing and Reconstructing Your Faith by Jacci Turner
    The Gravity Center
    The Divine Hours (Volume Two): Prayers for Autumn and Wintertime: A Manual for Prayer by Phyllis Tickle
    Yes And…Daily Meditations by Richard Rohr
    Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World by John Philip Newell
    Related episodes:
    Cliff Haddox and The Story that Grows With You
    Phileena Heuertz and Christian Contemplation
    Suzanne Stabile and How Enneagram Heals Relationships
    The post Jacci Turner and Tumbled People appeared first on Eric Nevins.

    • 49 Min.
    353: Sam Black and The Journey of Freedom

    353: Sam Black and The Journey of Freedom

    Sam Black, author of The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong About Pornography, and Director of Life Change Education at Covenant Eyes. Today, Sam shares how his life changed when he was first exposed to pornography, how it became a crutch for him, and why it’s so destructive. He explains the inner turmoil he felt which often kept him from church but then, he discovered a community that allowed him to be honest about his addiction. Plus, Sam tells us how to get started making your church a place that’s safe, too. Sam’s story reminds us that God’s grace is enough for everyone regardless of what sin they struggle with.
    Listen to Sam’s story in your favorite podcast app now!
    Stories Sam shared:
    Why he wrote The Healing Church
    Growing up in Indiana, Kentucky, and Florida in a “hypocritically violent” home
    Being exposed to pornography at 10 years old
    How pornography became an escape for him
    The messages that he received from his church
    How his wife came to Christ
    The relationship between how much pornography and service
    Believing that he could not live up to a Christian life
    Going to an event at his wife’s church
    The marriage class that became a safe space
    How his life changed as he was able to be vulnerable
    The spectrum of how the Church handles problems
    How to be the safe person for your community
    Great quotes from Sam:
    No one comes to the Father except through the Spirit. And the Spirit was doing a number on me.
    What part of James 5:16 do we not believe?
    What we need is a safe place with a safe process where it’s okay to come as you are.
    Resources we mentioned:
    Sam’s website
    The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong about Pornography and How to Fix It by Sam Black
    Covenant Eyes – Code for one month free: safeguard
    Strive Program
    Related episodes:
    Rob Lohman and Breaking Addiction
    Rose Ann Forte and Letting Go of Shame
    Christy Boulware and Love That Casts Out Fear
    The post Sam Black and The Journey of Freedom appeared first on Eric Nevins.

    • 51 Min.

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