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People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no- one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell and this show is where these stories come to life.



David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor and investor with 30 years experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values driven start ups, award winning SME’s and multi-national corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.



People With Purpose David Roberts

    • Bildung

People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no- one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell and this show is where these stories come to life.



David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor and investor with 30 years experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values driven start ups, award winning SME’s and multi-national corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.



    CALM 44 - Selling - Strategy Workshop

    CALM 44 - Selling - Strategy Workshop

    In this episode, which is the 44th in David Roberts's CALM leadership podcast series, he provides you with a selling strategy workshop. One that will equip you with the skills to successfully navigate a complex sale process, where you have to consider the needs of multiple decision makers.
    David provides a 5-step approach you can use to review a complex sales scenario and come up with alternative solutions or positions, should you need to. He explains the important role emotions, both yours and those of the buyer, play in the selling process.
    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min
    Check your perception of the current position, e.g. how market conditions have changed, regulation updates and what expectations or needs clients now have. Put in place a single sales objective that is specific, measurable and time limited. When necessary, consider alternative approaches to consolidate your position and reassure decision-makers. Regulate your own emotions during the sale. Don´t become overwhelmed by excitement, confidence, panic, frustration, or impatience. Being well prepared will help you to get off on the right foot and to regulate your emotions. Be ready to adapt to changing circumstances e.g. a key decision-maker leaving a business before the sale is agreed. BEST MOMENTS
    ‘Whether you're selling a product, a service or an idea how you influence people is important.’
    ‘Define your single sales objective.’
    ‘Where are you on that panic-to-euphoria scale.’
    ‘Examine alternatives, get creative with solutions,’
    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.
    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.
    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose
    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798 
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/
    Email - david@peoplewithpurpose.live

    • 20 Min.
    Matthew Krayton - Don´t Mention Politics – “We Just Did”

    Matthew Krayton - Don´t Mention Politics – “We Just Did”

    For this episode, David is joined by Matthew Krayton, the founder of Publitics, which is an agency consultancy, specialising in PR and strategy in the world of politics, the public and private sectors. He helps all of these organisations to navigate their way through the digital space so they can communicate effectively.
    They discuss how to break through and deliver your political or business message in today´s world. Including how to use social media.
    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min
    When people feel threatened or fearful they look for a strong leader. Authoritarianism usually comes from a place of relative weakness. Check your emotions, and question why you feel that way. Humans are driven by their emotions, which is why they often vote irrationally. On social media, things that inspire anger are shared more. Being authentic works. People do not like being tricked. Figure out your message and how to share it compellingly on each platform. Successful businesses and political parties sell a vision of the future that includes what they have to offer. Selling an idea, product or service is an aspirational exercise. Tell a story that convinces people that what you offer improves their lives. BEST MOMENTS
    ‘You have to figure out a way to communicate on the battlefield you're given.’
    ‘A lot of it is aspirational ... helping people see a better future for themselves’
    ‘It is critical to develop a sense of empathy…resist the urge to other.’
    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.
    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.
    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose
    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/
    Email - david@peoplewithpurpose.live

    • 1 Std. 2 Min.
    CALM 43 - Influence and Strategic Selling

    CALM 43 - Influence and Strategic Selling

    In this the 43rd episode in David´s CALM leadership series he looks at the role influence plays in strategic selling. He shares the details of the highly effective sales model he has used to land numerous big and complex sales across various industries. Buying decisions that involved several decision-makers all of whom had different priorities and agendas.
    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min
    Regardless of what you are selling, you have to move the buyer emotionally to make that sale. You need to understand what the customer needs and why. It enables you to make an initial sale and retain them for the future. Taking a strategic approach to sales gives you a record and audit trail from which you can learn. Strategic sales methods are especially important for complex sales where multiple people participate in the purchasing decision. Understand who in an organization is going to make the sales decision. Minimise the uncertainty a cold call can cause. BEST MOMENTS
    ‘Make sure that when you win a customer, you retain that customer.’
    ‘Whatever got you to where you are today. May not be sufficient to keep you there.’
    ‘Selling today is about thinking acting and being that professional problem solver.’
    ‘Understand who are the parties with influence in this buying decision. ’
    The Miller Heiman Strategic Sales Model - https://qwilr.com/blog/miller-heiman-sales-process/
    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.
    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.
    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose
    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/
    Email - david@peoplewithpurpose.live

    • 28 Min.
    Torkil Faero - The Pulse Cure - How Your Heart Rate Could Save Your Life

    Torkil Faero - The Pulse Cure - How Your Heart Rate Could Save Your Life

    For today´s episode, David is joined by Torkil Faero, who is a Norwegian GP, author and medical genius who puts health and technology together. He's made films and is a photographer. His 1st book was about therapeutic photography and his 2nd, The Pulse Cure, is about balancing stress and optimising health.
    Torkil explains how you can use your pulse to spot when you are in a stressed state so you can take charge, make changes, and experience full health.
    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min
    Humans are built to tolerate stress and need it, but we are currently stressing for the wrong reasons. You need downtime, but if you just relax and never stress your body physically you become weak and sick. The most successful people rest well. Changes in your heart rate will help you to work out what stresses your body e.g. what happens when you drink alcohol. Often, it is food that makes you feel sluggish. Heart rate variability is connected to willpower. Having a purpose (Ikigai) is important for health. You do not have to exercise like an athlete to stay healthy many people are doing too much. BEST MOMENTS
    ‘We tend to stress too much and for the wrong reasons and are not able to relax properly,’
    ‘Start a conversation with your body. You might be surprised what it might say.’
    ‘So many people find out that it is the food.’
    ‘Invest enough of your day, so that you have your health.’
    The Pulse Cure - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pulse-Cure-Balance-stress-optimise-ebook/dp/B0CLCH49Y1
    Why We Sleep
    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.
    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.
    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose
    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/
    Email - david@peoplewithpurpose.live

    • 55 Min.
    CALM 42 - What Makes You an Influential Leader

    CALM 42 - What Makes You an Influential Leader

    For this episode, which is the 42nd  in David´s CALM leadership podcast series, he considers what makes you influential as a leader. He does this by examining 8 behaviours that if you practice them will turn you into a leader who can influence others and get things done without being manipulative or nasty. The episode includes a simple exercise to help you with this.
    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min 
    Influence is defined as the capacity to affect the character, behaviour or development of a person or thing. Developing strong, long-term relationships has a big impact on how influential you are. Understand that people have different preferences and desires when putting together and building up your teams. Getting the blend of skills right is important. There is a strong business case for developing others, which is a big part of being able to influence others. You need to be able to make decisions quickly and effectively. Surround yourself with people who can help you to work better and be more influential. BEST MOMENTS
    ‘This is influence, not manipulation,’
    ‘To be an influential leader, you need to give people what it is they want from an occupation job, or vocation.’
    ‘Influential leaders spend a lot of time on what-ifs.’
    ‘Influential leaders actually prioritise building trust.’
    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.
    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.
    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose
    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798 
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/
    Email - david@peoplewithpurpose.live 

    • 27 Min.
    Kyle McDowell - How To Create a Culture of Excellence - Begin With We

    Kyle McDowell - How To Create a Culture of Excellence - Begin With We

    For this episode, David is joined by former Fortune 10. exec, and now speaker and bestselling author of Begin With We - Mr Kyle McDowell, CO. Kyle explains how leading tens of thousands of people across the world in various countries inspired him to create 10 principles for building and sustaining a culture of excellence – The 10 Wes.
    Kyle shares the 10 principles, why they work, and briefly explains how any leader can apply them in their own business, organisation, or life.
    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min 
    Most companies are good at training employees to do their job. But very few train them to treat each other in the right way. Leaders need to understand the personal missions of each person they lead and help them to fulfil them, while also playing their role in achieving the business´ mission. Leaders set the tone. The best way to teach is to lead by example. Leaders need to live by the 10 Wes too and be prepared to be challenged diplomatically by our colleagues. Challenging others has to be done in the right way. Consistently doing the right thing is essential. Our commitments to our teammates and internal customers are just as important as those we make to our customers. Be tough on the mistakes, not on the people who make them. Challenges come regardless, embrace them, let them galvanise you and be ready to change if you need to. Care about what you do and your impact on others. BEST MOMENTS
    ‘I found myself leading 10s of 1000s of employees,’
    ‘Being a great leader is simple, but simple does not mean easy.’
    ‘It takes a leap of faith.’
    ‘These principles have changed my life.’
    Book & website: https://kylemcdowellinc.com/
    Socials - @kylemcdowellinc
    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.
    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.
    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose
    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798 
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/
    Email - david@peoplewithpurpose.live 

    • 1 Std.

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