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Teaching healers to pause, be present, awaken their breath, and harness the ripple effects of mindfulness to create radiant health.

The Mindful Healers Podcast with Dr. Jessie Mahoney and Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang Dr. Jessie Mahoney and Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang

    • Gesellschaft und Kultur

Teaching healers to pause, be present, awaken their breath, and harness the ripple effects of mindfulness to create radiant health.

    204. How to Create Vitality with Dr Siri Chand Khalsa

    204. How to Create Vitality with Dr Siri Chand Khalsa

    Do you want to know how to create vitality through simple daily choices?
    What does a sustainable life with vitality mean? 
    How do you actually make a sustainable lifestyle happen?
    Dr. Siri Chand Khalsa, MD, MS, founder and CEO of Chandrima is a pioneering force in the realm of integrative, Ayurvedic, and lifestyle medicine. With over three decades of education, training, and clinical experience, Dr. Khalsa has dedicated her career to bridging the gap between traditional and modern healthcare practices. Her unique approach is rooted in the belief that true healing encompasses the mind, body, and spirit, and she is passionate about empowering physicians to adopt this holistic perspective in their own practices.

    Along the way, she started blogging and began developing her skills in web development and design. Visit her blog here. 
    She joins us to share her nonlinear journey as a healer. 
    She shares her passion for food as medicine. 
    She uses the metaphor of our inner fire as representative of our vitality and how we can sustain this. 
    Her social media outlets are her creative outlet she shares, and her content is full of light, bright, and beautiful pictures of food and plant forward recipes with Ayurvedic influence.  
    Learn more about Dr. Siri Chand Khalsa here: 
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/DoctorSiriChand
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/Luminousfoods
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/DoctorSiriChand
    Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/DoctorSiriChand
    X: https://x.com/DoctorSiriChand
    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@DoctorSiriChand 
    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/DoctorSiriChand   
    Youtube: www.youtube.com/DoctorSiriChand 
    Website: DrSiriChand.com
    Ebook: http://drsirichand.com/recipe-page
    Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.
    Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat. www.jessiemahoneymd.com
    Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat www.jessiemahoneymd.com/retreats
    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.
    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.
    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

    • 50 Min.
    203. Coaching Can Help you Be a Better Dad (& Husband) with Dr. Adam Was

    203. Coaching Can Help you Be a Better Dad (& Husband) with Dr. Adam Was

    This episode answers a question I get often- Do I coach men?
    The answer is yes! I am a mom of three young adult men, the sister of two brothers, and a wife. I am surrounded by men.  As an institutional wellness leader for over twenty years, I worked with all comers. 
    In honor of Father’s Day, Dr. Adam Was, joins me to chat about how coaching, which he came to primarily for help with career decision-making, also helped his family life.
    He shares the perspective of a physician dad, in a dual-physician household, with three small children, and two dogs. 
    Coaching helped Adam let go of guilt about working part-time as an academic pediatric anesthesiologist and start taking time for himself.
    Adam came to coaching as a way to set himself up for success and to optimize his career satisfaction and work-life balance. He was not in distress or burnt out. And it improved his life tremendously.
    He shares that coaching was not at all what he expected and was so much more helpful than he imagined.
    Coaching helped increase his patience with his three children under five. It gave him the gift of “of course,” a mantra he uses frequently. It helped him focus on what matters most, improve his communication with his wife, and grow his tolerance for uncertainty.
    Mindfulness and meditation are key to Adam’s success. At the end of the episode, he shares how and when he practices it for optimal effect.  
    Send your male colleagues and your spouses my way. It's often harder for men to reach out for coaching and support. They very often need a loving nudge.
    Consider gifting coaching to your co-parent or significant other for Father’s Day, a birthday, or your anniversary.  Coaching ends up being a gift for the entire family. 
    If your co-parent or partner isn't ready for their own coaching yet, jump in yourself. When you change, those around you change.  Whether you are in distress and burnt out, under marital stress or parenting overwhelm, or you simply want to optimize, coaching is an incredible tool to change your life and your relationship for the better.
     Find out more about coaching. www.jessiemahoneymd.com
    Join us, and bring a male partner or colleague to Connect in Nature, The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat. It's a coed retreat and great for couples as you can make a date weekend out of it by staying at local nearby inns www.jessiemahoneymd.com/retreats 
    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.
    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

    • 47 Min.
    202. Finding Peace at the Family Dinner Table with Dr. Jaclin Albin

    202. Finding Peace at the Family Dinner Table with Dr. Jaclin Albin

    Do you struggle with family dinners?
    Would you like to enjoy drama-free mealtimes? 
    Are your children picky eaters?
    Find more peace and presence around the dinner table. Listen to this discussion about how families can gather, cook, and eat healthier together. 
    Dr. Jaclyn Albin, a med-peds physician at UT Southwestern joins us today. She is the director of the culinary medicine program, an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, and practices primary care across the lifespan. She is the founding Associate Program Director for the combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency Program, a trained in lifestyle medicine and a certified culinary medicine specialist (CCMS). She is on the national advisory board for the CCMS program at Health Meets Food and studies the impact of culinary medicine classes in medical education, patient care, and community settings. 
    Feeding a family and building a healthy relationship with food is hard. It requires a hands-wide-open mindset as well as presence, acceptance, trust, and patience.
    Slow down, be fully present, and leave your devices elsewhere.  Share stories and make mealtimes an experience of connection and love
    Listen to hear more practical strategies for healing your own relationship with food and gathering peacefully to enjoy family mealtimes with less drama.
    If you happen to be interested in incorporating culinary medicine and lifestyle medicine into your practice, Dr Albin shares many tips and tools for this as well.
    If you want to experience culinary medicine and lifestyle medicine yourself, join me for Yoga, Coaching, Mindfulness, and Culinary Medicine retreat at Sagrada or Nicasio Creek Farm. www.jessiemahoneymd.com/retreat-nicasio-creek-farm
    Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat. www.jessiemahoneymd.com
    Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat www.jessiemahoneymd.com/retreats
    Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.
    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.
    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

    • 47 Min.
    201. The Power of Wishing with Alexa Fisher

    201. The Power of Wishing with Alexa Fisher

    Wishing is not indulgent or fluff. Wishing is powerful, strategic, and fun. 
    Alexa Fisher is the founder of Wishbeads “the original intention-setting jewelry.”  Her Wishbead bracelets are an integral part of my retreat business.
    My personal Wishbead bracelets are partly responsible for my big wish (dream) coming to fruition recently.  
    Wishing is a form of intention setting. As such it releases motivational neurochemicals such as dopamine and acetylcholine.
    Wishes don't just happen.  They require courage. Courage to let your true desires be seen and to share them with others.
    When you choose a wish and live into manifesting it, you begin to actively call in what’s needed for your wish to come true.  You connect with people who can help you. Those people connect you with others. You begin to see yourself as someone to whom things like your wishes happen. You grow to believe in yourself and the process.
    There is no right wish and no right way to wish.
    Many of us feel guilty about wishing for something we desire. And even more guilty when our wishes come true. Like it might not be allowed or fair to others. That we don’t deserve it. That our wish coming true might make others feel bad. Many people hide when wishes come true.  They minimize the story of how their dreams and wishes happened because they are worried about being judged. Hiding our wishes and dreams helps no one. Hiding when they come true is wasteful.
    What if others are inspired to take action towards a more aligned authentic and joy-filled life because they witnessed wishes coming true? 
    What if they choose to pursue their own dreams and wishes because their eyes have been opened to possibility?
    If you want to get started on wishing your own desires into existence, join me at a retreat. It's the first step out of waiting for things to get better and instead making them better. It's the first step towards your wishes coming true.
    “An unparalled expereince”
    “It's worth it and can help shift the trajectory of your life for the better in ways you may never have expected!”
    “More valuable than I can say. In the one week since the retreat, I have felt and made some big internal and external shifts in my life. I am living and practicing medicine in different ways."
    "This was a deep and profoundly healing experience.”
    “This is an investment in your health and that of your loved ones and your career. Invaluable!”
    If you can't make a retreat happen yet, coach with me- 1:1 or in a small group www.jessiemahoneymd.com
    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.
    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

    • 54 Min.
    200. Manifesting Dreams Takes Courage, Intention, and Action

    200. Manifesting Dreams Takes Courage, Intention, and Action

    Dreams are available to all of us but they don’t just happen by wishing, hoping, or luck. 
    In this episode, Jessie shares how she manifested her dream of owning her own retreat space. She was inspired by others fulfilling their dreams. They helped her know that fulfilling one's dreams is possible.
    In sharing her journey she hopes to be the person who inspires you to pursue your dreams.
    How do you manifest a dream?
    What are important and replicable steps to manifesting a dream?
    Believe in yourself and the possibility of the dream
    Set an intention to pursue the dream
    Be persistent and patient
    Believe it’s possible
    Be courageous
    Trust yourself and the process
    Become the person who has already fulfilled the dream
    Accept, allow, and embrace complexity, detours, delays, and fear
    Get creative
    Expect overwhelm and self doubt
    Continue to believe in yourself 
    Appreciate how far you have come as a person and  the ways that you have set yourself up for success
    Remember your  problem-solving skills
    Embrace bumps and self-doubt
    Get help. Trust your helpers.
    Practice gratitude for the opportunity, luck, and the support of others

    What’s your dream? 
    What do you want to do with your one wild and precious life?
    What will the world miss out on if you don't?
    Thank you for listening to the Mindful Healers Podcast. 
    Getting to Episode 200 is the manifestation of another dream. 
    We couldn’t have done it without the support of each and every one of you!
    To celebrate and change your life for the better, please come join us at Nicasio Creek Farm. The farm, creek, sunshine, birds, bees, natural light, Mark’s mindful cooking, the cozy fire, and the beauty and magic of West Marin are waiting for you.
    A better, more easeful, and fulfilled life of your dreams is available to you too.
    If you can't join us in person, coach with Jessie 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat. www.jessiemahoneymd.com
    *Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.
    #physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach

    • 41 Min.
    199. Comparitis is Expensive

    199. Comparitis is Expensive

    “What do you think is the biggest waste of time?"
    "Comparing yourself to others," said the mole.”
    ― Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
    Do you compare yourself to others? Feel like you don’t belong or are lesser than?  
    In groups, do you feel like you are behind or don’t measure up? 
    In this episode, we discuss the compare and despair mentality and its costs. We hope to help you finally let go of this expensive habit 
    Our brain thinks comparing ourselves helps us and pushes us forward to work hard and achieve more. More often than not it gets in our way. 
    Compare and despair leads to shame, frustration, and less growth than we otherwise would have.  We release cortisol, norepinephrine, and experience more stress, less creativity, and more reactivity.
    What if we could train our brains to not make comparisons or feeling less our default and instead make self-compassion, curiosity, and intention-setting our default? 
    In this episode, we share many tools to help you learn to use your brain strategically.
    Joining a retreat or signing up for 1:1 or small group coaching is strategic. It's the way out of our costly default compare and despair approach.
    Find out about retreats here: https://www.jessiemahoneymd.com/retreats
    Find out about coaching here: https://www.jessiemahoneymd.com/coaching
    Small group coaching is especially helpful in finally letting go of a compare and despair mindset. https://www.jessiemahoneymd.com/communities
    We are also both available to give talks on any, and all, topics covered in this podcast, and many more as well.  Reach out directly to discuss.

    • 44 Min.

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