No Dunks

No Dunks is a daily NBA podcast hosted by Skeets, Tas, Trey, and JD — the original basketball podcasters. Join 'em as they break down the league's biggest games and headlines, answer listeners' questions, interview guests, and more.
Hosts & Guests
Worldwide Psychos
7 Jan
Been following these guys since I was an exchange student in Ohio 9 years ago. Best Basketball podcast out there and best way to stay in touch with the NBA and my beloved Kings (Rondo 15/16 made me believe that was a good choice 😕) despite the 6-9 hour time difference! Nobody I’d rather spend a January-night on the roof of the Golden-one center with! Psychos!
5 Stars from Denmark
Loyal listener for many years now… No Dunk is my goto B-Ball podcast…
Ruined my life
Started listening about a year and a half ago. The basketball content, although minimal, was great, but what really caught my attention was the mention of a supposedly healthy but delicious cereal called “Magic Spoon”. I couldn’t believe it. I love cereal, but the good kinds are almost 100% sugar. Was this the answer to my problems? Alas, it was not. Living in Denmark, Magic Spoon does not offer the shipping options necessary to fulfill my sugar free desires. So now I’m in limbo: aware that this product exists but unable to get my hands on it. I curse the day I first put on a NoDunks episode, as I am now unable to sleep or think or take care of my newborn son. 5/5 would recommend.
My unbeknown besties
Can you even say that? English is my second language so apologies to the fab 5 people and the ghost of Matt. Probably should have gone all Grammerly (geez, I don’t even know how to spell that and I’m too lazy to Google it). Anywho; I might actually love you guys. Thank you for being exactly who you are. You have a greater effect on your viewers and listeners that you know. For a fact you’ve literally saved at least one life. Tak fordi I er til… /Kenneth the Dane
Came for the NBA, stayed for the ad reads
Only podcast that makes hearing about things like Magic Spoon or Policy Genius, exciting. And I don’t even live in the US so I don’t have a clue what those things really are. Ah… and the NBA talks are good too.
Pretty cool, Pretty wierd
A show about guys being dudes... and basketball
Best and funniest sports podcast.
Been listening / watching since the beginning. Hands down best sports podcast I’ve ever listened to.
Better than uncooked carrots
If you’re into beans, greens and poutines, this is the basketball podcast for you!
Love the show
Great to have you back in Daily NBA podcast! Sending wedgie vibes from Denmark
The best!
Simply the best there is. And they got me into Survivor! #TeamWendell!
- Channel
- CreatorThe Athletic
- Years Active2019 - 2025
- Episodes1.5K
- RatingClean
- Copyright© 2019 - The Athletic
- Show Website
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