067: Clear Signs of Being Imbalanced

Mind Body Mastery

 The episode discusses the importance of emotional balance and self-awareness in parenting and personal growth. It explores how individuals react to stress and irritation, particularly in situations involving children, and the process of recognizing and addressing internal imbalances. The conversation touches on the difference between reactive behavior and intentional, conscious actions, suggesting that emotional reactions often stem from internal imbalance. The hosts also discuss how one can move from chaotic, unconscious reactions to a more peaceful, balanced state of being, where authentic self-expression naturally aligns with calmness and clarity. The discussion emphasizes the need for self-awareness, conscious change, and the challenge of breaking free from old, reactive habits to achieve lasting inner peace and harmonious interactions with others. 

Connect with Mike Chang:
- Instagram: @mikechangofficial
-Youtube: Mike Chang
- Website: www.flow60.com

Connect with Stephen Yeh:
-Instagram: @iamstephenyeh
-Twitter: @iamstephenyeh

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