Guided Meditation

Swami Guruparananda
Guided Meditation

Each of the 215 classes is of 10 minutes duration. These are live recordings of the Guided meditation conducted for the benefit of students attending regular classes. The Meditations have been developed with the objective of helping the student in progressing stage by stage. They begin with relaxation techniques and culminate in contemplation meditation. These classes will help the listeners in understanding the progressive techniques of meditation. Listeners can also use these classes for guided meditation. The entire collection of Swamiji's talks is available at the Poornalayam website.


Each of the 215 classes is of 10 minutes duration. These are live recordings of the Guided meditation conducted for the benefit of students attending regular classes. The Meditations have been developed with the objective of helping the student in progressing stage by stage. They begin with relaxation techniques and culminate in contemplation meditation. These classes will help the listeners in understanding the progressive techniques of meditation. Listeners can also use these classes for guided meditation. The entire collection of Swamiji's talks is available at the Poornalayam website.

Més de: Poornalayam

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