The Bad Broadcast

The Bad Broadcast

The Bad Broadcast offers a hilarious blend of pop culture, girl talk, and listener-submitted stories, ranging from in-law anecdotes to tales of petty revenge. Host Madi Murphy has created a safe space to laugh, cry, and complain with her brilliant comedic timing, witty wisdom, and relatable perspective. Join us every Monday, and as Madi always says: be safe, be kind, be hot.

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The Bad Broadcast offers a hilarious blend of pop culture, girl talk, and listener-submitted stories, ranging from in-law anecdotes to tales of petty revenge. Host Madi Murphy has created a safe space to laugh, cry, and complain with her brilliant comedic timing, witty wisdom, and relatable perspective. Join us every Monday, and as Madi always says: be safe, be kind, be hot.

Més de: Dear Media

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