Faith and Family
Faith and Family Podcast

A collection of podcasts for people just like you, who are on the journey towards finding truth and fulfillment.


  1. 14/12/2023

    Teaching Kids To Pray

    Teaching Kids To Pray   Mariel Gutierrez: Hello, I’m Mariel Gutierrez. Welcome to Faith and Family. We are a Christian family community that aims to provide Christian advice and promote Christian values. Today, we’re talking about fully-packed, pint-sized prayers. What are we teaching our kids when it comes to the content, opportunities, and benefits of prayer? How are we teaching them to be confident communicators with God? And why is being prayerful so important for the future of not only our kids, but the future of the Church Of Christ? With me today is Stephanie Canete from East Jacksonville, [Florida] and Robert Tapales from St. Petersburg, [Florida]. Hello! How are you guys?   Stephanie Canete: Hey, how are you, Mariel?   Robert Tapales: Oh, we’re doing great, Mar.   Mariel: Doing well! Tell us about your kids.   Robert: Okay, this is Robert. I’ll go ahead and get started. My wife and I have two children. We’ve got an older child, who’s our son. He’s 19 years old, in college. And we also have a daughter, who is 11-going-on-what-seems-to-be-30. But typical preteen angst and everything else that goes along with it in middle school.   Mariel: Mmm.    Stephanie: We actually know Robert’s family very well. We’ve been together in our congregation and working on many projects. We’re close. And he’s actually in the same congregation where my parents are in right now—the grandparents of my children. We just love to visit them and I love his children. So, he gave you some basic information there.   Mariel: Oh!   Robert: She knows more than I do, probably.    Mariel: Well, share with us! Share with us! I didn’t grow up with you guys so I want some of that! For me, I’ve got two kids. I have a son who is six years old and my daughter is nine. And I mean, like you said, Robert, man…she is nine-going-on, maybe like, 99. She’s super mature for her age, super-serious kid.   So anyway, just to get to it, we’re talking about prayer today, and as I was doing my research for our podcast before I came in here to talk to you guys. I found out that here in the United States, prayer isn’t something that’s, I would say, embraced nationally, right? Maybe it depends on where you are, geographically. Maybe it’s different, depending on what state you are in; what city you are in. But since the Supreme Court said no more prayers in school in 1963, a lot of Christian sects out there blame this decision for the current “anything goes” atmosphere that’s prevalent in the world, including [an] increase in teen pregnancies, divorce rates, and single-parent families. But for us, for members of the Church Of Christ, we try our best not to be part of those statistics, right? So, how are we passing down this virtue to our kids?    Robert: Prayer is incorporated into the daily lives and daily processes of our kids, and it’s more [than] about just asking for things. It’s about gratitude, I think, more than anything else. You want to start by teaching them that, you know, you don’t only close your eyes and start praying, simply because, “I need to do well in school tomorrow,” or, “Because I really, really want that bike that I’ve been waiting for for years,” or, “I have a problem.” It’s understanding that God is the source of everything that we have.   Mariel: Yes, absolutely.  How to talk to God Stephanie: Prayer is so profound, so important, so fundamental to a life of a servant of God. And once you start a family, you take on a spouse, you’re already learning how to pray together. You wake up and both those eyes flip open and it’s like, “I’m breathing. My heart is beating.” Isn’t that a beautiful thing? And it’s so fun because those are the a href="https://incmedia.

    14 min
  2. 22/06/2023

    Parent POV: Dealing With Tantrums and Meltdowns

    Picture it: You and your four-year-old are having a great time at the grocery store; picking out fruits and vegetables together, chatting, and counting. All of a sudden, you realize you don’t have enough time to turn the cart around as you approach the tiny, but very visible toy aisle. These are cheap toys, the kind that hurt if you accidentally step on them, the kind that breaks on day three. There are two other carts in the way, and you don’t make a U-turn in time. Your four-year-old makes eye contact with a pack of seven little cars.  “Can I have those??” “Sorry, not today. We’re here to buy food. Let’s go look at the cereal!” Your efforts to distract are not successful this time. Then it begins. A tantrum: eyes filling with tears, fists balled up, the STARE. This situation sounds dramatic, because, to your little best friend wailing in the cart, it feels like the end of the world.  No matter how many books we may read, nothing will prepare us for dealing with tantrums from our own unique child. Parenting is a game of trial and error, cause and effect. Here are how 3 different families deal with BIG FEELINGS and what to do during a tantrum. Tips for temper tantrums Faith and Family team members, Denise, Macy, and Brother Jeff all have children ranging from 10 months to 8 years old. Here are their experiences with dealing with tantrums and working through big feelings:  Denise Gideon is 8 and Junee is 4. My children are strong-willed. They get an idea in their head, see it through, and have strong emotions if things get in their way. Unfortunately, it can lead to things getting out of control and frustration for them and their dad, and me.  It’s been a long process for us to dial back our own emotions and tell ourselves that our kids are not responsible for how we feel. It’s our responsibility to reframe our minds and deal with the situation in a calm way. It’s our kids’ responsibility to learn how to reign in their emotions as well and use their voices to tell us what they need. What never worked was yelling. As humans, even with good intentions, sometimes our feelings get the best of us and we raise our voices. While it may have worked at the moment, because the kids were too stunned to speak, it never worked for us in the long run. Any yelling we did added distrust and fear.  What does work is addressing their feelings and listening to what they’re trying to express. Usually, they lash out because we’re busy doing something else, and they just want a moment of our time.  Once, while I was doing laundry, Junee had a meltdown because she wanted to play a game. I asked her to wait and she didn’t want to. I still needed to help her learn patience, so she rode her tantrum out in a safe place in our home. But when I was able to sit with her and let her cry, I told her I understood that she wanted to play, but she needed to wait. I’m still not sure if she understood fully, but she was able to calm down. It turns out that she didn’t even really want to play a game, but wanted my attention, to acknowledge her, or to just sit with her for a moment. Sometimes, there are underlying reasons like that for their big feelings. My 8-year-old Gideon is the same way, but since he’s older now, he can express himself better when he needs some time to think. My husband and I have taught them to take some time to think and process how they feel. Usually, Gideon will go to his room to cool down and draw or read. When he’s ready to talk, he comes out and everyone is calm after having some time to think. One thing I repeat to myself is that if my kids are afraid to come to me because they think I’ll yell at them, then what kind of parent am I to them if I can’t be their comfort? Macy As a working mother,

    13 min
  3. 28/12/2022

    Bridging the Cultural Gap

    Bridging the Cultural Gap [Show open] Mariel Gutierrez: Hi, everyone. You're listening to the Faith and Family podcast, a Christian family community that aims to promote Christian values for every phase of your family life. I'm Mariel Gutierrez. Today, we have a mother and daughter on the podcast. Leni Besa: Hi, I'm Leni Besa. And well, I immigrated from the Philippines to the United States way back; I think it was March of 1980. Darlene Alejandro: Hi! I’m Darlene Alejandro, and I was born here in the United States. Mariel: Leni and Darlene have an amazing bond, but with every parent-child relationship, there are ups and downs. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, “Asian American adolescents, specifically Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Filipino youth, report higher levels of culture conflict with parents than other groups of adolescents (Phinney et al. 2000; Rumbaut 1996).”  Darlene Alejandro: What were your hopes when you left the Philippines? Like, can you tell me about the experience and how you felt when you migrated over to the States? And who did you miss the most just help tell me about your experience moving here? Leni Besa: As a nurse, [I] gained more experience in nursing, expand my knowledge in another country like America. I wanted more financial stability so that in the future, when I decided to get married, probably, which I did, I will be able to provide security and financial stability in my family. I wasn't really lonely at the beginning because we were recruited as a group. When I am by myself, then, of course, yeah, I was lonely because I miss my parents, especially my sister, who I grew up with.Career choice and what it means to be successfulMariel: Another topic discussed was education. According to an NYU psychology publication, ‘The Model Minority’ stereotype presents Asian Americans as valuing hard work and education, despite studies which report that Asian Americans vary widely in their cultural values and level of academic achievement. Darlene Alejandro: I specifically remember the day that I was in my junior year of college.  Leni Besa: Of college, yeah.Darlene Alejandro: And I remember coming home, and I was like, “I don't know what I’m gonna do with this. I want to; I want to do aesthetics.” Leni Besa: Right, right.  Darlene Alejandro: And I wanted to, it was like, and I did all my research on my own, and I came home. And I remember Kuya (“older brother” in Filipino)  was here, and dad was here. And I was like, I don't want to do this anymore. I want to do skin care. I want to go into aesthetics. And the schooling for that was in like two weeks. So that was so from that, yeah, from the day I decided to drop out of college, go to skincare school; that was like two weeks, and I just dropped it on everyone. And I remember Dad was like, “Oh, just let her do it.” And I remember you said you were. I think you're the most concerned because I understand; it was such a quick transition. And, like, there's no certainty in…  Leni Besa: In aesthetics.  Darlene Alejandro: In aesthetics. I mean, it's not the typical, like doctors, lawyers, lawyers, stuff like that. And I remember being frustrated because I knew I wanted to do it; go to beauty school for skin care. And then I remember walking away, and I remember hearing Kuya talk to you like, “As long as she has a plan, it's okay.” Leni Besa: Oh, yeah. Yeah, that one correct. Yes. Yeah. Because, you know, like, nurses, when we are talking about, oh, my co-nurse would say, “Oh, yeah, my son is in medicine or so, so. So forth and so forth.

    18 min
  4. 18/08/2022

    How to Talk to a Teen

    How to Talk to a Teen [Show open] Mariel Gutierrez: Hi everyone. You're listening to the Faith and Family Podcast. A Christian family community that aims to promote Christian values for every phase of your family's life. I’m Mariel Gutierrez. This week, I actually have my own daughter with us as we explore how to communicate effectively and why open communication is important, especially as she's growing up and developing into her own person. Mariel: Oh, my goodness. Hi, Mattea. Mattea Gutierrez: Hi, Mom.  Mariel: So Miss Mattea is turning 16 this year. She's going to be a junior in high school. Wow, I can't believe it. And how else would you describe yourself, Mattea? Like, what are you into these days? Mattea: I'm very into immersing myself in media that I can find on the internet. I really like to read and stuff like that. I'm always at the library of my school, which is really nice. I like to just listen to music, play on bass and guitar. Super, super chill. Mariel: So how would you describe our relationship, Mattea? Mattea: We're super, super besties. Yeah, I don't think there's any other way to say it. Of course, we are a mother and daughter, but I think just we're able to talk about a lot of things and I'm able to talk about the most things with you, of course, because I've known you since I was not born yet. And even since then, it's like you knew I loved to dance to Donna Summer when you were pregnant with me. So and then we've had that awesome connection. We know each other very well. Mariel: That is very true. And we still listen to seventies music and dance around and sing around. In the car, especially when we're driving. Besties indeed. I think that's how I describe us also. But I mean, I think we have balance like bestie/parent balance. Not quite… Mattea: …like besties only, no limits. Like, we definitely have those moments where it's like we're going to be honest with each other. And then we're just going to, you know, talk about life and help each other out and stuff. Mariel: Do you, do you ever get startled when I have to turn mom on? Like, Mom mode? Mattea: It depends on the situation. If I'm aware of the thing that I have to be kind of reminded of. Yeah. I'm like, yeah, you're right. You're right. And of course, I'm going to listen to you because if my mom saying it, then she's right. She knows everything because, you know, mom senses. But for sure, it's helped us, even though it startles me, sometimes it does help us become even more besties, getting to know that stuff. Parent and teenager communication Mariel: That's true. And I mean it's kind of proof that I would never lie to you, right? OK, well, we're here to talk about effective parent and teenager communication. Is that you? Based on parenting websites, you and your child are communicating effectively when—OK, here's the list Mattea. OK? So you and your child are communicating effectively when (let's see if we hit these marks): you both feel able to talk freely about your feelings and you feel heard and understood. Do we want to comment on that? What do you think? Do you feel free to talk about your feelings? Mattea: Yes. Besties.

    29 min
  5. 12/05/2022

    Parenting Children with Special Needs

    Parenting Children with Special Needs Mariel Gutierrez: Hi everyone, you’re listening to the Faith and Family podcast, a Christian family community that aims to promote Christian values for every phase of your family life. I’m Mariel Gutierrez. This week, we have two moms, each with a son born with special needs. Maribel Aquino: Hi, my name is Maribel Aquino from Pomona, California. I have a three-year-old son named Brennan. Acelyne Parco Sagabaen: My name is Acelyne Parco Sagabaen from Burlingame, California. My son is Jaxson, and he's one year old. Mariel: Acelyne’s son, Jaxson was diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome during pregnancy, and Maribel’s son, Brennan was diagnosed at birth. Down’s Syndrome is characterized by intellectual and developmental delay due to a chromosomal disorder. Despite these challenges, a growing number of people with DS live independently and are able to find employment. Life with a special needs child Maribel: Three words to describe Brennan. Number one, he is brave. He's sociable and diligent. He is brave. Actually looking back, my husband and I were thinking, “There must be a reason why we named him Brennan because the meaning of this name is brave.” Brennan is sociable. He gives a hug to everyone he meets. He lights up the room with the sweetest smile. And Brennan is diligent. Until now has been receiving therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and then now speech therapy. And he works so hard and he doesn't complain. Acelyne: Three words to describe Jaxson. Jaxson is strong, and loving, and mellow. Maribel, what's a fear that you had when you first found out about Brennan's diagnosis? And looking back what would you tell your old self about that fear? Maribel: More than anything else, I feared for his health, and I feared for his life. You know, those unanticipated health issues. When we learned about his congenital heart defect, we were so scared. And looking back, what will I tell myself, I will tell myself that everything will be okay. Learn to let go and let God take control of everything. And everything will be okay. I remember where during NICU (newborn intensive care unit) days hospital stays, I kept telling myself: “Nothing God gives that we cannot handle.” I kept on repeating those words in my mind. And it helped me get through all those difficult situations. Acelyne: I had fears of—I had a lot of fears when I found out about Jaxson's diagnosis, like, I had fears that people wouldn't include him or love him just because he had a disability, like, I was so scared that people would leave him out. And I also had fears of having the ability to care for a child with a special with special needs, because I  had no idea how to care for someone with special needs. I've never been in that situation. I also had fears of having enough time and resources because before being a mom, I felt like I had no time, or I didn't have enough time for myself. So when I found out about his diagnosis, I kept thinking like, how am I going to take him to his appointments? How am I going to take care of him? And how do we have enough financial resources to bring him to all these specialists and doctors?

    19 min
  6. 23/12/2021

    Dealing With Postpartum Depression

    Tired Moms Podcast: Postpartum Depression Irma Jackson: I asked and I prayed that God gave me some clarification why I might be going through this and I just wanted to get better. And it's always been my prayer to get better. But, you know, the mental illness, it's a chronic disease. So some days you have good days, some days you have bad days. There's always going to be a trigger within your life that can bring it back again. If I didn’t have the Church or if I didn’t have God, I would have been lost a long time ago. I wouldn’t have been able to control this on my own.  Mariel Gutierrez: Hello, welcome to the Faith and Family podcast hosted by the tired but inspired moms. We are four Christian moms from the Church Of Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo. I'm Mariel Gutierrez and joining me on this podcast are my very good friends.  Bernie: I'm Bernie Rosquites. Emirick Haro: I am Emirick Haro. Jewell:  And I'm Jewell Buenavista.  Mariel Gutierrez: Today we're going to talk about postpartum depression. It's a thing. Many of us go through it, some milder than others, but it's real. And it happens.  Bernie: How are we going to hold hands together virtually, like this social distance holding hands as we talk about this?  Everyone: Yeah.  Bernie: On this podcast, you will learn about the ways to cope with it, how to support someone who's going through it, then we'll also hear from a mom of two who fought her way through it with professional help, prayer and her faith. Jewell: You know, sometimes this is called baby blues, and it's normal. About one in five women experience this. I was always happy, I was always a positive person growing up. And with my first child, I remember having these crazy, crazy thoughts that it would make me cry. And then I finally read, you know, I would keep it to myself, because they were such horrible thoughts. I didn't even share it with my husband,  Harmony.  Jewell: But one day I was reading that book, um, “What to Expect in Your First Year” and it said in there, if you have thoughts, something along these lines, if you have thoughts of maybe throwing your baby out the window or something, it is completely normal. When I read that I was just like, Oh my gosh! I started crying because I was having these crazy thoughts like, ... why would I have these kinds of thoughts? You know, and, um, I shared it with Harmony. I was crying to him. And I didn't realize that maybe I did have postpartum depression and not realize it. But it definitely was. I was definitely not myself. Emirick: I wasn't sure if I had that either. Okay, I didn't really realize if I was depressed, but I'm looking here at the symptoms now and maybe, let me see if I could check off these symptoms. It's been a while but you know, it is a vivid memory of when I was a first mother. So, experiencing low mood, or being restless.  Everyone: Okay. Yes, yes.  (laughs) Emirick: Being sad or overwhelmed. Feeling guilty or worthless. Check maybe, yep. Easy fatigue, easily fatigued, or being irritable. Check. Jewell: Irritable! Emirick: Ok, crying easily and too often. Withdrawing to staying away from family and friends. Wow. Okay.

    26 min
  7. 12/11/2021

    Explaining Christmas and Halloween

    How We Explain Christmas to Our Kids Bernie Rosquites, Host: You’re listening to Faith and Family, a Christian Family community that aims to provide Christian family values. I’m Bernie Rosquites. As members of the Church Of Christ, we uphold beliefs [that] guide both our public and our personal lives. But how do we teach that to our kids, when it means taking away seemingly fun and widely accepted holidays, and perhaps, alienating them from their peers? What do we say to our kids when it comes to explaining why members of the Church Of Christ don’t celebrate events like Halloween or Christmas? And what do we tell the grown-ups around them? With me today to talk about all of this is Emirick Haro, Jewell Buenavista, and Mariel Gutierrez. Welcome back, ladies. Everyone: Hello! Bernie: Hello? Everyone: Hi! Bernie: Okay, I was like, what happened? [Laughing] So holidays are just around the corner. Literally, one of them is literally just around the corner. Now for you, ladies: Are there holidays—is there a particular holiday that your kids ask the most questions about? Emirick: I got to them before anybody else could. I would tell them… Bernie: You’ve got to, yeah. Emirick: Yeah! What the holiday was, what it was called, and I would always tell them it’s a celebration of a fake god. And God will be mad at us if we do that, so we don’t do that. Jewell: There was a time that…it was during Halloween that [my daughter] Jasmine—I think she was like only three or four—we had to go somewhere during October 31st, so we had brought her to my in-laws, and she [came] home, she’s like, “Oh my gosh! Halloween was so much fun!” Everyone: Oh nooo! [Laughing] Jewell: And then we were like, “Why what happened? What did you do? We don’t celebrate Halloween!” And she’s all, “I know, I know, I know, but we had so much fun giving out candy…”and, you know. For me and [my husband] Harmony, we…it was more like okay, it’s…we explained to her, and then, of course, we had to remind our in-laws that we don’t celebrate Halloween. Bernie: Mhmm… Jewell: But now, it was just kind of that one time, but then, now it’s honestly not… Bernie: … not a big deal? Jewell: It’s not. Yeah.  Bernie: Yeah. How about you, Mar? Mariel: Umm… okay. Now I feel bad! Everyone: [Laughing] Bernie: I was going to say you dressed your son up like Woody, didn’t you?! Everyone: [Laughing] Mariel: When the costumes go on sale! And it’s not Halloween!  Bernie: You know I have to say, I’ve done that. When a costume goes on sale, I… Mariel: I know! Your son loves to dress up, right? I see those posts. Yeah, that’s not Halloween, right? Bernie: Mhmm, no. He knows it. Mariel: Yeah! I got my daughter…I think she had caught [on], when she was really small, she had watched, I think, Polar Express. Are you guys familiar with that movie? Bernie: Yes!

    20 min
  8. 28/10/2021

    3 Lessons from a Breast Cancer Survivor

    3 Lessons from a Breast Cancer Survivor Tired Moms Podcast: Breast Cancer Survivor Luida: ...He said you have the aggressive cancer cell so you have her2 positive breast cancer. Reality hit. So I broke down and cried. I said in my prayer that if it was my time to go, that I would accept it.  Bernie Rosquites: Hello, welcome to the Faith and Family podcast hosted by the tired but inspired moms. We are Christians from the Church of Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo. I'm Bernie Rosquites, and joining me on this podcast is my good friend, Miss Emirick Haro. Emirick Haro: Hey, Bernie, hello, hello, everybody. It's October, which means it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We celebrate those who are battling it-- the friends and family members who are in the trenches with them, and those who have survived it. Bernie: Yes. And we were also helping to spread awareness with our guest today, Luida Florendo. She was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer in 2014. The treatment was so tough on her, she cried herself to sleep, but with the support of her husband, friends, and God, she has managed through it. So she's experienced a lot, and we are going to learn a very important lesson from her. She is with us right now. Hi, Luida. Thank you for joining us today. Luida: Hi, Bernie. Hi, Emirick. Hello. Glad to be here in this podcast show. Emirick: Thank you for joining us. Yes. Tell us how you found out that something was wrong. Luida: Let's see started back in April 2014. I had my first mammogram at the age of 42. I was turning 43 in a couple months. When the results came back from the mammogram, the doctor said that I had some calcifications or white spots in my mammogram. So they said we need to check if you have any cancer cells. So they said let's do a biopsy. So I did a biopsy and he said it came up negative. But he said just to make sure let's do a lumpectomy, which is a surgery to get some breast tissue sample.  Bernie: Okay.  Luida: And after that first lumpectomy, they found a speck of cancer cells and was like in the milligram. It was super tiny, but they caught it early. So I was thankful for that. And then they said you know what, let's do a second lumpectomy just to make sure that it hasn't gone to the lymph nodes. So the results came back and it was negative. So that was good. But we said the next step is we need to take it to the tumor board to see if you have the aggressive cancer cell. So when it came back he said you have the aggressive cancer cell so you have her2 positive breast cancer. So that was in August 2014 and he said you need to do chemotherapy next week Bernie: so when you got the mammogram it came out negative right. And then they said let's just double check.  Is that-- they didn't --Is that how it went? Luida: Actually when they looked at the results of the mammogram they saw white spots Bernie: okay to the tiny okay, Luida: Right and then because I never had any mammogram before that  Bernie: This was your first one? Luida: very first one so they had nothing to compare it to. So they said we need to check it out. Emirick: Wow. So it's really important to have a mammogram, right?  Bernie: Yes, yes,  Luida: Early detection is key. Yes, man.

    16 min
  9. 23/09/2021

    What Do You Say To Someone Who Lost A Child

    What Do You Say To Someone Who Lost A Child Mae Peralta: You know, that I would feel guilty, because your initial reaction to the whole thing - well, if I were to be a mom, how can I be a mom, if I can’t protect the one thing [that] I’m supposed to protect?Bernie Rosquites: Right.  Emirick Haro: Yeah.Mae: One friend of mine was like, “Oh, you’ll have other kids!” Bernie and Emirick: Oh.  Mae: I mean, what makes you think that this one didn’t matter, somehow?  [Music]  Bernie: Parenting isn’t easy! It’s challenging and frustrating, but it’s also rewarding and inspiring! We just need a few reminders. Parents, dads, mamas - you’re not alone - I’m Bernie Rosquites.  Emirick: And I’m Emirick Haro. We are the tired, but inspired moms, and you’re listening to the Faith and Family podcast. A Christian family community that aims to promote Christian values for every phase of your family life.  Bernie: You know, losing a loved one, it isn’t easy. I know - I recently lost my mom last October, and the grief can be… uh, quite honestly, I have no words for it. It just, it leaves you numb! And you find yourself in this space of trying not to question: why? And you want to crawl in a hole, but you can’t. And reality is you have no other option but to move forward, painfully, without the one you lost, and you have to allow time to help you heal.  Emirick: I lost my dad when I turned 21. It was something that happened suddenly, so it… I wasn’t able to prepare myself for it. But, honestly, I don’t know how I would’ve prepared myself if I had a clue that it would’ve happened anyway. Life, immediately after his passing, was difficult, it was sad, and awkward. My friends would tippy toe around me because they didn’t know how to support me. And I would tippy toe around my mom because I didn’t know how to support her. So, what’s the best way to support someone who has just lost a loved one?  Bernie: So, today, Mae Peralta will be joining us on this podcast. She lost her baby girl at 24 weeks, due to complications. She lost her girl on November 25th, 2013. But today - she is blessed with one daughter, Hope, and a pair of some amazing twins, Sam and Lily! But she is still healing from that loss, and that’s absolutely understandable. It takes time and prayer and some encouragement.  Please stick around to the end of the podcast because Brother Jeff De Guia will tell us what the Bible has to say about grief and what we should have hope in. Mae is on with us to talk about the best way to support someone who has had a miscarriage, or has experienced loss. Hello, Miss Mae! How are you? Mae: Hi! Hi, moms! Thank you for having me!  Bernie: We’re glad to have you here! So, Mae, I know you’ve got 3 kids, girl!  Mae: Yes, I do!  Bernie: Yeees girl! A work from home husband, and a dog to take care of! I mean, just saying that, I’m already tired. What’s that like? Walk us through your day! Any day!  Mae: Let me give you an example of the day: I would wake up in the morning, get my daughter, Hope, ready for school. And even though her school is only in front of the laptop at home, it takes her literally 20 minutes to get up and...

    20 min
  10. 15/07/2021

    9 Ways To Regain Your Sense Of Self

    9 Ways to Regain Your Sense of Self  Jewell:I got pregnant, I gave birth, I got pregnant, I gave birth, I got pregnant, I gave birth…  Everyone: [Laughs]  Emirick: Keep going, Jewell! Mariel: It’s like a handmaid's tale! I’m like…  Everyone: [Laughs]  Jewell: My hormones were all over the place! And at the same time dealing with crying babies and lack of sleep. I always just felt stressed out! And fast forward to now, maybe within the last two years, is when I recognized that I’ve lost who I was! Mariel Gutierrez: Hello! Welcome to the Faith and Family podcast, hosted by the Tired but inspired Moms! We are four Christian moms of the Church Of Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo. I’m Mariel Gutierrez. I’ve been a mom since 2006. Bernie Rosquites: I’m Bernie Rosquites! I’ve been a mom since 2012.  Emirick: I’m Emirick Haro, and [I’ve] been a mom since 2000!  Jewell: And I’m Jewell Buenavista. [I’ve] been a mom since 2008! Mariel: It’s so funny. You know, I was actually doing the math in my head. I’m like, collectively, we have 50 years of mom-ing experience. [Laughs]. And I felt both old but very accomplished! Because I was like, well, if I don't have the experience I can always just tap into one of my friends, you know? [laughs] Right? So today, I’m going to ask, do you guys even remember what you were like before being a mom? With our 50 years of mom-ing experience? Do you all feel like you’ve lost a sense of identity? So, today - listeners, friends - today we’re going to discover the 9 effective ways to cope with identity loss, and how to slowly gain it back!  Bernie: Well, good. Because girl I need it! Before being a mom, I was… a creative! You know, I loved, loved to write. But the last time I was creative, was helping my 8 year old with a puppet show…  Everyone: Aww…Bernie: And you know, my fashion sense has kind of been chiseled down to like the leggings and the hoodie and the slip on shoes - preferably Vans - so that’s why I think I’m still a little bit fashionable?  Emirick: [Laughs] definitely! Kids are wearing them? I mean, come on, right?! Bernie: And them um… right?! Mariel: Right! Right. Still on point.  Emirick: Hoodies and vans! You’re still good.  Bernie: And then don’t get me started [with] wearing that make-up! My make-up brushes have collected dust, and I think the only thing that’s still being used is eyeliner and mascara, and do I even bother to wear lipstick these days? Do I even? So…  Jewell: Oh my goodness, Bernie. We’re so the same when it comes to that! Well, I just realized before… um when becoming a mom after the three, I realized ok, something about me has changed. And what I realized was: I got pregnant, I gave birth, I got pregnant, I gave birth, I got pregnant, I gave birth…  Everyone: [Laughs]  Emirick: Keep going, Jewell! Mariel: It’s like a handmaid's tale! I’m like…  Everyone: [Laughs]  Jewell: My hormones were all over the place! And at the same time dealing with crying babies and lack of sleep. I always just felt stressed out! And fast forward to now, maybe within the last two years, is when I recognized that I’ve lost who I was! And, honestly, mamas, I’m trying to find myself.

    18 min


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