Reaching Abundance
Reaching Abundance Podcast

By sharing tips, resources, and actionable guidance for women weekly, host Virginia Elder wants you to challenge your mindset and expand your perspective on the intersection of money, motherhood, and entrepreneurship. Her journey toward debt freedom bloomed into a never-ending drive toward financial education, mindset work, and self-improvement. She discusses consistency, intention, positive parenting, true self-care, budgeting, debt-freedom strategies, personal finance lessons, and encouragement toward simplicity for this busy mom life. Collectively edge toward the abundant life of your dreams right alongside her. Find out more at

  1. 5 HR AGO

    Differentiating Yourself by Disrupting the System for Equity | Meg K. Wheeler | Ep 33

    Wondering how to stand out among the crowd of navy-blue suits? If you’re clear on your core values and passionate about issues that serve your ideal audience, questioning the status quo and speaking out is your ticket. When your actions, words, and how you show up online align with your core beliefs, you’ll become magnetic to those who believe those same things.  Constant Adaptation: The Key to Sustainable Entrepreneurship  Question the status quo in decision-making for personal and professional aspects  Offer accessible education and comprehensive services to those who need it most  Align business practices with personal values and adapt to client needs  Carefully consider values, purpose, and intentions in business operations, messaging, and marketing  Experiment with different content & structure your message to maintain authority and energy    "When I think about abundance, the first word that comes to mind is choice. I think abundance is about being able to make choices and not feeling like you have to do something." - Meg K. Wheeler  The Equitable Money Project offers accessible financial education and services to support marginalized business owners, aiming to create an equitable wealth-building environment. Who do you know that would benefit from equity? (Everyone. The answer is everyone in your contact list.)    Follow Meg K. Wheeler:   Website:  Podcast:  Instagram:  LinkedIn:    Connect with Virginia Elder:  - Instagram: [@podcastabundance] (  - LinkedIn: Virginia Elder -  - YouTube: [Reaching Abundance]    Are you getting the Podcast Abundance Weekly Newsletter? If not, you’re missing out on podcasting guidance, online marketing tips, and free resources to help grow your business. Join at  This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with me. (  If you run a 6 or 7-figure business and use your podcast as a marketing arm for your business, apply to be a guest on the show! (

    45 min
  2. 19 SEPT

    Sustainable Entrepreneurship on Purpose | Andy Hill | Ep 32

    Time freedom is at the top of the wishlist for entrepreneurs, and Andy Hill of Marriage Kids and Money is no different. Interestingly enough, however, that desire manifests differently across every business owner’s journey.   When Andy left corporate with a number in mind, he knew podcasting was his key to a joyful entrepreneurial journey, but didn’t necessarily have a plan to make money. After a few sponsors floated his direction and he built a solid reputation for great content, he started coaching and established his own products and services for sale.  Along the way, he outsourced tasks that felt distracting, tedious, or frustrating, including podcast editing, social media, and graphic design. Andy’s favorite tools are Megaphone (by Spotify) for managing his podcast and ads and Asana for keeping tasks and contractors organized.     From Hustle to Harmony: Andy Hill's Business Insights    (01:35) Building a Business Around Podcasting  (15:26) Growing a Business with Intention  (23:51) Outsourcing for Business Success  (40:07) Maximizing Podcast Revenue with Dynamic Ads  (49:45) Long-Term Wealth Building Through Entrepreneurship    Andy is most excited about his course, Make My Kid A Millionaire. Find it, along with his podcast, free resources, and plenty of amazing content on financial freedom, Coast FIRE, and family finances at  Find Andy on YouTube at to learn what it’s like to be mortgage free, what the thought process is around it, and how to do it too!    Connect with Virginia Elder:  - Instagram: [@podcastabundance] (  - LinkedIn: Virginia Elder -  - YouTube: [Reaching Abundance]    Are you getting the Podcast Abundance Weekly Newsletter? If not, you’re missing out on podcasting guidance, online marketing tips, and free resources to help grow your business. Join at  This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with me. (  If you run a 6 or 7 figure business and use your podcast as a marketing arm for your business, apply to be a guest on the show! (

    52 min
  3. 13 SEPT

    Personal Confidence with Professional Counsel | Monica Burkoth | Ep 31

    She's a successful trial attorney arguing high-stakes cases, but after becoming a mother, the inner tug to redefine herself beyond the courtroom surfaced loudly. Monica Burkoth, our guest, was challenged to look inward to find fulfillment through an authentic expression of herself, service to others, and something she was afraid might damage the way she was perceived in the legal world... a podcast.    Balancing Act: How Monica Burkoth Merged Motherhood, Law, and Entrepreneurship    Listen in to hear how Monica bravely faced the fear of judgment from her professional peers to pursue her passion for personal development and spirituality. Her story helps illuminate our shared desire to set an empowering example for our children, while noting that often the biggest obstacles are the ones we create in our minds.     Key moments include:   The significance of maintaining financial stability while growing a business, and the challenges that come with offering services for free.   Challenges in building an audience versus creating a product first  Fears around how bosses, colleagues, friends, family, and others will judge your work once it goes public  Finding the balance between your business being a passion project and making money    Personal and Professional Growth through Law, Motherhood, and Coaching    Confidence is key, whether in the courtroom or behind a podcast microphone. Monica reveals how her background in law has uniquely equipped her to build confidence in others. We touch on her clever brand, Confidence Counsel, and how she's leveraging her legal expertise to empower others to embrace their voice.   Learn practical techniques to manage anxiety and boost confidence, understand the importance of core values, and get inspired by Monica's journey by joining her newsletter. (There’s an easy to spot pop-up on her site!) From there, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in her next Confidence Coaching Program.    Connect with Virginia Elder:  - Instagram: [@podcastabundance](  - LinkedIn: [Virginia Elder](  - YouTube: [Reaching Abundance](  Are you getting the Podcast Abundance Weekly Newsletter? If not, you’re missing out on podcasting guidance, online marketing tips, and free resources to help grow your business. Join at  This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with me. (  If you run a 6 or 7 figure business and use your podcast as a marketing arm for your business, apply to be a guest on the show! (    Connect with Monica Burkoth:   Website: Confidence Counsel:  Instagram:  LinkedIn:

    40 min
  4. 6 SEPT

    Podcasting ROI for Your Business | Ep 30

    Unlock the hidden potential of your podcast with insights that go beyond the traditional metrics of direct sales. Discover how to measure your podcast's ROI using eight innovative metrics from your brand authority, client engagement, and much more. Learn how to quantify mentions, backlinks, and speaking opportunities into tangible dollars, all thanks to your podcast.     Secrets to Elevating Your Podcast's Value:  (03:30 - 05:27) Boosting your Brand Authority  (12:55 - 14:42) Repurposing Your Podcast Content  (20:31 - 22:27) Team Morale & Recruitment  (28:19 - 29:45) Amplifying Brand Affinity  (33:37 - 34:58) Summarizing Each of the 8 Ways You’ll Find Non-Traditional ROI    The 8 non-traditional ways you can measure Return on Investment from your podcast   Brand Authority  Client Engagement  Content Repurposing Value  Networking Opportunities  Team Morale and Recruitment  Lead Nurturing  Brand Affinity  Market Research    Podcasting as a Tool for Business Growth  Most business owners get stuck in tunnel-vision mode, expecting podcast ROI to surface from direct sales. However, there are 8 less obvious and more valuable ways your podcast creates return on investment, you just have to know to look for them and how to measure them.   Emphasis is added throughout the episode to establish starting metrics and periodic measurement periods, because without a starting point, how can you know if you’ve grown?   Savings from your repurposing efforts, connections and referrals made from networking in the podcast “world,” and recommendations or sales made because of the emotional connection potential customers feel toward your brand are all measurable. Are you measuring them?      Connect with me:  - Website: - Instagram: - LinkedIn: - YouTube:     This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with Virginia.

    42 min
  5. 30 AUG

    Podcast Mic and Camera Tips and Pre-Recording Coaching | Ep 29

    I got a mic, now what? Where's the best spot for my camera? Is my lighting okay?   Questions about proper set up of equipment are common, and usually DIYers miss something.   Follow the instructions in this episode and you can’t get it wrong. From mic technique, camera positioning, recommended recording platforms, and preventing mic bleed, this guide is intended to provide you confidence in knowing you’ve checked off everything on the list.   Whether you plan on recording interviews or with a co-host, in person or online, this episode contains instructions for camera positioning, software, microphone accessories, and your positioning and posture.   Nobody wants to look unprofessional or come across as unprepared, so a clutter-free, distraction-free podcast recording zone is a must! Learn all of my pre-recording checklist items and confidence building techniques so you can hit record and KNOW you’re well prepared in every way.    Transform Your Podcast with These Essential Setup Tips  (02:34) Setting Up Your Mic and Headphones  (07:42) Camera Positioning  (08:49) Lighting for Your Studio  (11:43) Posture, Facial Expressions, and Engagement Techniques  (15:53) What to Do When You Make A Mistake  (17:45) Reducing Potential Background Noise and Interruptions    Mastering Your Podcast Setup: Essential Tips for Professional Quality Audio and Video  "Your laptop or phone mic just won't cut it for a professional podcast. You need a dedicated microphone that captures your voice clearly and crisply."   "Mic bleed happens when your microphone picks up the sound coming from your computer speakers out loud, which creates an echo or other audio issues that actually degrade the quality of your recording."  "Making eye contact with the lens, not with the preview screen or your computer monitor, creates a connection with your audience and makes them feel like you're speaking directly to them."    Connect with Virginia Elder:  - Website:  - Instagram: - LinkedIn: - YouTube:   Episode Resources:  - Book a Call:  - Podcast Host Options: Podbean: Buzzsprout: Libsyn: Captivate: Castos: This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with Virginia.

    25 min
  6. 23 AUG

    Mastering Podcast Budgeting: Essential Investments for High-Quality Production | Ep 28

    Ever wondered how much you should spend to produce your podcast?   From hiring a videographer to understanding the expertise required of an audio or video editor, and the often-forgotten importance of a knowledgeable SEO copywriter for your podcast, this episode will clear up any fog around how much you can expect to invest as you launch and grow your own podcast.  Elevating Your Podcast with Smart Budget Choices    Listen up for the numbers – high and low budget ranges! We'll explore why balancing these costs is crucial for creating and maintaining exceptional content over the long-haul. Understanding the various post-production services will help you decide when outsourcing each component makes sense and allow you to plan your marketing budget.   Expert Tips for Budgeting Your Podcast like a Pro    Don’t invest $500 or more in equipment unless you’re also going to invest in coaching, SEO-copywriting, and professional post-production editing services for your podcast.  Post-production costs include editing, copywriting, creating social media assets, and scheduling all of the components to go live on time. Consider your personal hourly rate and the opportunity cost you face before deciding to “just take care of this one thing” yourself  Consider the length, frequency, and number of participants in your podcast to tailor your budget accordingly. Longer episodes with more participants require a greater investment than shorter solo episodes.   By aligning your spending with the Small Business Administration's recommendation of allocating 5-10% of revenue to marketing, business owners can ensure a balanced and effective approach to growing their podcast and overall business.  Turning Your Podcast into a Business Asset  I’ve included few examples of how you can arrive at your own preferred investment amount based on your revenue, client value per month, and business structure. Whether your business model is high-ticket, low-volume, or low-ticket, high-volume, we discuss strategies to optimize your marketing investment for growth.  If you haven’t already, it’s a great exercise to discover the monthly value of your average client according to the method discussed here.     Next week, I’ll share my best pre-recording tips for behind the mic and on camera, suggestions for lighting, and several other details to help you feel confident and ready to record.     Connect with me:  - Website: [Podcast Abundance](  - Instagram: [@podcastabundance](  - LinkedIn: [Virginia Elder](  - YouTube: [Reaching Abundance](    This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with Virginia.

    32 min
  7. 16 AUG

    The Secret to Turning Listeners into Clients | Ep 27

    Not getting traction with your podcast? Or perhaps your follower count is growing but you aren’t seeing them turn into clients. Most podcast hosts who come to me with this complaint are missing a KEY component of their strategy. Some are afraid to straight-up ask their listeners for the sale and are eluding, insinuating, and crossing all their digits hoping that people will buy. Others are missing signs in their metrics or are using an ineffective or non-existent repurposing strategy. In this episode, you’ll learn the magic word to help you audit your own podcast for the 5 key components so you can start converting listeners to leads fast!   How to Transform Your Podcast into a Client Magnet: - Every episode should solve a specific pain point and use action-oriented language - Create your pillar content ONCE and repurpose efficiently - Don’t ignore your metrics, some matter more than others   Learn the ONE word that will help you turn followers into clients. I also share a very basic funnel structure you can copy as your blueprint to making online sales. The trick is to actually talk about your freebies, offers, and sales so that listeners know how to take the next step with you. If you don’t talk about it and make it easy for them to buy, they’ll do nothing.   Maximize Your Podcast’s Impact for Business Growth I know your ultimate goal with podcasting is to grow your business. Let’s dig in and see what’s missing. If you’re interested in having me personally audit your show, book your audit here. We’ll coordinate two calls to discuss your frustrations and my findings, and you’ll walk away with a complete PDF report full of actionable steps you can take immediately to start seeing conversions. We can all benefit from a 3rd party perspective on our creations and I’d love to help you in this way. Meanwhile, stay tuned for the 3rd episode in this solo miniseries next week!     Connect with me: - Website: - Instagram: - LinkedIn: - YouTube:   This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with Virginia.

    35 min
  8. 8 AUG

    What You Need to Start A Podcast | Ep 26

    In this five-episode mini-series (this is the first of five) I’m breaking down the essentials of podcasting, from understanding what a podcast truly is to leveraging it for client acquisition.   I field questions all the time about what podcasting really is, how to do it, how to record, where to put recordings, and how to properly publish audio or video that has been recorded. Of course, there’s nuance, editing that can be simple or complicated, and anywhere from 5-30 steps to produce each episode we manage, but this mini-series will help answer some of the most frequently asked questions!  During these five episodes, you’ll hear practical steps like how to set up a podcast host account, why you need an RSS feed, and the nuances of video podcasting. Whether you're a financial service professional or a budding entrepreneur, this series offers valuable insights to elevate your business through effective podcasting strategies.    Episode Highlights:  - Introduction to Podcasting: Understanding the basics of what podcasting really is and what you need to create a proper show.  - Why Choose Podcasting: Exploring why podcasting is an effective marketing method and how it can drive client acquisition.  - Budgeting for Podcasting: Discussing how much money you should plan on spending on this marketing endeavor and for how long.  - Content Creation: Tips on what to say, how to structure your show, and how to use batch recording to your advantage.  - Repurposing Content: Strategies for repurposing your podcast content for social media, blogs, newsletters, and more.      Key Takeaways:  - Podcasting Basics: A podcast must have an audio element broadcast to various apps via an RSS feed. This involves recording audio, uploading MP3 files to a podcast host account, and distributing the episodes to listening apps.  - Video in Podcasting: Adding video to your podcast can complicate production but also offers additional opportunities for reaching different audiences.  - Podcast Host Accounts: Options include Podbean, Buzzsprout, Libsyn, Captivate, and Castos, with prices ranging from $5 to $30 per month.  - Distribution: Properly setting up your podcast host account ensures your episodes are automatically fed to all podcast platforms via the RSS feed.  - Video vs. Audio: Understanding the difference between audio-only podcast listeners and video consumers on platforms like YouTube.      Quotes:  "The purpose of a podcast for financial services professionals is often to educate their listeners. Podcasts also just naturally work to attract ideal clients because the more often they hear your voice and receive good information from you, the more they trust you."   – Virginia Elder    Connect with Virginia Elder:  - Website: [Podcast Abundance](  - Instagram: [@podcastabundance](  - LinkedIn: [Virginia Elder](  - YouTube: [Reaching Abundance](    Episode Resources:  - Book a Call: [Schedule a Discovery Call](  - Podcast Host Options: [Podbean](, [Buzzsprout](, [Libsyn](, [Captivate](, [Kastos](  This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with Virginia.

    20 min



By sharing tips, resources, and actionable guidance for women weekly, host Virginia Elder wants you to challenge your mindset and expand your perspective on the intersection of money, motherhood, and entrepreneurship. Her journey toward debt freedom bloomed into a never-ending drive toward financial education, mindset work, and self-improvement. She discusses consistency, intention, positive parenting, true self-care, budgeting, debt-freedom strategies, personal finance lessons, and encouragement toward simplicity for this busy mom life. Collectively edge toward the abundant life of your dreams right alongside her. Find out more at

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