The Debbie Nigro Show

Debbie Nigro
The Debbie Nigro Show Podcast

Nobody sees the glass of Cabernet half full like Debbie. She is fresh air with a magnetic flare. Debbie was the winner of the prestigious ‘Best Nationally Syndicated Talk Show of The Year’ – three years in a row, from American Women in Radio and Television. Risk it or Regret it!

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    What is a Modern Husband? Find Out and Have a Happier Couple Life!

    My greatest joy is discovering somebody I wasn’t aware of who's doing something uniquely meaningful. That brings me to Brian Page. He is a Modern Husband. What does that even mean? Brian Page spent his career improving lives through personal finance education and he has now founded a platform called ‘Modern Husbands’ to help couples navigate their home as a team.   He and his wife have been married for over 20 years and have 3 kids. He says they’re an everyday dual income American family. For the early part of their marriage, Brian was the one working out of the house and working long hours. His wife was home managing their life and taking care of their kids. Then one day things changed. His wife got a great job opportunity that paid more than he was making, and they made the decision to swap roles. Brian’s new job was much harder than he ever realized. When he and his wife switched working roles, he was seriously blown away by his new work responsibilities as a stay-at-home Dad! He recently posted something on LinkedIn that caught my attention. It was a list called ‘The Mental Load’. In it Brian listed all the things that go on in somebody's day who's at home managing a family household. Wow - It really gives respect and insight to the day-to-day responsibilities of the stay-at-home spouse! Brian said, “For much of our marriage, I was the 60-80-hour-a-week breadwinner who did very little to manage the home. Early in our marriage, I probably would’ve rolled my eyes at a conversation about the mental load. You just don’t know what you don’t know, and that’s not necessarily anyone’s fault. “ “Many men rightfully feel defensive when we hear we need to do more at home. Most of us simply slip into doing certain tasks without understanding the invisible labor that goes with them.” “I created a mental load list with just a few examples to provide some context of what it takes to run a home. However, as much as we would like our homes to be run by checklists, it’s just not that simple.” “It’s been my experience that men desperately want to be great for their spouses. What often stands in the way is an understanding of the mental load that accompanies the tasks needed for a home to run, which is why I wrote this extensive post.” Marriage is a partnership built on trust, love, and mutual respect. Brian says he’s trying to show couples how to navigate life as a couple better. I personally thought Brian’s ‘mental load’ list was LOUD and worth sharing for any stay-at-home parent who’s been frustrated trying to explain to their spouse what the heck they’ve been doing all day ‘at home’! Find it on his website: BTW: Brian who spent 15 years as a personal finance and economics educator was recognized as a National Educator of the Year by the Milken Foundation and Ohio Department of Education. He was a CNN Money Hero, a CEE Forbes Award winner, and a former Working Group Member of the U.S. President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability. He says, life and family change, and his priorities now are to support his wife's career ambitions and his children's needs Enjoy meeting this modern husband Brian Page in this podcast of our live conversation on The Debbie Nigro Show.

    15 min
  2. 3 DAYS AGO

    My childhood neighbor invented that $10M ‘Honey Deuce’ cocktail that starred in the U.S. Open

    It really made me smile to see Nick Mautone from the old Mt. Vernon, N.Y. neighborhood all over the news during the U.S. Open. Not for playing tennis. Nick invented that now infamous signature U.S. Open "Honey Deuce" cocktail that took the media by storm this year. At $23 a drink, it generated about 10M dollars at The U.S. Open this year alone!   Nick Mautone invented the drink back in 2007 when Grey Goose hired him as a consultant to create a signature cocktail for the event.  Talk about a never-ending drink! Even Nick couldn’t believe the cocktail commotion he's caused. (Do people get royalties from inventing drinks?) I thought it would be fun to contact Nick and invite him on my show to take another bow, and give him some old-time love and find out!  Nick said, “Because I was a brand ambassador and a hospitality consultant to Great Goose Vodka, which I started with in 2005. As a consultant, it was the single best consistent gig I ever had in my life. I loved it and without going into details, they paid me well. I had a great expense account. They flew me all over the world to talk about Grey Goose, train teams, distributors, do great events like the US Open, and I played golf with celebrities!”  Nick’s a warm and wonderful guy and he's written all kinds of books to teach people how to be great mixologists. Books that both professionals and those interested in being great mixologists at home will benefit from. Nicks a dad, a futurist, and the brother of one of my best childhood pals Carol Mautone. The Mautone house was chock full of kids (seven I think? LOL) and commotion and their house always smelled like great Italian food! Their Dad had a specialty food business, and their sweet mom Adele was constantly shopping and making food. Never knew how she kept up with them all, but she always had a smile and always welcomed me and others into her home with open arms. It’s probably where her kids learned about the true meaning of ‘hospitality’.  Carol became a chef and moved to Italy but now teaches English to foreigners and I’ve been threatening for years to fly over and visit her. Soon! Meanwhile, I stay in touch with her lightly on Facebook and I’ve connected with lovely Nick too a few times over the years.  Nick and his family moved out to Washington State, to Mercer Island, near Seattle. I followed Nicks career in the restaurant industry. He started out bussing tables, backing bars, and then he and his brothers and sisters opened a place called American Pie on the Upper West Side of New York. Nick Mautone now has 40 years of hospitality industry experience. He believes in the power of mentorship, leadership, collaboration, and possibility. Nick is the architect of an inventive process called “Hospitality Sabermetrics” — think Moneyball for Hospitality he says, and has a sixth sense when it comes to foreseeing trends. He is known for nurturing sustained success, streamlining operations, and aligning core values in every sort of hospitality business. Since his start, Nick has worked with some of the most iconic and influential restaurants in the world including Gotham Bar & Grill, Hudson River Club, and most notably, Gramercy Tavern where he was managing partner alongside Danny Meyer and Tom Colicchio for seven years, and helped define and nurture a fledgling idea Danny and the group coined called “Enlightened Hospitality.”  So, what is Enlightened Hospitality? Nick explained, “Enlightened Hospitality’ is the core values of how you operate your business, and you hear that term a lot in business leadership programs where a company will say these are our core values and these are the way we want to operate our business, and these are the non-negotiables that we will not forsake any amount of money. And so, they are the guiding principles, if you will, that you want to live by, that we wanted our business to operate by, and we wanted, as people, to live by.” And I th

    14 min
  3. 9 SEPT

    Could An Accidental Find in The Amazon Be The Holy Grail Solution to Acne & Anti Aging ?

    Has Matty Schirle Really Created Self Esteem In a Bottle? If you read the reviews of Matty Schirles’ SkinKick line of skincare you might think they actually have created self esteem in a bottle. And You Likely Be Intrigued by an accidental finding in in Amazon by a scientist who went there for another reason   People are amazed at how quickly these Skinkick products clear their skin problems. We’re talking blemishes, acne, acne scars and rosacea. Pretty much any skin condition that might make a person not feel so thrilled about their looks.  Matty Schirle said,  “When we got into the acne or the blemish category, the very first 14-year-old woman who used it stood up and said, we changed her life and she said you need to call it self-esteem in a bottle. That's basically because we deliver clear, healthy, glowing skin and the confidence that comes with that. And the beautiful thing is because we're natural, we can do that for problem skin and aging skin at the same time. “  Matty who is the Founder and CEO of SkinKick was a former Chemical Engineer. He and his SkinKick Chief Science Officer Dr. Bill Provance developed effective, simple and safe, Naturally Smart(R) formulas that are cruelty free and dermatologist approved clean and natural ingredients, from the nutrient rich Amazon Rainforest!   It's an Incredible story of SKIN CARE discovery FINDING BEAUTY IN THE BEAST  The Amazon is beautiful, but it’s also dangerous. When SkinKick Chief Science Officer Dr. Bill Provance traveled to Brazil, he learned about a growing epidemic of parasitic diseases that plagued the native people. Not only did these parasites make people sick, but they also aggravated and inflamed the skin.  Armed with years of studying skin cell biology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dr. Provance began searching for a way to create a natural “second skin” that would prevent rainforest parasites from penetrating the skin and entering the body.   THE A-HA MOMENT  Dr. Provance carefully tested a variety of botanicals on the skin of Brazil’s native people. What he didn’t expect to find was that all of the formulations he tested had a common result: overall improvement and appearance of the skin. He soon discovered that these formulations were leaving the skin smooth, hydrated, and clear. That’s when Dr. Provance had an ah-ha moment. If this “second skin” could clear and beautify the skin of native Brazilians, perhaps it could do the same for others?   That got Matty Shirle’s attention, and he then applied his knowledge and know-how to the findings from his 20+ years in the high technology semiconductor industry (computer chips). His mission was to figure out how to eliminate man-made chemicals including harsh acids that destroy the natural skin microbiome.  Dr. Provance and the SkinKick team began working on developing a skincare line that used the same natural ingredients to clear blemishes and renew the skin And SkinKick was born.  Matty said,   "Well Dr. Bill studied at UT Southwest Med Center here in Dallas and he took a job at the Viacruz Institute which is like the Harvard of Brazil. And so he, even though I'm a chemical engineer, you can move his IQs a few decimal points over from mine. He's just absolutely brilliant." "They had an issue with parasites entering the skin. And the fundamental start of this is when they thought he was going to come up with a vaccine. And what he did is identified a botanical that if you rub it on your arm, it keeps the parasites, like a mosquito or whatever it is, you know, small things from entering your skin." "Well, he flew back to Dallas and told the story of how he blocked the parasites, but he said, oh, by the way, that film that I rubbed on, you know, on your skin, it holds moisture under it."  And right off the bat, the lights go off, because the number one issue with aging, regardless of what you've

    14 min
  4. 28 AUG

    Debbie Saviano Can Help You Maximize LinkedIn® For Your Business - Why YOU?

    LinkedIn® is the only professional social media platform and the largest professional networking platform in the world. They have over 1 billion members many of whom are decision makers. Most of their users are in North America, followed by Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. I love it!  I connect with so many interesting people there like Debbie Saviano who’s a LinkedIn® pro. I want to learn how to maximize my LinkedIn® potential and thought some of you might want to as well. I’m always better at telling other people’s stories than my own. Maybe you feel the same?  I’m convinced Debbie Saviano’s valuable knowledge of social media can help many professionals, especially those who over 50, who want to learn how to best showcase their value and experience as they pursue their second and third acts.   Debbie calls LinkedIn a ‘Virtual Golden Rolodex’. And She Says…Your Headline is like Gold!   “LinkedIn gives you 220 characters to do a headline. That headline should speak to who it is you want to talk to. Is it someone to hire you?" "Is it someone to buy a product? Are you for a service? Who are you speaking to? That's what that headline should say.  And this is probably the goal to the whole thing I'm sharing. When you comment, engage on someone's page on their feed, the first line of your headline shows up." "And I will tell you, probably 70% of my employment, if you will, comes from people reaching out because they saw me somewhere. Because what you want to do is you want people to come to you. They see you comment, they see your picture, they see the first part of your headline, and mine is about LinkedIn, and it says that you want them to click back on your profile. From there, that's where you can sell them. That's why you're the best person for them." "So that headline is like gold. It's gold.” As soon as Debbie Saviano and I spoke on the phone I could feel her similar upbeat good energy (and loved her similar name LOL)  I invited her to come join my radio show and share some knowledge.  Debbie feels strongly that each person has unique abilities and in today's disruptive environment the playing field has expanded - affording countless opportunities for the assertive professional AND that there are a multitude of avenues on how to accomplish this.  She is a seasoned wordsmith and content strategist who can help you clearly show WHY YOU!  Especially if you believe that what you do can truly help others, but you are stuck on how best to do that.  Her background is in Education, with a minor in Psychology and along with a deep understanding of the digital landscape she offers a unique perspective.  HER SPECIALITIES ARE: • Digital Space • LinkedIn • Books In Bites Newsletter (LinkedIn) • LinkedIn LIVE • Let's Talk • Course Creation • Leadership • Entrepreneurship • E-Commerce • Mentor • Business • TV - Media • Education • Career Professionals • Entrepreneurs • Product Development • Communities • Non-Profits  You’ll get some good professional social media advice in this podcast of my live conversation with Debbie Saviano on The Debbie Nigro Show. The Debbie Nigro Show airs 11-12noon EST on WGCH. Tune in live from anywhere on If you’re in the NY/CT area turn the dial to AM1490. Podcasts after on

    15 min
  5. 23 AUG

    Long Time Greenwich, CT Real Estate Guy Weighs in on 1st Realtors Commission Shakeup in 100 Years

    On August 17th, new rules rolled out that overhaul the way Realtors get paid to help people buy and sell their homes.   The changes are part of a $418 million settlement announced in March by the National Association of Realtors.   The changes end the ‘informal’ rules of a typical agent commission payout.   Now real estate agents across the country must sign upfront with prospective homebuyers what they’re willing to pay.   Historically the ‘sellers’ paid commission fees for both their own agent and the home ‘buyer’s’ agent. The typical commission has been 5 to 6 percent split between the two brokers.   That structure was pretty much enforced by The National Association of Realtors which has roughly 1.5 million members who pay dues.  If a seller didn’t agree to those terms their listing wasn’t shown ion the multiple listing services that drive most home sales.   This latest decision basically makes commission sharing optional so that sellers’ agents who don’t want to pay buyers’ fees can still list on databases.   Real Estate agents across the country have been attending trainings and learning the details of new contracts they must sign with prospective homebuyers.   Gideon Fountain is one of those agents and he’s also one of the owners of WGCH Radio in Greenwich, CT where I broadcast my weekday radio show. He grew up in Greenwich and has been selling real estate in the Greenwich CT area since 1986. He’s now an agent for Houlihan Lawrence.   I asked Gideon Fountain to join me in the studio to give me his take on the new real estate broker commission laws that just went into effect. He said;     “With these new rules if you’re a Real Estate Broker or Agent you have to tell your home buyers ‘up front’ that that they have to decide on the amount they're going to pay in commission whether you bring on somebody else to help you or not." "There are two places on this new contract, and it says, here's our service fee. And we might say our service fee is 2.5%. Let's just say we write that. Two and a half percent. Then we also have another paragraph that says, you authorize us to accept compensation from the seller." "If a buyer wants to look at a property and the seller is offering nothing, and that would be a very foolish move by the seller, I would say, then yes, you would say to the buyer, look, I'm happy to help you with this transaction, but I got to make money. I'm not, this is not charity. So here's my contract." "Pay me two and a half percent. For some buyers, that's entirely possible. They might think, well, what do I need you for? You know, I don't, but they have no idea." "But the buyer agent, it's amazing. You should hear the conversations between the soliciting agent and the buyer agent when the listing agent says my client won't go down one more penny. Can you make your guys go up a little bit and the buyer broker says? All right, I'll try whatever we're at a million five. What's it? What's your guy want? He wants a million 550 not a penny less So then the buyer broker goes back to the buyer says come on you guys are gonna lose this I mean we have there's very few choices right now You really believe you've lost out on six bidding words. You really want to hold out for $50,000, and the buyer says yes. So, then you go back to the listing agent. Sorry, they're not budging either. And then, you know, everybody sits still for a while. But this is the kind of give and take that exists and should not be interfered with by government action." "It's negotiation. “   Gideon believes real estate agents have remained viable because they accumulate an array of local market knowledge that is hard to duplicate.   “Going out each day and seeing properties noting their eventual selling prices and hearing customer reactions to those properties is an invaluable experience that a Zillow search will never match.”   For Home Buyers and Home

    14 min
  6. 17 AUG

    Gary Who Hired Me For My 1st Radio Job Came To Talk About The Importance Of Talking To Strangers

    Everybody Knows My Show Theme is "Risk It or Regret It!" Whatever IT is for YOU! So, I thought it would be fun to share how I risked getting my first paying radio job after college.   It’s a memorable story of driving in a thunderstorm at 11 o’clock at night after working all day at another job, to a radio station in an old house in Briarcliff Manor, NY where Howard Stern had worked, to audition for an immediate opening for a news reporter.   I invited the guy who called me the next morning to tell me I got the job as the news reporter for WRNW Radio, to come join me in the studio to co-host a show.   Ol' pal Gary Axelbank was the then Program Director of WRNW Radio. He's now the host of BronxTalk and Bronx Buzz on BronxNet and he also hosts The Bronx Music Podcast -with Gary Axelbank.   He got in touch with me recently, sparked by the theme of my new book out to say he was totally on board with the point of "How to Talk to Strangers Advice From A Professional Stranger Talker".   I wrote it to try and spark people to try to have more meaningful conversations 'in person' versus the virtual conversations we've become accustomed to having by texting and email. Even making an actual phone call is becoming a lost art. (These days when I make a phone call and a human answers, I actually get excited!)   Gary said,   “You know among many reasons that I responded to the point of your book is that I'm a communications professional like you are, and communication is so important, yet people don't talk to each other. I talk to people who I work with and I'm like, you know, we've got to get this guest booked or whatever. I'll tell them, do me a favor, just pick up the phone and find out if they can do it or they can't do it. They say OK I'll send them an email. Send an email? If you send them an email  we're going to wait forever. Then you get an email chain where there's a whole discussion about, well, I can't do 12.30, I'll do 1.30 and I've lost track of what's going on. If we picked up the phone, we could get to somebody.”     Gary and I are alike in that we intentionally put good energy into engaging people to converse ‘in person’ pretty much every day. We both feel it matters a lot, wanted to talk more about why it matters.   So we did… in this podcast of my entire show which airs weekdays 11-12noon EST on WGCH Radio in the NY/CT area and airs live globally on the digital livestream on     I rarely post a whole show but decided to post this one because we both tell some good stories…. like the day I arrived to work at my usual 5:30am and found a drunk guy sitting on my typewriter. LOL And the day Famous Amos of Famous Amos cookies just walked in to introduce himself with a big box of his ‘new’ cookies he was trying to promote.   Gary tells a story about when Howard Stern worked there and what happened when he tried to kill a bee in the studio. Ha.   We also talked about all the famous people who came from the Bronx. People like Jennifer Lopez (who has my same birthday) and Chazz Palminteri who’s stopped by the show in the past and told me I reminded him of his mother Ha!     Gary also teaches a course in TV performance and teaches his students that to conduct a great interview they need to ‘listen’. “Well, this is a cool thing that I do. One of the things that we talk about is like when you do an interview, how do you get good depth? You get good depth because you ask a question based on what I say. And then I demonstrate to them, and I do it with them. I ask, you know, where were you born? What are your parents like? To do this, you must be a good listener.  I could walk into the pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist, and I could do a half hour right on the spot with that. And why? Because when I ask well, what medication do you sell a lot of? They’ll say, we sell diabetes meds. And I'll say, oh

    44 min
  7. 8 AUG

    GOAT Necklace Designer Janet Heller Got the GOAT Free Global Commercial from Simone Biles

    Janet Heller made that now infamous GOAT necklace for Superstar Olympic Gymnast Simone Biles and the whole world went GOAT Crazy!  This year’s global commercial for a single piece of jewelry may in itself be the GOAT! The Greatest Of All Time! I got caught up in GOAT fever myself, and after watching the intricate making of Simone Biles 3D Diamond Goat Necklace on Janet Heller Fine Jewelry's Instagram,  I took a shot and sent a warm private Instagram invite to Janet Heller to join me on The Debbie Nigro Show. It made me smile and shake my head in a good way, that the whole world was now paying attention to this talented female entrepreneur. Wow. Talk about a public relations opportunity! LOL   I somehow just felt compelled (woman to woman) to congratulate her and tell her how happy I was for her for this stupendous attention for her and her company because first she deserved the recognition for her talent and integrity, and second because I know how much harder it is, for women entrepreneurs who are also mothers, to succeed in business.   And in my usual spirit of “Risk it! or Regret it! I invited Janet to come take a bow on my show even though I was sure there were much bigger networks who’d be clamoring for her attention. I was pleasantly surprised when she messaged me back and took me up on the offer. Told her was I was very proud to have her on my show and that somehow, she must have trusted me to tell her story.  (Like her I try to bring peoples stories to life in a unique and meaningful way.)   Janet said,   “Thank you so much Debbie. I really am so excited to be on your show today. Yes, that's right. I mean, we've got thousands and thousands of requests. It's overwhelming. I cannot even keep up with it. My social media team can't keep up with it. But for some reason, I just, I don't know, I was drawn to you and your message and here we are.”   Every hard-working entrepreneur knows getting good PR for their business is incredibly valuable and rewarding. But the Global free PR Janet got in the 2024 Olympics is the most extraordinary free PR I’ve ever seen.  Olympic Gymnast Simone Biles commissioned her exquisite GOAT piece she showed off during the 2024 Olympics, from Janet Heller Fine Jewelry in Calabasas, CA. to commemorate her remarkable achievements and undeniable legacy. She sure does have a legacy as the GOAT, and Janet said she was a joy to work with.  NBC reported, “Simone Biles says she knew people would ‘go crazy’ over her Goat Necklace.”   Janet’s legacy is that she and her company, Janet Heller Fine Jewelry have been crafting exquisite, personalized pieces for discerning clients for 15 years.They’re a premier custom jeweler in Calabasas, renowned for their meticulous attention to detail and an unwavering commitment to quality. Janet Heller has become the go-to choice for those seeking unique, meaningful jewelry.    BTW: That stunning 3D GOAT necklace (Greatest Of All Time) has 546 diamonds! Also, no small feat! How did she do that?  Janet said, “Well, so a lot of jewelry can be made where when you make the wax of the piece, once you've done the CAD image and you've done the rendering and then you go and you make the wax, a lot of times you can have the little holes for the diamonds in the wax. So when you print the wax, it already has a hole for the diamond.  But I don't like to do that. I like to have my diamond setters drill each and every hole by hand. Just, you know, these are master artisans, master craftsmen, and that will enable the necklace to last so much longer. I mean, we want it to last forever, basically. And it's just an incredible art that they do. They have to wear those, you know, almost binocular glasses type things. They do it by hand. It takes a very long time and we pick the  diamonds out beforehand so we have them all laid out. We know the size and then you have to look

    14 min
  8. 2 AUG

    Openly Gray? Play on Words Caught my Attention. The Size & $ This Demos Holding Should Catch Yours.

    I was curious where was going when I saw a social media post about it from a business gal pal.  Was it a site for older people with Gray Hair?  Nope! I ‘got it’ and smiled. It’s way cooler than that! It’s a movement. It’s an attitude adjustment about aging! Lord knows we need one. Thanks to the longevity revolution we are in a unique time and place in history. Until now many in their 50's 60's, 70’s, and beyond believed it was time to stop. That isn’t the thinking of older adults today at all! I Invited Lee St. James and gal pal Brooke Stachyra of Openly Gray, to join my show to share their purpose with Openly Gray and their big disruptive plan!  Lee St. James is the Co-Founder /Creative Director of Openly Gray Lee is a Cannes award-winning, multidisciplinary CD who has led major brand content development for over 20 years. From strategy to conception through execution Lee believes in partnering cross-functionally to build consensus and ensure projects meet all milestones, deadlines, budget, and business results requirements. Accustomed to fast-paced and start-up environments. He is constantly onboarding new technologies and innovative processes while ensuring compliance with corporate and client standards.  Brooke Stachyra handles Partner/Client Success for Openly Gray Brooke is a social media consumer specialist. Proud former NBC Page, longtime (recovering) journalist-writer, and storyteller with a million tales! NBC News, Time Inc/People Magazine veteran. Former content creator for Church and Dwight brands Arm & Hammer, OxiClean, and Trojan. Social media contributor for the American Cancer Society and CUNY. Grown X woman, lover of all things 80s. Name that tune champion! Foodie and travel enthusiast, bougie barganista, and expert in anything about Bravo's Real Housewives.   They are on a Mission to Loudly Call Attention To These Facts:    The Gray Market has $8,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion) waiting to be seen   For the next 30 years, 10,000+ people will turn 65. Every. Single. Day.   In our conversation Lee said, “When you turn 50, this is something that we observed years ago. We being the royal we, we observed years ago that you turn 50 and all of a sudden you become invisible. You become invisible to the opposite sex. You become invisible to your friends, sometimes even your family, but definitely to the marketing world. Marketers are taught from day one that you go after the 17 to, say, 45. Sometimes people switch it to 17- to 54-year-old market, but then after that, you stop. “ “Well, times have changed, and as you mentioned, there's $8 trillion in assets at play that are controlled by what we call the gray market, which is 50-plus. To put that in context, we saw a great little snippet about if you put this in context, this would be if the gray market in the U.S. was a country. It would be the third largest GDP in the world.” “There's so much more to this audience and that's why we are Openly Gray. And there are two sides of the organization. One is called We are marketers. That's our goal. We want to get clients to start recognizing this audience and not leave all that money on the table.” “On the other side of the coin though, we're advocates. So is an advocacy organization, anti-ageism, pro-helping people grow older and grow into the next phases of life. And even there's an offshoot called Cozy Homes Community where we're trying to help build communities for 50 plus folks.”   It’s a big mission for Openly Gray who feels their biggest hurdle is to get relatively young brand managers and clients who are still in their 30s and maybe 45 to recognize that this is an audience that they are missing out on.   Brooke said,  “It's unfortunate, but what Lee is saying is absolutely true, that you have the people that are in the power that are making the decisions that are c

    15 min


Nobody sees the glass of Cabernet half full like Debbie. She is fresh air with a magnetic flare. Debbie was the winner of the prestigious ‘Best Nationally Syndicated Talk Show of The Year’ – three years in a row, from American Women in Radio and Television. Risk it or Regret it!

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