Talking With Burritos

JJ Wayne Graham
Podcast Talking With Burritos

Delicious show episodes crafted for on-the-go media consumption. Served with your choice of movies, technology, and other forms of media entertainment this podcast is just the right dish needed to help you start a conversation.

  1. Road Trip Heroes


    Road Trip Heroes

    In This Episode 1. Liam Neeson did that to himself. 2. 15:17 To Paris and the Hollywood movie meant for Lifetime. 3. Patriots Day and true event films. How long to wait before we capitalize on a tragedy. 4. When art transcends admiration. 5. Eurotrip: The Movie we don't have now. Liam Nesson takes the low road, on purpose. C'mon, bruh, you volunteered this information which allowed the media to run away with it. However, should we care? Will we somehow erase the memory of watching this man portray roles in Schindler's List, Star Wars: Episode One, or all the Taken movies? What he said was stupid and insensitive. Who he is, is flawed like you and me.  15:17 to Paris is not a Clint Eastwood, like, Movie - On The Thread 15:17 should begin after the train attack. Clint Eastwood offended people with some of his views on Hilary Clinton during and after the election. He is a person who is a famous actor and director. Who cares what he thinks. His art is what we relate to the man, not the other way around. Of his 39 credits as director, 15:17 is far from any exemplary in comparison to his previous productions. 15:17 played too much like a Lifetime movie, which made it almost unbearable to watch. Recognizable movie and television actors also made it difficult to believe a story that is a true story. This movie portrays true events with those involved at the time it occurred. Less recognizable actors would make this film more convincing. Eastwood tried to tell the tale of these four heroes as truthful as he possibly could but ended up hurting Hollywood appeal by coming at this project wearing kids gloves. Spending twenty minutes with these fellows on vacation while sightseeing was boring. All the drama occurred at the end of this film, whereas, it ignored the issue of every life that is not so spectacular: the single mother raising her child, the effect of a young boy losing his best friend, and a man’s struggle to find a place in a world where he needed fit in. Patriots Day and applying Hollywood ascetic to real life events. The real heroes of this very real event are the first responders. Stories of their bravery in a time of crisis are good stories to be told on Good Morning America or with news outlets, however, to capture the Hollywood flair, movie depiction of horrible events have to include some sort of stretch to the imagination. Stories change with each retelling. The shootout at the end of Patriots Day between the two terrorists and law enforcement, although not accurately depicted, added a Hollywood pizazz to events that in realtime occurred quickly and without dramatic pause. 15:17 To Paris reminded me of that EuroTrip Movie in a way but less boring. If you really want a Eurotrip movie, then stay away from Hostile aka torture porn movies of the early 2000s. Watch this silly film about a high school graduate in search of his pen pal and love of his life. 1. Michelle Trachtenberg of Buffy fame. 2. Matt Damon 3. Stupid comedy movies and the event film. 4. Teen angst movies: there are none. Only things kids are into these days is Juuls and Fortnite. 5. It’s just a different world. When Art Transcends Admiration - Scoop Du Jour I was upset by past rhetoric expressed by Clint Eastwood years ago and lost admiration for a man I thought was a great visionary and storyteller. However, one doesn't associate with the other. His thoughts on Hilary Clinton doesn't reflect on his filmmaker vision.  Reality stars, actors, and sports heroes are not who we imagine them to be in most instances; they are people. What we admire is their art, the characters, and on-screen personas. Nowadays with social media, we know more about them as individuals and it's not flattering. No matter how mundane they are in comparison to the most popular Twitch streamer or Youtube star, your story matters. If you want to tell that story, go on ahead while the getting is good. We have the technology and other means, so why not? Th

    40 min
  2. Shark Plus Ocean Equals Scary- TWB88


    Shark Plus Ocean Equals Scary- TWB88

    Recently, Warner Bros. released The Meg as proof that sharks are not bankable unless you make them silly. As frightening a creature as sharks seem, they are never good subjects for a movie. There are very few plots involving sharks in which to script an original film. Depending on the idea, a thrilling shark movie should never be over-conceptualized. Just keep it simple: sharks plus ocean equals scary.   Sharks strike fear in the minds of most people who ever watched Jaws. As frightening a creature they are; however, sharks are never good subjects for a movie. There are very few plots involving sharks in which to script an original film.  Jaws is the best shark film made, and that was just about 40 years ago. Tell the same story over with The Shallows and add in a human element, Open Water, then you might just come close to some decent, but nothing is or will ever be as good as Jaws.    In this episode:   The Shallows and Open Water are two good films that embody the simplicity of a good shark film.  Crazy shark movies that have to make the animal more terrifying than they are is not embracing the horror most of us feel when we consider swimming in an ocean. Shark movies should rely on the fear already embedded within our psyche. Prey on the audience by feeding upon the fear most of us have of being in the ocean.  Scoop Du Jour: Naked Mole Rats and The Probability of the SyFy network.        Wow, it’s amazing how this has come full circle. As we near this pinnacle of 100 episodes I revisit episode three of this podcast when we discussed the probability of the SyFy network, and how movies, like, Sharknado would not keep it afloat.    Audiences give less attention to the movies, it’s the series that made the probable success of the SyFy network a reality.    This, that, other news, and Stingrays:   Boy gets stung by a shark in the willy-wacker.  My daughter and her sting ray vacation. Talk about having something stuck in your head. Try this: insert baby shark song.  Weekly Gratitude:   My daughter is alive and for that, I have nature to thank. Our bodies are magnificent machines hellbent on keeping us alive.    Flava text: Shuffle you feet or else bye bye go your pee-pee.   We're always open for suggestions and/or a favorable comment But Machete don't tweet. Okay, well leave us a voicemail or email: Phone 520-775-1690 Email   Where To Subscribe and Listen Podcast subscription page Listen on Apple Podcast: Or download to your Android with Google Podcasts If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review on Apple iTunes!

    1 h 5 min
  3. Netflix at The Oscars With Steven Spielberg


    Netflix at The Oscars With Steven Spielberg

    My Oscar ballot results suck.    The Academy’s disappointment wins.   Moonlight wins over the much acclaimed La La Land Crash gets the statue over Brokeback Mountain, the favorite to win. Green Book was good enough to win, but not the only choice to lose against ‘the people’s’ favorites. Some great film moments of 2018. We the audience are the Academy. Enjoy film however and wherever you can then use your platform to celebrate the movies and shows you enjoy.   That one scene in the Favourite when Rachel discovers Emma in the Queens bed. Roma and the representation of water as a narrative. The reveal of the horse-human hybrid in Sorry to Bother You. Topher Graces look of befuddlement after being duped by a black guy. Tessa Thompson... Ready Player One and The Shining recreation The fake ending in Sicario. Overlord, because killing Nazi zombies is fun. The quiet meditation of First Man Soderberg's iPhone movie Unsane. Tom Cruise and MI5, plus, all the practical effects. The foot and the nail of The Quiet Place   Spielberg to speak at the Academy of Arts about Netflix and Amazon created movies and their eligibility for the coveted award.   Our Spectacle crusader is here to preserve the sanctity of film but is he too late?     Fighting for the sanctity of Hollywoods future credibility? Isn’t it acceptable to allow this medium to flourish as technology and the times change? Films available to a television audience first are not vetted enough for conservation by the Academy of Motion Pictures. The nostalgia of watching a movie in theatres remains a memorable experience. Watching films on phones and mobile devices. Comic book movies.   The Irishman challenge by Netflix and a pure film enthusiast, Martin Scorsese.    Great commercial spot dig. Touche Netflix.   I need a definition of Best Picture   The auteur in the realm of advocacy.   Do awards matter?   A win will get you more watches. Improve your status as a viable risk worth a studio taking a chance.   Credibility goes a long way in this business.    The sentiment that the creation is the best reward whether your audience is in the millions or the neighborhood few.   Drake at the Grammys. Guillermo at the Oscars.

    1 h 4 min
  4. Bohemian Travesty


    Bohemian Travesty

    Looking back on this movie in relation to the title of the film, there should be a more artist approach to this biopic for the band Queen and not the man Freddy Mercury. At face value, Bohemian Rhapsody is a paint-by-the-numbers biopic without the celebratory weight of a meaningful story.   They dangle Freddy Mercury on screen just long enough for us to pat at the plight of this man who (may have) suffered secretly with his sexuality but extroverted himself through music, another gift born unto him. To know what empowered Mercury to sing is to know the truth behind the lyrics of songs endeared by millions.   Same goes with the talents of his bandmates and what inspired them to form a band named Smile. Whether it be audiences short attention spans or the parameters of constraining a film to under one-hundred and sixty minutes, Queen’s biopic lacks the importance of truth beyond the entertainment.   Headlines:    Freddie Mercury was Queen. Sorry, you have to hear that. Bohemian Rhapsody was initially a Freddy Mercury biopic with Sacha Baron Cohen casts as the lead singer. Bohemian Rhapsody featuring the music of Queen, and my aversion to the biopic. Are biopics, those unwilling to take risks, worth the cost? This, That, and Other News Queen wrote and performed the theme song for Highlander: The Movie and Highlander the series. The show and the movie were my first exposure to Queen’s music. I’ve listened to We Are the Champions and We Will Rock You deservingly without ever knowing the artists performing the songs until Highlander debuted on television.  That pesky comet,  Oumuamua, might be alien. Then again, it may not be alien. Woman calls the cops on a whale, seriously. This is what happens to the Open Water franchise. Why do people call the cops for things they should mind on their own. Get your own cat out the tree, Timmy! Weekly Gratitude: Doc says I’m healthy, like a bull. I say you’re full of Flava text: Nothing really matters. Links Mentioned in This Episode:   We're always open for suggestions and/or a favorable comment But Machete don't tweet. Okay, well leave us a voicemail or email: Phone 520-775-1690 Email Where To Subscribe and Listen Podcast subscription page Listen on Apple Podcast: Or download to your Android with Google Podcasts If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review on Apple iTunes!

    55 min
  5. State of Fear 2018


    State of Fear 2018

    Halloween has a newfound popularity rooted in a remake that is a sequel (a remakequel) to the beginnings of a franchise relaunch. Not new material, but there’s a case for simplicity with horror movies that over time lost to the evolving use of special effects and jump scares. Halloween (2018) wasn’t a great movie; however, it is what this genre needs as a reflection back to when simple storying telling thrilled the masses.  This, That, Other News, and Crytoids Aliens and May 2018 triangle in the sky. Time Traveler, Jamie Oliver, Claims to be from the year 6491.  Lochness Sightings! Please, oh please, use your feet to zoom! Don’t do what daddy does. Do what daddy does not and have some common sense, idiot! Vajayjay beer.  A Few Good Sasquatch Woman admits to having relations with a ghost Weekly Gratitude:  Thanks to my wife, I won't have to marry a ghost.  Flava text:  There's a girl... on my bed. YES! Links Mentioned in This Episode: Triangle in the sky   Time Traveler   Loch on Camera    Girl on the lake with Grandma   Snake Pastor   Bigfoot In Court    We're always open for suggestions and/or a favorable comment But Machete don't tweet. Okay, well leave us a voicemail or email: Phone 520-775-1690 Email   Where To Subscribe and Listen Podcast subscription page Listen on Apple Podcast: Or download to your Android with Google Podcasts If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review on Apple iTunes!

    1 h 2 min

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Delicious show episodes crafted for on-the-go media consumption. Served with your choice of movies, technology, and other forms of media entertainment this podcast is just the right dish needed to help you start a conversation.

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