100 episodes

Enjoy, inspiring and motivating weekly interviews with today's true experts in their field on wellness, personal development, life fulfilment, success and happiness as well as insights from your host; the Amazon #1 bestselling author Pascale Gibon.
"This is an invitation to you to transform your life one step at a time. Say yes!"

The Everyday Life Balance Show Pascale Gibon

    • Éducation

Enjoy, inspiring and motivating weekly interviews with today's true experts in their field on wellness, personal development, life fulfilment, success and happiness as well as insights from your host; the Amazon #1 bestselling author Pascale Gibon.
"This is an invitation to you to transform your life one step at a time. Say yes!"

    Episode 352: From Fear To Freedom - Mastering Your Relationship With Failure

    Episode 352: From Fear To Freedom - Mastering Your Relationship With Failure

    Episode Number: 352
    Episode Title: From Fear to Freedom: Mastering Your Relationship with Failure
    In this transformative episode, Pascale Gibon explores the crucial connection between failure and success. Drawing inspiration from leadership expert John Maxwell, she offers insights on how changing our perspective on failure can unlock our potential and propel us towards our goals.
    Podcast Highlights:
    00:54 Introduction and episode theme
    01:06 John Maxwell's insight on the inseparability of success and failure
    01:43 Understanding the fear of failure and its impact on goal achievement
    02:35 Reframing our thinking about failure and success
    03:18 Personal example: Pascale's business lesson
    03:57 Embracing ‘failing forward’ as a path to growth
    04:46 Dr Willie Jolley's quote on setbacks
    04:49 Call to action and closing thoughts
    John Maxwell's Books – store.maxwellleadership.com
    Dr Willie Jolley's Website - https://williejolley.com/
    The Essential Guide To Success Checklist: The 30-Challenge to Build Your Path To Success and Fulfil Your Life’s Purpose – Click here to learn more
    Connect with Pascale Gibon:
    Website: www.pascalegibon.com
    Email: pascale@pascalegibon.com
    From Fear to Freedom: Mastering Your Relationship with Failure
    This episode delves into the transformative power of reframing our relationship with failure. Pascale Gibon discusses how embracing failure as an integral part of the success journey can lead to personal growth, resilience, and ultimately, the achievement of our goals.
    Table of Contents
    1. The Inseparability of Success and Failure
    2. Understanding the Fear of Failure
    3. Reframing Our Perspective on Failure
    4. The Concept of ‘Failing Forward’
    5. Practical Application: Learning from Setbacks
    6. Embracing Failure as an Ally
    The Inseparability of Success and Failure
    Pascale introduces John Maxwell's profound insight that success and failure should never be separated. She explains how failure provides unique learning opportunities that success alone cannot offer, emphasizing the complementary nature of these experiences in personal and professional growth.
    Understanding the Fear of Failure
    This section explores the psychological barriers created by the fear of failure. Pascale discusses how this fear often stems from deeper beliefs about self-worth and can create a cycle of inaction and missed opportunities.
    Reframing Our Perspective on Failure
    Pascale guides listeners through the process of shifting their mindset about failure. She encourages viewing failure not as a final outcome, but as a necessary step on the path to success, helping to break down the ‘terror barrier’ that often prevents people from pursuing their goals.
    The Concept of ‘Failing Forward’
    Here, the episode introduces the idea of ‘failing forward’ - using each setback as a stepping stone to progress. Pascale explains how this approach can build resilience and problem-solving skills, ultimately leading to greater success.
    Practical Application: Learning from Setbacks
    Pascale shares a personal anecdote about a business mistake she made early in her career. This example illustrates how failures can provide valuable lessons that inform future decisions and strategies.
    Embracing Failure as an Ally
    The final section encourages listeners to view failure as a positive force in their lives. Pascale emphasizes how this shift in perspective can lead to greater freedom, creativity, and ultimately, success in pursuing one's goals.
    Pascale wraps up the episode by reinforcing the main message: failure is not something to be feared, but rather an essential component of the journey to success. She encourages listeners to take action towards their goals, embracing the learning opportunities that come with both successes and failures. The episode concludes with a motivational call to act

    • 6 min
    Episode 351: Finding Peace in A Stressed-Out World - The Power Of Everyday Balance

    Episode 351: Finding Peace in A Stressed-Out World - The Power Of Everyday Balance

    Episode Number: 351
    Episode Title: Finding Peace in A Stressed-Out World - The Power Of Everyday Balance
    In this eye-opening episode, Pascale Gibon delves into the global stress epidemic and introduces the concept of everyday life balance as a powerful antidote. She presents alarming statistics about stress worldwide and in the UK, highlighting the urgent need for effective stress management techniques.
    Podcast Highlights:
    01:07 Introduction and stress statistics
    04:44 Introducing everyday life balance as a solution to stress
    06:19 Everyday life balance as a mindset
    07:09 Problem-solving through balance
    08:19 Inner work and self-reflection
    09:35 The importance of perspective
    10:30 Building resilience through practice
    11:13 Trusting your inner voice
    11:49 Tangible benefits of everyday life balance
    12:36 Conclusion and call to action
    Yes! To Love Success Habits: 7 Steps To Inner Peace, Joy And Happiness - https://www.pascalegibon.com/7stepstoinnerpeace
    Connect with Pascale Gibon:
    Website: www.pascalegibon.com
    Email: pascale@pascalegibon.com
    Episode 351: Finding Peace in A Stressed-Out World - The Power Of Everyday Balance
    This episode explores the concept of everyday life balance as a powerful tool to combat stress in our increasingly hectic world. Pascale Gibon presents recent stress statistics and introduces practical strategies for cultivating balance and inner peace.
    Table of Contents
    1. Global and UK Stress Statistics
    2. Understanding Everyday Life Balance
    3. Mindset and Problem-Solving
    4. Inner Work and Self-Reflection
    5. Perspective and Resilience
    6. Benefits of Everyday Life Balance
    7. Conclusion
    Global and UK Stress Statistics
    Pascale presents alarming statistics about stress worldwide and in the UK, including work-related stress figures and the impact on mental health. These statistics underscore the urgent need for effective stress management techniques.
    Understanding Everyday Life Balance
    Everyday life balance is introduced as a mindset and approach to navigating life's challenges. It's not about achieving perfect equilibrium, but rather finding peace and resilience amidst chaos.
    Mindset and Problem-Solving
    The episode explores how everyday life balance can be applied as a problem-solving tool, shifting focus from external circumstances to internal responses. Pascale provides practical examples of maintaining balance in challenging situations.
    Inner Work and Self-Reflection
    Pascale emphasizes the importance of inner work and self-reflection in cultivating balance. She offers techniques for checking in with oneself and bringing awareness to one's internal state.
    Perspective and Resilience
    Pascale discusses the power of perspective in maintaining balance and how regular practice can build resilience over time. Pascale explains how this practice can lead to becoming "unshakeable" in the face of life's challenges.
    Benefits of Everyday Life Balance
    The tangible benefits of cultivating everyday life balance are explored, including reduced stress, increased gratitude, and a stronger sense of inner strength.
    Pascale wraps up the episode by encouraging listeners to embrace the practice of everyday life balance, starting with small steps and remembering that every moment is an opportunity to cultivate peace. She reminds listeners that true balance is about finding peace in an imperfect life, not achieving perfection.
    Love this?
    Do you want to live an abundant life? If you answer Yes! Click here to claim your FREE guide:  Yes! To Love Success Habits: 7 Steps To Inner Peace, Joy And Happiness.
    Watch now the three-part video training: "7 Key Principles To Achieve Your Dreams." In this training, you will learn the principles that govern achieving goals. Click here to get immediate access: Listen to The Everyd

    • 14 min
    Episode 350: Unlock True Happiness - 5 Steps To A Daily Gratitude Practice

    Episode 350: Unlock True Happiness - 5 Steps To A Daily Gratitude Practice

    Episode Number: 350
    Episode Title: Unlock True Happiness: 5 Steps To A Daily Gratitude Practice
    Welcome to Episode 350 of The Everyday Life Balance Show. In this episode, we explore the transformative power of gratitude and how you can unlock true happiness by cultivating a daily gratitude practice. Gratitude is more than just an occasional acknowledgement; it’s a mindset that opens the door to positivity and well-being. Tune in to discover five actionable steps to incorporate gratitude into your daily life and experience lasting benefits.
    Podcast Highlights:
    [01:05] Introduction to the importance of cultivating a gratitude mindset.
    [01:54] Robert Emmons' definition of gratitude and its benefits.
    [02:18] The 35 benefits of practicing gratitude regularly.
    [03:40] The impact of negativity and comparison on our ability to be grateful.
    [04:49] Five ways to cultivate gratitude daily.
    [06:28] The role of gratitude in transforming challenging situations.
    [06:43] Practical examples and suggestions for implementing gratitude practices.
    [07:05] Wrap up and encouragement to join the Gratitude Experiment 7-week Challenge.
    Robert Emmons On The Story Of Gratitude: “The Science And Spirit Of Gratefulness: 25 Years Of Progress”
    Headspace Gratitude Meditation: click here
    Connect with Pascale Gibon:
    Website: www.pascalegibon.com
    Email: pascale@pascalegibon.com
    Episode 350: Unlock True Happiness - 5 Steps To A Daily Gratitude Practice
    Episode Summary
    In this episode, Pascale Gibon delves into the essence of gratitude and its profound impact on our lives. She shares insightful research, discusses the barriers to gratitude, and provides five practical steps to cultivate gratitude daily. By integrating these practices, listeners can enhance their overall well-being, develop resilience, and live a more joyful life.
    Table of Contents
    The Importance of Cultivating Gratitude Benefits of Practicing Gratitude Overcoming Barriers to Gratitude Five Steps to a Daily Gratitude Practice Transforming Challenges with Gratitude Conclusion The Importance of Cultivating Gratitude
    Gratitude is a powerful emotional trait that extends beyond a simple "thank you." It involves recognizing the positive aspects of our lives and appreciating the efforts of others that contribute to our well-being. Developing an attitude of gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to the abundance that surrounds us, fostering a more positive and satisfying life experience.
    Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
    Scientific studies highlight numerous benefits of practising gratitude regularly. These include improved sleep quality, enhanced immune function, self-confidence, and stronger interpersonal relationships. Regular gratitude practice also promotes emotional stability and can lead to long-term happiness and contentment.
    Overcoming Barriers to Gratitude
    Practising gratitude can be challenging in a society with a negative bias. Media often amplify negative news, making it harder to maintain a positive outlook. Additionally, comparing ourselves to others can hinder gratitude, as it diverts our focus to what we lack rather than appreciating our unique journey and accomplishments.
    Five Steps to a Daily Gratitude Practice
    Gratitude Journal: Jot down ten things you're grateful for every day. Consistency is key to ingraining this habit. Verbal Gratitude: Express what you're thankful for out loud in the form of prayer or affirmation, acknowledging the love and goodness you receive daily. Share Your Gratitude: Communicate your gratitude to those who matter most in your life, either through letters or face-to-face conversations. Gratitude Meditation: During meditation, focus on the people and events you're grateful for and send them positive thoughts. Reframe Challenges: When faced with difficulties, find the lessons within and express gratitude for the growth and awareness th

    • 9 min
    Episode 349: The Lost Art Of Patience – Rediscovering Balance In A Fast-Paced World

    Episode 349: The Lost Art Of Patience – Rediscovering Balance In A Fast-Paced World

    Episode Number: 349
    Episode Title: The Lost Art Of Patience – Rediscovering Balance In A Fast-Paced World 
    In this thought-provoking episode, Pascale Gibon explores the importance of cultivating patience in our modern, fast-paced world. She discusses how our society's emphasis on speed and instant gratification can impact our mental health, relationships, and overall well-being while offering insights on how to rediscover balance through practising patience.
    Podcast Highlights:
    [01:07] Introduction to the episode's theme
    [01:20] Examples of how speed has become the norm in our society
    [02:00] Personal story about finding mindfulness in cycling
    [03:09] Discussion on the impact of impatience on mental health
    [03:26] How the need for speed affects our relationships
    [04:10] The Marshmallow Test and its implications
    [05:14] Practices for cultivating patience in daily life
    [05:52] Reflection questions for listeners
    [06:06] Closing remarks and invitation for the next episode
    The Marshmallow Test study – Click here
    Connect with Pascale Gibon:
    Website: www.pascalegibon.com
    Email: pascale@pascalegibon.com
    The Lost Art Of Patience – Rediscovering Balance In A Fast-Paced World
    This episode explores the importance of patience in our modern, fast-paced world. Pascale Gibon discusses how our society's emphasis on speed and instant gratification can negatively impact our mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. She offers insights and practical tips to cultivate patience and rediscover balance in our daily lives.
    Table of Contents
    The speed-driven society Personal mindfulness in everyday activities The impact of impatience on mental health and relationships The Marshmallow Test and delayed gratification Practical ways to cultivate patience Reflection and next steps  The speed-driven society
    Pascale begins by highlighting how speed has become the norm in our modern society. She provides examples such as rapid online deliveries, self-service checkouts, and digital boarding passes. While these conveniences save time, they can lead to an expectation of instant gratification in all aspects of life.
    Personal mindfulness in everyday activities
    Sharing a personal story, Pascale describes how she transformed her cycling commute from a rush to beat red lights into an opportunity for mindfulness. By embracing red lights as moments for deep breathing and gratitude, she found a way to bring peace to her daily rides.
    The impact of impatience on mental health and relationships
    The episode explores how the constant need for speed can negatively affect our mental health and relationships. Pascale discusses scientific research showing that cultivating patience through self-control can lower anxiety and depression. She also emphasizes how rushing and distractions can lead to poor listening and missed opportunities for deeper connections with loved ones.
    The Marshmallow Test and delayed gratification
    Pascale references the famous Marshmallow Test, which demonstrated that children who could delay gratification often had better life outcomes. This study underscores the importance of patience and the ability to wait for long-term rewards rather than seeking instant gratification.
    Practical ways to cultivate patience
    The episode offers several heart-centred practices for cultivating patience:
    - Taking mindful breaths when feeling impatient
    - Practising gratitude for the present moment
    - Engaging in activities that naturally slow you down
    - Focusing on truly listening during conversations
     Reflection and next steps
    Pascale encourages listeners to reflect on areas in their lives where they could be more patient and challenges them to take a small step towards cultivating patience in the coming week.
    Pascale concludes and emphasizes that balance is key to reducing stress and that cultivating patience can lead to deeper

    • 7 min
    Episode 348: The Power Of Choice - How To Make Empowering Decisions For Personal Growth

    Episode 348: The Power Of Choice - How To Make Empowering Decisions For Personal Growth

    Episode Number: 348
    Episode Title: The Power of Choice - How To Make Empowering Decisions For Personal Growth
    Welcome to Episode 348 of The Everyday Life Balance Show with Pascale Gibon! This episode is all about the incredible power of choice and how it plays a crucial role in personal growth and expansion. Pascale shares insights on cultivating a growth mindset, recognizing the choices we have in life, and how to make decisions from a place of strength rather than fear.
    Podcast Highlights:
    [01:06] Introduction to the concept of expansion and cultivating a growth mindset.
    [01:35] Discussing the power of choice as a tool for positive change.
    [03:08] Examples of how choices shape our experiences and lives.
    [03:24] Reflecting on personal choices that led to growth and enrichment.
    [03:51] Encouragement to remember past successes to make empowered decisions.
    [04:37] Conclusion and inspiring message to embrace the power of choice.
    Episode 326: Committing to Personal Growth This Year
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    Connect with Pascale Gibon:
    Website: https://www.theeverydaylifebalanceshowpodcast.com
    Email: pascale@pascalegibon.com
    The Power of Choice
    In this episode, Pascale Gibon delves into the transformative power of choice and how it can help us live more consciously and intentionally. She explores how our choices shape our experiences and emphasizes the importance of making decisions from a place of empowerment rather than fear.
    Table of Contents
    Understanding the Power of Choice Reflecting on Personal Decisions Overcoming the Fear of Making Choices Empowering Yourself Through Past Successes Conclusion Pascale wraps up the discussion by inspiring listeners to embrace their power of choice, especially when feeling stuck. She encourages us to remember our past successes and use them as a foundation for making confident, empowered decisions.
    Understanding the Power of Choice
    Pascale begins by highlighting the importance of a growth mindset and how expanding our thinking opens us up to new possibilities. She explains that while life can sometimes feel limiting, we always have the power to choose our path.
    Reflecting on Personal Decisions
    Reflecting on her own life, Pascale shares how her decision to move from Paris to London led to enriching experiences. She encourages listeners to think about their own successful choices and how these decisions have positively impacted their lives.
    Overcoming the Fear of Making Choices
    Pascale addresses the common fear of making the wrong decision and emphasizes that recalling past successes can help us make choices from a place of strength. She reassures listeners that it’s okay to be uncertain but reminds them of the power they hold in shaping their destiny.
    Empowering Yourself Through Past Successes
    By reflecting on past decisions that led to positive outcomes, Pascale believes we can build confidence and empower ourselves to make future choices. She highlights that this practice can help us move forward with a sense of purpose and direction.
    In conclusion, Pascale leaves listeners with an uplifting message: the power of choice is always within reach. She hopes this episode inspires everyone to make wise and empowering decisions, leading to a fulfilling and balanced life.
    Thank you for tuning in to Episode 348 of The Everyday Life Balance Show! Remember to rate the show and join us next Monday for more insights and inspiration. Have a fabulous week filled with empowering choices. Sending you all my love and light!
    Love this?
    Do you want to live an abundant life? If you answer Yes! Click here to claim your FREE guide:  Yes! To Love Success Habits: 7 Steps To Inner Peace, Joy And Happiness.
    Watch now the three-part video training: "7 Key Principles To Achieve

    • 6 min
    Episode 347: Self-Discipline Secrets - Discover 6 Powerful Habits To Achieve Any Goal

    Episode 347: Self-Discipline Secrets - Discover 6 Powerful Habits To Achieve Any Goal

    Episode Number: 347
    Episode Title: 6 Powerful Ways to Develop Unshakable Self-Discipline
    Do you struggle with procrastination, lack of focus, or failing to follow through on your goals? In this episode, Pascale Gibon dives deep into the crucial role of self-discipline in achieving lasting success. She shares 6 powerful strategies used by high achievers to cultivate laser-focused motivation and unstoppable habits.
    Podcast Highlights:
    [01:26] - The undeniable connection between discipline and success
    [02:22] - Pillar #1: Develop intense focus to tackle high-leverage tasks
    [03:06] - Pillar #2: Become a creature of habit through repetition
    [03:53] - Way #3: Stay unstoppable by being consistently persistent
    [04:25] - Way #4: Organize like a boss to achieve your ideal reality
    [05:01] - Way #5: Self-commandment and maintaining self-awareness
    [05:35] - Way #6: Nurture a growth mindset through daily development
    [06:32] -  Recap of all 6 pillars for reflection.
    [07:33] - End of episode
    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
    The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
    Connect with Pascale Gibon:
    Website: www.pascalegibon.com
    Email:  pascale@pascalegibon.com
    6 Powerful Ways to Develop Unshakable Self-Discipline
    Whether you want to start a business, write a book, or simply live a more productive and fulfilling life, self-discipline is the key ingredient. In this insightful episode, Pascale breaks down 6 strategies to help you unlock powerful self-discipline habits.
    Table of Contents:
    The Connection Between Discipline and Success Developing Intense Focus Becoming a Creature of Habit Through Repetition Staying Unstoppable Through Consistency Organising Your Life Like a Boss The Power of Self-Commandment Nurturing an Unstoppable Growth Mindset Conclusion The Connection Between Discipline and Success
    Discipline is paramount for experiencing real, lasting success in any area of life. When you study highly accomplished people across all fields, the common thread is their incredible level of self-discipline. These individuals refuse to let distractions, discomfort, or laziness derail them from their path.
    Developing Intense Focus
    In our chaotic world, having our attention scattered is all too easy. Pascale recommends time-boxing with distraction-free windows or doing a daily "Power Hour" on your highest-leverage task. Keep your eyes on the prize.
    Becoming a Creature of Habit Through Repetition
    From artists like Picasso to athletes like Michael Jordan, the path to mastery is paved with thousands of hours of diligent practice and repetition - Etch habits of excellence into your neurology through persistent revisiting of the fundamentals.
    Staying Unstoppable Through Consistency
    Prolific achievers don't take a start-and-stop approach - they latch on with relentless consistency until the job is done. Ditch unfinished efforts by committing to unstoppable forward momentum.
    Organising Your Life Like a Boss
    It's hard to maintain discipline when your life is disorganized chaos. Get organized by mapping out your year, keeping a diary, and anticipating your ideal schedule.
    The Power of Self-Commandment
    True discipline requires clear, unwavering self-directives that you then follow through no matter what. It's about high self-awareness to course-correct when you're drifting off track.
    Nurturing an Unstoppable Growth Mindset
    More than anything, lasting self-discipline flows from an eagerness to grow, evolve, and persevere through adversity. Nurture this through daily habits like reading, exercise, and meditation.
    Unlocking unshakable self-discipline is like building a powerful mental muscle. It requires focus, repetition, consistency, organization, clear self-accountability, and an unstoppable growth mindset. Commit to flexing these "discipline muscles" daily, and you'll be astonished by what you can achieve.

    • 8 min

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