83 épisodes

Ready to make millions without apology as the global light leader and conscious CEO that you are? If so, welcome home! As we move through this collective ascension, money and business is ascending too.

Mother Malia: The Great Mother has lots of ascended wisdom to pour into light leaders about the new way of money and business. If you’ve been feeling like money and business are stale and in need of a massive upgrade, you’re not alone.

That is why 8 Figure Mentor, Founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School, Jennifer Longmore, who is the clear channel for Mother Malia has created this podcast. As a 20+yr business veteran, she has built her own 8 figure empire with ease and grace and has dedicated her time in business to elevate entrepreneurs to their highest money timeline and thrive in true financial overflow.

Caution: this amazing podcast may create an abundance of money miracles and incredible breakthroughs. If you believe in universal laws and are a conscious co-creator, you are going to love this show!

We're all about activating as many conscious millionaires as possible so we'd love for you to join us in our mission by subscribing, leaving a review so others can find us, and sharing episodes with your circle. You might even have your name and business highlighted on the show!

Learn more about Jennifer Longmore/Mother Malia:

Website: https://www.souljourneys.ca/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferlongmore/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulPurposeExpert
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/souljourneyexpert

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia Jennifer Longmore

    • Éducation

Ready to make millions without apology as the global light leader and conscious CEO that you are? If so, welcome home! As we move through this collective ascension, money and business is ascending too.

Mother Malia: The Great Mother has lots of ascended wisdom to pour into light leaders about the new way of money and business. If you’ve been feeling like money and business are stale and in need of a massive upgrade, you’re not alone.

That is why 8 Figure Mentor, Founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School, Jennifer Longmore, who is the clear channel for Mother Malia has created this podcast. As a 20+yr business veteran, she has built her own 8 figure empire with ease and grace and has dedicated her time in business to elevate entrepreneurs to their highest money timeline and thrive in true financial overflow.

Caution: this amazing podcast may create an abundance of money miracles and incredible breakthroughs. If you believe in universal laws and are a conscious co-creator, you are going to love this show!

We're all about activating as many conscious millionaires as possible so we'd love for you to join us in our mission by subscribing, leaving a review so others can find us, and sharing episodes with your circle. You might even have your name and business highlighted on the show!

Learn more about Jennifer Longmore/Mother Malia:

Website: https://www.souljourneys.ca/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferlongmore/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulPurposeExpert
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/souljourneyexpert

    Learn The Key Shifts Required To Build A 7+ Figure New Earth Empire Aligned To Your Sacred Mission

    Learn The Key Shifts Required To Build A 7+ Figure New Earth Empire Aligned To Your Sacred Mission

    🎙This episode dives into the changing landscape of business and leadership in the New Earth paradigm. We're joined by a select group of highly successful, financially abundant CEOs who are also clear channels for intuitive guidance. Together, we'll explore how to move away from old models and embrace heart-centered approaches focused on service, contribution, and authenticity.
    Key Points:
    From Hierarchy to Heart: We discuss the shift from hierarchical structures to collaborative, purpose-driven models. This includes dismantling traditional business ideas and associated competition.
    Leading with Truth: Leaders are encouraged to operate from a place of authenticity and embodiment, attracting the right people and opportunities through energetic alignment.
    Serving a Higher Purpose: The focus moves from profit maximization to contribution and service. Businesses are seen as vehicles for positive change.
    Releasing Limitations: Entrepreneurs are encouraged to shed limiting beliefs about money, success, and suffering to create from a space of abundance.
    Flow & Connection: Following intuition, trusting the flow, and collaborating with like-minded individuals are key aspects of success in the New Earth.
    New Earth Frequencies: The episode touches on the energetic shift of the New Earth, emphasizing operating with a higher consciousness.
     Loved what you heard today? We'd absolutely appreciate it if you could drop a review on wherever you get your podcasts. Sharing your thoughts helps us all grow together and brings this chat to others who might just need to hear it too!
    #MotherMalia #TheGoldStandardPodcast #childhoodtrauma #NewBusinessParadigm #Ascension #Neutrality #BusinessFinance #traumarecovery #healingjourney #innerchildhealing #emotionalhealing #LightLeader #Entrepreneurship #FinancialGoals #traumaandbusiness 

    About Our Host - Jennifer Longmore / 8 Figure Mentor, Founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School & Clear Channel for Mother Malia
    Jennifer is an award-winning 8+ Figure CEO, 11-time best-selling author, and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.
    She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.
    When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant collection.
    Learn more: 
    Website: https://www.souljourneys.ca/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferlongmore/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulPurposeExpert
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/souljourneyexpert

    About Our Guest Co-Hosts
    💫 Holly Andra Small: Quantum Architect, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Reiki Master, Clairvoyant, Best Selling Co-author, and Business Expert

    Claim your FREE gift:  - Feng Shui series www.fengshuiawakening.com/jumpstart/

    Connect with Holly
    Website: https://fengshuiawakening.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hollyandrasmall
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holly.andra|
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hollyandra
    💫 Judy Vee: Quantum Architect, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Reiki Master, Clairvoyant, Best Selling Co-author, and Business Expert
    Claim your FREE gift: Free Access to Universe Unlocked 
    A life changing way of being which activates your channel, a

    • 1h 16 min
    How To Turn The Trauma Response of Freezing Into Gold

    How To Turn The Trauma Response of Freezing Into Gold

    🎙In this episode of The Gold Standard Podcast, Mother Malia dives into how the freeze trauma response can hinder your business growth and limit your income.
    Here are the key takeaways:
    Understanding the Freeze Response: Freezing is a common trauma response to a perceived threat. When we freeze, we become unable to take action or move forward. This can show up in business as procrastination, avoidance, or a general feeling of being stuck.
    The Impact of Freeze on Business: The freeze response can hold you back from taking essential actions to grow your business. This can include marketing, sales, or even completing projects.
    Trauma Can Be Mislabeled: Often, the freeze response is mislabeled as laziness, self-sabotage, or a lack of motivation. This can lead to feelings of shame and judgment, making it even harder to move forward.
    Healing the Freeze Response: Trauma work is essential to dissolving the freeze response. By addressing the underlying trauma, you can begin to feel safe and take action in your business again.
    Signs You Might Be Experiencing Freeze in Your Business:
    You know what you should do but can't seem to take action.
    You constantly start projects but never finish them.
    You avoid marketing or sales activities.
    You feel stuck in an income plateau.
    You experience a dry spell in client attraction.
    So if this resonates with you, if this brings you some insights, if this stirs up memories of "oh, yes, I forgot about that," or "I've been exerting a lot of energy to keep that memory at bay," I highly recommend that you find someone you can trust to shift this. Because when you do, of course, it's pretty remarkable how quickly the client attraction faucet gets turned on again, and how quickly the money faucet gets turned on. But then, of course, when you're not used to holding, let's say, playful avalanches of clients flowing to your money, we don't want a secondary trauma response to result, right? And that's why it's important to work with someone who is informed, who knows how to hold you through that successfully so that you can stay in flow, and so that you can keep going up and up and up. 
    So if you'd like to do that work together, of course, I'm here to explore that with you. You're welcome to connect with me on socials. You are welcome to email my team clientcare@souljourneys.ca.
    Loved what you heard today? We'd absolutely appreciate it if you could drop a review on wherever you get your podcasts. Sharing your thoughts helps us all grow together and brings this chat to others who might just need to hear it too!
    #MotherMalia #TheGoldStandardPodcast #childhoodtrauma #NewBusinessParadigm #Ascension #Neutrality #BusinessFinance #traumarecovery #healingjourney #innerchildhealing #emotionalhealing #LightLeader #Entrepreneurship #FinancialGoals #traumaandbusiness 
    About Our Host - Jennifer Longmore / 8 Figure Mentor, Founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School & Clear Channel for Mother Malia
    Jennifer is an award-winning 8+ Figure CEO, 11-time best-selling author, and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.
    She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.
    When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant coll

    • 16 min
    How To Turn The Trauma Response of Fawning Into Gold

    How To Turn The Trauma Response of Fawning Into Gold

    🎙This episode, part of the ongoing trauma series on The Gold Standard:Making Millions with Mother Malia, explores how the trauma response of fawning can impact your business and offers steps to overcome it.
    Key Points:
    Fawners are experts at keeping people happy, often at their own expense.
    This people-pleasing behavior can stem from childhood abuse and a need to avoid upsetting caregivers.
    In business, fawning can lead to burnout, resentment, and difficulty attracting ideal clients.
    Fawners may struggle to set boundaries or charge premium rates.
    How Fawn Trauma Shows Up in Your Business:
    You may build a successful business but feel trapped serving clients you don't enjoy.
    You may offer discounts or keep clients on out of fear of losing them.
    You may hesitate to delegate tasks or fire unproductive team members.
    You may constantly feel the need to appease clients and avoid conflict.
    Healing Fawn Trauma in the Context of Business Growth:
    Acknowledge the trauma and its impact on your business (this is a core theme of the trauma series).
    Release the shame and guilt associated with fawning.
    Develop healthy boundaries and learn to say no.
    If you're ready to dissolve this trauma, or any past trauma, betrayal, resentment that is capping your income and client attraction, please feel free to reach out to me on social media or at clientcare@souljourneys.ca. We can start the conversation about what I have available to support you in shifting this right now, so you can finally be free, and things can finally flow the way they were always meant to.
    Loved what you heard today? We'd absolutely appreciate it if you could drop a review on wherever you get your podcasts. Sharing your thoughts helps us all grow together and brings this chat to others who might just need to hear it too!
    #MotherMalia #TheGoldStandardPodcast #childhoodtrauma #NewBusinessParadigm #Ascension #Neutrality #BusinessFinance #traumarecovery #healingjourney #innerchildhealing #emotionalhealing #LightLeader #Entrepreneurship #FinancialGoals #traumaandbusiness #fawningresponse #peoplepleaser

    About Our Host - Jennifer Longmore / 8 Figure Mentor, Founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School & Clear Channel for Mother Malia
    Jennifer is an award-winning 8+ Figure CEO, 11-time best-selling author, and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.
    She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.
    When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant collection.
    Learn more: 
    Website: https://www.souljourneys.ca/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferlongmore/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulPurposeExpert
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/souljourneyexpert

    • 13 min
    How To Turn The Trauma Response of Flight Into Gold

    How To Turn The Trauma Response of Flight Into Gold

    🎙This episode of The Gold Standard Podcast dives into the concept of  flight trauma and how it can  impede your business growth.
    Mother Malia explains that past traumas, like difficult childhood experiences, can lead to a  "flight response" where you subconsciously  disassociate from your body. This disassociation can manifest in several ways that hold you back in business, including:
    Analysis Paralysis: Overthinking and getting stuck in the planning stages to avoid taking action.
    Inconsistent Presence: Being physically present but mentally elsewhere, hindering your ability to connect with potential clients and receive abundance.
    Avoiding Income-generating Activities: Procrastinating on important tasks or looking away from money due to a subconscious fear of receiving it.
    Unreliable Relationships: "Ghosting" on clients, mentors, or colleagues due to a fear of intimacy or commitment.
    This  flight response can also lead to a cycle of  blame, shame, and judgment, further hindering your progress.
    The good news is that  healing this trauma can unlock significant growth. By becoming more  present and  grounded, you'll be better equipped to:
    Take action on your business goals
    Embrace receiving abundance
    Build strong client relationships
    If you're wishing to be supported by me in releasing any past trauma, betrayals, resentments, or anything that's making it difficult for you to take the leap of faith to your next level, then that's what I'm here for. We'll provide a safe, judgment-free, and distortion-free environment where you can thrive, and everything can start flowing again exactly as it was always meant to.
    You can find me on social media or by contacting my team at clientcare@souljourneys.ca. They'll be happy to get the process started with you.
    Loved what you heard today? We'd absolutely appreciate it if you could drop a review on wherever you get your podcasts. Sharing your thoughts helps us all grow together and brings this chat to others who might just need to hear it too!
    About Our Host - Jennifer Longmore / 8 Figure Mentor, Founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School & Clear Channel for Mother Malia
    Jennifer is an award-winning 8+ Figure CEO, 11-time best-selling author, and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.
    She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.
    When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant collection.
    Learn more: 
    Website: https://www.souljourneys.ca/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferlongmore/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulPurposeExpert
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/souljourneyexpert 

    • 13 min
    How To Turn The Trauma Response of Fight Into Gold

    How To Turn The Trauma Response of Fight Into Gold

    🎙In this episode of The Gold Standard Podcast, Mother Malia dives deep into the ongoing trauma series, focusing on how to transform the fight response into financial abundance.
    Fight, a Necessary Response, But Potentially Limiting
    The fight response, a natural trauma response, can fuel your drive and determination. It can be the very reason you push hard and achieve great things in your business.  However, this same fight response can also become a barrier to even greater success.
    Mother Malia explores how this fight response can manifest in your business:
    Constant Battling: Feeling like you're always in a battle with money, your mindset, or even your body.
    Exhaustion After Leaps: Experiencing exhaustion after achieving income increases, subconsciously associating financial growth with struggle.
    Friction with Clients and Colleagues: Attracting clients or colleagues who drain your energy or create conflict.
    The Root of the Fight Response
    Mother Malia explains how these struggles can be rooted in past experiences.  She highlights how unresolved childhood experiences, like arguments with parents or bullying, can unconsciously get linked to money and business interactions.  This creates a defensive posture that pushes people away, ultimately limiting your income potential.
    Breaking Free from the Fight Cycle
    The key to overcoming this fight response lies in addressing the underlying trauma.  Mother Malia emphasizes that additional marketing or branding won't solve the problem.  Instead, she suggests focusing on healing the past trauma to dismantle the energetic walls you've built around yourself.
    By healing this trauma, you'll be able to:
    Attract Ideal Clients: Remove energetic barriers that prevent ideal clients from finding you.
    Charge Premium Prices: Feel confident in your value and attract clients who are happy to pay what you're worth.
    Experience Flow and Ease: Remove the struggle from client interactions and create a more peaceful and enjoyable business experience.
    If you were ready to be in a course, a judgment-free space to instantly evaporate the trauma and condition your energy field to have money and clients feel peaceful and enjoyable, and have everything flowing again the way it was always meant to, then I invite you to reach out to me on the socials to explore some of the options I have for you to support you in dissolving this right away, so that everything gets to be easy, or to email my team at clientcare@souljourneys.ca, and they will be able to start the process for you.
    Loved what you heard today? We'd absolutely appreciate it if you could drop a review on wherever you get your podcasts. Sharing your thoughts helps us all grow together and brings this chat to others who might just need to hear it too!
    #MotherMalia #TheGoldStandardPodcast #childhoodtrauma #NewBusinessParadigm #Ascension #Neutrality #BusinessFinance #traumarecovery #childhoodtrauma #healingjourney #innerchildhealing #emotionalhealing #LightLeader #Entrepreneurship #FinancialGoals #traumaandbusiness
    About Our Host - Jennifer Longmore / 8 Figure Mentor, Founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School & Clear Channel for Mother Malia
    Jennifer is an award-winning 8+ Figure CEO, 11-time best-selling author, and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.
    She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sac

    • 10 min
    How To Turn Being Raised By A Physically Or Emotionally Distant Parent Into Gold

    How To Turn Being Raised By A Physically Or Emotionally Distant Parent Into Gold

    🎙 This episode explores the surprising connection between childhood trauma and your ability to make millions. Mother Malia explores how being raised by a physically or emotionally distant parent can show up in your business as:
    Feeling like a burden to clients
    Difficulty attracting ideal clients
    Hesitation to make sales or promote yourself
    A constant feeling of "being behind"
    Struggling to reach the next income level
    You'll learn:
    How your childhood experiences can unconsciously impact your business decisions
    The hidden ways you might be pushing away money and success
    Practical tools to heal from past trauma and step into your full power
    If you would like support in truly making twice as much money, if not more, on demand, and making it much easier, with us creating enjoyable cash injections that do not elicit any further trauma response or release any conscious or unconscious trauma that might be limiting your income or client attraction, please feel free to reach out and find out what options I have available for you. You can either message me on the social media channels you may be connected with or email clientcare@souljourneys.ca, and someone from my team will gladly reach out and start the process of sharing information with you.
    Loved what you heard today? We'd absolutely appreciate it if you could drop a review on wherever you get your podcasts. Sharing your thoughts helps us all grow together and brings this chat to others who might just need to hear it too!
    About Our Host - Jennifer Longmore / 8 Figure Mentor, Founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School & Clear Channel for Mother Malia
    Jennifer is an award-winning 8+ Figure CEO, 11-time best-selling author, and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.
    She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.
    When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant collection.
    Learn more: 
    Website: https://www.souljourneys.ca/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferlongmore/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulPurposeExpert
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/souljourneyexpert

    • 15 min

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