Debunking the myth that NATO and the US provoked Russia into invading Ukraine

Hi everyone! Thank you for being here.
Each week, I cover hot spots and critical threats that might affect our country, as well as keep you informed about our military. I end each show by sharing some scripture from the Bible (without being too pushy), and then talk about PTSD and depression (since life is hard and the veteran suicide rate is FAR too high).
My hope is you end each show better informed, less worried, and more optimistic (about both our country and your life).
Also, huge shout out to those of you whose paid subscriptions make it possible for me to devote time and resources to researching and compiling the news each week.
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Timestamp: 03:34. Russia is doomed. (Something to think about.)
Timestamp: 11:12. Did America and NATO provoke Russia into invading Ukraine? They did not. Here’s the inaccurate telling of that view that’s spreading on social media.
Timestamp: 18:39. And here’s the de-bunking of that viral (and false) video.
Timestamp: 36:48. What the election of Trump means for Ukraine?
Timestamp: 51:56. Let’s talk about God for a moment.
Selected source notes for podcast and transcript above.
No, the US didn’t “provoke” the war in Ukraine
I based what I shared regarding God this week on a sermon that was shared by Pastor Roc Collins. You can learn more about him and his book here:
As a reminder, I did launch a new podcast that focuses solely on faith. You can find it below.
As a final scripture reminder, do not grow weary in doing good. Even if you’re just helping one hungry kid or donating one school backpack, that might not solve world hunger or fix everything in our country (or your neighborhood), but you are doing good.
So, don’t feel overwhelmed by the size of the world’s problems.
Finally, be a part of some community, if nothing else.
Before we end, I always like to end each week’s edition with this one:
Before we end, I always like to end each week’s edition with this one:
And with that, thanks for joining us this week on The View from the Front.
If you can, consider at some point becoming a paid subscriber.
Here are those links again if you’d like to support the show:
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- Show
- FrequencyUpdated weekly
- Published14 November 2024 at 09:30 UTC
- Length1h 36m
- RatingClean