6 episodes

Having your own source of traffic when selling on Amazon isn't just strategically smart, but is now also, thanks to this ecommerce Podcast, tactically accessible. Paid Advertising, PPC, Facebook Ads, both on and off Amazon are increasing in cost at an unprecedented rate with no sign of slowing. Implementing your own strategies for low cost traffic and conversions through innovative digital marketing strategies such as SEO, provides a significant competitive advantage, through drastically more profitable and continuously flowing sales. Brought to you by Future State Media.

External Traffic For Amazon Sellers Ashley Pearce, Future State Media

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 11 Ratings

Having your own source of traffic when selling on Amazon isn't just strategically smart, but is now also, thanks to this ecommerce Podcast, tactically accessible. Paid Advertising, PPC, Facebook Ads, both on and off Amazon are increasing in cost at an unprecedented rate with no sign of slowing. Implementing your own strategies for low cost traffic and conversions through innovative digital marketing strategies such as SEO, provides a significant competitive advantage, through drastically more profitable and continuously flowing sales. Brought to you by Future State Media.

    Organic Search Traffic For Amazon, What Is It, How Does It Work & How Much Does It Cost?

    Organic Search Traffic For Amazon, What Is It, How Does It Work & How Much Does It Cost?

    In today's episode I give you the strategic overview of using Organic Search Traffic (Google Traffic) to drive sales of your own product. We get into the cost of organic traffic, as well as define the approach you need to take with keywords and content publishing to ensure your site is bubbling with SEO from the moment you publish a post. I also bust a couple of myths about the standard "ecommerce" approach to ranking "product pages" for keywords and realign our focus on producing content for the purchase journey and for the wider market. It's our longest episode yet at just over 25 minutes!

    So step away from the Amazon FBA Business for a second and get some strategic thinking on the go.

    • 26 min
    The Real Cost Of Paid Ads For Amazon Sellers

    The Real Cost Of Paid Ads For Amazon Sellers

    Today I'll be talking about the cost of paid advertising for eCommerce businesses and how they might translate for Amazon only eCommerce businesses.

    Quite often when trying to establish a strategy the most difficult thing can be estimating performance especially in terms of cost

    So it’s really useful when somebody like Andrew Youderian from e-commerce fuel publishes his yearly report of data collected from hundreds of of high performance e-commerce entrepreneurs and businesses - The State Of The Merchant Report 2019

    Return On Ad Spend RoAS Statistics From The Report

    Looking at Return on Ad Spend - which is Ad spend divided by revenue (not profit).So if you paid $50 in advertising and generated $100 in revenue, that would be a 2 x return on ad spend as you generated 2 times as much revenue as you spent on Ads. (this doesn’t account for profit in any way)

    So Facebook was surveyed at an average of 3.4 x RoASAnd a median of 3.0x RoAS - so there were some outliers in that data that skewed the average towards a higher RoAS - the median is a better demonstration of performance of the data set

    Google came in at an average of 5.1 X RoAS - now we’re talkingBut again, there must have been some serious high performing outliers in the surveyed companies as the median was at 4.0 x RoAS still better than Facebook

    Then finally on to Amazon Ads at 4.6X RoAS averageAnd a 4.0 x median RoAS - once again, showing the presence of some high performing outliers skewing the average upwards.

    Facebook and Google Ads Return On Ad Spend

    So let’s talk about the Facebook Ads and Google Ads numbers for a secondThese return on ad spend numbers are based primarily on e-commerce businesses with the three pillars of profitability being used - they have their own stores that their driving cold traffic to, retargeting warm traffic and then up-selling hot traffic in the loyalty pillar

    So those numbers take into account high profitability campaigns and retargeting campaigns and low profitability if not loss making awareness and acquisition campaigns

    If you've already listened to the Ezra Firestone three pillars of profitability for Amazon sellers episode you'll know that as an Amazon Seller you don't have access to the higher profitability pillars in the same way as e-commerce store owners and as a result can't achieve the same levels of return on ad spend.

    Where do Google and Facebook Ads actually appear?

    If you’ve not done a tremendous amount of work with Facebook Advertising or Google Advertising, I might be doing you a disservice here in not going into more detail about the types of Ads I’m talking about.When I say Facebook, I of course also mean Instagram - as Instagram Advertising is controlled under the Facebook platform.But more than that, this will include Facebook messenger ads, in Facebook and Instagram stories, in mid-stream of videos, Facebook search, Ads on the Facebook Audience network - that’s right, you’ll get little display Ads when you’re on certain apps and websites that monetise their traffic with Facebook display ads - you’re seeing Facebook Ads when you’re not even on Facebook.

    It’s less surprising to know it’s the same for Google.

    • 13 min
    3 Myths About Google Traffic For Amazon Sellers

    3 Myths About Google Traffic For Amazon Sellers

    In this podcast I'll be talking about 3 of the biggest myths about the Google Search Engine specifically in Amazon Sellers

    So let’s see if you’ve been sucked in by any of these…

    1. Google Traffic isn’t purchase intent traffic and therefore isn’t worth it

    Tell that to the website owners making millions of dollars per year just directing traffic to Amazon - earning from their affiliate programmes.

    Every single day there a millions of clicks on Amazon affiliate links driving traffic to Amazon Listings. So if you're wondering how to drive traffic to your amazon product, this is worth a really good look.

    2. Google Traffic takes far too long to get

    Meaning you’re better off focusing on the short term

    To launch a product on Amazon without a seller account takes ages too!

    3. Google’s just an algorithm like Amazon A9 and is susceptible to the same level of gaming

    Google had some of the most revolutionary changes in it’s algorithm in Penguin (April 2012) and Panda (Feb 2011)

    Then there was Google Medic Summer 2018 (less revolution, more evolution)

    More data for Google to play with that doesn’t automatically generate a self fulfilling prophecy

    If Amazon changes the rank of an item, that will change the very metrics by which it’s achieved that rank - hence it’s a flywheel mechanism. So Amazon is very sales velocity focused - yes they might take a look at things over a longer and shorter term, compare windows of time etc.

    People talking about honeymoon period, but it’s not a more diverse array of data - it’s just more of the same.

    Google is also that bit more mature as an algorithm - yes the businesses have followed a similar timeline, but Google’s algorithm focus has meant it’s that bit more mature.

    The guys at Amazonseoconsultant.com agree with me, having experts on both the Google and Amazon A9 Algo, they référence how the A9 Algorithm is;

    "like Google's younger (stupider) brother"

    So why do these myths about Google even exist?

    Particularly within the Amazon Seller space!

    Scared of the unknown - of having to now “hack google” in the same way you “hack Amazon”Time strapped and trying to justify NOT doing something

    I personally know that External Traffic, including Google will be a huge differentiator for us going forward - differentiating ourselves from the Amazon only sellers and from the eCommerce Store owners who are addicted, but also scared to death of their Paid Advertising traffic that comes at a more and more unsustainable cost.

    And you know the tide is changing, when the industries very own Ryan Daniel Moran says

    “The ones who win are the ones who are doing Search Engine Optimization and sending the traffic to Amazon and closing the deal on Amazon.”

    This was in an interview with Nathan over at the Outsourcing and scaling podcast from a href="https://freeeup.

    • 18 min
    Traffic Vs Audiences For Amazon Sellers

    Traffic Vs Audiences For Amazon Sellers

    In this episode of the External Traffic For Amazon Sellers Podcast I’m going to define and compare traffic and audiences and why understanding the difference is vital for Amazon Sellers above all other eCommerce entrepreneurs.

    In these early episodes of this Amazon Seller Podcast I’m trying to bring you the core concepts that sit behind the strategies that we’ve observed, modified and implemented for my eCommerce brand, and this episode is no exception.

    My aim is to get you thinking beyond the surface and a little more deeply about the advice you follow and maybe the actions you take.

    What is the difference between traffic and an audience?

    Traffic is largely made up of:

    * Existing customers

    * Retargeted website visitors

    * Fresh leads

    An audience is made up of:

    * People who you get to communicate with again and again, with their permission, based on them having opted in or having already purchased from you.

    Why is the difference important?

    The existing, generic advice out there - almost now accepted as a mantra - “Build an audience” doesn’t take into account YOUR business.

    What does YOUR business need?

    This generic advice is borne out of the idea that an audience is higher converting - they’ve already bought in a lot of cases, so hey… that's probably true.

    And fresh traffic, new leads are way back at the top of the funnel - so they’re “expensive” to get from top of the funnel, right the way to the bottom where your “audience” already is.

    In eCommerce however, this view needs to be interrogated.

    An audience might be high converting, but if they’ve already converted and your product isn’t a consumable product, what’s the next sale going to be?

    There are largely 4 different types of products, in relation to different sales frequencies:

    * High frequency consumables - Protein shake powder maybe

    * Low frequency / seasonal consumables - diaries

    * Products forming a complimentary range or collection

    * Non-consumable

    When are Audiences Awesome?

    Audiences are great for frequent repeat purchases.

    They're not bad for low frequency purchases.

    They can be ok for products forming a complimentary range, but there's going to be some resistance moving an audience from one product to another, to another (and you need to be able to launch the products to keep up with having something new to offer!)

    Audiences are poor for non-consumable products, your only hope is to try and get referrals from Audience members who you might not have had the chance to build a lasting relationship with in a single transaction.

    When is Traffic Amazing?

    Traffic on the other hand.

    Consisting of "Fresh Leads" is great for 3 and 4, products forming a complimentary range and non-consumable products.

    They might be lower converting than an audience for a high frequency consumable,

    • 14 min
    Ezra Firestone's 3 Pillars Of Profitability For Amazon Sellers

    Ezra Firestone's 3 Pillars Of Profitability For Amazon Sellers

    In this episode of the External Traffic For Amazon Sellers Podcast I'm going to share a fundamental concept with you and a framework for thinking about traffic, it's cost and profitability for your Amazon Listings.

    The structure of the 3 pillars was originally conceived on the basis of Paid Advertising Traffic.

    However today I'm going to add another layer to the thinking, especially for Amazon Sellers, answering tough questions like;

    * Can Amazon Sellers profitably use the 3 Pillars of Profitability structure for their traffic?

    * What impact could a lack of customer data, as is the case when selling on Amazon have on the 3 Pillars Concept?

    * How can Amazon sellers find a competitive advantage with the 3 Pillars Structure but by thinking outside of the paid advertising box?

    Tune in, subscribe and enjoy as we start building up the fundamental knowledge that's required to master external traffic for Amazon.

    What Are The 3 Pillars Of Profitability?

    Ezra Firestone articulates how you should structure paid Advertising in your business and your mind to achieve true profitability and scalability. It’s what Ezra refers to as the 3 Pillars of Profitability.

    The 3 pillars are:

    * Awareness & Acquisition

    * Retargeting

    * Loyalty

    Awareness & Acquisition

    The awareness pillar is classic "interruption marketing".

    Ads are put in front of an audience that's defined by a set of criteria unrelated to their interaction with your brand. i.e. like using demographics in Facebook Ads to target your advertising.


    Retargeting, as the name suggests is about re-introducing your brand to an audience who have already interacted with your brands' advertising within the Awareness and Acquisition pillar.

    This is essentially setting up ads to display based on BEHAVIOURS and not demographics data.


    This is another form of retargeting, but this time involves many forms of marketing to existing customers. Utilising the data you have accumulated on each customer, you can design hyper-targeted campaigns with an audience of 1 (in theory).

    Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

    * Ezra Firestone's 3 Pillars of Profitability

    * Spencer Haws "Niche Site Project 4" on the Niche Pursuits website

    Other Resources

    The 3 Pillars of profitability rely heavily on great technology to track customer behaviour whilst abiding by privacy laws and ethical standards. Of course, I'm talking about adding Facebook Pixels to your website, adding the Pinterest pixel...

    • 17 min
    Introduction To External Traffic For Amazon Sellers Podcast For eCommerce Entrepreneurs

    Introduction To External Traffic For Amazon Sellers Podcast For eCommerce Entrepreneurs

    Welcome to the External Traffic For Amazon Sellers Podcast

    In this short episode I lay out exactly what you can expect to hear from me on a weekly basis, with a relentless focus on Traffic for Amazon Sellers, including:

    * Search Engine Optimisation (Obviously Google SEO!)

    * Pinterest Traffic Strategies

    * Paid Advertising and Paid Traffic Strategies and their costs

    * Low Cost Traffic Tactics and Strategies

    * Hyper Targeted and high performance retargeting and remarketing tactics

    * The best marketing concepts and constructs from the industry, from the best in the eCommerce space

    If generating profitable traffic for your Amazon listings from a variety of low cost sources sounds like something of interest, tune in, subscribe and take notes because we've got quite a bit to cover!

    Why the External Traffic For Amazon Sellers Podcast?

    It's simple really.

    Intellectual capital.

    As a successful 7 figure Amazon seller I can always spend financial capital quicker than I can accumulate it, or put another way I have more aspirations and ideas for my brand than financial capital.

    So we're deploying our accumulated intellectual capital to help Amazon Sellers discover the significant advantage they can have over the competition by mastering external traffic for their Amazon listings.

    And yes of course, if you find the information of value but overwhelming, me and my team at Future State Media are here to help you implement these strategies through our services, coaching and our training (coming soon!).

    The fight for external traffic is on and choosing the right channels to master, with the highest ROI is critical for long term profitable success on Amazon.

    Let me help you avoid the stranglehold that a single source of (increasingly expensive, Amazon based) traffic has on your eCommerce business.

    Let me help you leave the competition wondering how you've steadily, and irreparably made them irrelevant and replaced them as the dominant global force in your niche.

    Want to listen to the next episode?

    Click here to hear about Ezra Firestone's 3 Pillars of Profitability for Amazon FBA Sellers

    Episode Transcript

    Ashley Pearce  0:01

    Hello, and welcome to the external traffic for Amazon sellers podcast. My name is Ashley Pearce and I'm going to be your host. I'm a seven figure amazon seller and a digital marketing innovator. The concept of external traffic for Amazon sellers doesn't appear to be a new one. podcasts and blogs and Facebook groups are peers who've been talking about this for a long time. The key word being appear profitable traffic for Amazon sellers is probably a better description of what it is I'm trying to articulate here. Traffic is expensive, and it's getting more expensive by the day. influences in in in the industry appear to tell you, you either need to be on Shopify or on Amazon. Oh, and by the way, it's probably not worth being on Shopify, or having your own store because Amazon is such a lucrative channel that could talk your own store.

    • 6 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
11 Ratings

11 Ratings

max-martin ,

Insightful must listen for Amazon sellers.

Looking back at this after 24 months and it still is hard to fault - Straight to the point and professionally presented, this podcast is packed with valuable knowledge from an expert in the Amazon outside traffic space. There is a lot of information here - both conceptual and actionable.

swkc96 ,

Great to listen & learn more

This podcast was a great in-site to understand the how easy it was to understand & learn more an easy to follow.
Top job Ash!!

SamWebbQA ,

Great E-commerce podcast for Amazon FBA

Wish I’d found this Amazon Seller podcast 12 months ago! Can’t wait for the coming episodes - it’s opened my eyes to a tonne of stuff already - keep it up Ashley!

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