58 min

Fearology Pt. 2 (FEAR) with Mary Poffenroth -- Encore Presentation Ologies with Alie Ward

    • Science

FEAR. Anxiety. Stress. Dread. It's all the same dang thing, as it turns out. Biologist and fear expert Mary Poffenroth is back to answer your questions in Part 2 of the encore presentation that's been one of the most helpful interviews of ol' Alie Ward's life. Learn how super successful people approach fear, Mary’s scariest hour, plus answers to all of your questions about night terrors, self-spookery, sharks' bad PR image to how likely it is that a snake will bite your butt. Plus: the best thing about following your passions in life. If this episode helped you at all, consider telling friends about it so we can all get over being chicken sh*ts and, as Mary would say "die with great stories."

For more info on Mary Poffenroth, see: MaryPoffenroth.com, her Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

More links up at alieward.com/ologies/fearology

Transcripts & bleeped episodes at: alieward.com/ologies-extras

Become a patron of Ologies for as little as a buck a month: www.Patreon.com/ologies

OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, pins, totes and STIIIICKERS!

Follow twitter.com/ologies or instagram.com/ologies

Follow twitter.com/AlieWard or instagram.com/AlieWard

Sound editing by Steven Ray Morris

Theme song by Nick Thorburn

Support the show: http://Patreon.com/ologies

FEAR. Anxiety. Stress. Dread. It's all the same dang thing, as it turns out. Biologist and fear expert Mary Poffenroth is back to answer your questions in Part 2 of the encore presentation that's been one of the most helpful interviews of ol' Alie Ward's life. Learn how super successful people approach fear, Mary’s scariest hour, plus answers to all of your questions about night terrors, self-spookery, sharks' bad PR image to how likely it is that a snake will bite your butt. Plus: the best thing about following your passions in life. If this episode helped you at all, consider telling friends about it so we can all get over being chicken sh*ts and, as Mary would say "die with great stories."

For more info on Mary Poffenroth, see: MaryPoffenroth.com, her Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

More links up at alieward.com/ologies/fearology

Transcripts & bleeped episodes at: alieward.com/ologies-extras

Become a patron of Ologies for as little as a buck a month: www.Patreon.com/ologies

OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, pins, totes and STIIIICKERS!

Follow twitter.com/ologies or instagram.com/ologies

Follow twitter.com/AlieWard or instagram.com/AlieWard

Sound editing by Steven Ray Morris

Theme song by Nick Thorburn

Support the show: http://Patreon.com/ologies

58 min

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