Medical Medium Podcast

Anthony William
Medical Medium Podcast

#1 NY Times Best Selling Author - Medical Medium Podcast - Originator of Global Celery Juice Movement - Helping People Heal and Overcome Illness How many people do you know who struggle with their health? Chances are, whether they show it or not, most of the people in your life do. And chances are, you’re one of them — whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, endometriosis, pcos, acne, eczema, psoriasis, autoimmune, thyroid conditions, lyme disease, brain fog, or fatigue. You’re far from alone. Living with symptoms has become the new normal. Much of the time, people coexist with their ailments, accepting them and never questioning why science and research hasn’t offered answers, as suffering has become the status quo. Sometimes though — an increasing amount of the time now — people’s symptoms start to impede their quality of life. They start to lose joys and privileges. They join the hidden army of those stuck at home or even in the hospital with mystery health issues. As they consult doctor after doctor and expert after expert and have trouble functioning on a day to day basis, their spark starts to go. They lose hope. No one is safe from becoming ill. With what were up against in today’s world and what that’s doing to our bodies, nobody is guaranteed that one day down the road, they won’t develop their first set of symptoms when they least expect it. This knowledge is not about living in fear. It’s about not living in denial. Join Anthony William, the Medical Medium, for this eye opening podcast, where he shares unique, original, advanced medical information decades ahead of science and research, that millions all around the world are already using to heal, and overcome chronic illness. If you want to keep the wool over your eyes, this podcast isn’t for you. Anthony William, the Medical Medium, the originator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Medical Medium Book Series, including his newest book Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal, was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with advanced medical information that’s ahead of research and science. Anthony has over 30 years of experience working with countless individuals, and helping doctors solve mysterious health cases.

  1. 068 Chumming: Feeding Your Disease

    17 OCT

    068 Chumming: Feeding Your Disease

    Some of us eat once a day, some of us eat ten times a day and some of us sit in between. Depending on the size of the meal, what the meal is made up of and depending on how healthy the meal might seem to be, the person eating could be chumming. Chumming is a method to draw out a shark from deep within the ocean, but people who are eating foods of different sorts may be chumming for something far different than an ocean shark. They might be chumming for a blood and organ pathogen. Bugs make up a large swath of sickness in this world, bugs such as EBV and Shingles. These bugs have an appetite for certain foods and these bugs can be dormant for quite some time, or out and about already wreaking havoc, and then comes the food—food that pathogens really enjoy. As we go through life, we end up chumming our bugs if we are not wise to what they eat. We strengthen our bugs and make them grow as we chum. In this episode, learn how to protect yourself and what steps to take to not chum your bugs into proliferation, allowing sickness to worsen. Learn how to thwart sickness and live healthier. Listen to this advertisement-free podcast on Apple & Spotify. In this episode… • Learn about chumming and how you might be doing it without even realizing. • Discover what Public Medical Research & Science does and doesn’t know about viruses and pathogens, and what secrets Classified Medical Research & Science is keeping. • Uncover what the public has been kept in the dark about for over 100 years. • Learn about the bug assembly line and how eggs played a huge role in its development. • Discover the most common ways in which people contract new bugs and viruses. • Uncover the reason why some people go from never craving eggs or other foods, to suddenly craving these foods out of nowhere. • Learn about one of the first organic and wild food grocery stores in the U.S. All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it. For more information visit

    38 min
  2. 067 Problematic & Damaging Supplements: Colostrum, Chlorella, Charcoal & More

    9 OCT

    067 Problematic & Damaging Supplements: Colostrum, Chlorella, Charcoal & More

    Trends don’t always mean that the trend has the person’s best interest in mind. Most often it means the opposite—someone hears that a supplement or a product in the health space can help them, so they use it for a while, and don’t realize it’s causing problems that may not always show up in the moment, but instead show up down the road. Almost everyone is looking for a quick fix these days and many find that over time, after exhausting themselves searching for a quick fix for years, that it’s going to take more than trendy bio hacks to heal a deep-seeded condition that requires real answers. There’s nothing more annoying about having setbacks or slowdowns when something that someone has been told works so good, could and usually does, end up working so bad. It’s truly a game of the Wild West out there when it comes to trying to heal. There are supplements that people invest their time, money, and energy in that backfire greatly at the cost of the person’s future health. In this first episode of many more to come about problematic and damaging supplements, you may have an awakening that can truly have your back. In this episode… • Learn about problematic supplements such as alkaline ionizer water machines, apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay and other clays, caffeine, charcoal, chlorella, chlorine dioxide, colostrum and cod liver oil. • Uncover what causes people’s healing process to move downwards when it had previously been trending upwards. • Learn about the specific supplements that some might think are helpful but are actually damaging to the body. • Discover the reason alkaline ionizer water machines can increase the amount of toxic heavy metals in the body. • Learn what effect apple cider vinegar can have on a person’s gastric glands and calcium. • Discover what supplement can be found in different pills and powders that is hard on the intestinal tract lining. • Uncover the many different impacts that caffeine can have on the body. • Learn about how this supplement can prevent nutrients from getting to someone’s organs. • Discover the different effects that chlorella, chlorine dioxide and colostrum can have on the body. • Learn what has changed about cod liver oil from 800 years ago to now. All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it. For more information visit

    34 min
  3. 066 Nature: Using Nature To Rewire Suffering

    3 OCT

    066 Nature: Using Nature To Rewire Suffering

    Using nature for our healing is one of the most powerful tools we easily have access to. If what comes to the mind is hiking down glorious trails and snorkeling in pristine beaches and coral reefs, but you feel this is not an option for you at this time, then not to worry—nature heals in the most simplest and basic forms. Taking your pet out for a walk, catching your eye on a hawk or a bird flying by, watching a bee on a flower, watching the leaves fall and grabbing one and crumbling it into your hands. If you walk up to a tree and place your hand right on the bark, imagine the water veins that are vital and alive just right behind that bark and sense the energy entering your hands from the living water that is traveling to the top of the tree to sustain its life. Our body connects to that vitality. In this episode… · Discover how nature can come in all shapes and sizes. · What is nature really doing for us? · What happens if you harness nature properly? · Uncover the ways in which our experience on Planet Earth can be toxic, to the point where the system is designed for us to fail, and what you can do to cope with it. · Learn about Nature’s energy and frequency and how it can impact us, if we know how to yield it. · Discover how nature might be a dog-eat-dog world, but life for people nowadays is a dog-slaughter-dog world. · Learn how to poison the poisonous weeds out of the garden of your mind and soul through visualization. · What happens in your soul when you see a worm in nature? · What happens to the information sitting inside the neurons of your brain when you see a bug or a bird? · Uncover how to heal your soul. All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it. For more information visit

    37 min
  4. 065 Gut Health: Ammonia Destroying Your Body, Gut And Teeth

    25 SEPT

    065 Gut Health: Ammonia Destroying Your Body, Gut And Teeth

    Gut Rot can become a serious health issue that leads to future health conditions such as rotting teeth and other oral problems. This is when food isn’t properly digesting and breaking down. Gut Rot doesn’t just lead to some deficiencies—it can lead to more hidden and deeper health conditions. There has always been confusion about Leaky Gut in the Alternative Medicine space. Many years ago, people who were sick with multiple symptoms had nowhere else to turn for answers and were eventually told that they had Leaky Gut syndrome. Even chronically ill people today are being told this very theory, but the Leaky Gut theory has holes in it and it’s important when mistakes are made in the health world for them to be cleared up, so people aren’t still being tricked into playing games with their health and well-being. It's not by any fault of the doctors using theories that were mistakenly placed upon them, but for the sake of moving people forward in getting their lives back. Over time, our gastric glands weaken and our stomachs contain lower levels of hydrochloric acid. This becomes a problem because the food we eat everyday doesn’t get properly broken down and assimilated, leading to putrefying food debris, especially proteins and fats. These undigested proteins and fats start to turn rancid and emit gases. As these gases are produced and released into the bloodstream and organs, our bodies get saturated with ammonia. Ammonia is one of the leading toxic gases produced inside the body. Ammonia permeability is unstoppable when traveling through the body. Ammonia doesn’t get held back by bones and organs, instead, ammonia travels straight through bones as if it was a ghost. The ghost-like gas can reach the mouth during the night and settle around the gums and teeth and choke out critical oxygen that keeps bacteria at a minimum. This choking out of oxygen opens a floodgate to bacterial production, leading to teeth, jaw bone and gum problems. In this episode, learn more about what to do to protect yourself from ammonia permeability... In this episode… • Uncover what the ghost inside of your body is, and we’re not talking about the soul. • Discover how Leaky Gut was one of those panaceas that solved everything, but yet solved nothing because nobody got better. • Learn about the damaging effects of Gut Rot and how so many people unknowingly suffer from it. • Learn how Alternative Medicine ran with the terms “Leaky Gut” and “Candida.” • Discover what symptoms a digestive tract filled with unproductive bacteria can cause, and how that is different than Leaky Gut. • What happens when somebody eats beans, nuts, poultry, chocolate, meat or fish and it doesn’t digest properly? • Learn how ammonia gas can permeate through every cell, tissue and organ, and what happens when it enters the mouth. • What can worsen ammonia permeability? • Learn how to start reversing Gut Rot and ammonia permeability. All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it. For more information visit

    35 min
  5. 064 The Plotter Series S2 E4: Plotters Bully A Mother And Her Children

    1 AUG

    064 The Plotter Series S2 E4: Plotters Bully A Mother And Her Children

    A mother who healed from Lyme disease and has been utilizing Medical Medium information for years is interviewed to discuss her experiences as someone who was close friends with Stephanie Tisone and has had many interactions with the plotters. Kimberly Spair was physically present to witness what really happened with Stephanie while Ashleigh Foster, the number one plotter who has tried to assert herself as an authority on the matter in order to corruptly secure a documentary deal, was not present for any single part of Stephanie’s illness. Kimberly opens up about how she has been traumatized by the many painful and ruthless attacks that have been directed at her by plotters over the years, and about how she still has PTSD because of it. Some of the early plotter attacks severely impacted Kimberly’s physical health, and the attacks have only increased since Kimberly refused to cooperate with Ashleigh’s original false story about Stephanie in 2020 that Kimberly knew firsthand to be fabricated. One of the most recent public attacks from Ashleigh Foster, disturbingly, was directed at Kimberly’s children, who were all under the age of 9 at the time. In this episode, Kimberly exposes many new contradictions and falsities amongst the plotters regarding Stephanie Tisone. Kimberly also shares about the fallout she witnessed from a portion-controlled weight loss program that Ashleigh Foster created, marketed, and sold to postpartum women in the community–even long after Stephanie passed away–as if it were Medical Medium information when it was not, which caused many of these women to lose their supply of breast milk and blame Medical Medium for it because they were confused by Ashleigh.

    1h 39m
  6. 062 The Plotter Series S2 E2: Ashleigh Foster's Motives

    2 JUL

    062 The Plotter Series S2 E2: Ashleigh Foster's Motives

    Ashleigh Foster is the number one person responsible for the plot to take down Medical Medium and all of the chronically ill people who have been harmed by it. Ashleigh Foster is the ringleader of an organized, anti-Medical Medium hateful group that she created on a mountain of lies. Ashleigh fed a false story to Vanity Fair, and another source admitted on recording that he and Ashleigh had to threaten a journalist to get him to publish it. Ashleigh’s hateful group has since been relentlessly attacking, harassing, bullying, body-shaming, and publicly humiliating people in the Medical Medium community, including mothers and children. This hateful group has even gone as far as to make videos of themselves burning Medical Medium books and to call for Anthony himself to be exterminated by fire. Why is Ashleigh really doing this? Many have asked. What are Ashleigh’s motives? What type of person is capable of harboring, spewing, and inciting so much hatred? What type of person escalates objectively indefensible behavior even after being publicly proven wrong? Why would someone go to such lengths, secretly plotting and scheming for years, to try to bring an entire movement of people healing from chronic illness down? In this episode, these questions are answered. Shocking new facts that are wildly inconsistent with Ashleigh’s proclamation that she’s doing this smear campaign “for Stephanie Tisone” are revealed. Ashleigh Foster’s true motives are exposed for the first time. The history that Ashleigh has been hiding from everyone is uncovered. And we begin exposing some of the many more outrageous lies that Ashleigh has peddled incessantly since the release of the first four plotter podcast episodes last year.

    1h 28m
  7. 061 Supplement Fear: How To Take Supplements When Sensitive

    26 JUN

    061 Supplement Fear: How To Take Supplements When Sensitive

    Supplement sensitivities are not always what they seem. Many times, the sensitivity is from the supplements someone has taken from the past, such as toxic ones that made the person's nerves sensitive through irritating the gut nerve linings or lowering the stomach's gastric juice production. All supplements are not the same, just like all people aren’t the same, all water is not the same and all food grown is not the same. The sensitivities that so many have towards supplements can also stem from PTSD from traumatizing and confusing experiences when taking a supplement or being prescribed a large amount of supplements and not getting better with their symptoms and conditions, and instead, feeling worse. Many people never truly find out why they are sick and that is difficult enough. Then, add a confusing array of supplementation that is hit or miss into it all and the challenge increases. In this episode, learn how sensitivities to supplements can develop and how to overcome… In this episode… • Learn about the true culprits behind supplement fears and sensitivities. • Discover why reactions some people can have while they’re taking supplements may not be caused by the supplements they’re taking in the moment. • Learn about the quickly forgotten history of supplementation within the alternative health world and why so many people have been damaged and left with PTSD as a result. • Find out about many of the most problematic supplement trends that have created a ripple effect of harm upon the chronically ill, often years after individuals have already moved on from the trends. • Uncover the real reason why supplement hypersensitivity develops. • Learn about supplement blunders that are still happening today in the alternative health space. • Uncover all of the different types of supplement PTSD that people can suffer from. • Discover techniques that can be used to finally overcome supplement sensitivities. All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it. For more information visit

    33 min
out of 5
317 Ratings


#1 NY Times Best Selling Author - Medical Medium Podcast - Originator of Global Celery Juice Movement - Helping People Heal and Overcome Illness How many people do you know who struggle with their health? Chances are, whether they show it or not, most of the people in your life do. And chances are, you’re one of them — whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, endometriosis, pcos, acne, eczema, psoriasis, autoimmune, thyroid conditions, lyme disease, brain fog, or fatigue. You’re far from alone. Living with symptoms has become the new normal. Much of the time, people coexist with their ailments, accepting them and never questioning why science and research hasn’t offered answers, as suffering has become the status quo. Sometimes though — an increasing amount of the time now — people’s symptoms start to impede their quality of life. They start to lose joys and privileges. They join the hidden army of those stuck at home or even in the hospital with mystery health issues. As they consult doctor after doctor and expert after expert and have trouble functioning on a day to day basis, their spark starts to go. They lose hope. No one is safe from becoming ill. With what were up against in today’s world and what that’s doing to our bodies, nobody is guaranteed that one day down the road, they won’t develop their first set of symptoms when they least expect it. This knowledge is not about living in fear. It’s about not living in denial. Join Anthony William, the Medical Medium, for this eye opening podcast, where he shares unique, original, advanced medical information decades ahead of science and research, that millions all around the world are already using to heal, and overcome chronic illness. If you want to keep the wool over your eyes, this podcast isn’t for you. Anthony William, the Medical Medium, the originator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Medical Medium Book Series, including his newest book Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal, was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with advanced medical information that’s ahead of research and science. Anthony has over 30 years of experience working with countless individuals, and helping doctors solve mysterious health cases.

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