440 episodes

Money Tips by Charles Kelly, author of Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness.  Charles spent over 25 years in financial services working for banks, Insurance companies and as a qualified Independent Financial Adviser running his practice, before setting up his speaking, consultancy and property business.  Money Tips will help you save, make and accumulate more money whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, employee or still searching for your vocation.   For more tips and information visit Mondeytipsdaily.com. The Information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions.

Money Tips Podcast Charles Kelly

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Money Tips by Charles Kelly, author of Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness.  Charles spent over 25 years in financial services working for banks, Insurance companies and as a qualified Independent Financial Adviser running his practice, before setting up his speaking, consultancy and property business.  Money Tips will help you save, make and accumulate more money whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, employee or still searching for your vocation.   For more tips and information visit Mondeytipsdaily.com. The Information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions.

    How Will the New Labour Government Transform the UK Housing Market?

    How Will the New Labour Government Transform the UK Housing Market?

    How Will the New Labour Government Transform the UK Housing Market?
    What will this mean for Landlords and Tenants?
    The election of a new Labour government, and Prime Minister Sir Kier Starmer, brings a wave of anticipation and uncertainty, particularly regarding the UK housing market and the buy-to-let property sector. As Labour's policies start to unfold, both landlords and tenants are keen to understand the potential impacts.
    Labour's Housing Policies
    Labour has long championed affordable housing and tenant rights. Their manifesto includes ambitious plans to build 1.5 million new homes over the current parliament, introduce rent controls, and increase ‘protections’ for tenants. This could significantly shift the landscape for both homeowners and the buy-to-let market.
    The Renters Reform Bill will be resurrected and will almost certainly include an end to Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions and more ‘secure’ tenancies.
    Impact on the Housing Market
    Increased Housing Supply: Labour's pledge to build more homes aims to address the chronic housing shortage. This could stabilize or even reduce house prices, making it easier for first-time buyers to enter the market.    Affordability: By increasing housing supply, Labour hopes to make homes more affordable. This is particularly beneficial for young people and families currently priced out of the market. Effects on the Buy-to-Let Market
    Rent Controls: One of the most talked-about Labour policies is the introduction of rent controls. While this aims to protect tenants from excessive rent hikes, landlords might see a cap on their rental income, potentially reducing the profitability of buy-to-let investments.    Tenant Protections: Enhanced tenant protections could include longer tenancies and restrictions on eviction procedures. This provides tenants with greater security but might limit landlords' flexibility in managing their properties and will be a challenge to small landlords. Tax Changes: Labour has suggested revisiting tax reliefs available to landlords. Possible reductions in tax incentives could discourage new buy-to-let investments and prompt some landlords to sell their properties. What This Means for Landlords
    Landlords might face increased regulation and potentially lower returns on their investments. It is crucial for landlords to stay informed about new policies and consider strategies to adapt, such as focusing on property quality and location to attract long-term tenants.
    What This Means for Tenants
    Tenants are likely to benefit from increased protections and potentially lower rents. Labour's policies aim to create a fairer rental market, offering tenants more stability and affordability.
    The new Prime Minister has promised to deal with the “small boats” illegal immigration, as well the “processing” the huge backlog of asylum cases. He refused to say what he means by “processing” applications, but it will probably involve some kind of an amnesty or “legacy” scheme as implemented by the Blair government. 
    In practice, hundreds of thousands of migrants will be granted leave to remain whether or not the arrived in the UK legally. This means asylum seekers will be able to work and could see an end to temporary housing and hotel accommodation.
    Prime Minister Sir Kier Starmer’s Labour government’s policies are set to bring significant changes to the UK housing market and the buy-to-let sector. While tenants stand to gain from greater protections and affordability, landlords may need to navigate tighter regulations and potentially lower profits. Staying informed and adaptable will be key for all parties involved.
    Understanding these potential changes is crucial for navigating the evolving landscape of the UK housing market. Stay tuned for more insights and expert advice on how to manage your property investments under the new Labour government. 
    Section 24 Landlord Tax Hike
    Interview with C

    • 23 min
    Mortgage Rates Fall Despite Bank of England Hold

    Mortgage Rates Fall Despite Bank of England Hold

    Mortgage rates are coming down despite the Bank of England holding the base rate at a 15 year high at 5.25%.
    In this episode we discuss:
    Housing market and mortgage rates Section 24 Tax Trap for Landlords Money Management and Financial Freedom Gold and Silver Vs Cash Currency Watch full video at Charles Kelly Money Tips Podcast -  https://youtu.be/zgHqeA_hhUA
    Section 24 Landlord Tax Hike
    Interview with Chartered Accountant and property tax specialist who reveals options and solutions to move your properties from your own name into a limited company or LLP whilst mitigating the potential HMRC pitfalls.
    Email charles@charleskelly.net for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24.
    Watch video now: https://youtu.be/aMuGs_ek17s
    3 Steps To Unlocking Financial Freedom!
    Could you do more with your money and finances?
    I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free. 
    Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM. 
    Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.
    #finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #marketing #sales #debt #leverage #property #investment #Homeownership #financialplanning #moneymanagement #financialfreedom #section24tax #financialindependenceretireearly 

    • 19 min
    Financial Planning And Wealth Management For High-Earning Millennial Couples

    Financial Planning And Wealth Management For High-Earning Millennial Couples

    Interview with Theodore (T.J.) van Gerven CFP, as Boston-based Certified Financial Planner and podcaster covering the subject of “How to maintain financial independence and create growth and income streams from investments”. 
    In this episode we discuss:
    ‘F.I.R.E’ for Millennials Money Talks But Wealth Whispers How to financially plan for retirement or a sabbatical How to effectively manage finances for newly married couples Planning for an IPO: how to make the most of equity compensation Watch full video at Charles Kelly Money Tips Podcast - https://youtu.be/VzpfEsAUwkw
    Theodore Joseph (T.J.) is the founder of Modern Wealth Builders, that aims to help maximize your resources and he is passionate about helping millennials to use money intentionally as a tool to build toward financial flexibility while accomplishing various goals on the path to independence.
    Website: https://modernwealthbuilders.com 
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxejrzu3vF5dc9V3tb9uOoQ
    Nectarine.com: https://hellonectarine.com/r/moneytips
    Section 24 Landlord Tax Hike
    Interview with Chartered Accountant and property tax specialist who reveals options and solutions to move your properties from your own name into a limited company or LLP whilst mitigating the potential HMRC pitfalls.
    Email charles@charleskelly.net for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24.
    Watch video now: https://youtu.be/aMuGs_ek17s
    3 Steps To Unlocking Financial Freedom!
    Could you do more with your money and finances?
    I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free. 
    Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM. 
    Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.
    #finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #marketing #sales #debt #leverage #property #investment #Homeownership #financialplanning #moneymanagement #financialfreedom #FIRE #financialindependenceretireearly 

    • 34 min
    Understanding BRICS: A Rising Global Economic Force And New World Order

    Understanding BRICS: A Rising Global Economic Force And New World Order

    The BRICS group, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, represents a formidable alliance in the global economic landscape. Formed in 2006, this coalition of emerging economies has steadily gained influence, shaping international trade and economic policies. Let's delve into the significance and impact of BRICS on the world stage.
    Join me online on my free live money management training – 3 Steps To Financial Freedom -  Wednesday at 7.00PM. Places are limited, so register now Click: https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH
    BRICS: An Overview
    BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. These five countries together represent about 42% of the world's population, 23% of global GDP, and around 30% of the world's land area. The group's primary goal is to foster economic growth and development, facilitate trade, and promote peace and security among member states.
    Watch YouTube Video - https://youtu.be/772wkB3pfBw
    Economic Powerhouse
    The BRICS nations are some of the fastest-growing economies globally. China and India, in particular, have witnessed unprecedented economic growth, becoming major players in the global market. Russia and Brazil, rich in natural resources, add significant value to the group's economic stability. South Africa, as the gateway to Africa, enhances the group's reach and influence across the continent.
    Strategic Initiatives
    BRICS is known for its strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing economic cooperation. The New Development Bank (NDB), established in 2014, is one such initiative. The NDB provides funding for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in member countries, reducing dependency on Western financial institutions. Additionally, BRICS has initiated the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) to offer financial support to members during economic crises.
    Global Influence
    The BRICS alliance seeks to create a multipolar world, reducing the dominance of traditional Western powers in global affairs. Through collaborative efforts in technology, energy, and infrastructure, BRICS nations are positioning themselves as key influencers in international policymaking.
    Challenges and Future Prospects
    While BRICS has made significant strides, it faces challenges such as economic disparities among members, geopolitical tensions, and varying political ideologies. However, the group's commitment to mutual growth and development continues to drive its agenda forward.
    Stay tuned for more updates on BRICS and its evolving role in the global economy. 
    Section 24 Landlord Tax Hike
    Interview with Chartered Accountant and property tax specialist who reveals options and solutions to move your properties from your own name into a limited company or LLP whilst mitigating the potential HMRC pitfalls.
    Email charles@charleskelly.net for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24.
    Watch video now: https://youtu.be/aMuGs_ek17s
    3 Steps To Unlocking Financial Freedom!
    I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free. 
    Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM. 
    Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.
    #finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #marketing #sales #debt #leverage #property #investment #LeaseholdReform #PropertyScam #Homeownership #UKHousingCrisis #FreeholderAbuse #LeaseholdScandal #moneymanagement #financialfreedom #section24tax #landlord #BRICS #GlobalEconomy #EmergingMarkets #EconomicGrowth #InternationalTrade #NewDevelopmentBank #SustainableDevelopment #Geopolitics #BRICSnations #WorldEconomy #EconomicCooperation #GlobalInfluence

    • 10 min
    Leasehold Property Owners MUST Watch This!

    Leasehold Property Owners MUST Watch This!

    Leasehold Property Owners MUST Watch This!
    Housing Market Update Leasehold Reform Act Passes into law.
    Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM. Places are limited, so register now Click: https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH
    The UK leasehold system has long been a contentious issue, and many argue it’s one of the biggest scams in history. The current system, which dates back to feudal times, sees homeowners purchasing property but not the land it stands on. Instead, they lease the land from a freeholder, often for 99 years or more. 
    Watch on my Money Tips YouTube channel video - https://youtu.be/i9WAY0qrt0U
    In theory, this feudal relic has reformed by the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act which was passed into law by Parliament and granted the ‘Royal Assent’ on 24 May 2024, just before it was closed for the forthcoming election. But many feel it has been watered down from its original aims.
    Read the Act in full - https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3523/publications 
    Leasehold Reform Act Summary
    An Act to prohibit the grant or assignment of certain new long residential leases of houses, To amend the rights of tenants under long residential leases to acquire the freeholds of their houses, To extend the leases of their houses or flats, and  To collectively enfranchise or manage the buildings containing their flats,  To give such tenants the right to reduce the rent payable under their leases to a peppercorn,  To regulate the relationship between residential landlords and tenants,  To regulate residential estate management,  To regulate rent charges and to amend the Building Safety Act 2022 in connection with the remediation of building defects and the insolvency of persons who have repairing obligations relating to certain kinds of buildings. The new law will be good news for most leaseholders, especially those holding short leases.
    Summary of benefits to leaseholders known as tenants.
    New rights for leasehold tenants to acquire their freehold; under the new legislation it will be cheaper and easier for tenants to buy a share of their freehold Tenants will no longer have to pay their freeholder’s costs when making an enfranchisement claim. Selling new houses on a leasehold basis will be banned in England and Wales (save for in very specific circumstances) All new houses sold will be on a freehold basis. Standard lease extension terms will now increase to 990 years for both houses and flats (was previously 50 years for houses and 90 years for flats). The new legislation will mean that ‘marriage value’ will not be split with a freeholder.  Marriage value is the hypothetical profit resulting from the extension of a short lease (being one with less than 80 years remaining). However, deferment and capitalisation rates still need to be set (and will be prescribed when the Act is brought into force).  The deferment rate is the figure used to calculate how much compensation a tenant pays to their landlord when extending the term of their lease. It is a crucial element in calculating the premium an owner must pay to extend their lease (or to secure a share of the freehold) and ultimately any change in the rate could be more costly for those with more than 80 years left to run on their leases where they are seeking to extend. Tenants will no longer have to own a property for 2 years (as per the Leasehold Reform Act 1967) before extension of a lease can be applied for, meaning extensions can be obtained from completion of a purchase. Enfranchisement for semicommercial properties will change from 25% to 50%. It has not possible to enfranchise a building which had over 25% of commercial parts; the new Act will qualify more buildings permitting leaseholders a greater opportunity to purchase the freehold or access the Right to Manage.  Service charges and insurance
    Landlords will now have to demand Service charges in a standard form and provide more clarity. Tenants will have the rig

    • 21 min
    How To 10X Your Business Value And Cash Out TAX FREE With Marc Adams

    How To 10X Your Business Value And Cash Out TAX FREE With Marc Adams

    Learn how to 10X Your Business Value And Cash Out TAX FREE 
    With Marc Adams, author of: 
    Secrets To 10Xing Your Business: And Cashing Out Tax-Free - 
    Imagine reshaping the destiny of your business with strategies proven to not only multiply its worth but also to ensure a lucrative exit when the time is ripe. "Secrets to 10Xing Your Business and Cashing Out Tax-Free" is your guide through this transformative journey. This book doesn't just promise exponential growth; it hands you the roadmap to a destination that many entrepreneurs only dream of but never reach.
    Dive into the critical first steps with the Introduction: Laying the Groundwork for a 10X Exit. 
    Watch interview on YouTube video: https://youtu.be/M78MxnL-I6g?si=b2vtvavWPGYt1_3Q
    Visit Marc’s website: www.acquisitions4you.com 
    Email: hello@acquisitions4you.com
    Ever wonder why you never seem to have enough money?
    We are living in challenging economic times.
    I want to show you how can you:
    Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression? Get control of your finances and spending? Save and invest for your future? Learn about money and finance? To help you, I am running a free training webinar.  
    See also:
    Leasehold Scandal: The Biggest Property Scam in UK History? - https://youtu.be/b-wlBMTtmhg
    Renters and Leasehold Reform Bills Update - https://youtu.be/Lxs0wTR3ejQ
    3 Steps To Success Money Management!
    I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free. 
    Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM. 
    Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.
    #finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #marketing #sales #debt #leverage #property #investment #LeaseholdReform #PropertyScam #Homeownership #UKHousingCrisis #FreeholderAbuse #LeaseholdScandal #moneymanagement #financialfreedom #business #marcadams

    • 58 min

Customer Reviews

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5 Ratings

Eric Heize ,

Real Practical and Contstructive Advise

Charles has a way of conveying infromation in such a laid-back manner with a clear choice of words to appetise everyone's need of this much-needed info.
His podcasts has given me food for thought and truly have impacted in my professional life and career once implemented.

I can't recommend Charles enough.

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