Rock Your Fabulous Biz Podcast

Ruby McGuire
Rock Your Fabulous Biz Podcast

A podcast show with a fab and fun approach to all things business from me, Ruby McGuire, Business and Mindset Queen. Step up and become a leader, aka Queen, of your business. I share lots of fun, inspiration and actionable nuggets sprinkled in along the way, as well as guest interviews. I cover leadership, mindset, creativity, marketing, the law of attraction and so much more. Stop hiding your fabulousness, step up as a Queen of your business and mindset. It's time to rule your Queendom.

  1. Growing Your Biz Without Social Media- Interview with Emma Cossey


    Growing Your Biz Without Social Media- Interview with Emma Cossey

    Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business and Mindset Queen. This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together!   XXX   Tune into this episode to find out how I do things differently now. Here are a few key points that I chat through with Emma: 1. How you could be wasting years of your life on social media 2. Some of the fears that come up when you consider making the change to marketing in a different way 3. Giving yourself permission to run your business in your way 4. Considering what you could be doing instead of being online all the time 5. A strategy for bringing in clients without social media   XXX   Thanks so much for tuning into Rock Your Fabulous Biz with me, Ruby McGuire, Business. and Mindset Queen. I hope you enjoyed the show. If you did, I'd love for you to leave an amazing review for me. Remember to subscribe to my show and then click on the link in the show notes to download my latest freebie and join my list to get some fun business tips and strategies to help you be the Queen of your Business. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes on all aspects of your business.   XXX   PS. Would you like to attract clients in an easy way, WITHOUT social media? You can! Learn how in my Marketing Without Social Media mini-guide. Starting today you can run your business in a different way, and claim your life back.   How To Win And Keep Clients*: *Please note this is an affiliate link, so I may get commission should you choose to make a purchase. PS. Learn how to save hours of time and energy creating content in my Create Content Like A Queen Masterclass

    20 min
  2. Interview With Noleen Sliney


    Interview With Noleen Sliney

    Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen. This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together! Here are the key points that Noleen shared: The number one thing holding her back from success. Why the main thing holding her back from success was herself and how and what she did to overcome her mindset blocks, her fears of success and her visibility blocks. How one small piece of imperfect action led to an accolade by a top UK publication as well as an invitation to be one of an expert panel of judges for prestigious international awards. Why your image determines the energy behind how you show up in your business - or if you even show up at all!! How she positioned her business in a category of one by combining her experience in the finance industry with her core values and holistic approach to beauty to become known as a go-to expert in her industry.  Why it’s no longer enough to simply be visible in the current market and how to ensure you show up powerfully and confidently on camera so you become unforgettable!  Here's a link to connect with Noleen: XXX Thanks so much for tuning into Rock Your Fabulous Biz with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen. I hope you enjoyed the show. If you did, I'd love for you to leave an amazing review for me. Remember to subscribe to my show and then click on the link in the show notes to download my latest freebie and join my list to get some fun business tips and strategies to help you be the Queen of your Business. Stay tuned for upcoming (mostly weekly) episodes on all aspects of your business. XXX How To Win And Keep Clients*:   *Please note this is an affiliate link, so I may get commission should you choose to make a purchase. PS. Learn how to save hours of time and energy creating content in my Create Content Like A Queen Masterclass

    38 min
  3. How to Stop People Wasting Your Time on Discovery Calls


    How to Stop People Wasting Your Time on Discovery Calls

    Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen. This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together! XXX How to stop people wasting your time on discovery calls In a recent Queen of Business mastermind call, one of my clients (Queenies) asked what to do when you have clients come onto a discovery call and turn out to be time-wasters.  If you've been in business for any length of time, you'll know that this happens. Sometimes people do their research around who to work with. You'll also have those people that want to get some free coaching on the call. To help you overcome this issue, I'm sharing the three simple strategies we discussed. Your time is precious. You've got a queendom to run after all! You want people that are ready to work with you, not trying to get free information/advice. Here are 3 simple ways to reduce the amount of people taking up your time : 1. Create a filtering system / selection process What do I mean by this? Create a form on your website that asks your potential clients a series of questions. You want to understand the following: What they are struggling with What they hope to achieve by working with you Their level of commitment I have to say that my favourite question of all time, is one that my then coach, Adrienne Dorison, gave me: ‘How committed are you emotionally and financially to working with me right now?” You need to know the level of commitment that this potential client has. This question cuts to the chase and allows you to find out whether they're going to be a good fit for what you have to offer. It stops time wasters because in that question they will usually share with you what level of budget they have and whether they are ready to commit financially or not. It’s not just about the money though. You want to know if they're ready emotionally too.  I like to KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetie - I just ask 4 questions now: What ONE key thing would you like to discuss on our call today? (It keeps the call focused) What have you done so far to resolve your current issue? (This tells me if they are action-takers or not) How committed are you emotionally and financially in us working together? (The golden question) Is there anything else you’d like to share with me in preparation for our call? (This allows them to share important detail with me if they want to) Sometimes, clients will share a story with you about how they've worked with other coaches and they haven't got results.  It's quite possible that this is because they weren't ready, rather than it being down to another coach(es) poor skills. If someone bemoans people that they've worked within the past, treat this as a red flag.  Once you know the answers to this question of emotional/financial commitment, you can then decide whether to carry on with the call or adjust the length of the call if necessary.  Let’s say that they complete the form and tell you that they're working to a £200 budget (change the currency to whatever works for you). You might know that your services start at £500.  You can then send them a link to a page on your website with your pricing and services. In the email, you can explain the entry point of your pricing structure. You both the

    8 min
  4. Interview With Anna Stapleton


    Interview With Anna Stapleton

    Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen. This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together! XXX Anna is one of the authors I worked alongside with to co-write the IAPC&M book, ‘How To Win & Keep Clients”. In this episode, we talk about: -Emotional and mental freedom -Overcoming challenges around attracting clients -Taking a step back to understand what’s really going on -How you relate to money, and having money conversations when you’re running your own business XXX Thanks so much for tuning into Rock Your Fabulous Biz with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen. I hope you enjoyed the show. If you did, I'd love for you to leave an amazing review for me. Stay tuned for upcoming mostly weekly episodes on all aspects of your business. XXX How To Win And Keep Clients*: *Please note this is an affiliate link, so I may get commission should you choose to make a purchase.   PS. Learn how to save hours of time and energy creating content in my Create Content Like A Queen Masterclass

    29 min
  5. How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Attract Dream Clients


    How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Attract Dream Clients

    Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen.   This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together!   XXX Imagine how empowered you’d feel stepping into the space of a successful business Queen right now. What would that Queen do? Would she be tinkering around on social media? It’s more likely she’d be doing what’s essential to build her Queendom. This is what’s called, ‘Acting as if’ in the Law of Attraction world. Acting as if is a very powerful manifesting tool. Essentially you embody the person you want to be.  Assume you’re the Queen of Procrastination right now. We’ve all been there! Who would you be if you didn’t procrastinate? Maybe it’s a past version of you, or maybe it’s someone you know that seems to hardly ever procrastinate. What traits could you take from your fabulous past self, or that person that seems to have it all together? Maybe your goal is to invite in more clients. What would a successful business owner be doing to invite in more clients? A lot of successful business owners are very savvy with their time and resources. Maybe they’d do some strategic individual outreach to potential clients, perhaps they’d keep track of their income and expenditure on a regular basis, or spend time on creating some high-quality products. This is your invitation to explore.   What would you like to create? Who do you know that has already created this particular thing? (Whether it’s a behaviour, or a relationship, or a dream house) How could you embody that person now? Here’s a simple 4-step framework for you: 1. Know what you want - get crystal clarity 2. Reverse engineer what you want - I’ll explain that next 3. Play 4. Believe (anything IS possible - the only limit is your imagination) Let’s walk through each of the steps one-by-one.   1. Know what you want - get crystal clarity The Universe likes to play with you. If you don’t get absolute clarity about what you want, it’s likely that it will come to you in a different way.  I’ve had some funny things happen to me, like the time I asked for some beautiful flowers to be delivered to my door, only to open the box that arrived and find it was for my neighbour and not me! I hadn’t been specific enough.   2. Reverse Engineering Choose something that you want to manifest, write it down Remember, be clear, or you’ll end up with something like my ‘flower’ outcome! Assume for a moment that you’ve already manifested your new dreamie clients If you’re struggling to get that idea in your mind, then you might have to suspend disbelief for now that it’s not possible for you. Who do you know that has already achieved this? Act as if you’re them. What do you think they’d have done to attract new clients? What tasks could you do to get similar results for your biz? Grab your notebook  At the bottom of the piece of paper, write down how many new dreamie clients you want to get. Next, write down the steps before that had to happen in order for you to attract them. This is reverse engineering. Here’s a few things you might consider … Decide what packages you want to offer Fix that wonky link on your website Create a sales page Set up a referral scheme Ask past clients if they’d like to work with you

    7 min
  6. How To Use Oracle Cards To Generate Content For Your Business


    How To Use Oracle Cards To Generate Content For Your Business

    Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen.   This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together!   XXX   Have you ever thought of using Oracle cards in your business?   I use them for all sorts of things now. I recently wrote a post about this over on the Coaching Tools Company blog, which you can read here. I share a story of how the universe thought it was funny to play a game with me, and kept giving me a topic I didn’t want to write about! I thought I’d share a few more tips and an example to get you playing with your writing.    I use cards in my Queen of Business Mastermind each week. It’s a lovely way to start the meeting, it gives people a little shot of inspiration, and sometimes instigates some great conversations.   I worked with a friend of mine many years ago, and because she was a friend it was quite hard to get out of the ‘helping’ phase. You know, where you want to offer ‘friend advice’. I knew this wasn’t what she needed, so I whipped my phone out and pulled a few cards on an app, and used this as the basis for coaching. She had some fabulous breakthroughs.   Today I want to talk to you about using them to create content ideas.    1. Set an intention of what you want to create   When I’m stuck with what to teach on a training call, or Facebook post, newsletter, or blog post, I simply get a card deck out and allow that to inspire me.   So how do you do it?   Sit with the cards in your hand, ask the universe to send you guidance on what you want to create Keep your dreamie client(s) in mind as you set your intention, that way you’ll get some clearer messages Shuffle the deck and pull three cards   2. Go through the messages and pull out some keywords that pop out at you   As you flick through the cards you’ve pulled, you’ll want to notice which keywords/concepts pop out at you. Usually, your deck will have some extra wording that goes with the card. I don’t usually use everything that comes up. I just notice what resonates for me at the time.   I’ll share an example of this with you soon.    3. Start writing   Write whatever comes up for you around the keywords that popped out.   Don’t filter, just allow yourself to free write. You might be surprised by how much actually comes up for you.   Let’s pretend right now that I need to write a blog post. Here’s how the process works in action:   Set Your Intention: I want to write a blog post about getting clients, but essentially the topic is around pricing Note Your Dreamie Client’s Perspective: I want my client to feel confident around the services they offer Pull Three Cards: You can just do one card, however, I find that three cards gives you juicier content (see footnote for cards I used):   So let’s say I want to write a post about my Queenies (as I call them) getting clients, specifically around her pricing. My Queen doesn’t want to come across as needy, she’s just lacking confidence when she invites someone to buy from her.   Let’s find out what cards come up (and no, these aren’t ones I’ve prepared earlier. I’m acting as if I’m really writing this as a blog post!)   1. Lion Spirit - Be generous of spirit   Key messages:   “You’ve been giv

    9 min
  7. 7 Leadership Qualities You Need To Be Queen Of Your Business


    7 Leadership Qualities You Need To Be Queen Of Your Business

    Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen.   This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together!   XXX   If you’re reading this, then take it as your sign that you’re meant to be stepping up as Queen of your business, the leader.   Leading is about being confident, having a sense of surety about you. There are many different types of leaders. You can be autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, direct, coaching, supportive, bureaucratic, to name just a few.    There are also many different traits that you perceive a good leader has to have, i.e. integrity, compassion, vision, self-awareness, communication skills etc.   In my Queen of Business Mastermind groups, we have a really fun session where the Queenies spend some time exploring the traits of a Queen, and then we define what skills and qualities they need to develop/embody. They choose who their Queen of inspiration is. It’s amazing how different everyone perception of being a Queen is so varied. [LINK]   The beauty of running your own business is that you get to define the role.    What characteristics do you think make a good queen?   Here’s a list of some of the things I like to think make you a good Queen.   1. Queens are visionaries and influencers. You think strategically and are willing to try new ways of doing things. You inspire others to think and dream bigger. You are a trailblazer, not willing to always follow the crowd, but defining how you want to carve out your business and life.    2. Queens lead by example - You’ve spent time perfecting your craft, and act as an inspiration to others. You don’t just teach people what they should do, you do it yourself first, and then share your experiences of it.   3. Queens are committed. You’re committed to your business and the work it involves.  You’re also committed to taking action, walking the talk, and being accountable. You know you will never be perfect (perfection doesn’t exist), yet keep being the best person you can be with your knowledge, skills and attributes. You have a winning attitude.    4. Queens act with integrity - You are trustworthy - You do what you say you are going to do, honouring your commitments. You speak your truth with kindness, even if it feels uncomfortable. You’re clear on your values, and what you will and won’t tolerate within your boundaries.   You are authentic in everything you do. Part of this integrity is your willingness to be vulnerable, in order to connect with your people. While this may not come naturally, you keep developing the skills so that it becomes easier with time. You have high standards and know it’s better to under-promise and over-deliver.    5. Queens are strong decision-makers. You aren’t afraid to stand up for what you believe in - You are true to yourself. You make a decision and stick to it, knowing when to change the plan if it’s not working.   You know you need to be decisive. Even if that decisiveness means going back to your best friend, mastermind group etc. to help you make a quick decision. You know you need to behave in a way that shows you as a leader, not a follower. That confidence sets you apart.   6. Queens believe in themselves and others - Your knees might be knocking, yet y

    6 min
  8. Is Your Crown Too Heavy?


    Is Your Crown Too Heavy?

    Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen.   This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together!   XXX   Sometimes, ruling your Queendom is hard work. It may seem like it’s easy, but the reality is that as a Queen your crown can become quite heavy at times, where it all feels a bit too much, and you’re not sure which direction you’re heading in.   A heavy crown can create disillusionment with how things are going in our businesses. This is often due to the expectations we hold about it, and the expectations we put on ourselves.   If you’ve bought into the ‘six-figure overnight success’ story, then that’s potentially going to create lots of feelings for you, when your business doesn’t have the same results.   This is all about your journey. Let’s explore where you might be adding to the weight of your crown.   What expectations are you putting on yourself?   The online world is a funny place. It can make you feel a million dollars, where people start following you, or give you an incredible shout-out, and it can make you feel rubbish, when you perceive someone else as more successful than you, based on what they’re sharing or what you’ve read/heard.    The reality is that it makes you feel what you choose for it to make you feel. You can take control of the stories you create in your mind about it.   Your expectation might be that you should be further on in your business than you currently are. If you find yourself comparing, then that’s going to create a lot of expectation. As I said to one of my clients just this week, you might not even be as far on in business as that other person, or even want what they’ve created.   Maybe you’re procrastinating on putting work out there because you feel it needs to be perfect, you worry what people will say about your content. You’re worried about their expectations.   Perhaps your expectations are more client based. You’re taking on responsibility for your client’s results, and trying to fix them, when your role is actually to enable them to move forward. The responsibility for action lies with them.   How are you limiting yourself by these expectations?   Maybe you bought into the business story, that business is easy. The truth is that it is challenging, and amazing all at once. Ask any super successful business owner whether their business journey was always easy, and they’ll more than likely have a few anecdotes to share with you about obstacles they’ve had to overcome, both internally and externally.   Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed. There’s a lot of noise out there online, we can suffer with information overload. Social media content can also trigger lots of emotion and comparison.   You might be limiting yourself by staying stuck, not seeing a way forward, or seeing it, but not taking any action on it because you’re fearful of the possibility of judgement and rejection. Procrastination might be one example of this, not making decisions can be another.   Are you refusing to see that there could be a better way than how you’re doing things? Maybe you’re hanging onto that programme that no longer serves you or your clients, it’s run its course, but you’re worried about letting it go beca

    8 min
out of 5
4 Ratings


A podcast show with a fab and fun approach to all things business from me, Ruby McGuire, Business and Mindset Queen. Step up and become a leader, aka Queen, of your business. I share lots of fun, inspiration and actionable nuggets sprinkled in along the way, as well as guest interviews. I cover leadership, mindset, creativity, marketing, the law of attraction and so much more. Stop hiding your fabulousness, step up as a Queen of your business and mindset. It's time to rule your Queendom.

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