184 episodes

Hello, and welcome to the Business Fights Poverty podcast, where we bring you engaging conversations with social impact trailblazers. Dive into a wealth of insights, diverse perspectives, and valuable advice, all designed to enlighten and inspire. Gain first-hand understanding of how businesses and thought leaders are addressing the world's most pressing social challenges, empowering you to make well-informed decisions and take meaningful action. So, sit back and join us as we explore the frontiers of business-driven social impact.

Social Impact Pioneers Business Fights Poverty

    • Business
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Hello, and welcome to the Business Fights Poverty podcast, where we bring you engaging conversations with social impact trailblazers. Dive into a wealth of insights, diverse perspectives, and valuable advice, all designed to enlighten and inspire. Gain first-hand understanding of how businesses and thought leaders are addressing the world's most pressing social challenges, empowering you to make well-informed decisions and take meaningful action. So, sit back and join us as we explore the frontiers of business-driven social impact.

    Women’s mental health and work with Sue and Jo

    Women’s mental health and work with Sue and Jo

    Women’s mental health and work. Social Impact Pioneers Sue Tym and Jo Martin examine how to best support women in the garment sector. Sue is the Senior Manager for the Social Impact Portfolio in Primark's ethical team, whilst Jo has over 30 years’ experience in mental health trainer and practitioner.

    Sue and Jo have been leading a series of programmes where women help other women boost their well-being, and tackle stress, which is in turn boosting business performance. Join them to explore practical ways to enhance your mental health and that of others you are working with wherever you are in the world.

    During this podcast expect to hear how Jo and Sue’s respective careers have been driven by their interests and personal convictions.

    Sue explains: "When I was a dreamy, 18-year-old... I had a bit of a crisis of conviction and thought why am I studying fashion?... So my very clever tutor suggested that I work on a collection for easy dressing for those with dexterity issues."

    Alongside the challenges of unlocking support for others who have experienced deep trauma. When describing her experiences creating nurturing environments for people who have been in war zones, Jo says: “[When] working in conflict and post-conflict situations there are no therapists or medication, instead helping women to provide for their families while at the same time supporting each other can be a big part of their recovery.”

    Together they have brought this experience to support women in the garment sector and share the results this is achieving. So whether you're a professional seeking to make a meaningful impact or a company aiming to enhance your corporate social responsibility, this podcast offers valuable lessons and inspiration.

    Primark Cares: https://www.primark.com/en-gb/r/women/primark-cares

    Primark, My Space: https://corporate.primark.com/en-us/a/primark-cares/people/my-space-creating-space-for-mental-health-in-factories

    Primark: Moner Kotha project: https://www.abf.co.uk/responsibility/responsibility-in-action/2023/primark--moner-kotha-project

    WHO: Mental health: https://www.who.int/health-topics/mental-health

    Legislation on workplace stress


    ILO/WHO joint policy brief, Mental Health Work: https://www.ilo.org/topics/safety-and-health-work/mental-health-work

    WHO (2022), Mental Health at Work: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/mental-health-at-work

    And if you liked this, do take a listen to:

    The Role of Businesses in Building and Breaking Peace with Molly Melin: https://businessfightspoverty.org/the-role-of-businesses-in-building-and-breaking-peace-with-molly-melin/

    How Can Business Help Peace, with Tim Fort: https://businessfightspoverty.org/how-can-business-help-peace-with-tim-fort/

    • 45 min
    Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) and women, with Kalkidan Lakew Yihun and Emily Janoch

    Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) and women, with Kalkidan Lakew Yihun and Emily Janoch

    What are Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) and why can they be transformative for communities, particularly for women? Social Impact Pioneers Kalkidan (Kal) Lakew and Emily Janoch from the international NGO, CARE, explore how VSLAs facilitate financial inclusion, foster social empowerment and encourage community solidarity.

    Kal is the Program Coordinator for CARE's Women (in VSLAs) Respond initiative. Whilst Emily Janoch is the Associate Vice President for Thought Leadership and Design at CARE.

    During this conversation, they not only deep dive into the benefits and outcomes of VSLAs but also look critically at the role of international development programme design, iterative improvements and the benefits of responsive community led feedback.

    Kal explains: “By listening and learning from women and girls in Village Savings and Loan Associations and understanding the impact of different crises and shocks – we can help to refine how the VSLAs work and determine what to prioritise.”

    Whilst Emily shares, “I am focused on finding ways to leverage evidence and learning to improve impact, build dignity, and eradicate poverty.”

    What are Village Savings and Loan Associations - VSLAs?

    VSLAs serve as a grassroots financial model where members—predominantly women—save together and access small loans. Originating in Niger in 1991, these associations have become a cornerstone of development programs, addressing food security, nutrition, and education. They are crucial in regions where access to formal financial services is scarce, enabling members to manage their funds and make collective decisions.

    Kal and Emily are finding that VSLAs go beyond mere financial transactions. They empower women by breaking social and economic barriers, enhance community negotiating power, and address critical social issues like education and early marriage. Through collective action, VSLAs enable women to increase their confidence and achieve remarkable community contributions, from starting businesses to advocating for educational facilities.

    How effective feedback improves outcomes

    Today’s discussion will also touch on the importance of adapting development initiatives to the specific contexts and needs of communities. Kal and Emily explore effective strategies for ensuring that development interventions are responsive, sustainable, and scalable. They share insights on engaging with communities as equal partners, emphasising the necessity of listening and learning from those we aim to support.

    Listen in to find out more.

    * CARE: http://www.care.org/
    * CARE’s VSLA programme: https://www.care.org/our-work/education-and-work/microsavings/
    * CARE’s Women Respond initiative: https://www.care.org/our-work/disaster-response/emergencies/covid-19/women-respond-leadership-covid-19-response/
    * CARE’s data sharing platforms with the communities, https://careinternational.podbean.com/e/the-data-belongs-to-them/
    * CARE’s farmer livelihood work. https://www.care.org/our-work/food-and-nutrition/agriculture/farmer-field-business-school/

    And if you liked that take a listen to:
    * Investors and Female Entrepreneurs, with Sanjukta and Heather: https://businessfightspoverty.org/investors-and-female-entrepreneurs/
    * Lifting Participation: Female Entrepreneurs Tackle Climate Change – with Bill Winters and Audrey S-Darko:

    • 38 min
    Women entrepreneurs and digital inclusion with Elizabeth Wells

    Women entrepreneurs and digital inclusion with Elizabeth Wells

    Social Impact Pioneer Elizabeth Wells talks about women entrepreneurs and digital inclusion.

    Elizabeth is currently the Head of Entrepreneurship at the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women. The Foundation is on a mission to eliminate barriers to entrepreneurship for women, helping to enable global economic gender justice. Elizabeth’s work within the organisation is focused on unlocking the power of digital for women’s entrepreneurship.

    With 10 years of experience working on women’s economic empowerment, economic development, and governance programmes, Elizabeth shares why digital exclusion is particularly pronounced for women – from access to mobile handsets, digital connectivity, low digital literacy and the high associated costs. Elizabeth reveals the potential of integrating digital tools in business operations for women. Whether it’s mobile money and online transaction systems, that helps to provide financial autonomy; through to book-keeping and client management that enhances business efficiency.

    Elizabeth is passionate about working in partnership with private and public sector organisations and has delivered this in some 12 different countries. Her experience includes working with partners like Qualcomm, DHL Express, FCDO and USAID. Together we talk about some of the partnering opportunities that can better serve female entrepreneurs.

    Elizabeth says – “There is a lot of excitement around AI. Digital inclusion is critical to business success and, if women are digitally excluded - whether it’s because of poor connectivity or infrastructure, high cost of data or lack of mobile phone ownership or access – women will never achieve their potential in business.”

    Please find here the links to the reports:
    • GSMA Mobile Gender Gap Report 2023: https://www.gsma.com/mobilefordevelopment/programme/connected-women/the-mobile-gender-gap-report-2023/
    • Cherie Blair Foundation for Women Research Reports: https://cherieblairfoundation.org/what-we-do/research/2023-audit/
    • Bridging the Divide: Women, Tech and Business Success: https://cherieblairfoundation.org/what-we-do/research/covid19-research/
    • Cherie Blair Foundation website: https://cherieblairfoundation.org/
    • Cherie Blair Programmes: https://cherieblairfoundation.org/what-we-do/programmes/
    • Cherie Blair HerVenture: https://cherieblairfoundation.org/what-we-do/programmes/herventure/
    • Cherie Blair Mentoring: https://cherieblairfoundation.org/what-we-do/programmes/mentoring/

    • 26 min
    The role of businesses in building and breaking peace with Molly Melin

    The role of businesses in building and breaking peace with Molly Melin

    Social Impact Pioneer Molly Melin deep dives into the role of organisations, particularly businesses in building and breaking peace.

    The UN estimated in early 2023 that six out of seven people worldwide are plagued by feelings of insecurity. The world is facing the highest number of violent conflicts since the Second World War, whilst 2 billion people — a quarter of humanity — live in places affected by such conflict. And the world certainly hasn’t become more peaceful since 2023!

    Molly is the Professor & Chair of the Department of Political Science at Loyola University Chicago. Her research and teaching focus is international relations and foreign policy decision-making, with emphasis on international conflict and conflict management.

    Molly’s current research focuses on third party interventions in ongoing international conflicts, the role of the private sector in conflict prevention, and UN peacekeeping.

    Together we will talk about her book, The Building and Breaking of Peace: Corporate Activities in Civil War Prevention and Resolution, which examines corporations’ conflict roles in building and preventing peace using original data and in-depth case analyses of corporate actions and outcomes in Colombia, Northern Ireland, and Tunisia.

    Listen in to learn how organisations can leverage their influence to foster peace, providing practical steps to reducing conflict and building peaceful relationships. Molly explains in no uncertain terms that businesses are well positioned to be a force for good that helps create peace.

    If you want a peaceful world, listen in. This podcast is for you.

    UN January 2023, With Highest Number of Violent Conflicts Since Second World War, United Nations Must Rethink Efforts to Achieve, Sustain Peace, Speakers Tell Security Council, https://press.un.org/en/2023/sc15184.doc.htm

    Molly Melin (2021), The Building and Breaking of Peace; Corporate Activities in Civil War Prevention and Resolution, https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-building-and-breaking-of-peace-9780197579367?cc=gb&lang=en&

    The MacBride Principles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacBride_Principles

    WEF and The Graduate Institute (2020), MOBILIZING THE PRIVATE SECTOR FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION , https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Mobilizing_the_Private_Sector_Report_2020.pdf

    CNN (2022), McDonald’s CEO sounds the alarm over crime in Chicago, https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/15/business/mcdonalds-ceo-chicago-crime/index.html

    Molly's OpEd - On the reaction to the war in Ukraine:

    Molly's research lab:

    Academic research on war through the bargaining lens:

    Blattman C. Why We Fight: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/636263/why-we-fight-by-christopher-blattman/

    And if you liked this, do take a listen to:
    How Can Business Help Peace, with Tim Fort: https://businessfightspoverty.org/how-can-business-help-peace-with-tim-fort/

    And have a look at:
    Business Fights Poverty: Human Rights and Governance » Conflict and Peace: https://businessfightspoverty.org/category/human-rights-and-governance/peace/

    • 27 min
    Tackling poverty and unemployment through youth entrepreneurship, with Anita and Rose

    Tackling poverty and unemployment through youth entrepreneurship, with Anita and Rose

    Today on our podcast "Social Impact Pioneers," we are joined by two trailblazers in the fight against global poverty and unemployment through youth entrepreneurship: Anita Tiessen, CEO of Youth Business International (YBI) from the UK, and Rose Namutebi, a social worker and entrepreneur who serves as Cordaid Uganda’s Gender Specialist and Project Coordinator for their High Flyers project.

    Anita Tiessen has carved a notable career in international development and human rights. Prior to her role at Youth Business International, the only organisation dedicated to youth entrepreneurship on a global scale, she held leadership positions at the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, UNICEF UK, and Amnesty International. Anita brings a wealth of experience in empowering young individuals to start and grow their businesses, particularly in underserved communities.

    Rose Namutebi joins us from Uganda, bringing a rich background in local governance and human rights. With over two decades of experience with Cordaid, she has been instrumental in advancing youth entrepreneurship, livelihood and food security, and inclusive programming for women, people with disabilities, and refugees in some of the world’s most fragile settings.

    In today’s episode, Anita and Rose delve into how youth entrepreneurship serves as a crucial lever for social change, economic growth, and community empowerment. They highlight the profound impact that nurturing entrepreneurial spirit has on mitigating youth unemployment, which has been exacerbated by the global pandemic with a loss of 34 million youth jobs.

    Our discussion also covers the specific challenges and opportunities in making entrepreneurship accessible and inclusive. Listeners will gain insights into the innovative strategies implemented by Youth Business International (YBI) and Cordaid to foster a supportive environment for young entrepreneurs, integrating business development with social objectives.

    Join us as we explore the transformative power of youth entrepreneurship in creating a more inclusive and prosperous global economy. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an established business leader, this episode is set to provide valuable perspectives on leveraging business for lasting social impact.

    YBI website: https://youthbusiness.org/
    YBI Global Youth Entrepreneurship Summit webpage: https://genforchange.youthbusiness.org/summit/
    YBI Bootcamp webpage: https://genforchange.youthbusiness.org/bootcamp/
    Cordaid website: https://www.cordaid.org/en/countries/uganda/

    And if you like this, do listen to:
    Lifting Participation: Female Entrepreneurs Tackle Climate Change – with Bill Winters and Audrey S-Darko: https://businessfightspoverty.org/lifting-participation-female-entrepreneurs-tackle-climate-change/

    • 55 min
    Digital Financial Inclusion Innovations with Briana Marbury

    Digital Financial Inclusion Innovations with Briana Marbury

    Delve into the intersection of technology, finance, and social good. Social Impact Pioneer Briana Marbury, the CEO and President of the Interledger Foundation talks about her work shaping the future of digital financial inclusion.

    The Interledger Foundation is the philanthropic FinTech committed to advancing financial inclusion through innovative technology. The foundation promotes the Interledger Protocol, which simplifies and accelerates global payments, akin to sending an email. This initiative is especially crucial for underrepresented and underserved communities, enhancing their access to digital financial services and supporting their integration into the tech ecosystem. Through grants, community building, and advocacy, they are paving the way for a more inclusive financial future where transactions are seamless and universally accessible.

    Listen in to hear Briana sharing her insights on the unique challenges of digital financial inclusion and her vision for a world where digital financial services are as straightforward as sending a text message.

    So, whether you're involved in finance, technology, or just passionate about social impact, join us as we explore how digital innovation can transform lives and foster a more inclusive global economy. Stay tuned as we dive deep into the conversation with Briana Marbury.


    Interledger Foundation: https://interledger.org
    Interledger, Inspire future leaders: https://interledger.org/education
    M Pesa: https://www.m-pesa.africa
    Interledger Protocol: https://interledger.org/interledger
    CDG, People's Clearinghouse, Mexico : https://lacamara.mx
    Banco Central do Brazil, Pix system in Brazil: https://www.bcb.gov.br/en/financialstability/pix_en
    Interledger Summit : https://interledger.org/summit

    And if you liked this podcast do take a listen to:
    Managing Gender Inequalities in Supply Chains with Sam Ludlow Taylor: https://businessfightspoverty.org/managing-gender-inequalities-in-supply-chains-with-sam-ludlow-taylor/

    • 21 min

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