28 episodes

Life can be a drag, or a dream.

This podcast is about some of the many practices, tools and insights that help my clients and me feel connected, grounded and soul-aligned in business & life.

You deserve to create your dream life. Step into it, choose it and allow yourself to have it!

It's time: Own Your Awesome! Flip that ALIVE switch!

The Carola Moon Podcast – time to Own Your Awesome Carola Moon

    • Business

Life can be a drag, or a dream.

This podcast is about some of the many practices, tools and insights that help my clients and me feel connected, grounded and soul-aligned in business & life.

You deserve to create your dream life. Step into it, choose it and allow yourself to have it!

It's time: Own Your Awesome! Flip that ALIVE switch!

    28. When you're feeling "bleh"...

    28. When you're feeling "bleh"...

    Probably influenced by the rainy weather today, and having had a wonderful weekend out & about – I'm not feeling it.

    So today I'm exploring how to get out of the feeling "bleh". You may choose to indulge yourself, or shift – by changing track or just getting over yourself. Which is what I've been doing by recording this podcast. 

    What's resonating with you? Let me know, get in touch via email, Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter here: www.thecarolamoon.com.

    --- Invitations ---

    COACHING: If you need help creating new structure for your life, or to make small or little changes in your business or life: I've got a coaching spot opening up! Get in touch to see if we're a good fit: coaching@thecarolamoon.com.

    FACEBOOK GROUP: To dive in deeper, connect, and give & receive support, join our Own Your Awesome group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OwnYourAwesome/

    IDEA PARTIES: I've today launched the *June* & *July* IDEA PARTY tickets – grab yours now at the early bird ticket price here: https://www.thecarolamoon.com/events. 

    NEWS: If you want to stay up-to-date with all that's happening at The Carola Moon, sign up to my newsletter: https://www.thecarolamoon.com/news. 😙

    --- Get in touch --- 

    I'd love to hear what resonated with you!  Please get in touch to let me know: you can find me at thecarolamoon.com, and on FB, LI, IG and Twitter. 

    Please also let me know what you'd love me to share in one of my future episodes. 

    Have a wonderful rest of the day, Carola 😊 

    Don't forget to share the podcast with your friends! 😉 

    You have all you need: Own Your Awesome!

    • 7 min
    27. Too many competing thoughts, too few hours child-free...

    27. Too many competing thoughts, too few hours child-free...

    Today's topic has been requested by Vanessa, one of my amazing peeps in the Own Your Awesome Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OwnYourAwesome/

    Do you feel like you've got "too many competing thoughts, too few hours child-free?". Then you're not alone. It's easy to fall into the trap of having a to do list that's far too long, and trying to outrun time to fit everything in – only to feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

    That is exactly when you need to pause. When you need to make space for the 'right' and aligned action to percolate. So, breathe into your body, do a meditation, go for a walk, read a chapter of a non-work book. And see how it makes you feel.

    I also share how to choose to celebrate wins, however small, to reprogramme your sense of identity: from "I never finish it all" or "another day/week without having achieved anything really towards my goals", to "I've done well getting this/that done" and "Although I may not have achieved it all, what I've learned about myself is..." – with time, this type of looking for the positives and feeling grateful for all you do achieve, you set yourself up for success. One re-affirming thought at a time!

    I've mentioned Elle J Tull again, who is a graphic designer near Reading, UK, and she is a shining example of doing what works for her: in her case, networking only, no online presence. And although she has moments of doubts, it works for her!

    What's resonating with you? Let me know, get in touch via email, Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter here: www.thecarolamoon.com.

    --- Invitations ---

    COACHING: If you need help creating new structure for your life, or to make small or little changes in your business or life: I've got a coaching spot opening up! Get in touch to see if we're a good fit: coaching@thecarolamoon.com.

    FACEBOOK GROUP: To dive in deeper, connect, and give & receive support, join our Own Your Awesome group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OwnYourAwesome/

    IDEA PARTIES: I've today launched the *June* & *July* IDEA PARTY tickets – grab yours now at the early bird ticket price here: https://www.thecarolamoon.com/events. 

    NEWS: If you want to stay up-to-date with all that's happening at The Carola Moon, sign up to my newsletter: https://www.thecarolamoon.com/news. 😙

    --- Get in touch --- 

    I'd love to hear what resonated with you!  Please get in touch to let me know: you can find me at thecarolamoon.com, and on FB, LI, IG and Twitter. 

    Please also let me know what you'd love me to share in one of my future episodes. 

    Have a wonderful rest of the day, Carola 😊 

    Don't forget to share the podcast with your friends! 😉 

    You have all you need: Own Your Awesome!

    • 17 min
    26. You truly have all you need!

    26. You truly have all you need!

    You truly have it all! You can feel confident, and certain, and determined whenever you need it. It's just that fear & worry is more easily accessible, and confidence, trust and certainty is just as available – you just have to choose it. (wow, a lot of 'justs' in this sentence #heyho)

    I'm sharing how you create your competitive edge by looking inside first and foremost. 

    How you can choose to step into that future you, to create the future success you're after. But maybe that's not easily accessible for you – after all, it's difficult to imagine fully how you'd feel in a future event.

    That maybe you need to use some other tricks.

    Like using Amy Cuddy's famous Power Pose for 2 minutes – watch her Ted Talk here: https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are?language=en

    Or how you smile for two minutes, and you can't help to feel more positive.

    Or to think back of a successful challenge in the past, and carry that confidence & trust & certainty in your abilities into your future challenge.

    Or just realising that your fear comes up because you're growing. Growing into the New You. You can choose to lean into that growth pain like you would hold that long plank for a minute or so longer, although your body is already shaking and your mind is having a field day willing you to stop.

    The beautiful life & success you're craving is on the other side of this. So choose your path to push through, and trust that it'll be worth it!

    What's resonating with you? Let me know, get in touch via email, Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter here: www.thecarolamoon.com.

    --- Invitations ---

    COACHING: If you need help creating new structure for your life, or to make small or little changes in your business or life: I've got a coaching spot opening up! Get in touch to see if we're a good fit: coaching@thecarolamoon.com.

    FACEBOOK GROUP: To dive in deeper, connect, and give & receive support, join our Own Your Awesome group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OwnYourAwesome/

    IDEA PARTIES: I've today launched the *June* & *July* IDEA PARTY tickets – grab yours now at the early bird ticket price here: https://www.thecarolamoon.com/events. 

    NEWS: If you want to stay up-to-date with all that's happening at The Carola Moon, sign up to my newsletter: https://www.thecarolamoon.com/news. 😙

    --- Get in touch --- 

    I'd love to hear what resonated with you!  Please get in touch to let me know: you can find me at thecarolamoon.com, and on FB, LI, IG and Twitter. 

    Please also let me know what you'd love me to share in one of my future episodes. 

    Have a wonderful rest of the day, Carola 😊 

    Don't forget to share the podcast with your friends! 😉 

    You have all you need: Own Your Awesome!

    • 23 min
    25. Ways to love yourself, just the way you like to be loved...

    25. Ways to love yourself, just the way you like to be loved...

    What if true contentment and confidence comes from giving yourself the kind of love, energy & attention you're hoping from your environment. 

    This was triggered by me bumping into a friend of mine, and me following my instinct to ask for a hug. Luckily she was glad to oblige.

    But what about hugging ourselves? I've been giving myself a daily hug as part of my morning routine, after yoga and breathwork and it feels so scrumptious. But it does more than that, it re-assures me that I am worthy of spending time, energy & attention on me. By giving it to myself. No one can take that away from me. And by doing that, I become more receptive to receive it from others, while also less needy to 'have to have it' from others.

    Have you tried this? Will you? What other acts of self-love can and will you gift yourself to replenish your worthiness bucket?

    What's resonating with you? Let me know, get in touch via email, Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter here: www.thecarolamoon.com.

    --- Invitations ---

    COACHING: If you need help creating new structure for your life, or to make small or little changes in your business or life: I've got a coaching spot opening up! Get in touch to see if we're a good fit: coaching@thecarolamoon.com.

    FACEBOOK GROUP: To dive in deeper, connect, and give & receive support, join our Own Your Awesome group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OwnYourAwesome/

    IDEA PARTIES: There'll be an IDEA PARTY in June and one in July. Get in touch if you want to influence the date, and sign up to my newsletter for your invitation: https://www.thecarolamoon.com/news. 😙

    --- Get in touch --- 

    I'd love to hear what resonated with you!  Please get in touch to let me know: you can find me at thecarolamoon.com, and on FB, LI, IG and Twitter. 

    Please also let me know what you'd love me to share in one of my future episodes. 

    Have a wonderful rest of the day, Carola 😊 

    Don't forget to share the podcast with your friends! 😉 

    You have all you need: Own Your Awesome!

    • 17 min
    24. Believe in yourself for just 5 minutes...

    24. Believe in yourself for just 5 minutes...

    Today's podcast is fuelled by this quote: "If you were able to believe in Santa Claus for 8 years, can you believe in yourself for 5 minutes?"

    Since most of us have lost their innate believe in themselves, how about re-setting our habits to start believing in ourselves again, 5 minutes at a time?

    What will be possible if you started to believe in yourself again, and that you actually can, be, or have what you KNOW you desire?

    I also share how my podcasts are often a little messy, and how I know that's ok. That for the right people, it will not prevent you from getting the message of my podcast.

    What's resonating with you? Let me know, get in touch via email, Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter here: www.thecarolamoon.com.

    --- Invitations ---

    COACHING: If you need help creating new structure for your life, or to make small or little changes in your business or life: I've got a coaching spot opening up! Get in touch to see if we're a good fit: coaching@thecarolamoon.com.

    FACEBOOK GROUP: To dive in deeper, connect, and give & receive support, join our Own Your Awesome group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OwnYourAwesome/

    IDEA PARTIES: There'll be an IDEA PARTY in June and one in July. Get in touch if you want to influence the date, and sign up to my newsletter for your invitation: https://www.thecarolamoon.com/news. 😙

    --- Get in touch --- 

    I'd love to hear what resonated with you!  Please get in touch to let me know: you can find me at thecarolamoon.com, and on FB, LI, IG and Twitter. 

    Please also let me know what you'd love me to share in one of my future episodes. 

    Have a wonderful rest of the day, Carola 😊 

    Don't forget to share the podcast with your friends! 😉 

    You have all you need: Own Your Awesome!

    • 10 min
    23. Sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest impact...

    23. Sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest impact...

    Sometimes all you need it a little structure, like an admin day. Or you need to print off a calendar to plan the next 7 weeks before the kids break up for the summer holidays. Or a calendar to help plan the kids' summer holiday with the intention to create amazing memories.

    What is a big or small way you can create more of the good business or life you desire to have? Sometimes small changes can make all the difference in the way you're feeling: it can affect your confidence, sense of calm and professionalism.

    Get in touch if you'd like a copy of the calendars: one for beginning of June to end of July (last term before the school holidays), the other from end of July to beginning of September (school holidays) – or both 😉.

    What is resonating with you? Let me know, get in touch via email, Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter here: www.thecarolamoon.com.

    --- Invitations ---

    If you need help creating new structure for your life, or to make small or little changes in your business or life: I've got a coaching spot opening up! Get in touch to see if we're a good fit: coaching@thecarolamoon.com.

    To dive in deeper, connect, and give & receive support, join our Own Your Awesome group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OwnYourAwesome/

    I'm looking at dates for the next two IDEA PARTIES: currently Fri 21st of June and Fri 19th of July look good – give me a nod if those dates work for you.

    --- Get in touch --- 

    I'd love to hear what resonated with you!  Please get in touch to let me know: you can find me at thecarolamoon.com, and on FB, LI, IG and Twitter. 

    Please also let me know what you'd love me to share in one of my future episodes. 

    Have a wonderful rest of the day, Carola 😊 

    Don't forget to share the podcast with your friends! 😉 

    You have all you need: Own Your Awesome!

    • 12 min

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