The Sticky From The Inside Podcast

Andy Goram
The Sticky From The Inside Podcast

Sticky From The Inside is the go-to podcast for anyone looking to transform their workplace into a thriving, competition-crushing powerhouse. We’re on a mission to change the fact that 65% of employees worldwide are disengaged from their work—because that’s not just bad for business, it’s a waste of time and talent. Each episode, we bring you dynamic conversations with global experts, thought leaders, and innovative thinkers who share their strategies, stories, and secrets for building a “Stickier Business”—a place where employees are passionate, customers are loyal, and success is the norm. If you’re ready to boost employee engagement, create an unbeatable workplace culture, and lead with impact, tune in and discover how to build a business that people love from the inside out.

  1. Beyond Engagement. Employee Loyalty That Lasts A Lifetime

    1 DAY AGO

    Beyond Engagement. Employee Loyalty That Lasts A Lifetime

    Andy Goram sits down with Kristina Vaneva, author of Beyond Employee Engagement, to explore how businesses can go beyond traditional employee engagement strategies to build lifelong employee advocates. Kristina shares actionable insights on how to create an effective employee advocate programme that seamlessly integrates into every stage of the employee journey—from onboarding to career development and beyond. Discover the benefits of empowering your team to become authentic employee advocates and how a well-structured employee advocacy program can boost brand loyalty and trust. Learn the steps to build a program that works, the challenges you'll face, and the long-term impact advocacy can have on both your company and your employees. If you're looking to strengthen your employee engagement efforts and foster genuine loyalty, this episode is packed with valuable tips that can transform your approach. Tune in to learn how to create a culture where your people don’t just work for you—they work with you, promoting your brand long after they’ve moved on. ----more---- Key Takeaways True employee advocacy is rooted in genuine employee engagement Successful employee advocacy requires more than just goodwill For an employee advocate programme to thrive, leaders must actively buy in and commit to it Employee advocacy doesn’t have to end when employees leave the company ----more---- Key Moments The key moments in this episode are: 00:01:10 - What is Employee Advocacy? Why Does It Matter?00:08:23 - The Benefits of Employee Advocate Programmes for Businesses00:09:04 - How to Build an Effective Employee Advocate Programme00:25:11 - Employee Engagement and Its Role in Advocacy00:35:41 - Challenges in Building an Employee Advocate Programme00:28:26 - Long-Term Benefits of Employee Advocates After They Leave00:44:41 - Sticky Notes & Close ----more---- Join The Conversation Find Andy Goram on LinkedIn here Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here Follow the Podcast on Instagram here Follow the Podcast on Twitter here Follow the Podcast on Facebook here Check out the Bizjuicer website here Get a free consultation with Andy here Check out the Bizjuicer blog here Download the podcast here ----more---- Useful Links Follow Kristina Vaneva on LinkedIn here Find Kristina's website here Get Beyond Engagement here Visit Kristina's YouTube Channel here ----more---- Full Episode Transcript Get the full transcript of the episode here

    50 min
  2. Being Leaderful. Beyond The Title Of Leadership

    10 OCT

    Being Leaderful. Beyond The Title Of Leadership

    Andy Goram sits down with leadership expert Sammy Burt to discuss the transformative concept of being leaderful. Moving beyond traditional leadership roles and titles, Sammy introduces a fresh perspective on leaderful leadership, where the focus shifts to the experience and impact leaders have on others, rather than just the authority they hold. Together, Andy and Sammy explore the challenges of accidental leadership, the importance of self-awareness, and how to foster a human-centered leadership approach. They dive into the differences between leadership and management, uncover the power of curiosity, and discuss the emotional and relational connections crucial in effective leadership today. ----more---- Key Takeaways What it means to be leaderful The important impact of self-awareness in leadership How to build human-centered leadership practices Why curiosity is a fundamental part of leadership development ----more---- Key Moments The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:10 - What Does It Mean to Be Leaderful?00:09:40 - The Challenges of Traditional Leadership Roles00:13:28 - Leadership Is More Than a Title: It's About Impact00:16:26 - The Impact of Poorly Defined Leadership in Organizations00:26:49 - Leadership vs Management: Why Managing People Is a Myth00:28:26 - Building Human-Centered Leadership Practices00:34:33 - Navigating the Post-COVID Shift in Leadership Expectations00:42:00 - The Importance of Curiosity In Leadership Development00:45:02 - How To Foster A Leaderful Culture In Your Organisation ----more---- Join The Conversation Find Andy Goram on LinkedIn here Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here Follow the Podcast on Instagram here Follow the Podcast on Twitter here Follow the Podcast on Facebook here Check out the Bizjuicer website here Get a free consultation with Andy here Check out the Bizjuicer blog here Download the podcast here ----more---- Useful Links Follow Sammy Burt on LinkedIn here Follow Sammy Burt on Facebook here Follow Sammy Burt on Instagram here Visit the Farleigh Performance website here Find the Grown Up Book here ----more---- Full Episode Transcript Get the full transcript of the episode here

    49 min
  3. The Truth About Employee Engagement Measurement - We've Been Doing It Wrong.

    26 SEPT

    The Truth About Employee Engagement Measurement - We've Been Doing It Wrong.

    Andy Goram sits down with Nick Court, founder and CEO of The People Experience Hub, to tackle a bold question: "Are we measuring employee engagement all wrong?" As organisations pour time and resources into engagement surveys and scores, Nick challenges the effectiveness of these traditional methods and suggests that we’ve been missing the mark. Andy and Nick dive deep into the flaws of current engagement measurement practices, exploring why chasing numbers might actually be detracting from what truly drives a thriving workplace. Nick introduces the PX3 model, a revolutionary approach that goes beyond surface-level metrics to uncover the real factors that influence employee experience and retention. ----more---- Key Takeaways Traditional employee engagement metrics are flawed.  It's more nuanced. Effective employee engagement measurement should know, "What makes an employee engaged here." The Px3 Think Feel Do model goes beyond a score and uncovers what needs focus and why Internal benchmarks are far more valuable than external comparisons. ----more---- Key Moments The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:10 - Is chasing employee engagement scores leading us astray?00:06:11 - What does true employee engagement look like in your organisation?00:09:07 - The dangers of focusing solely on engagement scores00:14:04 - Why a singular engagement metric may be misleading00:17:51 - Rethinking net promoter scores for employee engagement00:23:14 - Introducing the Px3 model - a new approach to measuring employee experience00:28:56 - Why outcomes matter more than engagement scores00:35:18 - Predictive analytics are the future of employee engagement measurement00:41:24 - The case for internal benchmarks over external comparisons00:42:53 - How to create a culture where employees thrive ----more---- Join The Conversation Find Andy Goram on LinkedIn here Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here Follow the Podcast on Instagram here Follow the Podcast on Twitter here Follow the Podcast on Facebook here Check out the Bizjuicer website here Get a free consultation with Andy here Check out the Bizjuicer blog here Download the podcast here ----more---- Useful Links Follow Nick Court on LinkedIn here Follow the PxHub on LinkedIn here Find the PxHub website here ----more---- Full Episode Transcript Get the full transcript of the episode here

    48 min
  4. How Suffering Can Transform Leadership

    12 SEPT

    How Suffering Can Transform Leadership

    In this episode of Sticky from the Inside, host Andy Goram sits down with leadership coach and visionary, Dan Tocchini to explore the transformative power of vision, resilience, and authentic connections in leadership and company culture. Dan shares profound insights on how embracing discomfort and facing personal and professional "exile" can lead to deeper wisdom, stronger relationships, and extraordinary success. Discover why a strong vision is the cornerstone of effective leadership and how it can free you from being held hostage by past failures or current circumstances. Learn how to cultivate resilience and stay committed to your goals, even in the face of adversity, and why authentic connections are forged in the toughest of times. If you're looking to transform your approach to leadership and company culture, this episode is packed with actionable advice and thought-provoking concepts that will inspire you to lead with purpose, overcome challenges, and create lasting impact. ----more---- Key Takeaways How to turn discomfort into a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. The role of vision in freeing leaders from the constraints of history and circumstance. Why resilience and commitment are crucial for achieving extraordinary results. The importance of facing reality head-on to unlock new opportunities for success. ----more---- Key Moments The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:10 - Introduction to Sticky from the Inside 00:03:14 - Dan Tocchini on Transforming Leadership and Company Culture00:06:15 - The Role of Philosophy in Leadership Development00:09:57 - Phenomenology and Neuroscience: Understanding Leadership Behaviour00:12:24 - How Vision Shapes Leadership and Company Success00:19:38 - Embracing Discomfort for Personal and Professional Growth00:26:54 - The Importance of Resilience and Commitment in Leadership00:33:13 - Leading Through Crisis: Lessons from Personal Tragedy00:39:00 - Overcoming Exile in Business Leadership00:44:04 - Authentic Connections and Emotional Intelligence in Leadership0000:46:40 - Key Takeaways: Mastering Leadership and Creating Impact ----more---- Join The Conversation Find Andy Goram on LinkedIn here Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here Follow the Podcast on Instagram here Follow the Podcast on Twitter here Follow the Podcast on Facebook here Check out the Bizjuicer website here Get a free consultation with Andy here Check out the Bizjuicer blog here Download the podcast here ----more---- Useful Links Follow Dan Tocchini on LinkedIn here Follow Dan on Instagram here Find the Take New Ground website here Find out more about Phenomenology here Find out about Hubert Dreyfus here ----more---- Full Episode Transcript Get the full transcript of the episode here

    51 min
  5. Culture. The Real Differentiator

    29 AUG

    Culture. The Real Differentiator

    Why don't more organisations treat building an effective culture, like a strategic, commercial imperative? You still hear comments like, "We'll get to this culture stuff when we've weathered this storm." Frankly, I think that's nuts.  Not everyone thinks that way though.  In this episode, Andy Goram talks to Dan Dowman from Anthem, who believes that "culture is the only differentiator that really matters" because competitors can catch up with everything else. This conversation covers how culture, employee engagement and leadership directly affect the bottom line, and offers up practical advice on how to get the culture your organisation needs, not just put up with the one it has. ----more---- Key Takeaways How to develop an organizational culture that drives bottom line performance. Why culture is the only differentiator that matters. How to intentionally build the culture your organisation needs to be successful. What the leader's role is in building that culture.  The hidden costs of negative behaviour. ----more---- Key Moments The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:10 - Introduction to Sticky from the Inside 00:01:32 - The importance of culture in today's world00:03:01 - Making culture a strategic priority00:10:06 - Pitfalls of productivity optimisation00:14:02 - Disconnect in organisational values00:15:03 - Developing practical values for businesses00:16:22 - Personalising company values00:21:39 - Importance of company culture00:25:42 - Culture as a competitive advantage00:26:40 - Overcoming Resistance to Change 00:28:35 - The cost of workplace drama00:29:10 - The cost of poor culture00:32:18 - Addressing cultural decay00:35:01 - Honesty and integrity in setting company culture00:37:57 - The model of collective fluency00:42:33 - Practical culture transformation00:44:01 - Sticky Notes00:46:27 - Conclusion and Farewell ----more---- Join The Conversation Find Andy Goram on LinkedIn here Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here Follow the Podcast on Instagram here Follow the Podcast on Twitter here Follow the Podcast on Facebook here Check out the Bizjuicer website here Get a free consultation with Andy here Check out the Bizjuicer blog here Download the podcast here ----more---- Useful Links Follow Dan Dowman on LinkedIn here Access the Anthem website here Find The Workplace Drama training mentioned here Take Dan's free harmony assessment here ----more---- Full Episode Transcript Get the full transcript of the episode here

    48 min
  6. 100th Episode: Memorable Moments

    15 AUG

    100th Episode: Memorable Moments

    In a special show to mark 100 episodes, Andy Goram looks back at the 99 previous conversations and picks a collection of standout moments that either particularly resonated, made him think, filled his heart or have stuck with him. The compilation of clips covers a range of employee engagement and workplace culture-linked topics including Purpose, Significance, Leadership, The Changing Workplace, Trust, Burnout, Commerciality, Compassion and Deep Listening. ----more---- Key Takeaways The difference between the meaning of work and the meaning in work The requirements for productive self-managed teams How to create employee commitment at work The connection between employee engagement and burnout How to blend commercial and compassionate skills in developing leaders The 3 secret numbers to turn you into a deep listener ----more---- Key Moments The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:10 - Introduction to Sticky From The Inside 00:01:18 - Looking back at 100 episodes00:03:33 - Zach Mercurio: The meaning in work00:07:44 - Work: A paycheck or more?00:10:44 - Perry Timms: The changing workforce00:14:18 - Agency comes with responsibility00:16:36 - Evangelising leaders00:18:22 - Joe Mull: Commitment at work00:22:09 - Employalty: The nine dimensions of employee commitment00:25:33 - What's at the core of employee engagement?00:27:23 - Emma Bridger: The darker side of employee engagement00:31:40 - Can you link employee engagement to results?00:34:47 - Barrie Robinson: Creating great experiences00:36:50 - Leadership characteristics00:42:00 - Oscar Trimboli: 3 numbers behind deep listening00:44:29 - The difference with deep listeners00:47:38 - Podcast Close ----more---- Join The Conversation Find Andy Goram on LinkedIn here Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here Follow the Podcast on Instagram here Follow the Podcast on Twitter/X here Follow the Podcast on Facebook here Check out the Bizjuicer Website here Get a Free Consultation with Andy here Check out the Bizjuicer Blog here Download the Podcast here ----more---- Useful Links Listen to episode 9 with Zach Mercurio here Listen to episode 25 with Perry Timms here Listen to episode 77 with Joe Mull here Listen to episode 44 with Emma Bridger here Listen to episode 54 with Barrie Robinson here Listen to episode 61 with Oscar Trimboli here ----more---- Full Episode Transcript Get the full transcript of the episode here

    49 min
  7. The Forgotten Engagement Key

    1 AUG

    The Forgotten Engagement Key

    Despite the focus, energy and money spent on employee engagement, many companies have struggled to move the dial.  The growth in hybrid and remote working has exacerbated the situation too. Though there are organisations out there bucking the trend.  One such place is NAHL Group.  Andy Goram chats to Marcus Lamont, Group People Officer, about how they have reversed this trend.  Marcus reveals the not-so-secret sauce to their success is a focus on the often forgotten group in an organisation - the line managers.  Marcus shares the deeply practical ways they have increased their engagement and productivity while repositioning the business and moving to a 70% hybrid and remote model.  ----more---- Key Takeaways Unlock the key to reinvigorating your team's passion and commitment in a changing work environment. The secrets to leading, inspiring and motivating your line managers to do the same with their teams. How to build trust in hybrid and remote working environments. The power of soft-skill focused team manager training programmes.  How to build, grow and maintain an enabling, positive culture no matter where people are located. ----more---- Key Moments The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:10 - Introduction to Sticky from the Inside 00:01:12 - Employee Engagement Challenges 00:03:50 - The Power of Team Managers 00:04:37 - Marcus Lamont's Background 00:07:19 - Transformation at NAHL Group 00:15:08 - Focusing on Team Leaders for Business Improvement 00:16:45 - Overlooked Group of Managers 00:21:27 - Challenges Faced by Team Managers 00:23:49 - The Pathway to Leadership Program 00:26:40 - Overcoming Resistance to Change 00:29:04 - The Power of Little Marginal Gains 00:31:08 - The Silver Bullet: Team Leaders 00:33:47 - Building Trust within the Organization 00:36:48 - Empowerment and Accountability 00:40:14 - Navigating Remote and Hybrid Work 00:43:19 - Importance of Maintaining Relationships 00:43:59 - Pitfalls of Remote and Hybrid Work 00:44:58 - Human Needs in the Workplace 00:45:26 - Three Pearls of Wisdom 00:47:20 - Conclusion and Farewell ----more---- Join The Conversation Find Andy Goram on LinkedIn here Listen to the Podcast on YouTube here Follow the Podcast on Instagram here Follow the Podcast on Twitter here Follow the Podcast on Facebook here Check out the Bizjuicer website here Get a free consultation with Andy here Check out the Bizjuicer blog here Download the podcast here ----more---- Useful Links Follow Marcus Lamont on LinkedIn here Follow NAHL on LinkedIn here Find The Trusted Executive book by John Blakey here Find an overview of the 9 Habits of Trust here ----more---- Full Episode Transcript Get the full transcript of the episode here

    48 min
  8. Values With Soul: How Music Adds Meaning To Your Values

    18 JUL

    Values With Soul: How Music Adds Meaning To Your Values

    Andy Goram speaks with Sam McNeill from SongDivision, an organisation that uses the power of music and songwriting to attach meaning to the words that appear in many corporate mission statements and values lists connecting what drives an organisation with what motivates and drives the people within it.  In this engaging, fun and entertaining conversation the pair discuss how the process works, how quickly the feelings of fear and cringe dissipate once the process begins and how even the most stubborn cynics end up rocking out to the new corporate anthem at the end of it. ----more---- Key Takeaways Discover how music can enhance employee engagement and boost workplace morale. How to turn dull, meaningless corporate values into catchy, meaningful songs. Understand the benefits of integrating music into your workplace culture. How music acts as a team-building tool for stronger collaboration and unity.  ----more---- Key Moments The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:10 - Introduction to Sticky from the Inside 00:01:25 - The Power of Music in Engagement 00:02:55 - Using Songs to Connect and Unite 00:03:28 - The Science and Psychology Behind Music 00:04:57 - The Genesis of Song Division 00:14:11 - Sharing First Musical Experiences 00:16:11 - Process of Turning Corporate Values into a Song 00:22:27 - Giving Personal Meaning to Corporate Values 00:23:34 - Dealing with Cynical Participants 00:25:37 - Purpose and Meaning in Song Creation 00:26:03 - Studio Collaboration 00:27:15 - Spontaneous Song Creation 00:28:48 - Song Creation Process 00:29:53 - Cultural Variances 00:33:24 - Observing Company Culture 00:37:25 - The Power of Music in Team Building 00:38:15 - Impactful Feedback and Client Relationships 00:41:22 - Belief and Connection in Employee Engagement 00:44:39 - 3 Sticky Notes of Wisdom 00:47:50 - Wrapping Up with Collaboration and Inspiration  ----more---- Join The Conversation Find Andy Goram on LinkedIn here Follow the Podcast on Instagram here Follow the Podcast on Twitter here Follow the Podcast on Facebook here Check out the Bizjuicer website here Get a free consultation with Andy here Check out the Bizjuicer blog here Download the podcast here ----more---- Useful Links Follow Sam McNeill on LinkedIn here Follow SongDivision on Instagram here Follow Song Division on Facebook here Follow SongDivision of Twitter here Attend July's Free Song Division event here ----more---- Full Episode Transcript Get the full transcript of the episode here

    49 min
out of 5
27 Ratings


Sticky From The Inside is the go-to podcast for anyone looking to transform their workplace into a thriving, competition-crushing powerhouse. We’re on a mission to change the fact that 65% of employees worldwide are disengaged from their work—because that’s not just bad for business, it’s a waste of time and talent. Each episode, we bring you dynamic conversations with global experts, thought leaders, and innovative thinkers who share their strategies, stories, and secrets for building a “Stickier Business”—a place where employees are passionate, customers are loyal, and success is the norm. If you’re ready to boost employee engagement, create an unbeatable workplace culture, and lead with impact, tune in and discover how to build a business that people love from the inside out.

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