111 episodes

I help ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners make more money in less time. And currently, I'm helping some of them get eleven times the value of their investment back.
How do I do it?
I help them understand and leverage their ADHD so they can get it working for them, not against them when it comes to their business strategy.
Do you want to learn specific tools and tricks for overcoming ADHD in YOUR business?
Want coaching on money mindset, sales advice, and general ADHD entrepreneurship, but from the safety and comfort of your own space?
Maybe you're an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to start your own business but feel burdened by your ADHD diagnosis?
If you're wanting to listen to business strategy and money mindset advice that's specifically targeted to business owners like you who have ADHD and other types of neurodiversity, then "The Weeniecast" is the ADHD entrepreneurs podcast for YOU.

I've helped ADHD entrepreneurs like you to scale their revenue towards six figures in months, not years.
It can be done.

ADHD doesn't have to be as big an issue in business as some people think.

With each episode of this podcast, I'll be guiding you further along the path to entrepreneurial success even if you have ADHD.

Each episode we cover various ADHD entrepreneur challenges including:

Leadership skills
Executive dysfunction and ADHD meltdowns
Embracing imperfection
Overcoming rejection sensitive dysphoria
'Shiny object syndrome'
Time management (and why things like pomodoro technique don't work for us)...

If you're an ADHD entrepreneur, then you'll be only too familiar with any of these challenges and how they can impact on your business.

Do YOU allow them to get in the way of your success?

If so, stop whatever you’re doing, and click the follow or subscribe button for this show on your favorite podcast app, right NOW!

I'm Katie McManus and I help entrepreneurs with ADHD to stop being weenies, and start being successful.

As a CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach) I know how to help people like you to break through their own limiting self beliefs.

I help them understand their own potential for growing their dream business and making seriously life changing amounts of money.

Having ADHD does not stop you from having a winning business strategy!

Each episode I’ll be sharing stories and insights which will inspire you, as a fellow ADHD person with designs on entrepreneurship to step OUT of the weenie, and IN to the winning life of being a successful ADHD entrepreneur!
Learn more about the show at weeniecast.com
Learn more about how I help people like you at katiemcmanus.com

The Weeniecast - for ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners Weeniecast

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 3 Ratings

I help ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners make more money in less time. And currently, I'm helping some of them get eleven times the value of their investment back.
How do I do it?
I help them understand and leverage their ADHD so they can get it working for them, not against them when it comes to their business strategy.
Do you want to learn specific tools and tricks for overcoming ADHD in YOUR business?
Want coaching on money mindset, sales advice, and general ADHD entrepreneurship, but from the safety and comfort of your own space?
Maybe you're an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to start your own business but feel burdened by your ADHD diagnosis?
If you're wanting to listen to business strategy and money mindset advice that's specifically targeted to business owners like you who have ADHD and other types of neurodiversity, then "The Weeniecast" is the ADHD entrepreneurs podcast for YOU.

I've helped ADHD entrepreneurs like you to scale their revenue towards six figures in months, not years.
It can be done.

ADHD doesn't have to be as big an issue in business as some people think.

With each episode of this podcast, I'll be guiding you further along the path to entrepreneurial success even if you have ADHD.

Each episode we cover various ADHD entrepreneur challenges including:

Leadership skills
Executive dysfunction and ADHD meltdowns
Embracing imperfection
Overcoming rejection sensitive dysphoria
'Shiny object syndrome'
Time management (and why things like pomodoro technique don't work for us)...

If you're an ADHD entrepreneur, then you'll be only too familiar with any of these challenges and how they can impact on your business.

Do YOU allow them to get in the way of your success?

If so, stop whatever you’re doing, and click the follow or subscribe button for this show on your favorite podcast app, right NOW!

I'm Katie McManus and I help entrepreneurs with ADHD to stop being weenies, and start being successful.

As a CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach) I know how to help people like you to break through their own limiting self beliefs.

I help them understand their own potential for growing their dream business and making seriously life changing amounts of money.

Having ADHD does not stop you from having a winning business strategy!

Each episode I’ll be sharing stories and insights which will inspire you, as a fellow ADHD person with designs on entrepreneurship to step OUT of the weenie, and IN to the winning life of being a successful ADHD entrepreneur!
Learn more about the show at weeniecast.com
Learn more about how I help people like you at katiemcmanus.com

    Kamala Harris & 4 other 'taboo's to include in your marketing!

    Kamala Harris & 4 other 'taboo's to include in your marketing!

    I'll be going to the polls this election season, proudly voting for Kamala Harris…
    Are you considering doing the same?
    Great. Then you're allowed to listen to my podcast!
    If you're not, first of all - yuk.
    But also maybe give this podcast a listen anyway and find out why taking a stand in your marketing can actually help your business.
    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"
    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Now, back to this episode...
    I want to share some of the most 'taboo' topics you can possibly introduce into your business marketing, and I promise by the end of this episode, you'll understand why this can be your secret weapon to stand out and attract your ideal clients.
    In this episode, I get into why bringing up politics, mental health, money, relationships, and yes, even sex, can be strategies to make your small business memorable.
    Give this episode a listen, and you’ll not only learn how to incorporate these so-called 'taboo' topics into your content marketing but also get practical strategies on how to share without being overly vulnerable or unprofessional.
    By the end of the episode, you’ll be better equipped to scare away the clients who aren’t a fit and draw in those who fully align with who you are and what you stand for.
    It’s time to be unapologetically yourself and connect genuinely with your audience in ways that not only resonate but stick.
    Oh, yeah, and remember to vote Kamala in 2024!
    Unless you just fell out of a tree.
    Timestamp Summary:
    [00:00:43] The problem in small business marketing
    [00:01:29] Using taboo topics to create genuine connections
    [00:03:45] Explaining the concept of the 'sphere of influence'
    [00:08:04] Politics and standing up for your beliefs
    [00:10:53] The importance of discussing mental health
    [00:12:38] Processing past struggles to create trust
    [00:18:17] Sharing personal stories to be memorable
    [00:21:02] Talking about money openly
    [00:22:38] Balanced discussion on religion
    [00:24:40] Embracing taboo topics for genuine connections
    Mentioned in this episode:
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    • 28 min
    The 3 things stopping you from making money!

    The 3 things stopping you from making money!

    Time for a reality check: you can get incredibly good at making money, but if you don’t heal your relationship with it, you're unlikely to hold onto it for long.
    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"
    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Now, back to this episode...
    Psychological barriersIn this episode, "The 3 things stopping you from making money!" I'm sharing the psychological barriers that keep you from not just making money, but actually keeping and accumulating wealth.
    From fear and avoidance to the deep-seated trauma we carry about money, this episode is an eye-opener for anyone who's ever struggled with their finances.
    Stick around, and you'll learn how to overcome these obstacles and finally let money flow into your life with ease.
    The truth about what's really blocking us from making moneyBy the way, you might be surprised to learn what's actually stopping you from making and keeping money.
    We often think it's just about our business strategies or offers.
    Sure, raising your prices and creating high-ticket offers are essential, but that's not the whole story.
    Timestamped Summary00:00 Address money anxiety, process, and show compassion.
    03:29 Fear and vigilance impact money relationships.
    06:30 Fear of financial advisor, find smaller solutions.
    12:33 Childhood trauma linked to unsafe environment perception.
    13:50 Assess and keep essential subscriptions, eliminate unnecessary ones.
    17:20 Processing fear is key to healing trauma.
    22:58 Pride in profession, rewrite your money story.
    24:05 Assess and improve your relationship with money.
    Useful linksThe episode I mention where I talk about money archetypes:
    The Trauma of Money program:
    Your next steps after listening Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me - weeniecast.com/strategycall
    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show - https://weeniecast.com/winners
    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/katiethecoach
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Join the Hyperfocused Community
    Hyperfocus community

    • 26 min
    What's the beaver 'damming' up YOUR business?

    What's the beaver 'damming' up YOUR business?

    What do we business owners share in common with beavers? You're gonna kick yourself!
    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"
    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Now, back to this episode...
    How do you beaver up your business?I was scrolling through my social media feed the other day when I stumbled upon the most peculiar video: a beaver diligently collecting household items to create a dam inside someone's bathtub.
    It struck me how instinctual it is for these creatures to obstruct the natural flow of water—and then I realized, isn't that what we often do in our own businesses?
    I’ve now coined the term: "beavering your business as a result of this lesson I've learned."
    Often, ADHD entrepreneurs unconsciously create energy blocks that prevent success, clients, and money from flowing naturally.
    How do we create dams in our own success?It's all about the stories we tell ourselves—stories about our ADHD, our relationship with money, or our skill sets.
    Instead of treating these as minor hurdles to overcome, we magnify them into insurmountable obstacles.
    For instance, constantly blaming ADHD for our challenges not only limits our actions but also keeps us in a perpetual state of powerlessness.
    We even use our "bad relationship with money" as a convenient excuse to avoid asking for the compensation we deserve.
    By acknowledging and tackling these stories head-on, you’ll learn how to redirect that blocking energy into something more constructive.
    After listening to this episode, you'll gain valuable insights into recognizing and dismantling the barriers you've been unknowingly placing in your own path.
    We’ll cover practical strategies for transforming your mindset around ADHD and money, empowering you to step into a position of control and opportunity.
    You'll be better at identifying the sabotaging narratives you tell yourself, and more equipped to make decisions from a place of strength rather than weakness.
    Whether it's overcoming your fear of failure, rejection, or just breaking a long-held belief that you “can't” succeed because of your ADHD, this episode will arm you with the tools to stop being a weenie and start running a successful, profitable business.
    Timestamped Summary:00:00 - Introduction: How beavers and business blocks are connected.
    01:50 - The concept of "beavering your business" and the negative impact of energetic blocks.
    02:49 - Common self-imposed barriers ADHD entrepreneurs create, stemming from blaming ADHD.
    03:49 - The power of shifting away from blaming ADHD to taking control.
    04:54 - Specifics on how untreated ADHD symptoms can impact business tasks.
    06:06 - Discussing the myth of insurmountable obstacles, especially around money.
    07:09 - Steps to improve relationship with money and move past paralyzing beliefs.
    08:54 - Overcoming my "I'm bad at writing dialogue" block.
    10:10 - Breaking down the psychological mechanisms behind magnifying obstacles.
    12:34 - Empowering yourself to overcome the beavers in your business.
    This episode is your guide to stop letting beavers dam up your path to success.
    Click play, listen, and let's break down those barriers together!
    Your next steps after listening Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me - a...

    • 14 min
    5 signs you're under attack from the ADHD voices in your head & what Brené Brown can teach us about our internal shame!

    5 signs you're under attack from the ADHD voices in your head & what Brené Brown can teach us about our internal shame!

    Are you dealing with those pesky inner voices that try to tear down our ambitions and keep us stuck in our comfort zones? Yeah. Me too!
    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"
    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Now, back to this episode...
    I was in a French class the other day, struggling with the words, when this fascinating woman piped up, and we began chatting about our careers.
    She's an opera singer from Toronto, who sings incredible pieces in French and wants to understand the language better.
    What floored me was her question about my business: "How did you find the courage to start your business?"
    Here’s this opera singer, someone who performs in front of audiences night after night, with impeccable bravery, asking me about courage.
    That got me reflecting on how our inner voices - especially the critical ones - shape our perceptions of success and potential.
    In this episode of The Weeniecast, I’m diving into exactly that: 5 signs you're under attack from the ADHD voices in your head - and how you can tackle them.
    What if you could recognize the voice of doubt and saboteurs in your mind and learn how to manage them?
    Here’s what you’re learning in this episode:
    Spotting the signs of your inner criticUnderstanding how ADHD plays into thisActionable strategies to keep those voices at bay
    Listening to this episode, you'll gain insights into not just recognizing these voices but pre-emptively setting safeguards to protect your entrepreneurial journey from self-sabotage.
    By the end, you’ll be better equipped to steer your business with confidence and minimized self-doubt.
    Timestamped summary00:00 Dealing with doubts and fears in business.
    03:20 Brené Brown addresses shame, vulnerability, and wholeheartedness.
    09:27 Building without market research leads to failure.
    10:55 Artistic insecurity leads to lack of validation.
    15:21 Saboteur seeks to keep you from risk.
    18:20 Invisible business signs and blind group leadership.
    22:43 Self-care crucial for sustainable business success. Avoid comparison.
    25:06 Recover from negative thoughts for personal growth.
    Your next steps after listening Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me - weeniecast.com/strategycall
    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show - https://weeniecast.com/winners
    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/katiethecoach
    Mentioned in this episode:
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    • 29 min
    Myth busting the 'summer slump' in business!

    Myth busting the 'summer slump' in business!

    Are you ready to bust through the myth of the dreaded 'summer slump' in your business?
    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"
    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Now, back to this episode...
    I'm setting the record straight on why the summer months don't have to be slow for your business.
    You might be thinking, “But Katie, everyone’s on vacation, decision-making slows down, and business just naturally grinds to a halt between June and August.”
    Well, I'm here to challenge that notion and get you to reframe your perspective.
    Throughout the episode, we'll discuss the various factors that might be influencing this perception you have, including your own decision to slow down and how that impacts your business.
    I'll walk you through the major external challenges – like clients being on vacation or school holidays affecting your schedule – and how to shimmy your way round them effectively.
    We’ll also discuss the one critical mistake many business owners make.
    So, why listen to this episode?
    You'll learn how to maintain momentum in your business throughout the summer, why consistent marketing is essential, and how to adjust your workflow without sacrificing productivity or sales.
    Timestamped Summary:00:00:01 - Introduction to the Episode
    00:00:24 - Common Assumptions about the Summer Slump
    00:01:16 - Summer Scheduling Challenges for Parents
    00:02:04 - Vacations and External Interruptions
    00:03:06 - Marketing Mistakes During Summer
    00:03:52 - Realistic Summer Productivity
    00:06:28 - The Importance of Staying Top of Mind
    00:07:12 - Balancing Work and Summer Enjoyment
    00:08:02 - Adjusting Your SOPs for Summer
    Your next steps after listening Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me - weeniecast.com/strategycall
    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show - https://weeniecast.com/winners
    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/katiethecoach
    Mentioned in this episode:
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    • 14 min
    Goal setting with ADHD? Entirely possible!

    Goal setting with ADHD? Entirely possible!

    I lost my Internet while we were recording, and it got me thinking: setting goals is hard enough, but add ADHD into the mix, and it becomes downright challenging.
    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"
    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Now, back to this episode...
    Let's be honest - for those of us with ADHD, it's not just about setting the goal; it's about remembering it, staying focused, and not getting overwhelmed.
    Join me as I unpack strategies to make goal setting not just possible but actually achievable for the ADHD entrepreneur.
    In "Goal setting with ADHD? Entirely possible!" we'll talk about why traditional goal-setting methods often fail us and how to flip the script.
    I cover how to keep your goals front and center, the importance of having visible reminders, and why big goals often lead to paralysis by analysis.
    Plus, I share personal stories, like my own goal (that will hopefully one day see me interview Oprah) and I explain why it’s crucial to break down massive goals into manageable, bite-sized pieces.
    We’ll also go into the concept of "now games" versus "long game" goals and how focusing on actionable steps today can set you up for long-term success.
    If you’re an ADHD entrepreneur and goal setting feels like trying to climb Everest in flip-flops, this episode is for you.
    Timestamped Summary:00:00 Katie McManus dreams of...
    03:45 Focus on now game for long-term success.
    09:03 Overwhelmed by to-do list, lacking focus.
    12:14 Hope isn't a guarantee; take action. Build systems.
    13:30 Create and repurpose content to reduce pressure.
    Your next steps after listening Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me - weeniecast.com/strategycall
    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus
    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show - https://weeniecast.com/winners
    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/katiethecoach
    Mentioned in this episode:
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    • 16 min

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