Tony Slattery's Rambling Club

Tony Slattery
Tony Slattery's Rambling Club

Embark on whimsical adventures with your host Tony Slattery and his companions, Paul Carmichael and Allan Lear. Each episode, they dive into delightful discussions, often accompanied by a special guest, as they navigate the quirky wonders of the Dewey Decimal System—guided by their magical (and rather tatty) bingo machine, voiced by the legendary Stephen Fry! Whether they're exploring the great outdoors or wandering through wild ideas, expect plenty of laughs, fascinating insights, and a touch of the unexpected. Tune in to Tony Slattery's Rambling Club and let your imagination roam free! You can become a member of the Rambling Club and obtain your signed membership card, club badges, access to episodes a month in advance, exclusive episodes you won't hear anywhere else, monthly AMA's and much more by heading over to Music composed and performed by Michael Livesley & Andy Frizell Phwifffth voiced by Michael Livesley Producer- Erica Lear Executive Producer- Mark Strickson Official Website- Twitter/X- @SlatteryLive Instagram- tony_slattery_official Facebook- Patreon- Tony Slattery's Rambling Club is a Fanfaronade Production © 2024 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    Sylvester McCoy- "Rather Than Wear A Skirt..."

    Hello, and welcome to Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club! Come and join in as our guest President, the legendary Sylvester McCoy, takes us gently by the dangly bits and leads us on a ramble through three special destinations chosen entirely at random with the use of his enchanted bingo machine. As ever, the omniscient voice of Sir Stephen Fry is on hand to keep a hand on the tiller of the boat of incompetence.   First stop is destination number 471: Classical Latin Writing & Phonology. An easy start for our merry band!   After that we’re off to humber 351- The Law of Central Government. Acting President McCoy has a few words about the current state of the world!   After coping with that more cosy territory awaits us with number 920- Biography, Genealogy, Insignia! Hmm...   After all that it’s time to head back down the garden path to Tony’s shed, where the fire is roaring and the kettle is whistling. If nothing else, it’ll put hairs on your chest, regardless of whether you want them or not.   Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club is a free-associating conversation, sometimes involving very special gusts. It drops every Friday on every podcasting outlet known to man. We’d love it if you came along for the walk. If nothing else, it’ll help you get your steps in!   Music composed and performed by Michael Livesley & Andy Frizell Researcher- Soula Carmichael   The voice of Pwfthhh- Michael Livesley   Series Producers- Erica Lear and Mark Hutchinson   Producers- Alan Dyebing & Stuart Morris   Executive Producer- Kris Castle     Series Executive Producer- Mark Strickson     Join the rambling club and receive your club membership card, badges, exclusive content and access to early release episodes and exclusive club-only perks!   Official Website- Twitter/X: @SlatteryLive Instagram: tony_slattery_official Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    45 min
  2. 21 FEB

    "Just One More Time, For Old Times Sake"

    Hello, and welcome to Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club! Come and join in as President Tony takes us gently by the externals and leads us on a ecclectic ramble through three special destinations chosen entirely at random with the use of his enchanted bingo machine. As ever, the omniscient voice of Sir Stephen Fry is on hand to keep a hand on the tiller of the boat of incompetence.   First stop is destination number 584: monocotyledons. This could be tricky, seeing as our merry band of wanderers can’t even pronounce the word. And as for all that stuff about Peter Cushing…   More familiar turf is discovered as our team head toward destination 825: English speeches. Thankfully something they know something about!.   After managing to get somewhere with that let’s see what awaits us with destination 757- human figures and their parts. "Parts". Hmm...   After all that it’s time to head back down the garden path to Tony’s shed, where the fire is roaring and the kettle is whistling. If nothing else, it’ll put hairs on your chest, regardless of whether you want them or not.   Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club is a free-associating conversation, sometimes involving very special gusts. It drops every Friday on every podcasting outlet known to man. We’d love it if you came along for the walk. If nothing else, it’ll help you get your steps in!   Music composed and performed by Michael Livesley & Andy Frizell   The voice of Pwfthhh- Michael Livesley   Series Producers- Erica Lear and Mark Hutchinson   Producers- Alan Dyebing & Stuart Morris   Executive Producer- Kris Castle     Series Executive Producer- Mark Strickson     Join the rambling club and receive your club membership card, badges, exclusive content and access to early release episodes and exclusive club-only perks!   Official Website- Twitter/X: @SlatteryLive Instagram: tony_slattery_official Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    51 min
  3. 14 FEB

    Richard Vranch- "How Dare You Recall That Monstrosity"

    Hello and welcome to Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club!   This week Tony is rather excited as he has a very special friend visiting. It’s none other than Richard Vranch, Tony’s friend and double act partner all the way back to their Footlights days! Of course, there is still the small matter of a ramble to be had and (once anyone can get a word in) it’s time to call upon the omniscient voice of Sir Stephen Fry who is on hand, as always, to direct our quartet in the vaguest of ways. First stop is destination number 395: manners and etiquette. Surely the presenter of P’s & Q’s will know a thing or two about this. But what’s all this about Richard and Tony performing for royalty? Next up and number 127 awaits: unconsciousness and subconsciousness. This one will take some thought. Or not… Finally we find ourselves at destination 782: vocal music. Familiar turf for Tony and Richard and a glimpse behind the doors of the Whose Line studio circa 1989!   After all that, and this is quite a ramble, you’ll be needing to head back to the presidential shed to take stock and decompress. If nothing else, it’s an alternative to reality. And that’s no bad thing…   Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club is a free-associating conversation, sometimes involving very special guests. It drops every Friday on every podcasting outlet known to man. We’d love it if you came along for the walk. If nothing else, it’ll help you get your steps in!   Music composed and performed by Michael Livesley & Andy Frizell   The voice of Pwfthhh- Michael Livesley   Series Producers- Erica Lear & Mark Hutchinson   Producers- Alan Dyebing & Stuart Morris   Executive Producer- Kris Castle     Series Executive Producer- Mark Strickson     Join the rambling club and receive your club membership card, badges, exclusive content and access to early release episodes and exclusive club-only perks!   Official Website- Twitter/X: @SlatteryLive Instagram: tony_slattery_official Bluesky: And you can find Richard here… Twitter/X: @richardvranch Bluesky: Instagram: richardvranch Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    54 min
  4. 7 FEB

    Nigel Planer- "The Tossem Hat?"

    Hello, and regardless as to whether you like it or not, welcome to Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club!   Come and join in as President Slattery is joined by a very special guest. Yes, it’s the one and only Nigel Planer and he’s here to investigate the faeriefolk at the bottom of the Presidential garden! Still it won’t be long before Tony drags him, and us, on an exuberant ramble around three special destinations chosen entirely at random with the use of his enchanted bingo machine. As ever, the omniscient voice of Sir Stephen Fry is on hand to chart a path of logic through the quagmire of cobblers. First stop is destination number 146: naturalism and related systems. It would help if our merry ramblers could agree on what ‘naturalism’ is. After that surely destination 385 will provide some points of interest. So long as the President’s lurid thoughts surrounding a much loved icon of children’s television and literature don't get the better of him! Finally we end up at destination 098: Prohibited works, forgeries and hoaxes. We can be sure that the star of The Young Ones knows a thing or two about being censored! After that it must surely be time to collapse next to the fire back in the Presidential shed and take stock of what’s just happened. If nothing else it’s a chance to find if faeries lurk at the bottom of your garden.   Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club is a free-associating conversation, sometimes involving very special gusts. It drops every Friday on every podcasting outlet known to man. We’d love it if you came along for the walk. If nothing else, it’ll help you get your steps in!   Music composed and performed by Michael Livesley & AndyFrizell   The voice of Pwfthhh- Michael Livesley   Series Producers- Erica Lear & Mark Hutchinson   Producers- Alan Dyebing & Stuart Morris   Executive Producer- Kris Castle     Series Executive Producer- Mark Strickson     Join the rambling club and receive your club membership card, badges, exclusive content and access to early release episodes and exclusive club-only perks!   Official Website- Twitter/X: @SlatteryLive Instagram: tony_slattery_official   And you can find Nigel here… Twitter/X: @NigelPlaner1 Instagram: NigelPlaner1 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    46 min
  5. 31 JAN

    "You Can't Glue Jelly To Jelly"

    Hello, and welcome, whether you like it or not, to Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club! Come and join in as President Tony takes us gently by the extremities and leads us on a gleeful ramble around two special destinations chosen entirely at random with the use of his enchanted bingo machine. As ever, the omniscient voice of Sir Stephen Fry is on hand to chart a path of logic through the rough terrain of cobblers. First stop is destination number 693: specific materials and purposes. Well that could mean anything really/ More familiar ground awaits with number 872: collections of Latin prose or poetry. Or is it "pose"? It really doesn't matter as the chaps only manage to stick to the subject for about a minute and half. After that you'll want to head back to the Presidential shed to come to terms with the stuff and nonsense you've been exposed to. If nothing else, it’s an opportunity to write a strong letter of complaint about your time being wasted. Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club is a free-associating conversation, sometimes involving very special gusts. It drops every Friday on every podcasting outlet known to man. We’d love it if you came along for the walk. If nothing else, it’ll help you get your steps in!   Music composed and performed by Michael Livesley & Andy Frizell   The voice of Pwfthhh- Michael Livesley   Series Producers- Erica Lear & Mark Hutchinson   Producers- Alan Dyebing & Stuart Morris   Executive Producer- Kris Castle     Series Executive Producer- Mark Strickson     Join the rambling club and receive your club membership card, badges, exclusive content and access to early release episodes and exclusive club-only perks!   Official Website- Twitter/X: @SlatteryLive Instagram: tony_slattery_official Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    46 min
  6. 24 JAN

    "Welcome To Yugoslavia"

    Hello, and unsparingly welcome to Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club! Come and join in as President Tony takes us gently by the tubes and leads us on a gleeful ramble around two special destinations chosen entirely at random with the use of his enchanted bingo machine. As ever, the omniscient voice of Sir Stephen Fry is on hand to chart a path of logic through the quicksands of b******t. First stop is destination number 889: literature in mediaeval and modern Greek. Let’s see if our panel manage to say anything more complex or interesting than “moussaka”. Then we fail ever upwards to destination 947: the general history of Europe, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Well, that’s a broad church, although none of us have been to church in many years so that doesn’t help much either. Then, just to make life easy for a change, we trot on to destination 953: the general history of the Asia-Arabian Peninsula and adjacent areas. Literally no idea. By now it must surely be time to crawl back down the garden path to Tony’s shed, where the kettle has been reclaimed for the proletariat so we have to have water out of the sinkhole. If nothing else, it’s an opportunity to meet a newt. Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club is a free-associating conversation, sometimes involving very special gusts. It drops every Friday on every podcasting outlet known to man. We’d love it if you came along for the walk. If nothing else, it’ll help you get your steps in!   Music composed and performed by Michael Livesley & Andy Frizell   The voice of Pwfthhh- Michael Livesley   Series Producers- Erica Lear & Mark Hutchinson   Producers- Alan Dyebing & Stuart Morris   Executive Producer- Kris Castle     Series Executive Producer- Mark Strickson     Join the rambling club and receive your club membership card, badges, exclusive content and access to early release episodes and exclusive club-only perks!   Official Website- Twitter/X: @SlatteryLive Instagram: tony_slattery_official Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    44 min
  7. 17 JAN

    "Your Foul and Impenetrable Mind"

    Hello, and unrelentingly welcome to Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club! Come and join in as President Tony takes us gently by the hooves and leads us on a gleeful ramble around two special destinations chosen entirely at random with the use of his enchanted bingo machine. As ever, the omniscient voice of Sir Stephen Fry is on hand to steer a course of cohesion between the schoals of stupidity. First stop is destination number 527: celestial navigation. Can our idiots three find a path through this knotty subject?. They give it a stab, then we canter on to destination 148: liberalism, eclecticism, traditionalism. Hope the team remembered to bring their dictionaries today. After getting bogged down in theory they squelch damply to destination 810: American Literature in English. Finally, something our team know a little bit about! They blow off some-much needed steam and then scramble down the garden path to Tony’s shed, where the brand new coffee machine has been binned in favour of a good old-fashioned kettle and a teabag in a mug. If nothing else, it’ll put tannin on your chest. Tony Slattery’s Rambling Club is a free-associating conversation, sometimes involving very special gusts. It drops every Friday on every podcasting outlet known to man. We’d love it if you came along for the walk. If nothing else, it’ll help you get your steps in!   Music composed and performed by Michael Livesley & Andy Frizell   The voice of Pwfthhh- Michael Livesley   Series Producer- Erica Lear   Producers- Alan Dyebing & Stuart Morris   Executive Producer- Kris Castle     Series Executive Producer- Mark Strickson     Join the rambling club and receive your club membership card, badges, exclusive content and access to early release episodes and exclusive club-only perks!   Official Website- Twitter/X: @SlatteryLive Instagram: tony_slattery_official Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    46 min
out of 5
35 Ratings


Embark on whimsical adventures with your host Tony Slattery and his companions, Paul Carmichael and Allan Lear. Each episode, they dive into delightful discussions, often accompanied by a special guest, as they navigate the quirky wonders of the Dewey Decimal System—guided by their magical (and rather tatty) bingo machine, voiced by the legendary Stephen Fry! Whether they're exploring the great outdoors or wandering through wild ideas, expect plenty of laughs, fascinating insights, and a touch of the unexpected. Tune in to Tony Slattery's Rambling Club and let your imagination roam free! You can become a member of the Rambling Club and obtain your signed membership card, club badges, access to episodes a month in advance, exclusive episodes you won't hear anywhere else, monthly AMA's and much more by heading over to Music composed and performed by Michael Livesley & Andy Frizell Phwifffth voiced by Michael Livesley Producer- Erica Lear Executive Producer- Mark Strickson Official Website- Twitter/X- @SlatteryLive Instagram- tony_slattery_official Facebook- Patreon- Tony Slattery's Rambling Club is a Fanfaronade Production © 2024 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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