85 集

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle Expert, Coach and Author, Amanda Kuda is redefining how we think about alcohol by helping you discover your best self through elective sobriety.

Through conversations with amazing guests & her own life experience, you’ll learn how to unbottle your potential personally, professionally, spiritually, socially, romantically...and beyond.

Unbottled Potential is a podcast for anyone ready to take a break from booze (or anyone who’d made the move to break up with booze entirely). You’ll learn how to leverage an alcohol-free lifestyle to tap into your authentic truth, find your magic & live a life that is beyond your wildest dreams.

Unbottled Potential Amanda Kuda

    • 健康與體能

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle Expert, Coach and Author, Amanda Kuda is redefining how we think about alcohol by helping you discover your best self through elective sobriety.

Through conversations with amazing guests & her own life experience, you’ll learn how to unbottle your potential personally, professionally, spiritually, socially, romantically...and beyond.

Unbottled Potential is a podcast for anyone ready to take a break from booze (or anyone who’d made the move to break up with booze entirely). You’ll learn how to leverage an alcohol-free lifestyle to tap into your authentic truth, find your magic & live a life that is beyond your wildest dreams.

    84. Why Dry January Could Change Your Life

    84. Why Dry January Could Change Your Life

    Have you ever wondered if giving up alcohol, even briefly, could transform your life?
    In this episode, Amanda Kuda strongly encourages those who are beginning to explore an alcohol-free lifestyle to take part in Dry January, a practice that greatly impacted her life. She discusses the challenging process of changing not just behaviors, but also thoughts and feelings towards alcohol. She shares her journey to sobriety and how it has improved every aspect of her life. She also invites listeners to join her Dry January Challenge as a way to explore their potential and get past their stumbling blocks with a supportive community. 
    [00:00 - 06:15] The Importance of Dry January
    Amanda begins with a focus on Dry January and her personal experience with it. She highlights the importance of changing not only behaviors but also thoughts and beliefs, as these directly influence actions. Personal growth achieved through sobriety is emphasized, including improved emotional and mental health, stronger relationships, and professional success.  
    [06:15 - 08:30] Invitation to Join the Dry January Challenge
    Amanda discusses her book, "Unbottled Potential," which outlines methods for breaking free from alcohol and achieving a better life. Join the Dry January challenge, highlighting the benefits of being part of a motivated and like-minded community.  
    "Changing a behavior is reliant on you also changing your thoughts and your beliefs because your thoughts impact your feelings." - Amanda Kuda
    "I know that there are big, miraculous things available for you in this life." - Amanda Kuda
    "Women's dreams are coming true when they just get out of their way." - Amanda Kuda
    "Say a hell yes to yourself, to your dreams, to your desires, to your potential." - Amanda Kuda
    Learn more by connecting with Amanda through Instagram or visit AmandaKuda.com. 
    It's time to unbottle your potential! Join the Awaken without Alcohol Program, where you'll learn the combined power of elective sobriety, spirituality & manifestation.
    🌟 Where To Order My Book Unbottled Potential 
    Apple Books
    Barnes and Noble
    If you liked the show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, and subscribe through your favorite streaming platform!

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    83: ADHD for Smart Ass (Sober) Women with Tracy Otsuka

    83: ADHD for Smart Ass (Sober) Women with Tracy Otsuka

    Have you ever felt like your brain works differently, especially as a woman, leading you to wonder if there's more to your challenges with focus, motivation, and achievement than meets the eye?
    In this enlightening conversation, Tracy Otsuka joins her host to dive deep into the world of ADHD in women. They discuss Tracy's journey of discovering her own ADHD and how it influenced her son, creating a deeper understanding of the different manifestations of the disorder in women. Tracy sheds light on how traditional ideas of achievement, the myth of 'impostor syndrome', productivity misconceptions, importance-driven brains versus interest-driven brains, and more all tie into the experience of ADHD. She also shares insights on how ADHD can often be misdiagnosed as anxiety or depression in women due to societal expectations and gender roles. Furthermore, she explores the effects of hormones and trauma in women with ADHD. Tracy offers her perspective on dealing with the challenges of ADHD, including the positive approach she used while writing her book 'ADHD for Smart Ass Women' amidst personal challenges.
    [00:00 - 14:52] Understanding ADHD on Women and Its Impact
    Tracy discusses her journey with ADHD, initially unrecognized by both herself and her son. Tracy delves into the process of learning about ADHD, particularly its manifestation in women, and how she began to educate herself and others. The experiences of ADHD in women are different, and many are misdiagnosed or misunderstood.  
    [14:52 - 33:38] ADHD and Its Connection to Addiction
    Tracy and Amanda delve into the role of dopamine in ADHD, particularly in the context of executive functioning and motivation. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can exacerbate ADHD symptoms in women. Tracy talks about the societal misconceptions surrounding ADHD and creativity, debunking myths about the need for mental health struggles to fuel creativity.  
    [33:38 - 48:20] The Challenge of Starting and Stopping Tasks with ADHD
    Tracy emphasizes the importance of focusing on strengths and positive emotions for individuals with ADHD, rather than dwelling on their limitations. It is important to find one's purpose, which often involves connecting a personal passion with an element of service to others. Neurobiology, particularly related to dopamine, can lead to substance use disorders. Tracy touches upon the relationship between trauma and addiction, suggesting that while not all trauma leads to addiction, addiction often stems from some form of trauma.  Tracy and Amanda discuss the importance of providing accurate information and support to women with ADHD to help them understand and manage their condition effectively.  
    [48:20 - 57:16] ADHD for Smart Ass (Sober) Women
    Tracy reflects on how writing the book was a significant personal development journey. Discussing the book post-writing helped her process and clarify her message, which aligns with the typical processing style of people with ADHD. Tracy shares a productivity hack she used: a time management cube that helped her initiate and maintain focus on writing tasks.  
    "Outwardly, society looks at you and goes, 'Oh my gosh, she's a powerhouse, she's successful.' But inside, we feel Imposter syndrome. We're not living to our potential." - Tracy Otsuka
    "Writing a book is probably after starting a podcast is, and maybe they're equal, the best self-development that you can do." - Tracy Otsuka
    "We struggle to start, but guess what? We also struggle to stop. It's transitions. So if we can just start, all of a sudden it's emotion." - Tracy Otsuka
    "This is more than pages in a book. This is about changing chapters in women's lives. And ultimately, I hope we do so much more than that. I hope we rewrite the ending." - Tracy Otsuka
    Connect with Tracy Otsuka!
    Instagram: @tracyotsuka
    Podcast: ADHD for Smart Ass Women
    Book: ADHD for Smart-Ass Women

    • 57 分鐘
    82. Invest in THIS (not THAT) for your Alcohol-Free Journey in 2024

    82. Invest in THIS (not THAT) for your Alcohol-Free Journey in 2024

    How can someone effectively navigate the different stages of their sobriety journey, from being 'sober curious' to fully 'alcohol-free', and what are the most beneficial types of investments to make at each stage for personal and spiritual growth?
    In this episode, Amanda talks about the journey of sobriety and the investments one can make in each phase of this journey. She breaks down the personal development journey through sobriety into three different phases: being sober curious, sober serious, and alcohol free. Amanda advises on potential investments one could make at each stage, from self-learning and small investments like books and challenges to more serious investments like coaching programs or retreats. She punctuates the discussion with her personal experiences and observations from her seven-year alcohol-free journey and outlines key considerations when deciding to invest in one's alcohol-free journey.
    [00:00 - 05:10] Personal Growth through Sobriety
    Being alcohol-free is a significant step in personal development. Amanda reflects on her own journey, being seven years alcohol-free, and how she tailored her offerings to align with different phases of sobriety. The three unique stages of the alcohol-free journey - sober curious, sober serious, and alcohol-free.  
    [05:10 - 17:01] The 'Sober Curious' Stage: Opportunities for Self-Learning
    Sober curious individuals are exploring the idea of an alcohol-free lifestyle without fully committing to it. There is a potential for information overload and becoming stuck in a 'research mode' without progressing to actionable steps. Amanda suggests a transition from solely relying on free content to making small investments in one's sobriety journey, such as purchasing books or attending courses.  
    [17:02 - 26:24] The 'Sober Serious' Stage: Committing to Sobriety
    Commitment, overcoming personal barriers, and transitioning from learning to action is important to become ‘sober serious’. Amanda discusses the benefits of different types of programs - individual coaching, group coaching, and hybrid models - to cater to diverse learning and support needs. There is a potential unethical practice in the sobriety space. Personal accountability is also important in sobriety.  
    [26:24 - 37:16] Transitioning to the 'Alcohol-Free' Phase
    Continuous community support and maintaining momentum are important in moving into the phase of being alcohol-free. There are various ways to stay engaged in the alcohol-free community, including less intensive involvement like monthly or bi-weekly meetings. It is important to surround oneself with mentors who understand and live an alcohol-free lifestyle. Amanda advises investing in retreats, masterminds, or other deep-dive experiences only after firmly establishing an alcohol-free foundation.  
    "I've used sobriety as a massive opportunity for personal growth and spiritual development." - Amanda Kuda
    "Your story is not going to be reflected in every single book that you read." - Amanda Kuda
     "Know that free is not always better. Free means that you're piecemealing and that a lot of times you're intellectualizing instead of actualizing." - Amanda Kuda
    Learn more by connecting with Amanda through Instagram or visit AmandaKuda.com. 
    It's time to unbottle your potential! Join the Awaken without Alcohol Program, where you'll learn the combined power of elective sobriety, spirituality & manifestation.
    🌟 Where To Order My Book Unbottled Potential 
    Apple Books
    Barnes and Noble
    If you liked the show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, and subscribe through your favorite streaming platform!

    • 37 分鐘
    81. Setting Boundaries on your Alcohol-Free Journey with Casey Davidson

    81. Setting Boundaries on your Alcohol-Free Journey with Casey Davidson

    Are you navigating the complexities of high achievement while silently battling with alcohol? Well, let me tell you. You have an immense power within you to take back control and transform your life.
    In today’s episode, Casey Davidson shares her journey from alcohol dependence to a vibrant, alcohol-free life. Her story is a beacon of hope, proving that it's possible to break free and embrace a future filled with unbounded potential. 
    Casey is a life and sobriety Coach who has helped thousands of women change their relationship with alcohol. She’s the host of the Top 100 Mental Health Podcast The Hello Someday Podcast for Sober Curious Women. As an ex-red wine girl who spent 20 years climbing the corporate ladder while holding on tightly to her love of red wine, Casey is passionate about helping busy women stop drinking and create lives they love without alcohol. 
    [00:00 - 11:52] College Life, Early Drinking Habits, and the Journey to Sobriety
    Casey discusses her transition from being a high-achieving individual with a dependence on alcohol to becoming alcohol-free. Casey shares her experiences of drinking in college and how it initially helped with her perfectionism and social anxieties. After becoming a mother, Casey’s concern over her drinking grew. She describes her initial efforts at moderation, seeking therapy, and her experiences with different support systems. A deep dive into how alcohol became intertwined with Casey’s struggles in managing work-life balance and personal relationships.  
    [11:52 - 25:09] Quitting Alcohol to Improve Your Life
    Witnessing others' sober lives provided a stark contrast to Casey’s, fueling her decision to pursue sobriety. Alcohol often masks deeper issues. Gratitude has a huge role in Casey’s journey and it helped her shift her perspective. Casey discusses how being sober allowed for better handling of unexpected situations and being more self-compassionate in dealing with mistakes.  
    [25:09 - 34:18] The Impact of Alcohol on Overachievers and People Pleasers
    Casey explores the link between being a people pleaser and having a problematic relationship with alcohol. She shares her struggles with being an overachiever and people pleaser, and how this affected her relationship with alcohol. Casey also talks about using alcohol as a way to deal with the pressures of work, home, and her inability to say no. The science of alcohol’s effects as both a stimulant and depressant, and its role in shutting off the brain. Discussing various strategies for setting boundaries, such as choosing not to volunteer for school events and negotiating meetups on one's own terms.  
    [34:18 - 47:46] The Power of Saying No and Setting Personal Boundaries
    Exploring the connection between being a people pleaser and alcohol use. Casey shares her strategies for declining requests or commitments that are not in her best interest. Casey mentions her guide, The “Nice Girl’s Guide To Saying No” which provides a structured approach to setting boundaries. Self-care and valuing oneself over the need to always please others are important. Casey encourages women to prioritize their well-being and set boundaries for a healthier lifestyle.  
    Follow Casey Davidson!
    Follow her on Instagram and Facebook, or visit her website, https://hellosomedaycoaching.com/ 
    Key Quotes:
    “Once I stopped drinking, I had that confidence that I would be okay, even if my job went away, even if I decided to move on.” - Casey Davidson
    “I remember two months sober, I was walking into work at 8am Not that great, but the mist was coming off the ground, the birds were flying up, and I just had this incredible joy come over me, and I literally thought, "I love my life.” - Casey Davidson
    Learn more by connecting with Amanda through Instagram or visit AmandaKuda.com. 
    It's time to unbottle your potential! Join the Awaken without Alcohol Program, where you'll learn

    • 47 分鐘
    80. Tools for Better Relationships & More Love with Shaun Galanos

    80. Tools for Better Relationships & More Love with Shaun Galanos

    Dating can feel like a rollercoaster; The butterflies, worrying if they’re into you, if you're both on the same page, and all the heavy lifting of truly connecting. Now imagine dating without any help… No liquid courage to numb the big emotions. It can feel like walking a tightrope without a net!
    In today's episode, I chat with Shaun Galanos on his journey of kicking alcohol to the curb. He talks about why he quit drinking and how it affected his relationships. We dive into the nitty-gritty of dating, the real talk on building connections that aren't just skin deep, and the art of connecting with someone, without that safety net of a glass in your hand.
    Imagine sitting across from someone, feeling all those big emotions (the good, the bad, the awkward), and doing it stone-cold sober. We tackle all the hot topics and even give some hot takes.
    Shaun Galanos is a renowned love coach, host of The Love Drive podcast, and an expert in teaching intimacy and communication skills. He got his Bachelor’s Degree in Interpersonal Communication from UC Santa Barbara and certifications in Personal and Professional Coaching and Rape Crisis Counseling. Shaun has a well-rounded and empathetic approach to relationship coaching. His podcast, The Love Drive, is a treasure trove of insights into love, relationships, and personal growth. In addition to his podcast, Shaun also creates online courses focused on improving relationships through better communication and intimacy skills. When he’s not teaching courses on intimacy and communication or recording his podcast, he’s continuing to learn about love, working on this relationship with his partner, and building community in Montreal.
    [00:01 - 12:20] Shaun’s Journey to Sobriety and Self-Discovery
    Shaun shares his early struggles with emotional regulation, leading to substance use and ultimately a high-functioning alcoholic lifestyle. 
    Shaun's turning point came with the realization that alcohol stunted his growth in all life aspects.
    Shaun Sought therapy and joined AA at the age of 25. 
    It’s easier to stop and stay stopped than it is to stop, start, and stop again 
    [12:21 - 27:16] Awkward or Natural? Embracing Authentic Connections in Sober Dating
    Shaun’s transition to sobriety wasn’t a magic solution. Instead, it was a starting point for genuine self-discovery. 
    Shaun talks about how he dealt with his big emotions by confiding in many people and dispersing the heaviness of his life transformation.
    Shaun and Amanda discuss dating sober; their experiences and advice for connecting with aligned people.  
    Dating sober can feel awkward because we are rewiring our brains to embrace natural experiences.  
    [27:17 - 33:34] How to Overcome Anxiety When Dating Sober 
    Anxiety in dating without alcohol is inevitable, confronting it head-on is key. 
    For most the anxiety doesn’t go away so just embrace the awkwardness. It becomes more manageable over time
    As you date more, your confidence increases, and your reliance on others' opinions decreases.
    Look for partners who respect and appreciate your sobriety. They should view it as an advantage rather than a drawback.
    [33:35 - 44:02] Sober Sex, Hot Takes, Figuring Out Your Values, and Dating App Tips 
    Shaun stresses the importance of confronting and communicating anxieties, especially in intimate settings. 
    Sex especially when sober is going to be awkward – That’s ok! That’s what makes it exciting and special.
    If you feel anxious about having sex sober, especially if it’s new to you, it’s ok to communicate that. 
    Don’t get too hung up on attachment styles. Relationships are about growing together. Figure out what values are important to you and then allow both of you to grow together. 
    Shaun shares his advice on how to get more aligned matches on dating apps by adjusting your profile to be more honest about your lifestyle

    • 49 分鐘
    79. How To Rock The Holidays Alcohol-Free

    79. How To Rock The Holidays Alcohol-Free

    Are you feeling anxious about celebrating the holidays without alcohol? Even for alcohol-free veterans, the holidays can trigger some anxieties that you thought were long gone and extinguished. No matter where you are, this season can be stressful, and that’s okay! 

    In this episode, Amanda talks about dealing with all the emotions and situations that arise during the holiday season – All without relying on alcohol as a coping mechanism. If you want to celebrate the holidays in a healthier and more mindful way, this episode is one big permission slip to really advocate for yourself, your sanity, and your own goals! 
    🌟 “Unbottled Potential” is available in Paperback, Kindle, and Audiobook form! You can order your copy here. You can also order the book on Amazon and various other platforms. 
    [00:01 - 03:35] How to Embrace Joy and Manage Stress
    We talk about tools and strategies for managing holiday stresses, drama, busyness, joy, and happiness without alcohol.
    It’s important not to neglect your needs throughout the holiday hustle.
    It’s common to feel big feelings and some emotional regression in familiar, past family settings, so it’s important to know how to handle unexpected feelings.
    This episode provides tips on how to advocate for yourself for a fulfilling holiday experience.
    [03:36 - 10:40] You Have the Permission to Advocate For Yourself 
    Anticipate potential stressors so that you don’t approach them blindly and can plan for stumbling blocks.
    Ask yourself what kind of tools you need to help yourself. What can you put in your toolbox, physical or metaphysical, to help you through these periods?
    Use the HALT acronym (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) to identify emotional triggers. 
    It’s so important to set boundaries, even if it means declining certain events, to maintain a commitment to your personal well-being and sobriety.
    Communicate with your host and set verbal boundaries beforehand. This conversation may feel uncomfortable, but it helps set you up for future gatherings.
    [10:41 - 17:24] Don’t Be Afraid to Use Unconventional Ways to Protect Your Peace 
    Opt for an Airbnb instead of staying in your family home during visits.
    It can be more rejuvenating to have a neutral space as a haven to help avoid the regression often felt when staying in your family home.
    This also reduces overstimulation from constant interaction.
    You have the permission to advocate for yourself! Plan and take control of your holiday experiences for a more peaceful and fulfilling season.
    [17:25 - 21:16] It’s Easier to Stop and Stay Stopped
    Alcohol isn’t necessary for celebration; It actually diminishes your ability to fully experience joy, and connection.
    It is much easier to stop and stay stopped than it is to stop and start and stop again. 
    True happiness and connection are more fulfilling than the temporary escape provided by alcohol. 
    Avoiding alcohol is not just about navigating stress or family dynamics but also about fully embracing and experiencing the joy of the holidays.
    Resources Mentioned: 
    The Book of Boundaries by Melissa Urban
    Key Quotes:
    “As empaths, people-pleasers, and ambitious people who are on the move, sometimes we forget ourselves. We forget what we need and what we can best support ourselves. And especially in the times of hustle and bustle during the holiday season, we can really abandon ourselves.” – Amanda Kuda 
    “I want you to plan for the stumbling blocks before you get there to where you're not approaching them blindly one year again.” – Amanda Kuda
    “Your commitment to yourself, your goals, your desires, and your well-being is the most important. So if that means you need to do things a little bit differently this year, you have the permission to do so.” – Amanda Kuda
    “It is much easier to stop and stay stopped than it is to stop and start an

    • 21 分鐘

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