8 Minutes to Ageless

Kelli Pearson
Podcast: 8 Minutes to Ageless

This podcast is terrific for anyone over 40 and under 100! It’s an excellent listen for those who want to live well up to the day they die. While that sounds morbid, it is better than dying a slow death unable to move during the ten years before that final day.

  1. 2 MAG

    8 Minutes to Ageless - Episode 99 - Are you listening?

    EPISODE SUMMARY: Are you listening? Dr. Pearson talks about how every interaction can be more meaningful if you are listening to learn versus listening to change someone. She speaks of an amazing MD who gets remarkable results with the art of listening. ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS… Dr. Pearson talks about the art of listening and gives a couple of examples. Once in the door all focus was on the client. The only question that was asked was what would you like me to know about you? He focused on what he called the movie of the client's life that was before him. After an extremely long pause, he would confirm that the person was finished then follow up with questions. Gaining the trust of the client creates a safe feeling that allows the client to tell you things that they might not have. Truly listening to someone can open your realm of possibilities and opportunities. Never underestimate the power of listening. Think about listening to learn, listen to understand; allow people to fully talk and let them finish. CALLS-TO-ACTION: Get a copy of the book on Amazon. If you got some questions, reach out through the website: www.8minutestoageless.com www.8minutestoageless.org Who is Dr. Kelli Pearson? Experienced Chiropractor since 1982, working in collaborative health care settings. Currently a co-owner of a multi-disciplinary clinic, including chiropractors, massage therapists, movement specialists, and nutritional coaches. Owner of Real Work Life, a corporate wellbeing consulting company, and author of "8 Minutes to Ageless," teaching a minimalistic approach to ageing well. Graduate of UCLA with a BS in Kinesiology and a Doctorate from Palmer West Chiropractic College. Socials: www.linkedin.com/in/kelli-pearson-0695035/

    18 min
  2. 7 MAR

    8 Minutes to Ageless - Episode 98 - You Just Don't Know

    EPISODE SUMMARY: Dr. Pearson talks about how you just don’t know the back story of the person yelling or screaming in front of you. Listen to examples of why so many folks seem angrier than the situation might call for and what you can do to improve your life and theirs. ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS… A lot of things have been happening and going on around the office that has made Dr. Pearson realise she would like to talk about other people. Everywhere you are you may run into someone who seems a lot more angrier than what the situation might call for. We are living in stressful times, but finding out the back story might help us to respond better. Sometimes you do need to give people a little bit of time to calm down. Dr. Pearson tells us some stories to give examples of how knowing the why or background stories help us to understand why the person may be acting out of character. Get creative with what someone’s back story might be so that you can handle the situation with more grace. CALLS-TO-ACTION: Get a copy of the book on Amazon. If you got some questions, reach out through the website: www.8minutestoageless.com www.8minutestoageless.org Who is Dr. Kelli Pearson? Experienced Chiropractor since 1982, working in collaborative health care settings. Currently a co-owner of a multi-disciplinary clinic, including chiropractors, massage therapists, movement specialists, and nutritional coaches. Owner of Real Work Life, a corporate wellbeing consulting company, and author of "8 Minutes to Ageless," teaching a minimalistic approach to ageing well. Graduate of UCLA with a BS in Kinesiology and a Doctorate from Palmer West Chiropractic College. Socials: www.linkedin.com/in/kelli-pearson-0695035/

    17 min
  3. 8 FEB

    8 Minutes to Ageless - Episode 97 Movement of Fluids

    EPISODE SUMMARY: In this wild and wacky PodCast, Dr. Pearson tells you how to mitigate your own body discomfort by mobilizing various fluids in the body. Have no idea what she is talking about? Take a listen.  ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS… Dr. Pearson is going to talk to us about mitigating discomfort by mobilizing various fluids in our bodies. There will be three different kinds of discomfort that she will get into. We all know sweating is good for you and there are many different ways to sweat. Sweat helps release toxins from our bodies, but it’s important that you replace it with healthy electrolytes.  Dr. Pearson recommends Lyte Balance. Now to really get into what Dr. Pearson wanted to talk about. Taking supplements on an empty stomach. Dr. Pearson stood at the top of her stairs and walked down the stairs on her hands, leaving her in an almost downward dog position and then did several deep heavy breaths. This is not recommended if you have weak arms or can get dizzy easily. This can also be done on your bed.  Have your knees on your bed and slowly reach down to your floor; you may need assistance. Another discomfort is minstrel cramps. You can try the same movements as Dr. Pearson previously mentioned or you can even do a handstand against a wall. Lastly, there is heartburn.  Chug a large glass of water (10 oz) then jump up and down about 20 times. If you have back problems and it hurts to jump you can just press up on your toes and come back down, just be careful to not come back down too hard on your heels. CALLS-TO-ACTION: Get a copy of the book on Amazon. If you got some questions, reach out through the website: www.8minutestoageless.com www.8minutestoageless.org Who is Dr. Kelli Pearson? Experienced Chiropractor since 1982, working in collaborative health care settings. Currently a co-owner of a multi-disciplinary clinic, including chiropractors, massage therapists, movement specialists, and nutritional coaches. Owner of Real Work Life, a corporate wellbeing consulting company, and author of "8 Minutes to Ageless," teaching a minimalistic approach to ageing well. Graduate of UCLA with a BS in Kinesiology and a Doctorate from Palmer West Chiropractic College. Socials: www.linkedin.com/in/kelli-pearson-0695035/

    16 min
  4. 20 GEN

    8 Minutes to Ageless - Episode 96

    EPISODE SUMMARY: Steroids made me feel so good! But what is actually happening and how can you create the effect of steroids without taking them? Dr. Pearson explores three ways to reduce inflammation, two of which are free! ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS… Steroids do help relieve pain, but it does cause problems in the long run, so you do not want to be on them for too long. You are the master of your inflammation. Dr. Pearson explains what inflammation is. What causes inflammation? No movement Poor hydration Poor diet One thing you can do to help inflammation is stop eating sugar. Another thing to do is cold water therapy. Always check with your doctor first before trying new things as extreme as these suggestions. Lazor therapy can also help. Two out of the three options Dr. Pearson gave are free! Book recommendation: Metabolic by Robert Lustig. CALLS-TO-ACTION: Get a copy of the book on Amazon. If you got some questions, reach out through the website: www.8minutestoageless.com www.8minutestoageless.org Who is Dr. Kelli Pearson? Experienced Chiropractor since 1982, working in collaborative health care settings. Currently a co-owner of a multi-disciplinary clinic, including chiropractors, massage therapists, movement specialists, and nutritional coaches. Owner of Real Work Life, a corporate wellbeing consulting company, and author of "8 Minutes to Ageless," teaching a minimalistic approach to ageing well. Graduate of UCLA with a BS in Kinesiology and a Doctorate from Palmer West Chiropractic College. Socials: www.linkedin.com/in/kelli-pearson-0695035/

    17 min
  5. 14/12/2023

    8 Minutes to Ageless - Episode 95 - Lasers

    EPISODE SUMMARY: Dr. Pearson talks about some exciting new technology using light that is opening doors for recovery on so many levels. Moreover, this treatment has no downside. Imagine that! She reminds us the move to health is adding what we need as well as getting rid of what poisons us. ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS… Joint mobility helps with nerve function. Problems in your neck or shoulder area can cause a lot of time pain in your hands. Any disease begins at a cellular level.  You are only as healthy as your cells are healthy. Dr. Pearson talks about lasers and why it can actually help and be good for you. Lasers will not heal you by yourself, you still have to do some work, but it is a great start. Go to https://www.erchonia.com to find providers in your area and more information. CALLS-TO-ACTION: Get a copy of the book on Amazon. If you got some questions, reach out through the website: www.8minutestoageless.com www.8minutestoageless.org Who is Dr. Kelli Pearson? Experienced Chiropractor since 1982, working in collaborative health care settings. Currently a co-owner of a multi-disciplinary clinic, including chiropractors, massage therapists, movement specialists, and nutritional coaches. Owner of Real Work Life, a corporate wellbeing consulting company, and author of "8 Minutes to Ageless," teaching a minimalistic approach to ageing well. Graduate of UCLA with a BS in Kinesiology and a Doctorate from Palmer West Chiropractic College. Socials: www.linkedin.com/in/kelli-pearson-0695035/

    17 min
  6. 26/10/2023

    8 Minutes to Ageless - Episode 94 - Stand Your Ground

    EPISODE SUMMARY: Dr. Pearson talks about how to stand your ground physically in order to be present and to hear the truth. So much time is wasted in life not hearing the truth or telling the truth, so let your body be in good form to make this easier. Secondly, she talks about the maintenance of the most important joint in our body, the hips. ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS… Standing up for yourself or speaking up for yourself. Telling your truth. If you are not grounded it will be very hard to be present in knowing the truth. You will also not be willing to be open or move forward. Practice this week in being grounded in your body. Moving to your important hip joints. If you can not squat down then that is not good. Do what you can to pull your knee to your chest for a minute. Stand against a wall and pull your knee to your chest or lay on your back with a pillow if needed and try it that way if you must. Dr. Pearson gives several different ways you can do it if you have different difficulties.  A little resistance is good. Do not wait too long as it could turn into a bigger problem. The last thing to talk about is the importance of always learning. It would be great to try to learn something new every day.  Think about it…what is the one big thing that you want to learn about? CALLS-TO-ACTION: Get a copy of the book on Amazon. If you have some questions, reach out through the website: www.8minutestoageless.com www.8minutestoageless.org Who is Dr. Kelli Pearson? Experienced Chiropractor since 1982, working in collaborative health care settings. Currently a co-owner of a multi-disciplinary clinic, including chiropractors, massage therapists, movement specialists, and nutritional coaches. Owner of Real Work Life, a corporate wellbeing consulting company, and author of "8 Minutes to Ageless," teaching a minimalistic approach to ageing well. Graduate of UCLA with a BS in Kinesiology and a Doctorate from Palmer West Chiropractic College. Socials: www.linkedin.com/in/kelli-pearson-0695035/

    16 min
  7. 05/10/2023

    8 Minutes to Ageless - Episode 93 - Denial

    EPISODE SUMMARY: Dr. Pearson talks about how our culture of denial is so pervasive that it blinds us to knowing when to reach out for help. She shares a very interesting case study that typified how denial leads to disability.  ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS… Book reference: At Peace by Samuel Harrington MD. This podcast is not about death, but Dr. Pearson has always embraced the fact that she will die and believes all of us should do the same. Denial is a lie and the more you lie to yourself the more you will believe it. Marketing is a great tool of denial as it makes you believe something that might not be true. Remember it’s important to find out what the cause of the pain is so going back to the beginning is what is going to help you the most not what it is currently. What is it that you are denying?  What is it that you are pretending to not be a problem when it is? Do not be afraid to ask around if you don’t know what to do. Healing Local: https://spokane.healinglocal.org Be honest with yourself and allow others to be honest with themselves too. CALLS-TO-ACTION: Get a copy of the book on Amazon. If you got some questions, reach out through the website: www.8minutestoageless.com www.8minutestoageless.org Who is Dr. Kelli Pearson? Experienced Chiropractor since 1982, working in collaborative health care settings. Currently a co-owner of a multi-disciplinary clinic, including chiropractors, massage therapists, movement specialists, and nutritional coaches. Owner of Real Work Life, a corporate wellbeing consulting company, and author of "8 Minutes to Ageless," teaching a minimalistic approach to ageing well. Graduate of UCLA with a BS in Kinesiology and a Doctorate from Palmer West Chiropractic College. Socials: www.linkedin.com/in/kelli-pearson-0695035/

    20 min
  8. 07/09/2023

    8 Minutes to Ageless - Episode 92 - Dr. Louis Sportelli

    EPISODE SUMMARY: Dr. Pearson begins a new series of interviews with some of her heroes to determine what they feel is critical to being successful in life. In keeping with the theme of the podcast, she asks him to focus on what has allowed him to make such a splash in life. ON THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS… Dr. Pearson is starting a new series of interviews with people she loves and admires, who she believes has created a splash in the world. She starts it off with an interview of a mentor of hers, Dr. Louis Sportelli. What do you do on a daily and regular basis that makes things you do frictionless? 5 P’s: Process Procedure Preparation Planning Practice Great books - Atomic Habits by James Clear & Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. CALLS-TO-ACTION: Get a copy of the book on Amazon. If you have some questions, reach out through the website: www.8minutestoageless.com www.8minutestoageless.org Who is Dr. Kelli Pearson? Experienced Chiropractor since 1982, working in collaborative health care settings. Currently a co-owner of a multi-disciplinary clinic, including chiropractors, massage therapists, movement specialists, and nutritional coaches. Owner of Real Work Life, a corporate wellbeing consulting company, and author of "8 Minutes to Ageless," teaching a minimalistic approach to ageing well. Graduate of UCLA with a BS in Kinesiology and a Doctorate from Palmer West Chiropractic College. Socials: www.linkedin.com/in/kelli-pearson-0695035/

    19 min


This podcast is terrific for anyone over 40 and under 100! It’s an excellent listen for those who want to live well up to the day they die. While that sounds morbid, it is better than dying a slow death unable to move during the ten years before that final day.

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