Fellowship Bible Church Conway

Fellowship Bible Church, Conway
Podcast: Fellowship Bible Church Conway

Enjoy listening to our weekly sermon podcast.

  1. 3 GG FA

    Kingdom Stories - The Four Soils

    Kingdom Stories: The Four Soils Matthew 13:1-23 For the bulletin in PDF form, click here. Hard Soil Rocky Soil Unfruitful Soil Fruitful Soil This Week's Growth GuideGod’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message. •. Monday - Matthew 13•. Tuesday - Matthew 18•. Wednesday - Matthew 21•. Thursday - Matthew 22•. Friday - Matthew 25•. Saturday - Matthew 20:1-16 (Sermon text for Sunday) Home Church Questions 1.  The first type of soil is the hard soil (Matt 13:4).  According to Matt 13:19, explain who this type of soil represents.  Who were the people who responded to Jesus’ teaching in this way (see Matt 12)? 2.  Have you ever been like the hard soil or do you know someone who is like this (unwilling to listen)?  How should we respond to someone who is like the hard soil? 3.  The second type of soil is the rocky soil (13:5).  According to Matt 13:20-21, explain who this type of soil represents.  Some people see the phrase “fall away” in v.21 and assume this means someone can lose his/her salvation.  What are other passages in the Bible that help us know we should not interpret this parable in this way? 4.  When a person trusts in Christ, we want to encourage that person and talk about security in Christ.  We also learn from this parable we should not encourage a superficial decision.  What does a healthy approach look like with these two concerns in mind? 5.  The third type of soil is the unfruitful soil (13:7).  According to Matt 13:22, explain who this type of soil represents.  What are some ways we can be confident we are not like this type of soil? 6.  The fourth type of soil is the fruitful soil (13:8).  According to Matt 13:23, explain who this type of soil represents.  What are some ways we should be producing?  What is the fruit in our lives we should expect if we are like the good soil? 7.  The main point of the parable is not merely that we should produce and bear fruit (though this is a truth we see).  The main emphasis is on hearing (we see the word “hear” 15 times in Matt 13:1-23).  Why is it important that we emphasize hearing as we consider this parable? Mission Highlight - Pray for the Unreached: The Rajput People of India (0.1% Christian) The name Rajput means "son of a ruler," and signifies the noble status of these people. Many Rajputs are landowners, forming a dominant community in northern and western India. The Rajputs are mobile, with many migrating to new areas over time. Ministry obstacles include fear that Christianity may alienate individuals from their families and traditions, making them hesitant to embrace the Gospel. Prayer is needed for Rajput believers to effectively engage their families, and for a family-based Bible study movement that leads entire communities to experience God's blessings.Finances Weekly Budget      35,297Giving For 09/08   39,043Giving For 09/15   21,163YTD Budget         388,269Giving                   344,455       OVER/(UNDER)   (43,814)          Equipping classesThe Equipping Ministry exists to equip and release our church body to deepen their understanding and experience of God & His word, develop genuine, Spirit-led living, and consistently invest in making disciples.  We are providing a variety of courses this Fall and our hope is that you would prayerfully consider signing up for one that would help you grow in your faith or gain some skills for furthering your personal ministry.  Please check out fellowshipconway.org/equipping to learn about all the other options and register today.      New to Fellowship?We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the fi

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    2 PETER: ETHICS, ERROR, AND ESCHATOLOGY - A Survey of the Bible

    2 Peter:  Ethics, Error, and EschatologyA Survey of the Bible For the bulletin in PDF form, click here. Message Slides 2 Peter Chart - Wilson Introduction to 2 Peter - Jim Samra The Message of 2 Peter - Swindoll Salvation Issues in 2 P{Peter 2 - Tom Schreiner Context: Who, Where, When, and Why? •  Who composed 2 Peter? •  Who was Peter’s original audience? •  When was 2 Peter written? •  Where were the author and his readers? •  Why was 2 Peter written? Content: How and What? Prologue (1:1-2) SPIRITUAL MATURITY - A Call to Maturity in Light of Our Salvation (1:3-21). - Salvation by God's Power and Promises (1:3-4). - Sanctification by Ascending Virtues (1:5-11). - Big Idea: Remain Established in the Truth (1:12-15). - The Authority of the Apostolic Message (1:16-21). FALSE TEACHERS - A Call to Beware in Light of False Teachers  (2:1-22). - The Current Rise of False Teachers and Their Judgment (2:1-3). - Past Examples of False Teachers and Their Judgment (2:4-10a). - The Character of False Teachers and Their Judgment (2:10b-22). CHRIST’S RETURN - A Call to Holiness in Light of The Lord's Return  (3:1-16) - A Reminder of Past Prophetic and Apostolic Teaching (3:1-2). - Accusation: In the last days scoffers will deny the coming of the Lord (3:3-4). - Refutation: The coming of the Lord is delayed but certain (3:5-10). - Application: Live in light of the Second Coming (3:11-16). Epilogue (3:17-18) •  What is the message of 2 Peter? Conviction: So What? •  Where does 2 Peter fit? - 2 Peter is clearly Peter’s last words to the church (1:12-15). - In 2 Peter the message is that, as always, false teachers are coming; while in Jude the message is that false teachers are already here. - The antidote to false teachers and their teaching is continual spiritual growth (1:3-11) and a focus on the return of Christ to judge false teachers and reward righteous living. •  What should we believe?    - Spiritual growth takes intentional investment of energy and focus (1:3-11). - False teachers are both theologically in error—denying the Lordship of Christ (3:1-10) and morally bankrupt—insatiable, greedy, and full of sexual lust (3:12-16). - The return of Christ is certain (3:8-13). •  How should we behave? - Growing in grace and truth. - Live in light of the Lord’s return.Next Steps •  Grow in Grace. •  Stand in Truth. •  Rest in Hope.This Week's Growth GuideGod’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message. • Monday - 2 Peter 1:1-11•. Tuesday - 2 Peter 1:12-21•. Wednesday - 2 Peter 2:1-10•. Thursday - 2 Peter 2:11-22•. Friday - 2 Peter 3:1-10•. Saturday - 2 Peter 3:11-18Home Church Questions•  Peter addresses his letter to the “elect exiles” (NAS Read 2 Peter 1:3-11. •  What insight or challenge did you gain from Ken’s presentation of 2 Peter? •  Peter declared that we have everything we need for godly living because of his power (1:3) and his promises (verse 4). What in your life threatens your confidence in God’s work in your life, and how can his power and promises quieten your spiritual timidity? •  Read 1:5-7. What area or areas do you need to “make every effort?” What is the motivator for that effort in verses 8, 10, and 11? •  Read Peter’s description of false prophets in chapter 2. Pick out the moral and theological characteristics of false prophets. Does this description identify speakers or writers in our world today? •  How does Peter direct that we respond to the presence of these individuals (verses 4-10)? •  Describe what “waiting for and hastening” the coming day of the Lord looks like in practical terms of your everyday life (3:10-13)? •  Peter closes his letter with the

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    1 Peter: Grace and Glory for Suffering Exiles - A Survey of the Bible

    1 Peter: Grace and Glory for Suffering Exiles    A Survey of the Bible For the bulletin in PDF form, click here. Message Slides Peter - Illustrated Bible Dictionary Peter - The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary Peter’s Ministry - Chuck Swindoll Introduction to 1 Peter - Jim Samra The Message of 1 Peter - Chuck Swindoll Context: Who, Where, When, and Why? •  Who composed 1 Peter? •  Who was Peter’s original audience? •  When was 1 Peter written? •  Where were the author and his readers? •  Why was 1 Peter written? Content: How and What?   Prologue (1:1-2)     Remember - The Glory of Salvation (1:3-16) - The believer has been born again. (1:3-5) - The believer is being grieved by trials. (1:6-12) - Suffer with steadfast hope. (1:13-16)     Embrace - The Glory of Suffering  (1:17-4:19) - Salvation of the soul is worked out in relation to God. (1:17-21) - Salvation of the soul is worked out in relation to the brethren. (1:22–2:10) - Salvation of the soul is worked out in relation to the world. (2:11–3:7) - Salvation of the soul is worked out in relation to suffering. (3:8–4:19)      Submit - The Glory of Humility  (5:1-9) - Humbly lead the church as those who will give an account. (5:1-4) - Humbly submit to those in authority to experience God's grace. (5:5) - Humble yourself as a part of submitting to God. (5:6-7) - Be on guard against the devil and resist him by standing firm. (5:8-9)   Epilogue (5:10-14) •  What is the message of 1 Peter? Conviction: So What? •  Where does 1 Peter fit? - In Peter’s first letter he includes one of the all-time great summaries of our                salvation and then goes on to make application of that to our experience in                suffering. - 1 Peter is both theologically substantial and practically helpful. •  What should we believe?    - God is sovereign and gracious. - Suffering is real and difficult. - The glory of our salvation is a motivation for endurance. •  How should we behave? - Reflect on the riches of divine grace and the glory of our salvation. - Endure hardship and suffering as an exercise in Christ-likeness. - Hope for the final redemption and be humble as you wait for vindication.Next steps • Remember the glory of salvation by grace. •  Embrace the opportunities found in suffering well for Christ. •  Submit to God and the authorities He has established. This Week's Growth GuideGod’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message. •. Monday - 1 Peter 1:1-16•. Tuesday - 1 Peter 1:17-2:10•. Wednesday - 1 Peter 2:11-3:7•. Thursday - 1 Peter 3:8-4:19•. Friday - 1 Peter 5:1-7•. Saturday - 1 Peter 5:8-14     Home Church Questions •   Peter addresses his letter to the “elect exiles” (NAS “strangers”) in his introduction (cf. 1:17; 2:11). As believers, how does this change the way we view the circumstances of life? How does the way we live our lives change when we forget this truth? •   Read 1:6-7. Describe a time in your life when you were distressed by a trial you encountered. How was your faith tested? •   Are you now facing a trial? Why do you think God is testing you? What does Peter say is the result for faithfully enduring that testing (v.7)?     •  Verse 1 of chapter 2 lists five things we are to rid ourselves of. Which of these tends to sneak into your heart and actions? •   On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the strongest, how would you characterize your longing for the spiritual milk of the Word in 2:2? In what way has Ken’s journey through the books of the Bible fueled that hunger? •   What are some things that keep us from desiring the Word as we should? •  Read 2:13-17. How does this instruction apply to us in our current

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    Down and Out - Psalm 42

    Down and Out   Psalm 42 For the bulletin in PDF form, click here. The Cry The Complaint - with himself - with God - with enemies The Confidence This Week's Growth GuideGod’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message. •. Monday - Psalm 42•. Tuesday - Psalm 43•. Wednesday - Psalm 6•. Thursday - Psalm 13•. Friday - Psalm 130Home Church Questions 1. Have someone read Psalm 42.  Was there anything from the text or sermon that was especially helpful or interesting? 2. The first characteristic of a lament psalm is the cry for help.  Where do we see the cry for help in Psalm 42?  Why do you think God wants us to learn to cry out to him?  What does it look like to cry out to God? 3. Another characteristic of a lament psalm is the complaint.  In Psalm 42 the psalmist has three complaints.  The first one is with himself.  Where do we see this in Psalm 42?  Why is it important that we recognize we are often a part of the problem? 4. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself?”  What does this mean?  Do you agree with him? 5. The psalmist also has a complaint with God.  Where do we see this in Psalm 42?  What does it look like to complain to God about God?  Have you ever done this?  Why would using lament psalms to express our complaint be helpful? Do you have a lament psalm you like to use? 6. The psalmist also expresses a complaint against his enemies.  We discover that the problem is complex as there is a complaint with himself, with God, and with enemies.  What lessons can we learn since the Bible portrays life and our problems as complex? 7. The third characteristic of a lament psalm is the expression of confidence or hope.  Where do we see this in Psalm 42?  Why should it encourage us that every lament psalm includes an expression of hope?  What does it look like for us to express confidence and hope even when we are lamenting? Pray for the Unreached: The Baghban in Pakistan The Baghban people of Pakistan are primarily gardeners and fruit sellers, deeply rooted in Muslim traditions. They speak various languages and are spread across rural and urban areas in India and Pakistan. Despite access to Christian resources, there are no known Christian adherents among them. Pray for openness to the gospel and the establishment of a Disciple Making Movement among the Baghban. Learn more: https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/16284/PK Finances Weekly Budget      35,297Giving For 08/18   26,674Giving For 08/25   23,927YTD Budget         282,377 Giving                   259,117       OVER/(UNDER)   (23,260)   Fellowship 101We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 8, at 9:00 a.m. to learn more about Fellowship. This is a great pportunity to hear about our mission, values, and our ministries. If you’re new to Fellowship, join us in the conference room (first floor) to hear what God is doing and where He is taking us. During this time, you will meet some of our ministry leaders and get to ask questions. Register at fellowshipconway.org/register.  ​New to Fellowship?We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift. Equipping classesFellowship provides a variety of classes covering numerous topics, all designed to equip and release you for mini

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    Majestic and Mindful - Psalm 8

    Majestic and MindfulPsalm 8 For the bulletin in PDF form, click here. He is Majestic and Mindful He Crowned Us With Glory Jesus Has Been Made Like His BrothersThis Week's Growth GuideGod’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message. •. Monday - Psalm 146•. Tuesday - Psalm 147•. Wednesday - Psalm 148•. Thursday - Psalm 149•. Friday - Psalm 150Home Church Questions 1. Have someone read Psalm 8.  Did you find anything in the text or the sermon interesting or helpful? 2. We discover God is both majestic and mindful.  The theological terms for this are transcendent and immanent.  He is big and powerful and yet He is near and cares.  Which of these two do you tend to emphasize when you think about God.  Why is it important that we affirm both? 3. Psalm 8 emphasizes that God’s glory is often seen in what is small and weak and even unlikely.  Where do we see this in this psalm?  Where do we see other examples of this idea in the Bible? 4. Why do you think God often chooses to work in ways and use people we wouldn’t expect?  How should this truth that God uses unlikely people impact us? 5. We tend to either have too high or too low a view of ourselves.  It was mentioned in the sermon that the solution to both of these is to focus less on ourselves.  What does it look like to focus less on ourselves?  Why would this be a healthy solution? 6. If we have a correct view of God and of ourselves, we will experience both humility and confidence.  Explain why.  What are some ways you can have a healthier view of yourself in light of this biblical teaching? 7. Hebrews 2 lets us know Jesus fulfills Psalm  8 in a way that we cannot.  What are some examples of ways we don’t meet the standard of Psalm 8?  What are some ways Jesus succeeds for us?Pray for our Partners: David & Eliška Živor, and children Linda, Dominik, and Daniela. -For the church plant in Řepy, and for strong leaders as they work to reach the community -For Eliška to have gospel opportunities as she works with the new preschool in Řepy -For additional funding, so that David can focus more time and effort on ministry FinancesWeekly Budget      35,297Giving For 08/11   27,541Giving For 08/18   26,674YTD Budget         247,080Giving                   235,191,        OVER/(UNDER)   (11,889) Fellowship 101We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 8, at 9:00 a.m. to learn more about Fellowship. This is a great opportunity to hear about our mission, values, and our ministries. If you’re new to Fellowship, join us in the conference room (first floor) to hear what God is doing and where He is taking us. During this time, you will meet some of our ministry leaders and get to ask questions. New to Fellowship?We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift. FELLOWSHIP KIDS BAPTISMIs your child asking questions, or have they made a decision of faith? Join us for our baptism class, where we will discuss the character of God, sin, salvation, baptism, and what comes next.  We will meet September 8, 15, 22, and 29, during the second service in Room 2110. Contact Heather McKinney at hmckinney@fellowshipconway.org with any questions. Register at fellowshipconway.org/register. Couple’s Night OutCouples, wear your dancing shoes and join us for a delightful evening at our Ol’ Southern Social on Saturday, September 14, fr

  6. 18 AGO

    JAMES: MAKING TRIALS WORK FOR YOU - A Survey of the Bible

    James: Making Trials Work for YouA Survey of the Bible For the bulletin in PDf form, click here. Message Slides James Chart Introduction to James - Don Sunukjian Introduction to James - Jim Samra When Life Deals You a Lemon - Mike Cocoris Context: Who, Where, When, and Why? •  Who composed James? •  Who was James original audience? •  When was James written? •  Where were the author and his readers? •  Why was James written? Content: How and What? •  How is James organized? •  Double Introduction: - Trials produce character. (1:1-11) - Trials produce life or death. (1:12-18)      Quick to Hear - Active in Obedience (1:21-2:24) - True hearing is doing. (1:21-27) - Doers of the Word demonstrate mercy. (2:1-13) - Doing delivers and demonstrates faith. (2:14-24)      Slow to Speak - Quiet and Controlled in Response  (3:1-18) - Much talking is dangerous. (3:1-12) - Gentle conduct is wiser than words. (2:13-18)      Slow to Anger - Humble in Relationships  (4:1-5:6) - Angry conflicts are the result of worldliness. (4:1-10) - Angry conflicts are the result of playing god. (4:11-5:6) •  Double Conclusion: - Motivations for endurance (5:7-11) - Enduring trials in community (5:12-20) •  What is the message of James? Conviction: So What? •  Where does James fit? - James is the first letter in the New Testament written (before Paul’s Epistles) - James is about trials from beginning to end.  James is a pastor writing to former members of the Jerusalem church who are going through very difficult times. - The outline of the book is found in 1:19. •  What should we believe?    - Trials can be beneficial when handled well. - Trials give us a choice between life and death. •  How should we behave? - Quick to Hear! - Slow to Speak! - Slow to Anger! Next Steps •  Obey quickly. •  Hold your tongue. •  Calm downThis Week's Growth GuideGod’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message. •. Monday - James 1:1-18 •. Tuesday - James 1:19-27 •. Wednesday - James 2:1-13 •. Thursday - James 2:14-26 •. Friday - James 3:1-18 •. Saturday - James 4:1-16 •. Sunday - James 5:1-20FinancesWeekly Budget      35,297Giving For 08/04   35,587Giving For 08/11   27,541YTD Budget          211,783 Giving                    208,517 OVER/(UNDER)      (3,266) Fellowship 101We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 8, at 9:00 a.m. to learn more about Fellowship. This is a great opportunity to hear about our mission, values, and our ministries. If you’re new to Fellowship, join us in the conference room (first floor) to hear what God is doing and where He is taking us. During this time, you will meet some of our ministry leaders and get to ask questions. Register at fellowshipconway.org/register.  ​New to Fellowship?We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift. FELLOWSHIP KIDS BAPTISMIs your child asking questions, or have they made a decision of faith? Join us for our baptism class, where we will discuss the character of God, sin, salvation, baptism, and what comes next.  We will meet September 8, 15, 22, and 29, during the second service in Room 2110. Contact Heather McKinney at hmckinney@fellowshipconway.org with any questions. Register at fellowshipconway.org/register. Couple’s Night OutCouples, wear your dancing shoes and join us for a delig

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    Hebrews: Pressing on toward Maturity A Survey of the BibleFor the bulletin in PDF form, click here. Message Slides Hebrews Chart - Wilson Introduction to Hebrews - Charles Ryrie The Message of Hebrews - Tom Constable The Christian Life in Hebrews - Buist Fanning The Warning Passages in Hebrews - George Guthrie Hebrews Applicational Directions - Wilson Context: Who, Where, When, and Why? •  Who composed Hebrews? •  Who was Hebrews original audience? •  When was Hebrews written? •  Where were the author and his readers? •  Why was Hebrews written? Content: How and What? •  How is Hebrews organized?     God’s King-Son: Jesus Provides a Better Revelation  (1:1-4:13) •  Warning # 1: Do Not Drift Away by Neglecting the Message of Salvation through Jesus! (2:1-4) •  Warning # 2: Do Not Harden Your Heart like Israel!  Enter His Rest through Obedience! (3:7-4:13)      God’s Priest-Son: Jesus Provides a Better Sacrifice  (4:14-10:39) •  Warning # 3: Do Not Fall Back Like Israel!  Press on Toward Maturity! (5:11-6:20) •  Warning # 4: Do Not Shrink Back!  Draw Near to God by the Blood of Christ! (10:19-39)      God’s Shepherd-Son: Jesus Provides a Better Response  (11:1-13:25) •  Warning # 5: Do Not Lose Heart!  Worship God with Reverence and Awe! (12:1-29) •  What is the message of Hebrews? Conviction: So What? •  Where does Hebrews fit? - We absolutely do not know who wrote the book of Hebrews. - Hebrews is written to biblically literate Jewish Christians considering returning to Judaism in light of opposition and struggle. - Hebrews presents the superiority of Jesus over everything the readers are considering going back to. - As a series of homilies, Hebrews is a brilliantly sophisticated piece of literature and theology. •  What should we believe?    - Jesus is the final word from God on salvation and life. - Not pressing on toward a maturity in Christ will result in a loss of joy, service and reward. - Pressing on toward maturity, even in the face of opposition and struggle, results in joy, peace,                and usefulness for the purposes of God. - Growing in maturity is the only appropriate response to a full understanding of Who Jesus is and what He has provided. •  How should we behave? - Focus! - Grow! - Worship!Next Steps•  Keep your eyes on Jesus.  He is better than anything.•  Stop coasting and press on toward maturity.•  Do not lose heart and turn back to easier ways. Take your next step in obedience.This Week's Growth GuideGod’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message. •. Monday - Hebrews 1:1-4•. Tuesday - Hebrews 2:1-4•. Wednesday - Hebrews 3:7-4:13•. Thursday - Hebrews 5:11-6:20•. Friday - Hebrews 10:19-39•. Saturday - Hebrews 11:1-40•. Sunday - Hebrews 12:1-29FinancesWeekly Budget      35,297Giving For 07/28   17,801Giving For 08/04   35,587YTD Budget         176,486Giving                   180,996   OVER/(UNDER)         4,510       Fellowship 101We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 8, at 9:00 a.m. to learn more about Fellowship. This is a great opportunity to hear about our mission, values, and our ministries. If you’re new to Fellowship, join us in the conference room (first floor) to hear what God is doing and where He is taking us. During this time, you will meet some of our ministry leaders and get to ask questions. Register at fellowshipconway.org/register.  ​Ne

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    Don't Be Afraid to Spread the Word, It's Worth it! - Matthew 10:24-42

    Don't Be Afraid to Spread the Word, It's Worth It!  Matthew 10:24-42 For the bulletin in PDF form, click here. Like Jesus Don't Be Afraid Preach and Preach to Me The Reward will Not Pass You ByThis Week's Growth GuideGod’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message. •. Monday - Matthew 10:1-16•. Tuesday - Matthew 10:17-23•. Wednesday - Matthew 10:24-31•. Thursday - Matthew 10:32-39•. Friday - Matthew 40-42FinancesWeekly Budget      35,297Giving For 07/21   57,276Giving For 07/28   1 7,801YTD Budget         141,189 Giving                   145,409        OVER/(UNDER)         4,220Invest in the Next GenerationWe are wrapping up summer and preparing to head into the school session of Fellowship Kids August 18 - May 25, 2025. Join us in laying a foundation of faith for our kids. To see all the ways available to serve, go to fellowshipconway.org/register or Contact Heather at hmckinney@fellowshipconway.org.New to Fellowship?We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast Men, join us for a great breakfast and fellowship on Wednesday, August 14, at 6:00 a.m. here in the Fellowship atrium. No sign-up is needed. Come with your Bible ready to eat, fellowship with other men, and start your day off right through prayer and Biblical insight. Questions? Contact Michael at mharrison@fellowshipconway.org. Couple’s Night OutCouples, put on your dancing shoes and join us for a delightful evening at our Ol’ Southern Social on Saturday, September 14, from 6-8:00 p.m. at Renewal Ranch (75 Lake Dr. Houston, AR). The night will be filled with fun games, lively folk music, folk dancing (no experience needed), and refreshments—child care will be provided at Fellowship by texting Shanna at 501-336-0332. Automate the ImportantWe understand that summer can be a whirlwind of new schedules and travel. To ensure the continuous growth of Fellowship’s ministry, we encourage you to automate your giving process. It’s a straightforward and hassle-free process. Just visit fellowshipconway.org/give, click “Ready to Give?” then “Recurring,” and fill out the necessary information. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact Emily in our office at 501-327-3444 between 8:30 and 4:30, Monday through Thursday. Prayer During ServiceWe love to pray for one another. Our prayer team will have people at the front of the Auditorium under the Hope and Love signs to pray for you after the message. Please feel free to walk up to them for prayer or encouragement during the first worship song after the message. Downline - 9 Months That Will Change Your LifeApply now for next year’s Downline class that starts on August 27th. The program equips individuals to know God’s Word and make disciples where God has strategically placed them around the city. Space and time are limited, so visit DownlineConway.com for more information and to submit your application.


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