Majestic and Mindful - Psalm 8

Podcast: Fellowship Bible Church Conway

Majestic and Mindful
Psalm 8

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

He is Majestic and Mindful

He Crowned Us With Glory

Jesus Has Been Made Like His Brothers

This Week's Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Psalm 146
•. Tuesday - Psalm 147
•. Wednesday - Psalm 148
•. Thursday - Psalm 149
•. Friday - Psalm 150

Home Church Questions

1. Have someone read Psalm 8.  Did you find anything in the text or the sermon interesting or helpful?

2. We discover God is both majestic and mindful.  The theological terms for this are transcendent and immanent.  He is big and powerful and yet He is near and cares.  Which of these two do you tend to emphasize when you think about God.  Why is it important that we affirm both?

3. Psalm 8 emphasizes that God’s glory is often seen in what is small and weak and even unlikely.  Where do we see this in this psalm?  Where do we see other examples of this idea in the Bible?

4. Why do you think God often chooses to work in ways and use people we wouldn’t expect?  How should this truth that God uses unlikely people impact us?

5. We tend to either have too high or too low a view of ourselves.  It was mentioned in the sermon that the solution to both of these is to focus less on ourselves.  What does it look like to focus less on ourselves?  Why would this be a healthy solution?

6. If we have a correct view of God and of ourselves, we will experience both humility and confidence.  Explain why.  What are some ways you can have a healthier view of yourself in light of this biblical teaching?

7. Hebrews 2 lets us know Jesus fulfills Psalm  8 in a way that we cannot.  What are some examples of ways we don’t meet the standard of Psalm 8?  What are some ways Jesus succeeds for us?

Pray for our Partners: David & Eliška Živor, and children Linda, Dominik, and Daniela.
-For the church plant in Řepy, and for strong leaders as they work to reach the community
-For Eliška to have gospel opportunities as she works with the new preschool in Řepy
-For additional funding, so that David can focus more time and effort on ministry

Weekly Budget      35,297
Giving For 08/11   27,541
Giving For 08/18   26,674
YTD Budget         247,080
Giving                   235,191,       
OVER/(UNDER)   (11,889)

Fellowship 101
We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 8, at 9:

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