7 episodi


Simple Kind of ED (SKED‪)‬ 侯勝文,鄭凱文

    • Salute e benessere


    SKED Podcast 7 - 急診醫師專訪:簡立建(下集)

    SKED Podcast 7 - 急診醫師專訪:簡立建(下集)

    受訪者姓名:簡立建(急專編號:A00975) 台灣外傷醫學會理事長(第九屆) 台北市立聯合醫院和平院區緊急醫療部災難醫學科主任 訪談年份:2016 現階段想鑽研的知識領域:醫療政策 推薦閱讀書目: How Doctors Think 作者:Jerome Groopman 中譯名「醫生,你確定是這樣嗎?」(譯者:廖月娟),天下文化出版 陳國智醫師blog推薦文 http://juice119.pixnet.net/blog/post/16548881-%E5%A5%BD%E6%9B%B8%E4%BB%8B%E7%B4%B9%3A-%E9%86%AB%E7%94%9F%EF%BC%8C%E4%BD%A0%E7%A2%BA%E5%AE%9A%E6%98%AF%E9%80%99%E6%A8%A3%E5%97%8E-(how-doctors-th 另有一本相似書名 How Doctors Think: Clinical Judgment and the Practice of Medicine 作者:Kathryn Montgomery 偵探小說 推薦的醫學會議?Annual USC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery & Surgical Critical Care Symposium http://www.surgery.usc.edu/acutecare/acutecaresurgerysymposium.html 避免事後諸葛、體會「臨床裁量權」、share decision making
    DAS SMACC第二階段報名時間(2016-12-07 05:00)

    • 6 min
    SKED Podcast 6 - 急診醫師專訪:簡立建(上集)

    SKED Podcast 6 - 急診醫師專訪:簡立建(上集)

    受訪者:簡立建(急專編號:A00975) 台灣外傷醫學會理事長(第九屆) 台北市立聯合醫院和平院區緊急醫療部災難醫學科主任 訪談年份:2016 最一開始想走急診的原因:Trauma 防止burnout的祕訣:別太在意收入 面試新進住院醫師時想問的問題:你為什麼想來急診? 現代急診醫師最應具備的能力:溝通、觀察的能力

    • 15 min
    SKED Podcast 5 - 急診醫師專訪:Jessica Mason

    SKED Podcast 5 - 急診醫師專訪:Jessica Mason

    這一回由侯勝文訪問Jessica Mason,內容述及她參與錄製幾個Podcast節目的因緣及其對社群媒體與急診醫學教育的看法。
    受訪者:Jessica Mason 急專訓練:Emergency Medicine Class of 2016,MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio http://www.metrohealth.org/emergency-medicine/meet-the-residents 現職:Medical Education Fellowship, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSF http://emergency.ucsf.edu/education/fellowship-programs/medical-education 目前參與錄製的Podcast節目 Med Forum https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/med-forum-podcast-episodes/id570096303 http://medforum.libsyn.com/ The Hippo EM Resident Call Room https://www.facebook.com/emresidentcallroom/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hippo-em-resident-call-room/id729067988 http://hippoem.libsyn.com/ This Won't Hurt A Bit http://www.wonthurtabit.com/  https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/episodes-this-wont-hurt-a-bit/id1047494657 EM:RAP https://www.emrap.org/ EM:RAP HD https://www.youtube.com/user/EMRAPMEDICAL How to do a lateral canthotomy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgQaKVGynFA

    • 13 min
    SKED Podcast 4 - Airway Issues Learned from SMACC DUB

    SKED Podcast 4 - Airway Issues Learned from SMACC DUB

    Reuben Strayer: Leisurely Laryngoscopy (SMACC DUB)
    head at head of bed, or beyond (occiput off)
    ear to sternal notch
    head of bed up
    Levitan RM, Mechem CC, Ochroch EA, Shofer FS, Hollander JE. Head-elevated laryngoscopy position: improving laryngeal exposure during laryngoscopy by increasing head elevation. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;41(3):322-30.
    look into the mouth; not get into the mouth
    Start laryngoscopy early (but with deliberated slowness)
    Incremental Goal Directed Tracheal exposure (IGDT)
    lead with suction
    soft palate → uvula → posterior wall → epiglottis → interarytenoid notch
    ELM (external laryngeal manipulation)
    Eschmann Introducer (Gum Elastic Bougie)
    Jaw Thrust Maneuver
    Corda, David M., Kevin T. Riutort, Alex J. Leone, Mueez K. Qureshi, Michael G. Heckman, and Sorin J. Brull. "Effect of Jaw Thrust and Cricoid Pressure Maneuvers on Glottic Visualization during GlideScope Videolaryngoscopy." Journal of Anesthesia J Anesth 26.3 (2012): 362-68.
    3 Finger Tracheal Palpation
    Gamble, Jonathan J. "Three-Finger Tracheal Palpation to Guide Endotracheal Tube Depth in Children." Pediatric Anesthesia Paediatr Anaesth 24.12 (2014): 1312-313.
    Mckay, William P., Jim Klonarakis, Vladko Pelivanov, Jennifer M. O’Brien, and Chris Plewes. "Tracheal Palpation to Assess Endotracheal Tube Depth: An Exploratory Study." Can J Anesth/J Can Anesth Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal Canadien D'anesthésie 61.3 (2013): 229-34.

    Scott Weingart: Post-Intubation Sedation (SMACC DUB)

    1mg hydromorphone ivp, then 0.5mg ivp q10min
    Neuro problem: choose Fentanyl
    Pain cannot be a “pressor”
    RASS score
    dasSMACC: 20170626~0629

    • 7 min
    SKED Podcast 3 - 病人沒說的事(Things Not Said)

    SKED Podcast 3 - 病人沒說的事(Things Not Said)

    急診就診信任基礎薄弱 退掛&自動出院(AAD) 激烈的抗議手段 vs. 不看最好 何時不能自己退掛 119送入 院內其它單位轉入 自傷傷人行為 退掛的真正理由 換取提早看診的手段 vs. 真的不想看 在急診等待手術者的疼痛問題 真的痛 vs. 換取注意力的手段 老人主訴胸悶 總是找不到原因時要想到depression 和家人互動關係 失能後的憂鬱(e.g. 中風後)
    2016-06-24 EMRN網聚
    報名網址 http://goo.gl/forms/oMFfhGJ8H7 Facebook活動頁面 https://www.facebook.com/events/1006877126014570/

    • 17 min
    SKED Podcast 2 - My Favorite EM Podcasts

    SKED Podcast 2 - My Favorite EM Podcasts

    EMCrit http://emcrit.org/ ERCast http://blog.ercast.org/ EM:RAP (付費訂閱) https://www.emrap.org/ EMCast (付費訂閱EMedHome.com) http://www.emedhome.com/cme_emcast.cfm 目前使用的android app.: AntennaPod http://antennapod.org/

    • 5 min

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