

美轮美换 The American Roulette Baihua Media

    • ニュース
    • 4.5 • 2件の評価


    018 | 飞黄腾达2024:谁会是特朗普的副总统 Who Could Be Trump's VP Pick

    018 | 飞黄腾达2024:谁会是特朗普的副总统 Who Could Be Trump's VP Pick






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    02:00 什么时候开始挑副总统候选人

    05:05 切尼搬家:为什么总统和副总统不能来自同一个州

    08:10 选副总统的基本原则:平衡选票

    10:05 平衡选票之拜登选贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)

    11:42 贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)的亚裔背景为什么被忽视

    14:58 平衡选票之特朗普选彭斯(Mike Pence)

    18:32 特朗普看重的忠诚到底是指什么

    26:38 忠诚对于追求特朗普政府内职务的人更重要

    28:44 尼基·黑利(Nikki Haley)

    30:16 马可·卢比奥(Marco Rubio)

    33:05 对副总统的执政经验的要求

    40:05 特朗普需要潜在的副总统候选人干什么

    41:30 继续聊黑利(Nikki Haley)

    43:06 埃莉斯·史蒂芬尼克(Elise Stefanik)

    46:45 JD 万斯(JD Vance)

    49:10 盛产副总统的参议院

    50:48 卢比奥(Marco Rubio)

    52:10 蒂姆·斯科特(Tim Scott)

    54:33 汤姆·科顿(Tom Cotton)

    01:01:53 凯蒂·布里特(Katie Britt)

    01:02:58 本·卡森(Ben Carson)

    01:04:21 卡丽·莱克(Kari Lake)

    01:06:23 拉瓦斯瓦米(Vivek Ramaswamy)

    01:08:42 道格·伯古姆(Doug Burgum)

    01:11:14 克里斯蒂·诺姆(Kristi Noem)

    01:18:38 莎拉·赫卡比·桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)

    01:20:12 关于今年的总统辩论

    01:26:43 格雷格·阿博特(Greg Abbott)

    01:30:44 拜伦·唐纳兹(Byron Donalds)

    01:32:20 图尔西·加巴德(Tulsi Gabbard)

    01:33:53 神棍一下特朗普会选谁






    【 What We Talked About】

    This year, Trump's selection of a vice presidential candidate has turned into a real-life version of "The Apprentice," shrouded in mystery. We recorded this episode on May 25th, and even by mid-June, there doesn't seem to be much new information. On one hand, Trump has genuinely kept the suspense high; on the other, it shows that the obvious options have already been laid out. While we can't predict Trump's thoughts, you can catch up on everything else worth discussing in this episode. As the first presidential debate and GOP convention approach, the revelation of his choice is likely not far off.

    【Support Us】

    If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following:

    Join our membership program: https://theamericanroulette.com/paid-membership/

    Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/americanroulette

    Support us on AFDIAN: https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette

    Business Inquiries and fan mail: american.roulette.pod@gmail.com


    02:00 When to start picking the Vice President candidate

    05:05 Dick Cheney: Why the President and Vice President cannot be from the same state

    08:10 Basic principles of choosing a Vice President: Balancing the ticket

    10:05 Balancing the ticket: Biden choosing Kamala Harris

    11:42 Why Kamala Harris's Asian background was overlooked

    14:58 B

    • 1 時間38分
    017 | 疲惫娇娃 X 美轮美换 :《美国内战》——失去语境的战争电影 A24’s “Civil War” is a War Film Stripped of Context

    017 | 疲惫娇娃 X 美轮美换 :《美国内战》——失去语境的战争电影 A24’s “Civil War” is a War Film Stripped of Context


    英国导演Alex Garland的新作《美国内战》(Civil War)以一场虚构的美国内战为背景,引发了广泛关注和争议。作为A24迄今为止最大制作,电影集全明星阵容和炫目视效于一身,更因触及当下美国社会分裂、政治极化的议题而备受瞩目。然而,电影却避开了最敏感的政治问题,转而以四名战地记者为主角展开叙事,聚焦新闻伦理和人性挣扎,也因此被批评为避重就轻。




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    爱发电 https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette


    【时间轴 The When】

    00:02:54 讨论电影《美国内战》Civil War的情节和导演Alex Garland的作品。
    00:15:13 Alex Garland导演对战地记者职业的矛盾心理刻画
    00:40:06 电影对种族主义暴力的直白展现
    00:48:06 导演在政治立场上的模糊态度引发争议
    00:55:22 战争带来的不确定感和混乱感
    01:01:09 摄影记者的自我矛盾:记录还是介入?
    01:08:24 社交媒体时代,记者的责任与观众的责任
    01:15:08 前辈记者对后辈的无奈:这一行太苦,但拦不住你
    01:17:03 尽管科技发达,战争的荒谬感依旧没变





    【 What We Talked About】
    Alex Garland's latest film, "Civil War," was set against a fictional war between two different factions within the United States. The film has sparked considerable controversy. It explores America’s political reality through the lenses (zing!) of four war correspondents, centering on journalistic ethics and the struggles of the human condition, but somehow sidestepping all of the more contentious, real political issues currently dividing America. We were not sure if we liked this artistic choice, so we recorded an episode with our friends from 美轮美换 The American Roulette to process it.
    Do we like Alex Garland’s decision to obscure the causes of the war? Why do we need photojournalism? Do we still have the capacity to process the harsh realities of conflict and suffering, and hold complexities in this age of social media?

    【Support Us】

    If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following:

    Join our membership program: theamericanroulette.com
    Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/americanroulette
    Support us on AFDIAN: https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette
    Business Inquiries and fan mail: american.roulette.pod@gmail.com


    00:02:54 Discussion of the plot of "Civil War" and the works of director Alex Garland
    00:15:13 Alex Garland's portrayal of the conflicting psychology of war correspondents
    00:40:06 Blunt portrayal of racist violence
    00:48:06 Alex Garland did not take a stand but do we need him to?
    00:55:22 The uncertainty and chaos of war
    01:01:09 The self-contradiction of photojournalists: to document or to intervene?
    01:08:24 In the age of social media, the responsibility of journalists and the responsi

    • 1 時間20分
    016 | 特朗普“封口费”刑事案被判有罪,然后呢?Trump Found Guilty in “Hush Money” Trial, What Next?

    016 | 特朗普“封口费”刑事案被判有罪,然后呢?Trump Found Guilty in “Hush Money” Trial, What Next?


    经过两天的审议,纽约法院陪审团裁定特朗普在“封口费”一案中34项伪造商业记录罪名全部成立。 由此,特朗普成为美国历史上第一位被刑事定罪的前总统。这一审议结果不仅震惊了美国政坛,也对特朗普未来的政治生涯投下一层不确定的阴影。





    Patreon https://www.patreon.com/americanroulette
    爱发电 https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette



    01:08 陪审团9小时审议之后迅速判决意味着什么

    08:03 “封口费”案回顾

    13:30 关键证人盘点

    22:30 有罪判决对选情的影响

    32:04 右翼对判决的反应

    35:28 负面党派情绪

    38:54 民主党的应对策略

    45:10 特朗普真的会入狱吗?

    49:51 特朗普面临的其它三项刑事诉讼







    【 What We Talked About】

    After two days of deliberation, a New York court jury found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in the "hush money" case. This made Trump the first former U.S. president in history to be convicted of felony crimes. The verdict not only shocked the American political scene but also cast a shadow of uncertainty over Trump's future political career.

    On the day the verdict was announced, we recorded this emergency episode to review the development of the case and to analyze the reactions from different political groups, public opinion, and the legal and social implications of the verdict.

    【Support Us】

    If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following:

    Join our membership program: americanroulette.ghost.io

    Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/americanroulette

    Support us on AFDIAN: https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette

    Business Inquiries and fan mail: american.roulette.pod@gmail.com


    01:08 What does it mean for the jury to reach a verdict after mere 9 hours?

    08:03 Review of the “hush money” trial

    13:30 Review of key witnesses and testimonies

    22:30 How does the guilty verdict affect the presidential election

    32:04 Reactions from the right

    35:28 How the verdict deepens partisanship

    38:54 Strategic repsonses from Democrats

    45:10 Will Trump really go to prison?

    49:51 The other three criminal lawsuits Trump is facing

    【Who We Are】

    The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.

    Our Hosts and Guests:
    Lokin: U.S. law school student, incoming NY litigation lawyer

    王浩岚 (Haolan Wang): American political enthusiast, chief writer at Lán Mù WeChat Official Account, and peddler of information

    曹起曈 (Thomas Cao): PhD in political economy, political behavior researcher

    小华 (Xiao Hua): Journalist, political observer

    • 54分
    端闻:拜登 vs. 《纽约时报》 Biden vs. The New York Times

    端闻:拜登 vs. 《纽约时报》 Biden vs. The New York Times






    欢迎你成为端传媒的订阅会员,支持华文世界不可或缺的深度报道和多元声音:https://bit.ly/3QDXSy3 【使用此链接可「尊享八折」,一次解锁端传媒、华尔街日报、当今大马会籍】




    Patreon https://www.patreon.com/americanroulette
    爱发电 https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette




    【 What We Talked About】
    This episode of Initium Reports podcast by Initium Media, featuring Xiaohua as a guest. In this episode, we discuss the recent conflict between the Biden administration and The New York Times.

    The New York Times has long been viewed as leaning towards the Democratic Party and liberal ideologies. However, the Biden team has recently expressed strong dissatisfaction with the paper. A recent Politico report brought this discord into the public eye. In this episode, we delve into the origins and development of this saga.

    After the recording of the podcast, the conflict between the two parties did not subside. Instead, it reignited due to an interview given by the Joe Kahn, the Executive Editor of The New York Times. In the latest edition of The American Roulette’s newsletter, I discuss the latest developments in saga. You can register with your email address to read this subscriber-only newsletter for free.

    【Support Us】

    If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following:

    Join our membership program: americanroulette.ghost.io

    Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/americanroulette

    Support us on AFDIAN: https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette

    Business Inquiries and fan mail: american.roulette.pod@gmail.com

    【Who We Are】

    The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.

    • 23分
    014 | TikTok 的命运和历史进程 A tick tock for TikTok

    014 | TikTok 的命运和历史进程 A tick tock for TikTok







    Patreon www.patreon.com/americanroulette
    爱发电 afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette



    1:21 TikTok事件不那么新的进展

    3:20 TikTok危机:2020年与现状对比

    8:20 字节跳动和TikTok在华府的策略失误?

    13:05 TikTok的“弹窗”策略过火了吗?

    19:37 “中国公司” vs. “美国公司”

    21:25 Jeff Yass角色和特朗普的态度

    24:30 中国背景的全球公司面临的困境

    27:26 如何与美国媒体有效沟通

    29:45 哪些人在反对TikTok法案

    34:25 拜登与民主党对TikTok的矛盾态度

    40:28 TikTok和哈马斯以色列冲突、年轻选民以及大选

    45:38 用户隐私法案与Maria Cantwell

    51:00 TikTok法案通过之后的走向

    59:04 特朗普如再次当选对TikTok会有怎样的影响

    1:00:19 4月23日之后的最新进展

    1:08:23 迈克·约翰逊态度的大转变

    1:18:10 拜登签字生效之后会发生什么?





    杨方曦(Ivy Yang):小波咨询创始人、FT中文专栏作家


    【 What We Talked About】

    Both chambers of the U.S. Congress recently approved a $95 billion foreign aid package that includes a clause mandating ByteDance to divest TikTok. President Biden acted swiftly, signing the bill into law on April 24th, thrusting TikTok into another existential crisis in the U.S. What lies ahead for TikTok? How will this situation unfold? And what implications might this have for other global companies with ties to China?

    This episode was initially recorded in early April. With the latest development, some of the original content has become outdated. We recorded an update on April 23 to reflect the latest developments.

    【Support Us】

    If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following:

    Join our membership program: americanroulette.ghost.io

    Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/americanroulette

    Support us on AFDIAN: https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette

    Business Inquiries and fan mail: american.roulette.pod@gmail.com


    1:21 Not-so-recent developments in the TikTok situation

    3:20 The TikTok crisis: 2020 vs. now

    8:20 Did ByteDance and TikTok make strategic errors in DC?

    13:05 Has TikTok's “push notification strategy” gone too far?

    19:37 "Chinese company" versus "American company"

    21:25 Jeff Yass's role and Trump's stance

    24:30 The challenges faced by global companies with Chinese backgrounds

    27:26 How to effectively communicate with U.S. media

    29:45 Who is opposing the TikTok bill

    34:25 Biden and the Democratic Party's conflicting views on TikTok

    40:28 TikTok, the Hamas-Israel conflict, young voters, and elections

    45:38 The privacy bill and Maria Cantwell’s involvement

    51:00 The direction things might go after the TikTok bill is passed

    59:04 How would a Trump re-election affect TikTok

    1:00:19 Latest updates after April 23

    1:08:23 Mike Johnson’s flip-flop

    1:18:10 What will happen after Biden signs the bill

    【Who We Are】

    The American R

    • 1 時間23分
    013 | 美轮美换 x 这集我看过:《出租车司机》Unpacking Scorsese’s Taxi Driver

    013 | 美轮美换 x 这集我看过:《出租车司机》Unpacking Scorsese’s Taxi Driver







    Patreon https://www.patreon.com/americanroulette
    爱发电 https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette



    01:54 从西部片里的西部谈起

    03:08 70 年前后城市西部片的设定

    05:45 西部片里经典男女关系

    12:30 《出租汽车司机》剧情简介

    13:44 Travis 的道德虚无

    14:41 Incel 群体和 Travis

    17:55 Travis 的孤独感

    19:30 Travis 形象后面是编剧 Schrader 的个人经历

    23:45 Variety Photo Player Theater 和 LGBTQ 亚文化群

    26:15 时代广场与城市衰败

    29:58 1975 年的纽约城市财政危机

    31:01 美国最大的贫民窟 The Bronx

    32:52 90 年代的时代广场改造工程

    35:38 Palantine 和两党解决城市犯罪的方法

    43:52 便利店抢劫案和创作中的刻板印像

    49:55 皮条客角色设定的问题和作为特例的电影

    54:31 射杀黑人劫匪和政治正确

    56:43 持枪许可

    58:43 为什么要买枪

    59:40 Travis 买的枪

    01:00:25 枪支文化的消费特点

    01:02:25 影片中的男女关系

    01:07:57 影片中的暴力

    01:08:49 行走的矛盾:Travis 和枪

    01:11:15 行走的矛盾:出租汽车司机看 LGBT

    01:13:08 电影结尾处理:导演和编剧对于 Travis 角色的两种看法

    01:17:04 Travis 和特朗普时代的极右派有什么可比性







    【 What We Talked About】

    American Roulette, together with Xu Tian, host of 这集我看过, discuss Martin Scorsese's 1976 film "Taxi Driver." In this episode, we unpack the movie’s reflection on and foresight into the multifaceted changes within American society and politics. We start from the traditional motifs of Western films and further dive into the depiction of male-female dynamics amidst the 70’s urban decay, dissecting how the film handles the nuanced socio-cultural layers of that time. We examine protagonist Travis and his journey, his moral nihilism, pervasive sense of isolation, and its affiliations with the Incel movement – and of course, how all these elements still echo within contemporary far-right political discourse.

    This episode is co-produced by The American Roulette and 这集我看过.

    【Support Us】

    If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following:

    Join our membership program: americanroulette.ghost.io

    Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/americanroulette

    Support us on AFDIAN: https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette

    Business Inquiries and fan mail: american.roulette.pod@gmail.com


    01:54 The ‘West’ in the Western genre

    03:08 The depiction of the “Urban West” in 70s cinema

    05:45 Gender roles in Westerns

    12:30 Overview of "Taxi Driver" plot

    13:44 Travis Bickle's moral nihilism

    14:41 The Incel community and Travis

    17:55 Exploring themes of loneliness

    19:30 Insight into screenwriter Paul Schrader's p

    • 1 時間20分





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