12. Our Twelfth Survivor Pod - 41's 11th Episode - Do... or Die!

Simple Souls Speak Survivorポッドキャスト

In this weeks episode of Survivor Jeff said, "Tonight, if Deshawn lives, then we have a normal vote and somebody goes home. If Deshawn dies, then he's out and there is no vote."

In response, Dalton Ross at EW said, "Wait, if Deshawn dies?????? Are they now killing people on Survivor?! Does this have something to do with that "Monster" Probst kept talking about? I know this season has been heavy on the twists, but killing contestants does seem a bit much. How about instead of dropping the four and keeping the one, we try to keep all of the players in one piece, shall we? I mean... the fact that Deshawn fought to keep someone in the game that the producers have done everything in their power to keep off our screens doesn't exactly seem like grounds for on-air murder. Also, if he dies, there is no vote, but the game continues?! Doesn't that seem like grounds for canceling the rest of the season? What the hell is going on here? Am I watching the freakin' Squid Game ?!"

Anna and I do not disagree!!!








