
Byte-Size Expertise Professionally Evil Perspective

    • テクノロジー

Today on The Professionally Evil Perspective, Kevin and Nathan discuss the SEC's proposed rules on public company cybersecurity, including the expertise of its board.
Cybersecurity Risks and Privacy Rules Add Pressure on Boards
NYDFS Proposes Amendments to Cybersecurity Regulation
Public Company Cybersecurity; Proposed Rules Fact Sheet
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Tell us at podcast@secureideas.com or reach out on Twitter:

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Join our Professionally Evil Slack Team at www.professionallyevil.com
Our real jobs pay for our time to do this, so if you have opportunities around penetration testing or risk management, we'd love the chance to work with you!

Today on The Professionally Evil Perspective, Kevin and Nathan discuss the SEC's proposed rules on public company cybersecurity, including the expertise of its board.
Cybersecurity Risks and Privacy Rules Add Pressure on Boards
NYDFS Proposes Amendments to Cybersecurity Regulation
Public Company Cybersecurity; Proposed Rules Fact Sheet
Got suggestions, complaints, or feedback?

Tell us at podcast@secureideas.com or reach out on Twitter:

or find us on Mastadon:
Join our Professionally Evil Slack Team at www.professionallyevil.com
Our real jobs pay for our time to do this, so if you have opportunities around penetration testing or risk management, we'd love the chance to work with you!



Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
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