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    Eureka! Transforming MNOs' Costs & Optimizing Outbound Traffic with Mehdi Triki from RoamSmart

    Eureka! Transforming MNOs' Costs & Optimizing Outbound Traffic with Mehdi Triki from RoamSmart

    ROCCO is excited to share our latest Eureka Podcast episode, where our CEO, Jason Bryan, engages in a discussion with Mehdi Triki, VP of Sales and Marketing and Co-founder of RoamSmart.

    Dive into the details of SteerOp, the steering optimizer solution from RoamSmart awarded as the top 3 solution in The Innovators 2023. Delve deeper into understanding how this solution operates and integrates into the Unified Roaming Platform, designed to establish a comprehensive view of the roaming business and facilitate the monetisation of existing data sources for MNOs.

    Discover this year's plans for RoamSmart with a clear focus on creating automations, API integrations, and providing insightful analytics for roaming teams to make better decisions.

    Tune in to discover more about SteerOp and RoamSmart's plans for 2024!

    • 21分
    Eureka! Breaking Boundaries in SMS with Cellusys Visionaries Peter Morgan and Chris Lennartz

    Eureka! Breaking Boundaries in SMS with Cellusys Visionaries Peter Morgan and Chris Lennartz

    ROCCO is thrilled to unveil our latest Eureka podcast episode, where our CEO, Jason Bryan, sits down with two brilliant minds at Cellusys - Peter Morgan, Head of Technical Pre-Sales, and Chris Lennartz, VP of Product. Together, they delve into the heart of the SMS messaging industry, sharing their remarkable journey and unveiling their revolutionary solution, SMASH awarded as the top 1 solution in the Genesis Messaging Hackathon 2023.

    In this captivating episode, Peter and Chris share their insights on tackling the industry's pressing challenge: Artificial Traffic Inflation. They introduce SMASH, an ingenious system designed to verify message delivery, ensuring transparency, trust, and reliability in A2P SMS messaging.

    Tune in to the full podcast episode and gain deep insights into the SMS messaging landscape. Prepare to be inspired as Peter and Chris unravel the limitless possibilities of digital transformation in communication technologies.

    #Innovation #SMSMessaging #Cellusys #ArtificialInflationofTraffic

    • 25分
    Eureka! Celebrating Innovation Excellence with Mauro Mele, Director of Clearing Services at Comfone

    Eureka! Celebrating Innovation Excellence with Mauro Mele, Director of Clearing Services at Comfone

    In this engaging Eureka podcast, our CEO Jason Bryan caught up with Mauro Mele, the Director of Clearing Services at Comfone, to dive deep into their innovative solution ePayments, awarded as the top 1 solution in The Innovators 2023!

    Mauro shared the inspiring journey behind ePayments, a game-changing solution for the Financial Clearing landscape. The innovative spirit at Comfone was instrumental in crafting a solution that simplifies the payment process, ensuring real-time control without the constraints of traditional payment cycles.

    The achievement doesn't stop here. Comfone's win signifies a leap towards a more innovative future for the telecom industry.

    As we celebrate this success, we encourage all innovators out there to join The Innovators 2024 and showcase your cutting-edge solutions, register now by sending an email to hq@rocco.group. The industry is ripe for evolution, and your innovation could be the next game-changer!

    To learn more about ePayments and Comfone's pioneering solutions, listen to the full interview here:

    #Comfone #TheInnovators #RoamingRevolution

    • 32分
    Eureka! Empowering Telecom Innovation with Brian Beach from Syniverse

    Eureka! Empowering Telecom Innovation with Brian Beach from Syniverse

    In this Eureka podcast episode, our CEO Jason Bryan had the pleasure of discussing innovation with Brian Beach, Senior Product Director at Syniverse. Dive in to learn about Syniverse's groundbreaking solution, Evolved Mobility, awarded as the top 2 solution in The Innovators 2023. Evolved Mobility is bridging the gap as networks transition to 5G.

    If you're inspired by Syniverse's success and have innovative solutions to showcase, don't miss the chance to participate in The Innovators 2024! To register, write to hq@rocco.group.

    Tune in to learn more about Syniverse's Evolved Mobility solution!

    • 25分
    Eureka! Revolutionizing Roaming Automation with Daniel McTague and Charles Bernard from Cellusys

    Eureka! Revolutionizing Roaming Automation with Daniel McTague and Charles Bernard from Cellusys

    ROCCO is thrilled to share an inspiring conversation between our CEO Jason Bryan, Daniel McTague, CTO, and Charles Bernard, Product Manager at Cellusys, on our recent Eureka podcast episode. They shared their incredible journey at the Genesis Hackathon, where their innovation, Roambot, took the roaming industry by storm.

    Roambot, a groundbreaking solution automating roaming testing processes, emerged victorious in the Roaming Genesis Hackathon. Daniel and Charles beautifully articulated their experience, highlighting the industry's need for digital transformation and the power of collaborative innovation.

    In the ever-evolving landscape of telecommunications, embracing automation and flexibility is paramount. Roambot represents a significant step towards a future where efficiency meets innovation. I urge everyone to listen to the full podcast to gain insights into the future of the industry and the limitless possibilities of digital transformation.

    Kudos to Cellusys for their exceptional work! Let's continue to push boundaries and redefine the future of roaming together.

    • 28分
    Well Connected with Nermeen Sobhy from Cequens

    Well Connected with Nermeen Sobhy from Cequens

    Recorded at the end of 2022. In this Well connected podcast we interview Nermeen Sobhy, Vice president Carrier Relations at Cequens. Nermeen was voted the most influential woman in the ROCCO 100 2022. So naturally we wanted to know more about her and her story.

    In her podcast Nermeen talks about the challenges she faced being a woman in the world of telecoms engineering, her career in Egyptian mobile operators and her new role in Cequens. as well as giving some great advice for people who may feel like they need a push to move to the next level in their careers.

    • 39分


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