Seahawks Man 2 Man: A show about the Seattle Seahawks
Blue Wire

Michael-Shawn Dugar, Seahawks reporter for The Athletic, and broadcast journalist Christopher Kidd host the Seahawks Man 2 Man podcast, an all-access look at Seattle's premier sports franchise, with game previews, postgame breakdowns, exclusive interviews, and more. You can also check out their YouTube Channel 'Seahawks Man 2 Man', where they offer their weekly shows and also a bonus episode every week breaking down film from an All-22 angle! Interested in advertising on this podcast? Email!
Michael-Shawn Dugar, Seahawks reporter for The Athletic, and broadcast journalist Christopher Kidd host the Seahawks Man 2 Man podcast, an all-access look at Seattle's premier sports franchise, with game previews, postgame breakdowns, exclusive interviews, and more. You can also check out their YouTube Channel 'Seahawks Man 2 Man', where they offer their weekly shows and also a bonus episode every week breaking down film from an All-22 angle! Interested in advertising on this podcast? Email!
- クリエイターBlue Wire
- 配信期間17年 - 25年
- エピソード326
- 制限指定不適切な内容を含まない
- 番組のWebサイト
The Athleticの他の作品
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- アメリカンフットボールアップデート:毎日
- アメリカンフットボールアップデート:週2回
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