
You want to fight for Israel but don’t have the words to do it? Join Caroline Glick for her latest commentary on the top Israel-related headlines. A veteran journalist with an opinion that counts, Glick tells it like it is in an insight-packed hour on the “Caroline Glick Show.”

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The Caroline Glick Show JNS

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You want to fight for Israel but don’t have the words to do it? Join Caroline Glick for her latest commentary on the top Israel-related headlines. A veteran journalist with an opinion that counts, Glick tells it like it is in an insight-packed hour on the “Caroline Glick Show.”

Loved Caroline Glick's podcast? There’s more where that came from! Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive insights and stories you won’t find anywhere else. 

Every donation helps us to ensure that truth and accuracy lead the narrative.  Help us fight for accurate headlines. Your donation makes a difference.

    Caroline Glick In-Focus: SHOCKING: Israel Releases 50 Palestinian Prisoners for Nothing

    Caroline Glick In-Focus: SHOCKING: Israel Releases 50 Palestinian Prisoners for Nothing

    The IDF releases 50 Palestinian prisoners including the head of the Shifa Hospital in Gaza, the progressives in both Israel and the US show their true colors and the lie of the Biden presidency comes out in the first Presidential debate with Donald Trump. All this and more on Caroline Glick's In-Focus!

    Stay informed about Israel and the Jewish World!
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    Support our work: Your donation helps JNS fight for accurate headlines: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09J8B40

    • 46分
    Ep. 105: Amiad Cohen: Israel's End Game with Hezbollah

    Ep. 105: Amiad Cohen: Israel's End Game with Hezbollah

    What is the IDF's end game with Hezbollah? Can Israel really fight a two-front war on its Southern and Northern border? Is avoiding a full-scale with the Iran-backed militia even desirable?
    Journalist and author Caroline Glick discusses all this with the Herut Center's CEO Amiad Cohen. He argues that Israel must take back all of southern Lebanon while seeking to prevent a Groundhog Day situation with Hezbollah. 

    Anyone trying to make sense of the North needs to listen to this! 

    • 1 時間4分
    Caroline Glick In-Focus: Yes, Netanyahu Should Address Congress

    Caroline Glick In-Focus: Yes, Netanyahu Should Address Congress

    A New York Times article claiming to represent a diverse group of Israeli leadership asks Congress to disinvite Netanyahu. Does Netanyahu represent the will of the Israeli people? Caroline Glick unpacks this and more on her In-Focus! 

     Stay informed about Israel and the Jewish World!
    Latest news: Get in-depth analysis at https://bit.ly/jewish_news_service
    Subscribe for more: Never miss a story - sign up for our newsletter https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09J9Tx0
    Support our work: Your donation helps JNS fight for accurate headlines: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09J8B40

    • 27分
    "They came for the Jews": Inside the LA Pogrom | Caroline Glick In-Focus

    "They came for the Jews": Inside the LA Pogrom | Caroline Glick In-Focus

    A pogrom in the LA Jewish community; Pro-Hezbollah and Pro-Hamas protests crop up across America; AOC spreads antisemitic rhetoric and a new white house hire Tyler Cherry has a terrible history of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish comments.

    All this and more on Caroline Glick's In-Focus!

    Stay informed about Israel and the Jewish World!
    Latest news: Get in-depth analysis at https://bit.ly/jewish_news_service
    Subscribe for more: Never miss a story - sign up for our newsletter https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09J9Tx0
    Support our work: Your donation helps JNS fight for accurate headlines: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09J8B40

    • 56分
    Ep. 103: Hostage Family to Trump: Biden is Preventing Israeli Victory

    Ep. 103: Hostage Family to Trump: Biden is Preventing Israeli Victory

    Journalist and author Caroline Glick interviews cousin and advocate of the Bibas family Yosi Shnaider. Shnaider wrote a letter to President Trump in the hopes that the former President can influence and help in some way to free the hostages. Shnaider further expresses that the international community and the Biden administration have abandoned Israel and more specifically the hostages. The Bibas family including 9-month-old Kfir were taken hostage by Hamas on Oct. 7th from Kibbutz Nir Oz.

    • 38分
    In-Focus: Netanyahu Confronts Biden on Weapons Betrayal

    In-Focus: Netanyahu Confronts Biden on Weapons Betrayal

    Netanyahu calls out the Biden administration for withholding weapons, Thomas Friedman wants Sinwar in power and Bib overthrown and the UN panel finds no conclusive evidence that a famine exists in Gaza. All this and more on Caroline Glick's In-Focus!

    • 44分


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