
Crrow777 has been filming and questioning space, the moon and our sun for many years and has many thousands of hours of observation and filming time through large telescopes.

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    594- Finding Health in a Toxic Era (Free)

    It is no secret that the food supply in the U.S. is among the worst in the world. Many edible products produced here are actually outlawed from import to the entire world. It is said that pork is one such product due to the terrible chemicals used to speed time to market. There are, of course, many more products made here that other countries will not allow to be imported. Many of those products are used en mass every day in this country. To make things worse, organic farms are coming under increased pressure from regulatory bodies. It is almost as if someone is trying to remove healthy, nutritious options from this country. Similar things could be said of homeopathic remedies and treatments. Under these conditions getting basic nutrition and avoiding toxic food is becoming a full-time job. Nutrition is the foundational requirement for good health. And getting that nutrition is up to each of us. After all is said and done it is very clear that we are now exposed to a corporate food supply chain that seems bent on shortening life spans. In this episode, we once again talk about nutrition and supplements in order to suggest that it is possible to work out what your body needs. It should be noted that not all vitamins and supplements are created equal, adding additional homework for those who take their health seriously. For my part, I dream of a day when the golden rule is, once again, valued in western culture. Until then there is much to contend with, and the worst of it is now institutionalized, and systemic by design. Lastly — Until we meet again, fall not for synthetic simians, coupled to that which rhymes with mocks, because pestilence starts with P where the word ox does not, whether it be due to imagination, or a manipulation that is not. Dr. Zaius had a farm, AI-AI-O. **NOTE** The 8th solar video is available today under the video link for members. This member video will seek to show that the sun is alive and conscious by using motion which is typically invisible to human vision. Data from 7 days of filming will be shown to include one spectacular double looping prominence clip shown in glorious motion, in the hydrogen alpha spectrum.

  2. 18 SEPT

    593- Classical Health Lineages Falling to Agendas (Free)

    Once upon a time – there was an ancient healing method whereby doctors did not get paid unless they cured you. Once upon a time – healing techniques and knowledge could be traced back through “lineages” where honor and respect were bestowed on those who excelled and passed on the knowledge of healing excellence. Once upon a time – the health and well-being of men and women were the primary concern of those who healed others. Once upon a time – healthcare was not for profit, nor was it run by petrochemical drug pushers. Once upon a time – what doctors did was not described as “practicing”. In 2020 the medical field began to change drastically, and the vestiges of older healing styles, or anything considered homeopathic, fell under Sauron’s malignant gaze. And even though laws have been passed to protect and guarantee over-the-counter access to homeopathic remedies, Sauron’s powerful eye remains fixed on anything that is not described as allopathic. In this episode we cover what appears to be the end of the traditions described above. Even now such descriptions are likely thought of as fairy tales. Particularly when compared to the modern realities of for-profit healthcare. Join us as we cover a classically trained doctor who was trained in a lineage that reaches back though ancient eastern traditions, where skill and excellence were the standards valued above all else. **NOTE** The 8th solar video will be available today, or tomorrow under the video link for members. This member video will seek to show that the sun is alive and conscious by using motion which is typically invisible to human vision. Data from 4 days of filming will be shown to include one spectacular double looping prominence clip shown in glorious motion, in the visual spectrum.

  3. 11 SEPT

    592- Cancer, not the Crab Wrongly Associated with the Solstice (Free)

    Cancer, the dis-ease that we never find a cure for. Cancer, the zodiacal crab that is wrongly associated with the height of the power of the sun, and the tropic that marks its most northern extent for the year. Cancer, an endless money-maker for the western medical, and pharmaceutical industries. Cancer, the ubiquitous dis-ease that is encouraged, fostered and fortified by ingredients, now common-place, in the western food supply. Cancer, the second most common deadly disease in the U.S. Cancer, the reason for over 300 FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs, and an endless ongoing monetary windfall by any measure. Cancer, a topic that will get you censored if you mention the announcements of cures based in naturopathy, for over 100 years now. Cancer, laws/acts have been passed to prevent announcements for a cure. Cancer, a health issue the mainstream will tell you is dangerous to treat naturally with juices and nutrition, even though there is a growing realization that the majority of health and wellness concerns are based on good nutrition and diet. Cancer, a can of vociferously protected, money-making worms, by design. Will you open that “can” “sir”, or opt for a nice glass of carrot juice instead? **NOTE** The 7th solar video is published on the website for members under the “video” link. Although the seeing was below average when I filmed, I have posted my first animations of the sun, including a solar flare. It is time we acknowledge that the source of light and life in our world is conscious. With this in mind the posted clips allow you to see the usually invisible motion of our Sun.

  4. 4 SEPT

    591- There Can Only be One, If They Win (Free)

    Why does it feel like everything is changing? Why does it feel like something, or someone, is trying to take over the entire world? It is very clear that the era, or age is changing, but it also seems like powerful forces are aware of the cyclical shift, and are leveraging off the energy in order to execute their apocalyptic plans. Most of the world that pays attention to ages agree that we are once again in the upward march of cycles. Along with the rising cycle an ascension of consciousness is said to be part and parcel of the era shift. In other words, there are two realities that seem to exist at odds. Consciousness is expanding, while freedoms, rights and your ability to make money and pay for things is contracting, due to governance, corporations and power players. There is in fact a world take-over in progress and it seeks… no, requires that rising consciousness be stifled. So, while the truth of nature expresses its upwards cycle, man-made organizations are exerting everything in their power to hold the incoming tide at bay. In the long run my money is on nature and the only truths that exist for us. In the short run there will be hard times to deal with as the so-called NWO closes its iron fist. They may well stop the tide from coming in temporarily, but the tide will come in eventually, as it always has. The sooner consciousness rises en masse, the sooner this era of intended slavery will end. **NOTE** The sixth solar video is published on the website for members, under the “video” link. On August 21st I was able to film the sun under good conditions and noticed something appeared to be behind it. It is the second sun. Also, I am working on my first solar animation to show motion, in order to demonstrate consciousness.

  5. 20 AUG

    589- New Life with a Natural Advantage, a Soul Arrives Pharma-Free (Free)

    At what point did we decide that nature no longer knows how to bring new life into the world without our medical, pharmaceutical, and technological intervention? At what point did childbirth become connected with fear and danger? We know that bad things can happen, but in truth, isn’t misfortune an infrequent experience? The alchemists of old tell us that the human body can only be made healthy when given things it is made of, or things it needs to build with. A number of doctors who live now have told me that there is no chemical drug that has ever healed, or cured, anyone of anything. The first time I was told this I was in doubt. By the third time I had learned it was true, and that even antibiotics should be considered by the meaning of the word describing them. Anti = against, and Bio = life. Against life. I have many questions with regard to how the birthing experience is administered in the west. So, did God, or the Creation, or Nature, forget how to create, and conduct healthy new life into this realm? Does one size really fit all? If a baby comes into the world healthy, is there any need to administer anything? And finally, does a healthy birth free of pharmaceuticals, or medical intervention, have an advantage over those births that get the “full-works”? I’ll cut to the chase. I have interviewed a number of parents who claim the advantage is not only real, but astonishing. And, these declarations are based on parents who have older children who received the “full treatment”. Enough is enough. Why am I pulling my punches here? “Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!”… of course, unless that is impossible due to circumstance, or misfortune. **NOTE** The fifth solar video is published on the website for members, under the “video” link. On 8/5/24 I filmed a real-time (so-called) CME. Few people will get to witness such an astonishing solar energy release in real-time. Also, I just added a filter wheel with target specialized filters, and a barlow lens to increase what I can achieve. All of my solar work is private, and not for reposting online.


Crrow777 has been filming and questioning space, the moon and our sun for many years and has many thousands of hours of observation and filming time through large telescopes.

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