Goals DO Come True with Doug Bennett

Doug Bennett
Goals DO Come True with Doug Bennett Podcast

Welcome to Goals Do Come True with Doug Bennett, bestselling author, lifestyle financial planner, and international speaker. Each week, Doug will share insights with you from inspiring guests who have already achieved their work-optional dreams. You’ll get a ringside seat into real stories of people who have overcome bankruptcy, built and sold successful businesses, and are now living life on their own terms WITHOUT ever worrying about their finances. By the end of this journey, you’ll be one step closer to unlocking The Work Optional Lifestyle Financial Plan® – a toolkit of all the unique systems and processes you need to craft a lifestyle where work is truly optional. So, if you’re ready to embrace financial freedom, retire early, and do it without constantly pinching pennies, stay tuned for exciting new episodes released every Wednesday.

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    Innovating Charity Powered by Tech with Christian Purcell of DropPoint

    Doug talks to Christian Purcell, the cofounder of DropPoint. Discover how this innovative platform connects donors with charities, revolutionising the way we give. From remote work adventures to creating a self-sustaining charity platform, Christian is an innovator and philanthropist who is championing sustainability and community empowerment. KEY TAKEAWAYS DropPoint is a directory of charities seeking item donations, functioning like a "reverse eBay" for giving away things. The platform uses e-commerce return portal technology to facilitate direct donations from donors to charities. Christian's goal of creating a self-sufficient, remote-work-friendly business was realised through DropPoint. It generates income through integrated courier services, offering rates cheaper than traditional postage options. DropPoint provides opportunities for aspiring tech professionals to gain experience and break into the industry. The platform aims to expand by collaborating with businesses on corporate social responsibility projects. Christian's journey demonstrates how passion projects can lead to personal and professional growth. Remote work opportunities are becoming rarer post-pandemic, Christian recognises the value of flexible work arrangements for both individuals and companies. BEST MOMENTS "I left a good job to go work part time just doing bits and bobs, part time minimum wage work, because I needed to free up my time to build a website, hunt down charities, go through the whole learning curve of how to actually establish and run a legal business." "I honestly feel apart from complete financial independence, which would be amazing. I honestly feel like I have completed my biggest life goals as of a couple of years ago." "If there are some businesses out there that want to do some very big and bold item related charity campaigns, we are all there, whether it's the tech, the logistics, the marketing, the support, anything that you need" EPISODE RESOURCES https://droppoint.org/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-purcell/ https://www.instagram.com/droppointhq/ VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: http://dougbennett.co.uk/ Email: doug@dougbennett.co.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialdoug/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancialDoug Facebook Wealth Tribe: https://join.dougbennett.co.uk/ Download Your "Ten-Step Guide To Financial Freedom" Here: https://bit.ly/Struggle-Success BOOKS: Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3phcy6Z Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Simple-Win-Big-Business/ Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

    40 min
  2. 11 SEPT

    Planning for Failure: The Secret to Achieving Your Biggest Goals with Paul Kinkaid

    Doug is joined by global speaker, author of Forensic Leadership: The Traces We Leave Behind, leadership coach, mentor and former elite British Army Commando Lieutenant Colonel Paul Kinkaid. Paul shares his journey from military service to developing the concept of "Forensic Leadership." Discover how Paul's unique experiences shaped his approach to leadership, goal-setting, and personal growth. KEY TAKEAWAYS Paul's concept of "Forensic Leadership" is based on the principle that every interaction leaves a trace, either positive (green) or negative (red). The three guiding principles of Forensic Leadership are care, notice, and transparency, which help maximise positive outcomes in interactions. Paul developed DactoApp, a software tool that measures leadership traits and predicts how "green" or "red" a leader is, allowing organisations to identify and address leadership issues. Transitioning from military to civilian life can be challenging, as it involves redefining one's identity and finding a new purpose. Setting ambitious goals, can provide direction and create good motivation. Planning for failure is crucial when setting goals, as it helps identify potential obstacles and create contingency plans. Paul's military background provided valuable lessons in leadership and goal achievement that he has then applied to business and his personal life. Developing emotional connections and demonstrating genuine care are essential aspects of effective leadership, regardless of the environment. BEST MOMENTS "Great leadership comes from a position of care and that comes from a couple of profound incidents that happened, and it's in the TED Talk as well that happened in my career that held a mirror up." "If you communicate effectively how the organisation is going to grow and develop and you communicate that intent, which is what I call it. Lots of people call it their why, their vision, their mission, their purpose. I call it intent." "If you're going to set goals in order to succeed, plan for failure. So too many people are too optimistic. You've got to understand where, how, and if it's going to go wrong." "When I left the army as Colonel Poole. I spent a long time working out who I was now, and it was my choice to take the uniform off, but it was hard, it was really hard, handing that uniform in." "We talk about big, hairy, audacious goals and, you know, Colonel in the Armed Forces, Big Hairy Audacious Goal. An app out into the world, Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Number one bestseller, Big Hairy Audacious Goal. What's next?" EPISODE RESOURCES www.paulkinkaid.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/paulkinkaid/https://www.facebook.com/paul.kinkaid/https://www.amazon.co.uk/Forensic-Leadership-Changing-Culture-Nation/dp/1468574361 VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: http://dougbennett.co.uk/ Email: doug@dougbennett.co.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialdoug/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancialDoug Facebook Wealth Tribe: https://join.dougbennett.co.uk/ Download Your "Ten-Step Guide To Financial Freedom" Here: https://bit.ly/Struggle-Success BOOKS: Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3phcy6Z Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Simple-Win-Big-Business/ Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

    40 min
  3. 4 SEPT

    Finding Your LinkedIn Potential & Goal Storming with Sam Rathling

    Doug Bennett interviews, Sam Rathling, Global Expert on all things LinkedIn and Social Selling. Author of 'Linked Inbound' & 'Linked Outbound'. She has consulted for some of the biggest brands in the world and helped her clients generate over £168m. From goal-storming to Olympic dreams, Sam shares her incredible journey of entrepreneurship, motherhood, and battling cancer. Discover how setting intentions can manifest success, learn the secrets of LinkedIn mastery, and be inspired by Sam's resilience. KEY TAKEAWAYS Goal-storming is a powerful technique where you brainstorm goals in various life categories, writing down everything without filtering, then selecting the top two for each category. Align goals with core values and focus on who you need to become to achieve them, not just what you want to accomplish. Set specific LinkedIn goals: Add new connections daily, post content at least three times a week, and engage with 5-10 posts from your target audience daily. Create a conversion mechanism to move LinkedIn connections off-platform and into your sales funnel, such as free events or lead magnets. Track your numbers and conversion rates to understand how many leads you need to achieve your business goals. Teach goal setting to children early, using vision boards and annual goal-setting exercises to instil the habit. Your LinkedIn profile should speak directly to your ideal client, addressing their pain points and including clear calls-to-action. Leverage personal stories and vulnerability in your content to increase engagement and build authentic connections. BEST MOMENTS "I always say what gets measured gets done so I think the fact that I do track things, I track things very analytically every month on business, but also I do look at all aspects of what, how I'm working in my life in general." "My goal from LinkedIn is to move people onto my email list. And then if they're on my email list. Then they get invited to my free events and my free events turn them into customers" "I'm big into give as much value for free as possible because if people go, wow, if that's her free stuff, like imagine what would happen if I actually paid her money." "I think goals have always been a massive part of my life and I instil it in my kids as well. They've done vision boards and goal boards since they were three years old." EPISODE RESOURCES http://socialselling.co.ukhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/samrathling-linkedinexpert/ Instagram is @samrathling 44 prospecting Tips: https://socialselling.co.uk/44prospectingtips VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: http://dougbennett.co.uk/ Email: doug@dougbennett.co.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialdoug/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancialDoug Facebook Wealth Tribe: https://join.dougbennett.co.uk/ Download Your "Ten-Step Guide To Financial Freedom" Here: https://bit.ly/Struggle-Success BOOKS: Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3phcy6Z Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Simple-Win-Big-Business/ Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

    53 min
  4. 28 AUG

    Creating a Life of Choice | Lisa Catto on Automating Your Life

    Doug is joined by Lisa Catto, the "Queen of Automation" as she shares her entrepreneurial journey that has got her to where she is today. Doug and Lisa talk in depth about business automation, goal setting, and personal growth sharing their ideas and insights on creating a life of choice, not necessity and the strategies you need to implement to create the life you want. KEY TAKEAWAYS Automation can save businesses significant time and money by identifying and eliminating inefficiencies in processes and workflows. Setting clear, actionable goals requires not just wishful thinking, but detailed planning, resource allocation, and consistent time investment. Prioritising personal health and well-being is crucial for long-term success and the ability to enjoy the fruits of your labour! Creating systems and habits to manage ADHD tendencies can lead to increased productivity and the ability to channel creative energy effectively. Effective delegation and time-blocking are essential skills for entrepreneurs to maximise their productivity and focus on high-value tasks. Understanding your own work style and communicating it clearly to colleagues and clients can help set expectations and improve overall efficiency. Regularly examining and refining your goals in terms of health, wealth, and relationships can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. Embracing technology and automation tools can help businesses streamline operations and scale more effectively, but it's important to choose the right tools for your specific needs. BEST MOMENTS "A goal without a plan is a wish. So if you have a goal and you really want to achieve it, then you need to sit down and do the thinking time around what it's going to take to achieve it realistically, and then whatever time you think it's going to take, double it." "I'm a great believer in something that I call incremental is exponential. If I can save someone five minutes, 12 times a day, that's an hour. If I can do that every day of the week for them, that's five hours a week, which is 25 hours a month." "If there's one thing, which is look after your body. Then you know, your, your body and your teeth, you get one go. There is no reset. There is no three lives." "Don't worry necessarily about the how. You can live as the person that has already achieved that goal energetically. What's my life going to look like? How am I going to feel about my life? What am I going to be doing day to day once I'm there?" "You are the master of the design of your own life and you need to take responsibility for that." EPISODE RESOURCES Www.thebusinesscatalyst.co.ukhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/lcattohttps://x.com/Lisa_Cattohttps://www.facebook.com/groups/catalystinnercirclewww.thebusinesscatalyst.co.uk/icj VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: http://dougbennett.co.uk/ Email: doug@dougbennett.co.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialdoug/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancialDoug Facebook Wealth Tribe: https://join.dougbennett.co.uk/ Download Your "Ten-Step Guide To Financial Freedom" Here: https://bit.ly/Struggle-Success BOOKS: Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3phcy6Z Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Simple-Win-Big-Business/ Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

    43 min
  5. 21 AUG

    The Goal Driven Approach to Social Media Success with Emma Tessler

    Emma Tessler is the Founder and CEO of Ninety Five Media; a digital marketing agency that builds results-driven marketing strategies for scaling brands. Emma shares her journey from interior designer to social media marketing and talks about goal setting, remote work, and building a successful business. From overcoming fears to leveraging social media for brand growth, Emma shares her experience and knowledge to help others create and build a successful business.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Goal setting is crucial for business success, but goals often shift over time as you grow and evolve. Remote work can create a flexible, productive environment when managed effectively and with clear expectations. Social media marketing is essential for brand consistency and customer engagement. Building a personal brand can be more effective than creating separate identities for multiple businesses. Clear, specific goals with measurable KPIs help manage and create success in marketing and business growth. Podcasting can serve as a valuable secondary education and networking tool for entrepreneurs. Overcoming the fear of setting big goals is essential for personal and professional growth. Content marketing, while intimidating at first, becomes more manageable and effective with practice and the right strategies. BEST MOMENTS "I think everyone's biggest goal kind of shifts over time” "If you don't have the goal, then how can you actually achieve where you want to go? I know for me personally, when I first started my business, I actually was so resistant to setting goals because I felt like if I set this huge goal and then I didn't achieve it. I was like this big failure" "I would focus on building your personal brand, which encompasses all of the below, because if someone is working with you on the financial side of things, maybe, and I don't know how they maybe funnel through your services, but I may assume that they come to you and want to figure out when can they stop working." "It's all about the money folks. And it's not a dirty word, right? Money is not a dirty word. It helps the world go around and selling is not a dirty word either." EPISODE RESOURCES ninetyfivemedia.cohttps://www.linkedin.com/in/emmatessler/https://www.facebook.com/NinetyFiveMediaCo https://ninety-five-media.mykajabi.com/mym VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: http://dougbennett.co.uk/ Email: doug@dougbennett.co.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialdoug/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancialDoug Facebook Wealth Tribe: https://join.dougbennett.co.uk/ Download Your "Ten-Step Guide To Financial Freedom" Here: https://bit.ly/Struggle-Success BOOKS: Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3phcy6Z Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Simple-Win-Big-Business/ Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

    34 min
  6. 14 AUG

    Lee Russel | The Digital Nomad's Guide to Building a Software Empire and Achieving Your Dreams

    Doug is joined by Lee Russel, the founder of Minimal Viable Launch, a company that helps fast moving entrepreneurs to build, launch and scale their next big idea. Lee is also the best selling author of 'The Minimal Viable Launch, a guide to creating software that sells itself'. Doug and Lee have a conversation about goal setting, business growth, and the art of launching successful software products. KEY TAKEAWAYS Embracing the digital nomad lifestyle can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth, but it still requires careful planning and adaptability. Accountability is crucial for achieving goals. By implementing agile methodologies like two-week sprints, you can significantly boost productivity. Outsourcing tasks and delegating responsibilities are essential for entrepreneurs to focus on high leverage activities and accelerate business growth. Aligning business strategies with personal strengths and preferences can reduce resistance and increase the likelihood of success in achieving goals. Patience is a vital component of goal achievement; rushing or forcing outcomes can lead to unnecessary risks and potential failures. Recognising and leveraging team members' unique strengths can dramatically improve overall business performance. Prioritising thinking time and strategic planning, despite feeling unproductive, is crucial for long term success and meeting your goals. Regularly assessing risks in business launch strategies can increase the chances of a successful product launch. BEST MOMENTS "I think so often we put unnecessary hurdles in our way of achieving our goals because we don't lean into our strengths." "Your goals will happen. And then if I look back at my life of everything that I've written down and set an intention towards, they have happened, they've often taken longer than I thought they would." "You set the intention, you set the actions, and then you just don't mess about with it. Just keep doing that same thing again and again and again for long enough. And you then get the compounding in your favour." "I've been really lucky to hang around with very successful entrepreneurs, way past like 10 million a year. I don't know a single one of those who doesn't have this mindset." "I guarantee you are spending crazy amounts of time on things that will not move you towards achieving what you want to achieve that could be outsourced to someone else for a much lower cost." EPISODE RESOURCES www.minimalviablelaunch.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/lee-russel/https://x.com/Lee_Russel_Yuzuhttps://lee-russel.scoreapp.com/ VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: http://dougbennett.co.uk/ Email: doug@dougbennett.co.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialdoug/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancialDoug Facebook Wealth Tribe: https://join.dougbennett.co.uk/ Download Your "Ten-Step Guide To Financial Freedom" Here: https://bit.ly/Struggle-Success BOOKS: Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3phcy6Z Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Simple-Win-Big-Business/ Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

    43 min
  7. 7 AUG

    The Power of Self Belief with Director & Coach Dave Callan

    Doug speaks to director, coach and mentor Dave Callan in this episode. Dave talks through his journey of sports and business and shares his knowledge on goal setting, personal growth, and the power of coaching. Dave and Doug also discuss the influence of self belief on personal development and the importance of mentorship and coaching to reach your full potential.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Setting ambitious goals and following your passion can lead to unexpected opportunities and remarkable career growth. Self belief is crucial in achieving goals, but it must be coupled with conviction to act and the ability to overcome self doubt. Understanding how emotions impact performance can be a game changer in both personal and professional settings. Developing consistent habits and removing friction are key to achieving long term success and personal growth. High performance environments in sports can teach lessons applicable to many other aspects of life and business. Reflective practices and understanding how the mind works can significantly enhance personal development and relationship building. Engaging in coaching experiences can help individuals find their potential and realise what their goals for the future are.   BEST MOMENTS "If you believe that you can, you're probably right. And if you believe that you can't, you're probably right." "The magic is in the work that often that you want to avoid. If it's something that you don't want to do or something that you're trying to avoid, sometimes for me, that's a signal that that's where I should be focusing my efforts." "When you set in these big, hairy, audacious goals, make sure that you're aware of the hidden metrics that are going to be impacted by it." "I think when we set goals and we think about KPIs and we think about metrics and we think about numbers, if we're not aware of those hidden metrics, if we're not aware of the dormant fallacy, then we can quite easily become a cropper." "Coaching is around helping humans and helping people find the power within, if you like, to reach their potential through holding great space, through challenging conversations and challenging questions."   EPISODE RESOURCES https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-callan-3bb94413/   VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: http://dougbennett.co.uk/ Email: doug@dougbennett.co.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialdoug/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancialDoug Facebook Wealth Tribe: https://join.dougbennett.co.uk/ Download Your "Ten-Step Guide To Financial Freedom" Here: https://bit.ly/Struggle-Success BOOKS: Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3phcy6Z Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Simple-Win-Big-Business/ Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

    47 min
  8. 31 JUL

    7 Minutes to Transformation: Olympic Medalist Anthony Ogogo's Fitness Revolution

    Doug is joined by Olympic boxing medallist and Ogogo Fitness founder, Anthony Ogogo. From overcoming incredible odds to winning an Olympic medal to launching a revolutionary fitness app, Anthony's journey is nothing short of inspirational! In this episode, as well as talking through his personal journey he gives great insight on goal setting and how to achieve optimal physical and mental health.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Anthony's Olympic journey was challegning, including severe injuries and his mother's life-threatening condition, making his bronze medal win extraordinarily impressive. The Ogogo Fitness app offers 7-minute workouts designed to fit into busy schedules, helping users create healthy habits and improve both physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise releases endorphins and serotonin, enhancing mood and cognitive function, making it crucial for overall health and productivity. Goal setting is vital for personal growth, but the journey towards the goal often brings unexpected benefits and opportunities for self-discovery. Investing in your health through proper nutrition and exercise is essential, as we only get one body in this lifetime. The app includes mental fitness resources, addressing stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns alongside physical fitness. Consistent, short workouts can lead to significant weight loss and lifestyle changes, as demonstrated by Anthony's case studies. Understanding how the body and brain work together during exercise can help individuals optimise their fitness routines and cognitive performance.   BEST MOMENTS   "Robert McCracken, who's the GB boxing performance director, so the head GB boxing coach. He said my medal was the hardest fought Olympic medal ever won by a British athlete."   "We get one body, we get one mind and one body, we've got to take care of it because it's what frustrates me about people, just not people, more society, the life that we've been kind of like, read to live, people spend more money, take more care and pride on material things"   "Every single day for the first 90 days, you have to work out no matter how hard the session is, you could do around one, you could create a really easy recovery session on custom workout builder, because what we're doing, we're creating habits."   "It's impossible to not feel better after than before you have to like scientifically you have to because as I mentioned your endorphins first up."   "The future version of you is thanking you for what you do today."   EPISODE RESOURCES   https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-ogogo-755893277/?originalSubdomain=uk   www.ogogofitness.com   VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: http://dougbennett.co.uk/ Email: doug@dougbennett.co.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialdoug/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancialDoug Facebook Wealth Tribe: https://join.dougbennett.co.uk/ Download Your "Ten-Step Guide To Financial Freedom" Here: https://bit.ly/Struggle-Success BOOKS: Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3phcy6Z Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Simple-Win-Big-Business/ Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

    48 min


Welcome to Goals Do Come True with Doug Bennett, bestselling author, lifestyle financial planner, and international speaker. Each week, Doug will share insights with you from inspiring guests who have already achieved their work-optional dreams. You’ll get a ringside seat into real stories of people who have overcome bankruptcy, built and sold successful businesses, and are now living life on their own terms WITHOUT ever worrying about their finances. By the end of this journey, you’ll be one step closer to unlocking The Work Optional Lifestyle Financial Plan® – a toolkit of all the unique systems and processes you need to craft a lifestyle where work is truly optional. So, if you’re ready to embrace financial freedom, retire early, and do it without constantly pinching pennies, stay tuned for exciting new episodes released every Wednesday.

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