The Unconventional Dog Trainer

Luzelle The Dog Trainer
The Unconventional Dog Trainer Podcast

If the usual advice just isn't working for you, then why not give this a go?After a decade helping owners with difficult dogs, I found that just because "EvErYoNe" says so, doesn't necessarily mean it works like that. Plus, I created a monster. My first Malinois became the most entitled and selfish dog I'd ever had (great dog though). I realised that that wasn't the relationship I wanted with a dog. And I got this from following the popular training advice. I wanted a dog who wanted to work with me. I finally got that with my 5th Malinois, Raven, and I've never looked back!So I started testing. Everything.And after extensive testing, I'm sharing my findings here! But, before we dive in, always remember: "Every dog is different" so don't take my word for it, TEST IT! And see if your dog responds to a different way of training!Happy TrainingLuzelle the Unconventional Dog Trainer

  1. 9 SEPT

    About Hush The Bark

    I absolutely love helping owners with their barking dogs. Why? Well, if you've never had a not so friendly Dog Control ring you up because your neighbours are complaining about your barking dog, you may not understand. But, I guess you're here, so you get the panic, the overwhelm, and the despair. How do you stop your dog from barking? Because every bark makes you break into a sweat. Because is this a bark that's going to make Dog Control take your dog away? Then comes the cycle. Your dog barks, you stress, your dog senses, you stressing, and then they bark even more. And then we get frustrated. And we all know that when we feel frustrated, we just don't make good choices. And that's exactly why Hush the Bark was born. I've walked a mile in your shoes and I get it. [00:01:00] Imagine feeling like a superhero though because you could get your dog to stop barking simply by saying, thank you matey, Well buckle up because that's totally within your reach. I've turned my own chorus of canines into well mannered mutts. Just using two words, and I've helped countless others do the same. No gimmicks, no treats, and no bark collars. I've tried teaching my dog to bark and then to stop barking with a quiet cue. Didn't work. I tried using a bark collar. She barked straight through it. Treats. She started barking to get them. None of it worked. Maybe I wasn't doing it right. But you shouldn't need a degree in rocket surgery to be able to get your dog to stop barking. And with Hush the Bark, you don't. Now, I could keep the Hush the Bark program all to myself, but that's not me. Because dogs are losing their lives [00:02:00] because of barking. And I know how stressful it is for owners to deal with. And, what's more, I want you to feel like Superwoman by simply telling your dog, Hey matey, you don't need to bark about that. And they actually stop. Now, I'm here to teach you the simple and effective way to get your dog to stop barking and turn you into Superwoman with just two words, Thank you. Is that what you're looking for? Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get started. Want more? Get The Book: More Support & Resources: Follow Us: YouTube @theunconventionaldogtrainer Facebook @DogTrainingLab Instagram @TheDogTrainingLab We aim to share unfiltered and honest findings and experiences. We hope that what we share with you helps you and your dog become a better team and you enjoy a long, happy life together! Kindest regards Luzelle the Dog Trainer & The Chompy Malinois

    4 min
  2. 22 JUL

    All About Ùna

    Now I've been saying I was going to tell you guys a little bit about Ùna for a while now. But a lot of things have been happening, including, uh, my book, how to socialize your puppy, even if you don't have access to puppy classes, which is out now on amazon. com. So if you are raising a puppy or would like to not screw up your puppy, Uh, I highly recommend you get that book. It is suitable for even the most difficult puppies, like Ùna. Now, to understand Ùna, we have to understand her auntie Delta. I used Delta's brother over Raven to get Ùna, because I really loved the fact that Delta is the most intelligent dog I have ever met. Like she humbles every trainer who tries to work with her because she believes she should be worshiped.  There's just no other way to describe her. If she was human, she'd probably be a bit of a psychopath. Now, whether this is good or bad, I don't really know. You never know how Delta's going to behave, and you have to watch her because she's an extreme opportunist. She has. humbled some of the most experienced trainers. So she is exceptionally good at being bad. And she surprises you all the time because you just, you just do not know whether she's going to get along with the dog or rip their face off. It is just, she's just that kind of dog. This is not good or bad. This is just information. And this is the problem with her is that she needs a very experienced handler in order to prevent her from getting up to mischief. You cannot, thank you doggies, you cannot relax around her. You have to watch her. Ravy, that's enough please. Um, you have to watch her constantly and that's just life with Delta. And she's perfect. She is amazing if she's the only dog. Add another dog and she tries to eliminate them from the house. And this is unfortunate because When she's by herself, she is amazing. When she's not by herself, she is horrid. And I say that with all the love I possess. I mean, I use Delta's brother in order to create another Delta because that's really what I wanted. I wanted another Delta and that is what I've got in Ùna, except I have 10 years more experience. I have 10 years more dog handling.  And I have 10 years more strategies and I have sit and thought about how, what I would do with another Delta. In fact, I think I have got it pretty much as good as I can get it because Ùna behaves exactly the same way as Delta. In fact, In Ùna's mind, she is princess. Now, we have not made her queen, and we have not made her believe she's worshipped. Because, which is the mistake I made with Delta. Delta was my pride and joy. I did everything for that dog. She wanted for nothing. And that dog, Yeah, like if anybody says a dog can't do something or they, there's a saying here, who thinks he's standing must be aware that he does not fall. You think you're a pretty good dog handler? I'll hand you Delta's leash. You, you're going to learn a few lessons from her because she is exceptionally, exceptionally good at being bad. So anyone who's got any opinions about dogs. You handle Delta, and then get back to me about your opinions. Um, yeah, she's the most intelligent dog. With a, yeah. And so, Ùna is very much like that. She's fast, she's snappy, she's snatchy. She's, uh, very hair triggered. Like, she's very very quick and she's very strong. Now, there is nothing that holds Delta back. Delta has the belief she can conquer anything, anyone, any dog, any, like, there is nothing that can stop her. That's her belief. Now, from day one, I have I've tried very hard to make Ùna believe she cannot conquer me, that she cannot pull me over.  And that's hard work because she's exceptionally strong. She's like, so the technique these dogs use is, so they pull into the lead and then they kick off with their back feet, uh, to get that extra, um,  traction and, um, yeah. And that is like. Delta breaks everything. She breaks brand new leather l

    17 min
  3. 8 JUL

    Behind The Scenes: How to Socialise Your Puppy Book

    I wrote a book. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. Hi. Sorry about that. Um, but I'm just really excited that I wrote a book because Me actually achieving something and getting to the finished product of anything is really hard because, uh, I have a million half projects and, um, finishing anything is, is, it's got a very small chance of happening. So the fact that I wrote to book and published it is. Huge. I do hope you, um, find value in it and you enjoy it and it helps you, uh, because that's why I wrote it. So, why did I write the book? How did I write the book? What's the backstory? And what was my ultimate motivation? I will share it all with you in this episode. So firstly, uh, I really had to learn the hard way. So like I was thrown in the deep end with my first litter. So I basically found out my female was pregnant 10 days before the puppies were due, um, because I'd swapped dogs with another trainer who apparently could read dogs and, um, I was teaching his female to do. Um, competition heeling because he couldn't train her for some reason. Um, and so I've worked with her and I was really into high drive, lots of play, and she did really well with it. Uh, by the time I was finished with her and stuff, but he was supposed to do some bite work with my female and he did nothing. Um, just ended up with her pregnant. Anyway, uh, lessons learned. Natalie, one of my very good friends and one of the people who's a lot of their, uh, Uh, thoughts and ideas I share in the book. So it's not just my thoughts and ideas. You will learn a lot of, um, some really, really good trainers, um, thoughts and ideas in the book. Uh, said to me, you know, it was an accidental litter. Nobody likes the sire and dam because everybody in New Zealand has this sort of mindset. A Dog's only good if you import it. And the dogs bred in New Zealand are terrible, which is untrue actually, because Delta, the dam of the litter went on to become a very good military working dog and so did her puppies. Um, they actually have very exceptional service records, uh, one of the highest performing dogs of their generation. So that was really cool. And especially because it was an accidental litter and. Basically at that stage, like before this litter, I was like, I'm not following anything. Natalie has to say, because she does low drive training because she trains show line, golden retrievers, and I've got working line Malinois. So. That doesn't fly, but I wasn't such a like these puppies were my everything. I'd always wanted to be a breeder, but never had the guts to become a breeder. So when Natalie basically said to me you're gonna have to do something different because there's a chance these puppies may need to go to pet homes. I was by that stage. I was so low. I was so done. I was so stressed that I was just like I will do whatever I can to save these puppies and I did. I did, I did everything I could. Um, ultimately, four of them became working dogs and one went to the lady who had one of Delta's brothers. She was the best in the litter, but yeah, of course. Um, I was really pleased with how they all turned out, they all turned out to be really good dogs. And Yeah, I'm really pleased with that litter and I'm really happy. I actually took a chance and took Natalie's advice because without Natalie's advice and I wasn't ready to take it anytime, any other time, I had ideas of raising these puppies like everybody else raises the Malinois and it took a lot because I had no homes. I had no, these puppies were doomed without me trying something else. So, yeah, um, I was really stressed and so being at rock bottom, sometimes that really is the motivation you need to try something different because like I was very, I had a lot of cognitive dissonance, like, no, Natalie's way is not the right way because she trains low drive dogs and like now I'm all about low drive training, but I didn't start there. Like

    19 min
  4. 30 APR

    What's Your Dog's Personality Type? A Guide for Dog Owners

    Hey there, dog lover! Welcome to this episode of the Unconventional Dog Trainer. We hope you enjoy our battle tested, relationship based solutions for helping your unconventional dog shine, with your host, Luzelle Cockburn Let's dive in. Let's talk about different personalities and dogs. This is probably one of my favorite topics because this is one of the first things one of my mentors taught me and this has really helped me see each dog as an individual. Now in every breed, you can have the four different personality types. So, what are they? They're the same ones that apply to us people. You have your driver, which I call your company CEO. They like to make the rules. They're the fun Nazis. They want to see results. They don't care how it's done. They are not there to have fun. They are there to get shit done. That's your company CEO. Then you get your expressive or your company sales person. These dogs are all about fun. Now I generally joke, I do not recommend this, and say you could hit this dog with a 4x2 over the head and they're not going to care as long as they get to do what they want. I fall into this category. You can do whatever you like to me. It is not going to squash me because as long as I get to do what I want, no matter how much pressure you put on me, no matter what you try and do to me is not going to work for you because I am going to find a way to do what I want and it's just going to suck to be you. These dogs work on my nerves. I struggle with these dogs because I can see their b******t a mile away. Now, generally, these dogs struggle with the company accountants or the analytics. So the analytical dogs are your company accountants. You do not hug your company accountant. They're all about data and information. They are introverted. So you do not. Hug these dogs. They, they like to lie by your feet. They like to be social. They have a very small circle, whereas your expressives, like, they're friends with everybody, but you could die a slow painful death and they're not gonna care. That's your expressive. That's me. I love you, but if you disappeared, I probably might not notice. And I'm sorry, it's not you. It's me. Um, so that's your expressive dogs. They don't care. Your analyticals form deep, meaningful relationships. They are loyal. Um, they need information. They have a very small bubble. So they have one or two really good friends, uh, the rest of the world can die a slow, painful death and they won't care. Um, think like, more like Sheldon, engineers, accountants, these sort of people fall into the analytics. Analytical or company accountant category, and then you get your amiables. I call them the company receptionists. These dogs pretty much train themselves. They are the perfect dogs. They are so eager to please. They just want to do everything right. But your driver or company CEO personality can squash these dogs. Um, so if you have a very dominant personality, I recommend you do not get a, um, a company receptionist type dog, an amiable dog, because you're going to squash this dog. Also, these dogs are very sensitive. I've had a few, generally they're your golden retrievers. Um, your company salespeople are usually your labs, your company CEOs, uh, generally they can be in almost any breed, but they're very strong minded. So usually really strong Malinois, Rottweilers, uh, German shepherds, um, however, most German shepherds are your company accountants. Your aimables is your, um, golden retrievers. And I've actually had a few who have gone in a depression when they've been rehomed. They are that sensitive. They feel things deeply. And when they, they lose their family, it's like they really, really, really struggle to cope. Now, these are generally the four personality types. You can get multiple. Now, one thing that most people don't talk about when it comes to personality types is where you fit in a personality type quite often can change depending

    9 min
  5. 23 APR

    Dog Training Reimagined: The Power of The Stress Detox

    Hey there, dog lover! Welcome to this episode of the Unconventional Dog Trainer. We hope you enjoy our battle tested, relationship based solutions for helping your unconventional dog shine, with your host, Luzelle Cockburn. Let's dive in. How to tell if your dog is the correct weight and why is it even important? Right, I have a very easy way to tell if your dog's the correct weight but let's start with why is it even important. If you're here, you're, you probably feel like I do that our dogs don't live long enough as it is. And I would love for my dogs to live as long as possible and not just live a long life, but be as pain free as possible too. Because I don't know about you, but I can be pretty grumpy and miserable if I'm in pain and our dogs do too. And many, uh, dogs. Behavior problems and grumpiness is actually due to pain. So if we can reduce the pain, then we're gonna have a happier, longer life with our dogs. And that is the ultimate one win, in my book anyway. So, how do you tell if your dog is the correct weight? Right, there is a simple, easy way to tell and all you need is a hand. Right, so if your dog's rib area feels like the palm of your hand, then they're overweight. If your dog's rib area feels like your knuckles, then they're underweight. You see how the knuckles, um, there's quite a gap between the bones and the skin and it's, it's quite distinctive. You definitely don't want that because that means your dog is too skinny. And they are actually starving. Now, when you look at the palm of your hand, you actually have to dig down to feel the bones in the palm of your hand. Um, and, um, as soon as you have to, uh, push through the skin to, to feel the bone, then your dog has got extra weight that they don't need to which can result in a shorter life down the track. The ideal weight. For your dog to be is to feel like the back of your hand where you can easily feel the bones but it is not distinctive like the knuckles and you don't have to take down like if it was the palm of your hand so if you you should just run your finger along lightly and feel the rib bones Um, through the skin. And so I never look at a dog's coat because many of our coated breeds like Huskies and Pomeranians, they, you, you won't know if they're over or underweight just by looking at them because they've got that thick coat. So always feel the dog's rib area to determine if your dog is the correct weight or not. Now, there is something else, some other research that's come out that you may need to take note of and But remember every dog is different and every dog needs something different. However, that is never being overweight What um, you may want to consider is feeding your dog once a day. Dogs who are fed once a day has been shown to live longer than dogs that are fed twice or more a day. Obviously puppies need to be fed. Um, the younger they are, the more meals they need. Five meals and then reduce to four, then reduce to three and then reduce to two. And eventually by the time they're a year old, you can reduce it to one meal a day. Um, that is ideal for dogs, um, because for us too, uh, fasting is a very effective way to, um, keep us healthy. Another thing is to make sure that we don't overfeed our dogs or ourselves. To keep us healthy and happy for longer. Anyway, I hope you got something out of this short episode today and it helps you live a long, happy life with your amazing dog. Happy training.  Thank you for listening to this episode of the Unconventional Dog Trainer. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe so you don't miss an episode, or share it with a friend to help us help more dogs enjoy long, happy lives in their homes. We also have more resources for you at thedogtraininglab. com. Catch you in the next episode. Want more? Get The Book: More Support & Resources: Follow Us: YouTube @theunconv

    10 min
  6. 16 APR

    The Key to a Healthy and Happy Dog

    Hey there, dog lover! Welcome to this episode of the Unconventional Dog Trainer. We hope you enjoy our battle tested, relationship based solutions for helping your unconventional dog shine, with your host, Luzelle Cockburn. Let's dive in. How to tell if your dog is the correct weight and why is it even important? Right, I have a very easy way to tell if your dog's the correct weight but let's start with why is it even important. If you're here, you're, you probably feel like I do that our dogs don't live long enough as it is. And I would love for my dogs to live as long as possible and not just live a long life, but be as pain free as possible too. Because I don't know about you, but I can be pretty grumpy and miserable if I'm in pain and our dogs do too. And many, uh, dogs. Behavior problems and grumpiness is actually due to pain. So if we can reduce the pain, then we're gonna have a happier, longer life with our dogs. And that is the ultimate one win, in my book anyway. So, how do you tell if your dog is the correct weight? Right, there is a simple, easy way to tell and all you need is a hand. Right, so if your dog's rib area feels like the palm of your hand, then they're overweight. If your dog's rib area feels like your knuckles, then they're underweight. You see how the knuckles, um, there's quite a gap between the bones and the skin and it's, it's quite distinctive. You definitely don't want that because that means your dog is too skinny. And they are actually starving. Now, when you look at the palm of your hand, you actually have to dig down to feel the bones in the palm of your hand. Um, and, um, as soon as you have to, uh, push through the skin to, to feel the bone, then your dog has got extra weight that they don't need to which can result in a shorter life down the track. The ideal weight. For your dog to be is to feel like the back of your hand where you can easily feel the bones but it is not distinctive like the knuckles and you don't have to take down like if it was the palm of your hand so if you you should just run your finger along lightly and feel the rib bones Um, through the skin. And so I never look at a dog's coat because many of our coated breeds like Huskies and Pomeranians, they, you, you won't know if they're over or underweight just by looking at them because they've got that thick coat. So always feel the dog's rib area to determine if your dog is the correct weight or not. Now, there is something else, some other research that's come out that you may need to take note of and But remember every dog is different and every dog needs something different. However, that is never being overweight What um, you may want to consider is feeding your dog once a day. Dogs who are fed once a day has been shown to live longer than dogs that are fed twice or more a day. Obviously puppies need to be fed. Um, the younger they are, the more meals they need. Five meals and then reduce to four, then reduce to three and then reduce to two. And eventually by the time they're a year old, you can reduce it to one meal a day. Um, that is ideal for dogs, um, because for us too, uh, fasting is a very effective way to, um, keep us healthy. Another thing is to make sure that we don't overfeed our dogs or ourselves. To keep us healthy and happy for longer. Anyway, I hope you got something out of this short episode today and it helps you live a long, happy life with your amazing dog. Happy training.  Thank you for listening to this episode of the Unconventional Dog Trainer. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe so you don't miss an episode, or share it with a friend to help us help more dogs enjoy long, happy lives in their homes. We also have more resources for you at thedogtraininglab. com. Catch you in the next episode. Want more? Get The Book: More Support & Resources: Follow Us: YouTube @theunconv

    5 min


If the usual advice just isn't working for you, then why not give this a go?After a decade helping owners with difficult dogs, I found that just because "EvErYoNe" says so, doesn't necessarily mean it works like that. Plus, I created a monster. My first Malinois became the most entitled and selfish dog I'd ever had (great dog though). I realised that that wasn't the relationship I wanted with a dog. And I got this from following the popular training advice. I wanted a dog who wanted to work with me. I finally got that with my 5th Malinois, Raven, and I've never looked back!So I started testing. Everything.And after extensive testing, I'm sharing my findings here! But, before we dive in, always remember: "Every dog is different" so don't take my word for it, TEST IT! And see if your dog responds to a different way of training!Happy TrainingLuzelle the Unconventional Dog Trainer

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