Body-Led Business

Aurika Valan
Body-Led Business

The Body-Led Business podcast is a no-fluff sanctuary for the rebel, ambitious, bold woman like you ready to build her business and her entire life in resonance with her nervous system and body's wisdom. When the body leads, you get to have it all: the monumental business success and the deep devoted love. Learn how to create a body-led business that is built around your values and lifestyle, without ever sacrificing the very things that matter to you the most: massive impact, true wealth, orgasmic vitality, spaciousness in your nervous system, and your dream Sacred Union. Aurika's goal is to always guide you back to your body's wisdom as a way to source your best business strategies, hold more wealth and source confidence as a leader. Tune in each week for practical trainings and high level conversations around how to allow your business to initiate you into the embodied, whole woman you're meant to be.

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    69. Pleasure for feminine-led business, life & love

    [Join the free HOLY WOMAN Somatic Experience on 31st Oct here]   We've all heard it: "gotta work hard in order to deserve pleasure". But we've got this completely upside down. What the female body needs is pleasure before productivity.  The truth is, by the time we’re done with work at the end of the day, many of us find we don’t have the nervous system capacity to give our best energy to our partner, family and community. But what if you could feel alive and nourished before starting your work? What if you start treating pleasure not only as a reward, but a necessity? What if you ended your work day still feeling open, relaxed, resourced? There are many ways to create that, but pleasure is included in all of them😉 Cultivating pleasure is the supreme form of self care and is what supports you in replenishing your inner resources. It's available to you in e v e r y single moment of the day.   Pleasure is very fuel that creates vitality. And it is an invaluable "food" to restore and nourish your nervous system as you go about your day.  My prayer is that after listening to this episode, you'll feel committed, with your body, heart and soul, to put pleasure first as a non-negotiable form of self-care. And you'll also love simple practices on how to increase your nervous system capacity to hold more love, success, creativity through pleasure.   HIGHLIGHTS:  Pleasure as a supreme form of self-care Yes, pleasure has everything to do with your business What happens when we go without pleasure for too long Pleasure before productivity, not after! If pleasure is that good, why do we resist it? Pleasure as a healing modality How pleasure changed my life DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD: Holy Woman - free 2-hour Somatic Experience on Oct 31st to calibrate to your most expansive love life, business success, and connection to your Femininity Holy Body Waitlist –  somatic membership to grow your business, revolutionize your relationships and embody your power as a Whole Woman through the lenses of your nervous system FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta

    20 min
  2. 11 OCT

    68. 5 keys to connect with the wisdom of your body & live an embodied life

    Shownotes  You've probably heard phrases like "listen to your body" or "drop into your body" and wondered—what does that really mean? How do you actually hear the wisdom of my body? It's one thing to hear the wisdom of your body. It's quite something else to live in alignment with the wisdom of the body.   When you begin connecting with your body's wisdom and live in attunement to it, a whole new world opens up. And this will be extremely inconvenient. The identities, beliefs and patterns that you've been trying to uphold begin to shift. For example, feeling exhausted but you want to keep on working? Will you dare to listen to your bodily wisdom vs your perfectionist need to work more?  But overtime, when you start attuning to the inner nudges, sensations, and guidance in all its forms, you discover a whole new sense of internal authority, wholeness, and aliveness.  What does it really mean to be embodied and to truly hear the wisdom of your body? What does it take to live in alignment with that guidance? In this podcast episode, I’ll be sharing 5 powerful tools to help you deeply listen to your body’s language and awaken to its wisdom. You’ll learn how to connect through sensations, pleasure, and emotions, so you can fully experience the wisdom of your body.    HIGHLIGHTS How my body’s wisdom led me to take a social media breakWhat years of insomnia taught me Shifting my state from anxiety to openness and regulation Re-sensitizing the body & awakening life force energy How we shield love, aliveness and pleasure Removing layers of numbness to hear your body How to heal through emotional work 5 pathways to hear your bodily language    DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Holy Body Waitlist –  somatic membership to grow your business, revolutionize your relationships and embody your power as a Whole Woman through the lenses of your nervous system FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta

    28 min
  3. 20 SEPT

    67. Strategy & energetics for consistent 5k months [business training]

    Imagine growing your business to consistent 5k months and enjoying recurring revenue that not only sustains your business but also brings peace, pleasure, and stability to your nervous system. Imagine starting every month feeling lusciously relaxed, knowing your income is secured for months ahead. Imagine growing your soul-led business in such a way where you know exactly what to do and which tasks to prioritise, so that you never waste your time again and focus on things that create real ROI. [For more, join my FREE 2-day online retreat → Consistent 5k months] If you're in the earlier stages of your business, you're most likely overwhelmed by all the (often conflicting) business advice on IG and you don't know exactly what to prioritise. You've been throwing spaghetti on the wall, applying 25 different tactics, is but still not seeing the result 👀  In this episode, I’m helping you set clear priorities to grow your business to consistent 5k months. I'm sharing practical, strategic tips that meet you exactly where you are at. We're covering strategy, energetics and somatics so that you can enjoy 5k months feeling spacious in your life, fully expressed as a creator, and at ease in your body.  HIGHLIGHTS: 6 foundational aspects to reach 5k months Why building your IG audience is a hot priority Content that converts: why and how? If I were to start again, here's how I'd create my offers Tips when pricing your offers What blocks leaders from reaching the next level of success Do THIS in order to sell more effectively Your energy sells: how to prioritise your energetic alignment? DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD [FREE LIVE EVENT] Consistent 5k months – free 2-day online retreat to grow your business to consistent 5k months, attract more empowered clients, and go all in with your business FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta

    20 min
  4. 13 SEPT

    66. Calibrating to a new level of success & becoming the woman you're meant to be.

    Any time I sense I'm about to enter a new chapter in my life, I always ask myself: who do I need to become as a woman, leader and create to enter this new era?  [PS, remember to sign up for my free live retreat Consistent 5k months to grow your business to consistent 5k months, attract more empowered clients, and go all in with your business] This is so much deeper than business strategy and the actions I take. It is who I am being and who I am choosing to BECOME. For example, this year I'm intentionally calibrating to a reality–at the level of my nervous system–where I'm exploring my edges of ease & peace. Wth success, with money, with my business. In a nutshell, calibrating to your new era is the process of closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. It’s about upgrading your identity at the core.  Calibrating to your new level of success will ask you to adjust your daily life to support this upgraded version of yourself: your belief systems, nervous system capacity, self-worth, habits, and the bigness of your vision that fuels your action.This process will need to find nervous-system-based SAFETY and BELONGING within the new reality. In this episode, I cover four key aspects of leadership, energetics, and self-mastery that are essential for stepping into the next era of your success. This episode is packed with powerful prompts, activations, and questions designed to help you make the shifts necessary to step into the next era of your success.   HIGHLIGHTS: How I recently reached my Upper Limit Why we need to do shadow work My process to calibrate to your new level of success Thinking bigger than your goal Self-mastery & daily habits to hold big success  Upholding your new identity through challenges   DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD [FREE LIVE EVENT] Consistent 5k months – free 2-day online retreat to grow your business to consistent 5k months, attract more empowered clients, and go all in with your business FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta

    22 min
  5. 3 SEPT

    65. Here's exactly how to have consistent 10k months

    Imagine what it would feel like to start each month without the constant pressure to launch something new or figure out how to make money…because you know that there's abundant revenue coming in for the next 3, 6, even 12 months?  That's the beauty of monthly recurring revenue. Now imagine what it would feel like to receive consistent 10k months?  Here's why we love the security of consistent, luscious revenue 🤤It helps you access a new level of mental and emotional spaciousness–you have the space to hire the best support (from mentors to team, from doing more self-more to getting household help), have more open time to come up with the best ideas, and more bandwidth to be the best possible mentor.  The answer to consistent $10K months doesn't come from working harder or doubling your work hours.  What is needed is a business model with a strategic offer suite, a nervous system that can hold more wealth & clients, you evolving as the CEO and becoming a more authentic, audacious leader 😉  And this is exactly what we do in Velocity. In this episode, I will cover 3 foundational aspects that will allow you to reach consistent 10k months with ease, spaciousness, and, of course, devotion.   HIGHLIGHTS:  3 key aspects to build 10k months Why inconsistent month's aren't sustainable Becoming the embodiment of your work Managing your energy How to transform fear back into confidence Not taking challenges personally Leadership energetics How to build sustainable structures   DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Velocity waitlist → join the 6-month somatic business mastermind if you're ready for 6 / multiple 6 figures & big success that leaves you wealthy not just in money but also in spaciousness & ease Genesis waitlist  → join the 5-month business accelerator if you're desiring to build strategic foundations for a truly successful & profitable business that will stand the test of time (for entrepreneurs currently making $1-3k per month) FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta

    25 min
  6. 15 AUG

    64. Can you truly have it all: be a badass CEO & a devoted wife?

    What does it really take to hold both: being a badass CEO leading a successful company AND being a devoted, feminine partner?   This is one of the hottest conversations I'm having behind the scenes with many of my clients who come to work with me not just for business success, clients, and MRR, but also for growing their business in such a way that leaves them feeling spacious and nourished. So that they could prioritise love, family, sexuality, and their femininity.    I'll be very honest here: scaling my business while cultivating my sacred sexuality has not always been easy. I notice that the more responsibility I hold, the more my sexual desire wants to go out of the window. If I'm overwhelmed, it's easier to speak about my heady to-do list than to soften and devote my heart to Kevin.    One thing I've learnt for sure: if you're a feminine woman who cares about having both deep devotional, sexually polarized love, and a successful, structured, results-oriented business… you'll need a business that nourishes both poles too. The Feminine (somatics) and the Masculine (strategy). This is the very reason why I believe so deeply in the body-led business paradigm.   But the conversation goes even deeper than that. For many women, the boss babe era is clearly not fulfilling anymore. But they may not want to be full time housewives either. What's the solution? What would it feel like to be fully expressed in both your business and your devotion to love, without losing who you are?   In this episode, we’ll dive into how to build a  life where we could go all in on both your love life and your business, holding both with grace, empowered both as a beloved and a CEO. HIGHLIGHTS: My thoughts on the collective climate: from boss babe to full time housewife? The two extremes ambitious women face The shadow of the boss babe era Scaling a business as a feminine woman The fear that many ambitious CEOs face in relationships Beliefs that hold feminine women back in business success How to hold responsibility in biz & cultivate sexual desire? DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD   AUDACIOUS CEO Retreat  21-22 AUG → 2 day retreat to lead from your natural authority & translate your most audacious expression to dream clients and consistent revenue Velocity waitlist → join the 6-month somatic business mastermind if you're ready for 6 / multiple 6 figures & big success that leaves you wealthy not just in money but also in spaciousness & ease Genesis waitlist  → join the 5-month business accelerator if you're desiring to build strategic foundations for a truly successful & profitable business that will stand the test of time (for entrepreneurs currently making $1-3k per month) FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta

    21 min
  7. 6 AUG

    63. Identity work to scale your business & enter a new level of success, wealth & ease

    New date for the AUDACIOUS CEO RETREAT - Aug 21-22 To enter a new level of success, wealth, the calibre of clients we attract, the ease of receiving our success, becoming more audacious… your actual IDENTITY will need change.  You might diligently implement your messaging strategy, refining your offers, updating your pricing… But if you’re not seeing the results you know you deserve or they don't last, it is possible that what needs to change at the very core…is your IDENTITY.  Why? Because your identity is attached to the old ways of being, what you are familiar with & where you feel that you belong.  Belonging is our natural, primal need. It is our root chakra. Our survival. Most fear a change in identity because we don't feel like we belong with the new reality of success, wealth, calibre of clients, ease, etc. Thus, when we want to step into a new level of success in business, we will need to find nervous-system-based safety and belonging with that new reality. And that's a big deal.  You don't change your identity by journaling about it. Creating such profound layers of transformation need profound rewiring of the nervous system & the unconscious mind.  Yes, you guessed that–we do this somatically. This is one of the deepest work I do with my clients ready to truly upgrade their identity & calibrated to their desired level of wealth, freedom, ease, power 🔥 Everything upgrades when you shift your identity—from the way you treat your body to how you value your time, to how you interact with clients, to how much money you feel safe to steward, to how confidently you go after your dreams.  In this episode, I'm sharing personal stories of my journey through upgrading my identity over and over again, along with practical tips and insights to help you navigate this profound process with confidence. HIGHLIGHTS Why changing identity is so profound & complex How my old identity blocked me from receiving money Upgrading identity entails upgrading standards in all of life Creating belonging with your new desired identity The many identities I have transformed myself Calibrating to new levels of success through identity work DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD AUDACIOUS CEO Retreat NEW DATE 21-22 AUG → 2 day retreat to lead from your natural authority & translate your most audacious expression to dream clients and consistent revenue Velocity waitlist → join the 6-month somatic business mastermind if you're ready for 6 / multiple 6 figures & big success that leaves you wealthy not just in money but also in spaciousness & ease Genesis waitlist  → join the 5-month business accelerator if you're desiring to build strategic foundations for a truly successful & profitable business that will stand the test of time (for entrepreneurs currently making $1-3k per month) FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta

    18 min
  8. 25 JUL

    62. How to deal with fear of being judged online

    Diluting your message, holding back on how you really want to show up online is not only costing you clients & money, but is also making you feel…bored. If you find yourself diluting your message, holding back in your expression for the fear of being judged, misunderstood or even cancelled, then listen up. I completely get you. Showing up boldly & saying what you really think can be scary AF.    I happen to have a masters degree dealing with online backlash. Not by choice. But for a reason – so that I could guide you to become more boldly expressed & more audacious in your message. You can be doing the most incredible work behind the scenes, but when you dilute your message and censor your expression, your [watered down] content gets lost in the sea of generic content. And your clients simply can't find you! As a leader, it is your job to go first & pierce through piles of generic content online–the only way to do that is by expressing who you truly are. You're not here to please everyone. 😉   HIGHLIGHTS Leaving the land of vanilla content 😴 Why your message doesn’t reach your client  The three levels of holding ourselves back Lessons from the online backlash I received A boundary that helped me handle backlash The only people you should take advice from You're here to lead, not to please  DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD AUDACIOUS CEO Retreat → 2 day retreat to lead from your natural authority & translate your most audacious expression to dream clients and consistent revenue Velocity waitlist → join the 6-month somatic business mastermind if you're ready for 6 / multiple 6 figures & big success that leaves you wealthy not just in money but also in spaciousness & ease Genesis waitlist  → join the 5-month business accelerator if you're desiring to build strategic foundations for a truly successful & profitable business that will stand the test of time (for entrepreneurs currently making $1-3k per month) FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta

    22 min

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The Body-Led Business podcast is a no-fluff sanctuary for the rebel, ambitious, bold woman like you ready to build her business and her entire life in resonance with her nervous system and body's wisdom. When the body leads, you get to have it all: the monumental business success and the deep devoted love. Learn how to create a body-led business that is built around your values and lifestyle, without ever sacrificing the very things that matter to you the most: massive impact, true wealth, orgasmic vitality, spaciousness in your nervous system, and your dream Sacred Union. Aurika's goal is to always guide you back to your body's wisdom as a way to source your best business strategies, hold more wealth and source confidence as a leader. Tune in each week for practical trainings and high level conversations around how to allow your business to initiate you into the embodied, whole woman you're meant to be.

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