New Home Buyers Guide Podcast

The NHBG Team
New Home Buyers Guide Podcast Podcast

Buying a house is hard. The New Home Buyers Guide Podcast is here to help. Jeremy Goodrich's proven 9 step formula's helped thousands of first time home buyers. You're next! Win the home buying game by getting organized and unlocking the right house for the right price. The NHBG podcast complements the NHBG online course. The e-course holds your hand through every step of the home buying process. You'll get a workbook, easy to follow videos, checklists, and organizers. Experts will teach you how to save money, relieve stress, and have fun at every step. Get access at


  1. 17/05/2019

    3 Ways to Find the Right Realtor

    So now you know you need a realtor in order to find your best home, but how do you know which realtor's right for you? Join Jeremy and Beth Ellis as they hash out how to find the perfect realtor, especially as a first time home buyer.  Freebie: Needs Assessment - once you find your realtor, wow them by knowing exactly what you're looking for so they can help you find it.  Level up: New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse Contributors to this episode include: Host - Jeremy Goodrich  Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around: SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide course to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening!  More great stories & information at: YouTube - Podcast - Pinterest Course - Shine Insurance Full Transcript:   McKenzie Goodrich:             This is the New Home Buyers Guide podcast brought to you by the New Home Buyers Guide, a comprehensive online course that lays out the nine steps to finding and buying your dream home. Get it now at Jeremy Goodrich:             Hey there, new home buyers, it's Jeremy Goodrich, your host for the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. And we are on episode nine and in some ways in episode nine, the ninth episode of this show, we're digging into the thing that you kind of probably thought you were supposed to do first, right? Because you think you're supposed to go out and find a realtor and then like that's what happens. Like you go find a realtor and everything else works out and realtors are awesome and they're going to be a center piece of the process and really the person that holds your hand during the home buying process. But as we've learned in previous episodes, there's a lot of work to be done before you even contact that realtor for the first time. You got to work on your credit, you got to work on your down payment, you've got to get that pre-approval letters, which most good realtors are going to expect you to have before you even contact them. Jeremy Goodrich:             Because really if you go out and you see a house and you love it and it's awesome and it's perfect and you don't have the money to pay for it because that's what the mortgage lender is going to do, right? Then you really can't make an offer and your sort of stuck. So any good realtor knows that you've got to have the money side figured out before you even go out and look for houses. So here we are at episode nine and we are ready to go and find that person who can walk us through the process, who knows the local market and understands what's going on with houses in the price range that you need to be at. What's good about that price range, what problems you'll find in that space, whether it's really hard to find a home for say $200,000 if that's what you're looking for. Or if there's lots out there on the market and you have some leverage in the way that you make offers and stuff like that. Jeremy Goodrich:             Realtors obviously are the experts in not only how to buy and sell homes, but what's going on in the home market in your community. And so the person you pick has got to be somebody good, somebody right for you, someone who fits your personality and is actually going to care about you, not just about making the money at the end of the deal. There are all sorts of great service providers out there in all industries, real estate, insurance like I am and everywhere else and there's lots of terrible ones too. There are people who are out there really trying to make your life better, to really truly help you. And there are people that are just trying to make money off of you and of course everybody has to make some money, right? Like its part of business, but there's people

    15 min
  2. 03/05/2019

    5 Steps To Getting A Mortgage

    There's a lot that goes into getting a mortgage. Join Jeremy as he interviews Ryan Langley, VP Branch Manager of Ruoff Mortgage in Bloomington, IN, on just how to get there.    Freebie: Get your money right video series Level up: New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse Contributors to this episode include: Host - Jeremy Goodrich  Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around: SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide course to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening!  More great stories & information at: YouTube - Podcast - Pinterest Course - Shine Insurance Full Transcript: Jeremy Goodrich: I'll introduce you again and then I'll pick the one I like better. Ryan Langley: Okay. No problem. Jeremy: We'll see how this intro goes. All right. Hey this is Jeremy from Shine Insurance and today I've got a special guest on our channel and his name is Ryan Langley. Ryan is the vice president branch manager of Ruoff Mortgage here in Bloomington, Indiana. He's a mortgage lander, and he has tons of information for us about exactly how to go about getting a mortgage and the processes you should think about. Now, in this video we're not going to talk about kinda the back end of very ends of the process. We're going to talk about maybe the most important part of the mortgage getting process. I don't even know if that's an actual phrase, but we're going to talk about the five steps you need to take before even considering buying a house. So Ryan, thank you so much for being with us today. Ryan: Thanks for having me. Jeremy: Okay. I'm really excited, I've decided I want to buy a house. I'm going to go out, I'm going to get a realtor, I'm going to start looking at houses right away. Is that what I should do? Ryan: No. Jeremy: And so why not? Ryan: Yeah. Getting the realtor is definitely part of the process. Jeremy: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Ryan: You're going to want to kinda keep that part of mind up front. But there's several steps that you should take prior to going out and rushing out and making an offer on a home. For starters, most realtors are going to want to make sure that you've got your ducks in a row and have taken some steps to make sure that you're ready to buy a house before they can even start showing you the home. Jeremy: What do you mean by ready to buy a house? What do I need to be to be ready to buy a house? Ryan: Sure, sure. The first thing that I will always advise anybody that comes into office that's just thinking about it, just at the very early stages, is to take care of those things that you know might be an issue in your credit report. Jeremy: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Ryan: You know that you've got some late pays, or you routinely pay late on the credit cards, due loans, auto loans, you name it, on the type of debts that you may have out there. Make sure you get your house in order regarding your current debt obligations. That doesn't mean pay them off necessarily, but that definitely means make sure that you're current on every single payment and that you have been current on them. If you're habitually late on your payments each month, that's often times viewed as a negative on your credit report and your credit score will reflect that. Jeremy: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Ryan: That would be one of the very first things that you should think about if you're thinking about purchasing a home, is making sure that everything's up to date and you're paying things on time. Jeremy: So figuring out your credit score is really that number one? Ryan: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Jeremy: Being up to date on payments is one way of addressing your credit score. When you see people trying to fix their credit scores, are there some more important things than others? Ryan:

    18 min
  3. 02/05/2019

    3 Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

    You know credit scores are crucial for any major purchases. But do you know how your score's made? It's from all the little spending moments in your life. For real, every single one, from the good things you do (like paying your bills on time), to the mistakes you made (whoops, you forgot one), to maybe even some errors that are bringing you down. To find out what's going on with your credit report, we'll walk you through how to access it for free from each of the credit bureaus. From there you'll learn what to do if you find any mistakes in your report, and how to fix things that are right but not so great for you. All of this will help you when the day comes for you to purchase your dream home. Listen to learn how to fix yours now. Freebie: Get your money right video series Level up: New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse Contributors to this episode include: Host - Jeremy Goodrich  Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around: SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide course to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening!  More great stories & information at: YouTube - Blog - Podcast Insta - Pinterest - Course Full Transcript: McKenzie Goodrich: This is the New Home Buyer's Guide Podcast brought to you by the New Home Buyer's Guide, a comprehensive online course that lays out the nine steps to finding and buying your dream home. Get it now at Jeremy Goodrich: Hey, new home buyers, Jeremy here. This is episode seven of the New Home Buyer's Guide Podcast. Where hopefully we are changing you from confused to excited, from wondering what the heck this whole home buying process is about to owning the process and owning the home of your dreams that's the right investment for you, and the right home for you to spend some time in. Maybe it's five years, maybe it's 30 years, maybe your grandkids show up at this house and talk about all the stories over the course of the last 60 years. Who knows, but we're going to make a smart investment right now. Episode seven is the second episode in our credit series, understand your credit. So, episode six we really dug into how to find your credit, and I talked about a way, kind of a workaround, to go out and find your credit score for free, and get at least two of the three different credit scores that are out there, your Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion scores, which make up kind of the trifecta of your credit score scenario. And to go out and get at least two of those in a free way. Now, you can go out and get your credit score in a way that costs money, but this was a free way so you could get a sense of your credit score. Then, I dug into exactly what that meant. And really, if you have 740 or higher, you're going to get the best loans, with the best interest rates. If you have a below that, depending on where you're at, you can have different types of scenarios, and I really broke that out. So, this episode is about how to address your credit if it is problematic. If you have less than a 740 score, then we can really dig into your credit score, and figure out if there are ways to fix it. So, let's do it, let's dig in right now, and let's make your credit score better. All right, here we go. Okay, before we get too deep, I wanted to let you know that there is an infographic for this episode as well. On episode six we had an infographic to walk you through how to find your credit, and if you go to the show notes at, you will find an infographic there as well, this time for how to fix your credit. So, everything we talk about in this episode is laid out in a step-by-step way. So I might go and get that right now and then listen to the rest of this episode, so it all makes sense. So, wha

    17 min
  4. 25/04/2019

    Does My Credit Score Suck?

    Credit scores play such an important part in the home buying process. It determines what you prequalify for, what kinds of loans you can get, and how much house you can afford. Listen to learn how to find yours for free. Freebie: Get your money right video series Level up: New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse Contributors to this episode include: Host - Jeremy Goodrich  Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around: SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide course to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening!  More great stories & information at: YouTube - Blog - Podcast Insta - Pinterest - Course Full Transcript: McKenzie Goodrich: This is The New Home Buyer's Guide podcast, brought to you by The New Home Buyer's Guide, a comprehensive online course that lays out the nine steps to finding and buying your dream home. Get it now at   Jeremy Goodrich: Hey there, home buyers, it's Jeremy, that guy that bought his first home with no information, nothing done right, but you are not going to be that person. You are going to be better because you're listening to this podcast. You're downloading maybe some of the checklists and different resources we've created. You're hiring the right realtors. You're finding the right lenders. You're making sure that your down payment is starting to be saved for. On this episode, we're really going to dig into the other thing you need to do before you start the process of buying a home, and that is addressing your credit score. Your credit score is one of the key players in this process. Really the first thing you need to get right before doing anything else. It's like building a house. When you build a house, you set the foundation. The thing that everything else sits on, and if you don't have the foundation right, then the rest of the house obviously is not going to be doing good things when it's sitting on top of a bad foundation. The foundation of the home buying process is your credit score. The financial score that is based on your financial behavior over the course of like, I don't know forever basically, and we'll dig into it. So, this episode deals with how to find your credit score. I want you to know that in the show notes page, and you can find the show notes page by going to In the show notes page, we have an infographic that we refer to throughout this conversation, and that infographic is really going to help you find your credit score. Just to give you a little forward thought, our next episode is going to be how to fix your credit score. So, after you found your credit score, let's say it's not very good, or you have a problem. Then there are ways that you can fix your credit score, and the next episode is going to go into that. So this episode is all about how to find your credit score. The next episode is all about how to fix your credit score. When we're done, hopefully you'll know that you have an awesome credit score that's going to make the whole rest of the process that much more smooth, and if you don't, it's totally okay. You'll know how to address it and how to fix it, so that can make the process even better. All right. Let's do it. (music) Credit is a key factor in the home buying process, really the first factor. So whether you're just thinking about buying a home, and you may not even want to make any moves for the next year or so, this is still something that's incredibly important for you right now, to understand your consumer credit. That credit score that you get based on your financial behavior in the world and how it can affect your borrowing process, the mortgage process, and ultimately getting the home of your dreams. And it all really starts right here

    14 min
  5. 06/04/2019

    Get $13,000 FREE For Your Down Payment

    Did you know down payment assistance programs are real? And that you might qualify? Listen to learn more. Freebie: First time home buyer - the master checklist’s comin' your way! Level up: New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse Contributors to this episode include: Host - Jeremy Goodrich  Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around: SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide course to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening!  More great stories & information at: YouTube - Blog - Podcast Insta - Course Full Transcript: Jeremy Goodrich: Hey there, new home buyers, Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy. That guy that bought my first home many, many years ago and had no idea what I was getting into. I didn't use a realtor, I didn't have an inspection, I didn't have a clue what documents I was signing, and I ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat-up old house that I spent years fixing only to sell for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do. But that guy, that guy is not you. You are two times smarter, you're three times more organized, and you're ten times better looking than he was. You're going to find the right home for the right price, and you're going to have fun doing it. That process starts right here with the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. We're glad you joined us. Hey there, new home buyers. It's Jeremy and we are at episode five of the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. This episode is so important, it's all about down payments, but very specifically down payment assistance programs. If you qualify, governments at state, local, and federal levels could potentially help you buy a house by giving you some money for the down payment. Our guest today is going to talk in detail about that process, so you can see if you qualify for that program and if it's something that you can try and do, because it is really like free money. He'll describe that, so I don't want to over state it. Listen to our guest and let him describe how the program works. Our guest today is another friend of mine who works in the home buying process. He's a lender, that means he works for a bank and he puts together loans for people so that they can buy a house. He specializes in loans that connect with first-time home buyers that maybe qualify for down payment assistance. I've been lucky enough to have him help lots of times with questions that I have or my clients have had about lending, and this particular question, I really wanted to dig in with him, because I think the answers are fascinating. Our guest today's name is Kevin Cade. He works at Old National Bank, and he's going to talk about down payment assistance programs. I hope you enjoy our conversation. Thank you for being with us today. Kevin Cade: You're welcome, Jeremy. Good to be here. Jeremy: We're going to talk about something really specific today. We're not talking generally about mortgages, we're talking about down payments, and specifically down payment assistance programs. Programs for people who could use assistance with their down payment. I guess maybe the place to start is, what's a down payment? Kevin: Well, a down payment is a requirement by any type of loan program you have for folks to put money down to qualify for that particular program. That varies from agency to agency, basically. Jeremy: And are there common amounts that someone, that a bank expects from someone for a down payment to give them a loan? Kevin: Well, there's minimums. For example, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, conventional type loans, require a minimum of 5% down. But they also have programs that allow 3% down with income restrictions, so the folks have to make under a certain threshold o

    14 min
  6. 06/04/2019

    4 Things To Do MONTHS Before Buying A House

    Buying your first home is on the horizon... but are you ready? Listen to find out. Topics: Address your credit Save for your down payment Figure out your budget  Get familiar with your real estate market Freebie: First time home buyer - get your money right Level up: New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse Contributors to this episode include: Host - Jeremy Goodrich Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around: SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide ecourse to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening!  More great stories & information at: YouTube - Blog - Podcast Insta - Course Full Transcript: Jeremy Goodrich: Hey there, new home buyers. Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy. That guy that bought my first home many, many years ago, and had no idea what was I was getting into. I didn't use a realtor. I didn't have an inspection. I didn't have a clue what documents I was signing. I ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat up old house that I spent years fixing only to sell for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do. But that guy, that guy is not you. You are two times smarter. You're three times more organized, and you're 10 times better looking than he was. You're going to find the right home for the right price, and you're gonna have fun doing it. That process starts right here with the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. We're glad you joined us. Hey there, home buyers. Jeremy here, and welcome to episode 4 of the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. This is episode is all about the things you should do early in the process, so if you are someone who is thinking about buying a home, maybe you want to do it soon, maybe you're starting to look around at houses, driving by on a Sunday afternoon starting to thinking through that process, but you're not really sure what you should be now, this episode is absolutely for you. We're gonna break down the four things that you should be doing now, even six months a year, two years before you go into the home buying process full on. But, if you're about to dive in, it's still relevant. Check out these four steps that you should take. We're gonna dig into each of them. When you walk out of the other side of this episode, you'll have a real understanding of things you should know about your own finances, things you should know about setting up the process, so that when you go to lenders, when you go to realtors, when you put yourself in the position of actually getting ready to buy that house, they are all gonna respond really, really well, and you're gonna get the best deals on everything, and have the best service providers because they can see that you're ready to rock and roll. Okay, let's dig in. All right. Number one is addressing your credit. Your credit score is super important, probably one of the most important parts of the home buying process. Your credit score is created by all the money interactions you've had with lenders over the course of really, your lifetime. That could be credit cards. That could be money you borrowed for buying a car, or something like that. That's even the bills you get every month, so for your electric, or for your TV, those kinds of things. They're all inside of a system, and if you keep up with your bills properly, pay your bills on time, pay back your credit cards over a course of time properly, then you're gonna have a higher credit score. If you've had problems, haven't been able to make payments, have even gone through bankruptcy, or something like that then you're gonna have a much lower credit score and that's gonna affect everything. The first thing you want to do right now, way before you even start deciding to buy a house is, address your

    11 min
  7. 06/04/2019

    How Do Realtors Get Paid?

    To get a realtor or not, that is the question... or is it? Hit play to learn why you should never buy your first home without a realtor. Freebie: First time home buyer - get your needs met Level up: New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse Contributors to this episode include: Host - Jeremy Goodrich Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around: SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide course to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening!  More great stories & information at: YouTube - Blog - Podcast Insta - Course Full Transcript: Jeremy Goodrich: Hey there new home buyers, Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy, that guy that bought my first home many, many years ago and had no idea what I was getting into. I didn't use a realtor, I didn't have an inspection, I didn't have a clue what documents I was signing, and I ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat up old house that I spent years fixing only to sell for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do. But that guy, that guy is not you. You are two times smarter, you're three times more organized and you're 10 times better looking than he was. You're going to find the right home for the right price and you're gonna have fun doing it. That process starts right here with the New Home Buyers Guide Podcast. We're glad you joined us. Welcome back new home buyers to episode three of the New Home Buyers Guide Podcast. I'm Jeremy Goodrich, your host, and I'm real excited about this episode. It's a super short episode, only about a five minute conversation and answers one specific question. That question is how do your realtors get paid? Because, it's a great answer and you definitely wanna hear exactly what the answer is to how realtors get paid, because as a buyer it's important to understand that. It really is important to have a realtor on your side as you're walking though the process. We'll talk more in future episodes about why that's so important. In fact, if you're early in the process right now, you're just considering the home buying process, you're getting your credit right, you're saving for your down payment and you haven't been pre-approved for a mortgage, then it is not the right time to hire a realtor. We're gonna set you up in the course, in the online course at, we walk you through the exact process of getting set up and tell you exactly when you should hire that realtor. 'Cause realtors, good realtors, the kind of realtors you wanna work with expect certain things to be done before you even contact them. We'll address that in the course. But right now I just wanna give you a little bit of information about realtors in general, and that is how realtors get paid. I brought a great friend of mine, a wonderful realtor, her name is Beth Ellis, and you'll hear her voice in multiple different episodes of this show, as she describes to us different parts of the process of buying a home. Without further ado, let's dig right into the conversation with Beth Ellis how realtors get paid. How do realtors get paid? Beth Ellis: That is a really good question. Honestly, first time buyers are not comfortable asking that, because they're not sure how the process works. Jeremy: Yeah. Beth: Generally speaking, the way that it works is when a realtor lists a house for sale, they have negotiated a commission with that seller. When they put that house in the MLS, which is our homes database, they have agreed to cooperate with the buyer's realtor and pay them at the closing. The buyers, it's great news for the buyers, they don't pay us. The sellers pay the realtors and that is negotiated upfront like I said with seller of the home. The nice thing is that rea

    8 min
  8. 06/04/2019

    Is Now The Right Time To Buy A House?

    So your friends are snapping pics of their new homes and posting them all over Insta... But does that mean it's time for you to get yours? Listen to find out. Topics: Is now the right time to buy a house? Does it make financial sense to buy a house? Is it the right time? aka how’s your credit Will you be in the same place at least 3 (ideally 5+) years? Do you understand the hidden costs (hello upkeep expenses)? Is it the right house for you? Freebie: First time home buyer - the master checklist’s comin' your way! Level up: New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse Contributors to this episode include: Host - Jeremy Goodrich  Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around: SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide course to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening!  More great stories & information at: YouTube - Blog - Podcast Insta - Course Full Transcript: Jeremy Goodrich: Hey there new home buyers. Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy. That guy that bought my first home many, many years ago and had no idea what I was getting into. I didn't use a realtor. I didn't have an inspection. I didn't have a clue what documents I was signing, and I ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat up old house that I spent years fixing only to sell for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do. But that guy? That guy is not you. You are two times smarter, you're three times more organized, and you're ten times better looking than he was. You're going to find the right home for the right price, and you're going to have fun doing it. That process starts right here with the New Home Buyer's Guide podcast. We're glad you joined us. Welcome new home buyers to episode two of the New Home Buyer's Guide podcast. In this episode, we're going to break down the question, "Should I buy a house?" Obvious first question, right? That is absolutely the first topic you should address in your home-buying journey. So it makes sense that we break that down right from the beginning. But before we dig into that question, I want to offer a quick overview of the journey we're embarking on and how it will transform your home buying experience. I mentioned in the first episode how the New Home Buyer's Guide came to be. So if you missed it, definitely head back over there and take a listen. What I could never have realized in 2015 when I created that first video is how many people we would truly help. Hundreds of thousands of first-time home buyers like you have watched our videos on YouTube and purchased our online course at What started as a way to answer simple questions for our insurance clients that were first-time home buyers has become a comprehensive nine-step approach to organizing and understanding the home buying process. And that's what we're going to continue to do with this show. In every episode we'll talk through a specific question that you either have or you should have, then we'll offer some quick and easy answers. Along the way, we'll talk with experts and other first-time home buyers just like yourself. In fact, if you'd like us to answer a specific question or even talk on the show, why don't you head over to and share your question in the chat feature right there on site. Okay. Let's dig into our first official topic. I'm willing to bet that in the last month you've been sitting on the couch scrolling Instagram and seen a friend celebrating the purchase of a new home. Or maybe you were at the fitness club running on a treadmill and imagining being able to have a workout space in your own home, and you thought to yourself, "I need to buy a house." Immediately after that thought, I b

    26 min
  9. 09/03/2019

    What Not To Do

    Hey there New Home Buyers. Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy that bought my first home many many years ago and had NO idea what I was getting into. I didn’t use a realtor, didn’t have an inspection, didn’t have a clue what documents I was signing and ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat up old house that I spent years fixing up only to sell it for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do. But that guy is not you. You’re two times smarter, three times more organized, and ten times better looking than he was. You’re going to find the right home for the right price and you’re going to have fun doing it. That process starts right here with the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. Learn more at Full Transcript: Jeremy Goodrich: Hey there new home buyers, Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy. That guy that bought my first home many, many years ago and had no idea what I was getting into. I didn't use a realtor. I didn't have an inspection. I didn't have a clue what documents I was signing. And I ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat up old house that I spent years fixing, only to sell for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do. But that guy, that guy is not you. You are two times smarter, you're three times more organized, and you're 10 times better looking than he was. You're going to find the right home for the right price, and you're going to have fun doing it. That process starts right here, with the New Home Buyers Guide Podcast. We're glad you joined us. All right, new home buyer. This is a very short intro to the show to see if the show is right for you. I all ready told you about my first home buying experience. It didn't go particularly well. At the time I was 28 years old and an elementary school teacher. I didn't have a whole lot of money, of course, but I thought owning a house was what I was supposed to do, how I could show one more step into the more grown-up world that I was trying to attain towards. But here's the thing, if you looked at that purchase and analyzed it with a financial microscope, it would be very clear that in my case, I would have been better off simply renting. I didn't win, and it wasn't a smart financial decision. Buying a house is not simply a no brainer financial step. In fact, for some of you, it may turn out that it's not the right time to buy at all. Analyzing your scenario and deciding what makes sense is actually right where we'll start. But I do believe that buying a home is one of the smartest investments you can make. And when you're ready, you should do it. In the next episode, Episode Two we'll dig into whether you're ready, and if you're not, how to get ready. Fast forward about a decade from my first home-buying experience. I left teaching after 13 years and started an insurance agency with my wife. Yes, I moved from hanging out with eight to 10-year old kids to selling home, auto and business insurance. That change may sound like a stark difference, but I knew two things. One, I was excited to be a business owner, to be completely in control of my own destiny. And two, I really wanted to continue teaching. I didn't know exactly what that meant, but I was 100% sure that I would never be a terrible slimy salesperson. My goal was to teach people about insurance and hope that my clear and honest description would be enough to earn their trust. That approach, interestingly created an immediate connection with first time home buyers. They started coming to me for insurance because of the way I explained things. But they had a ton of questions about other parts of the home buying process, and I simply didn't know the answers. I started to find them. I spoke with mortgage lenders and realtors and home inspectors and title companies. I was simply trying to answer questions for my insurance clients, but I began to realiz

    5 min


Buying a house is hard. The New Home Buyers Guide Podcast is here to help. Jeremy Goodrich's proven 9 step formula's helped thousands of first time home buyers. You're next! Win the home buying game by getting organized and unlocking the right house for the right price. The NHBG podcast complements the NHBG online course. The e-course holds your hand through every step of the home buying process. You'll get a workbook, easy to follow videos, checklists, and organizers. Experts will teach you how to save money, relieve stress, and have fun at every step. Get access at

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