KnolShare with Dr. Dave

Dr. Dave Cornelius
KnolShare with Dr. Dave Podcast

Dr. Dave Cornelius conversations with influential leaders about generative leadership, organizational coaching, product development, and design thinking

  1. 12 SEPT

    E133: GLTT and LPM Operate Adoption Step Episode-5

    Dr. Dave's podcast episode focuses on integrating generative leadership with Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) to foster a culture of experimentation and teamwork. Key concepts include aligning enterprise strategies with portfolio execution, faster decision-making, and reducing friction. The episode outlines three significant events: monthly portfolio syncs, quarterly strategic reviews, and biannual participatory budgeting. These events help prioritize investments, evaluate new ideas, and ensure alignment with strategic themes. It discusses the importance of WIP limits, the need for consistent facilitation, and the balance between short-term and long-term investments. The episode concludes with tips for implementing LPM and the importance of an abundance mindset. Generative Leadership and LPM Adoption * Dr. Dave introduces the podcast, which focuses on generative leaders and their role in building trust and encouraging work ownership. * The concept of LPM adoption and its integration with generative leadership is discussed. * Dr. Dave mentions using Star Trek Discovery elements to explain LPM and leadership concepts. * The importance of aligning enterprise strategies with the execution of building products or services is highlighted. Benefits of Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) * Dr. Dave explains the benefits of LPM, especially for large organizations with multiple portfolios. * The alignment between enterprise strategy, technology, and business execution is emphasized. * Faster decision-making and reduced friction between leadership priorities are discussed. * The concept of pivoting, persevering, or stopping based on evidence is introduced. Generative Adaptive Practice and Team Mindset * Dr. Dave discusses the generative adaptive practice and its focus on human-centric elements. * The importance of winning and losing as a team is emphasized, with a mindset that embraces successes and failures. * The principle of running experiments and evaluating hypotheses is introduced. * Agile and lean agile practices are highlighted as tools for harnessing new ideas. Operate Step and Portfolio Kanban * Dr. Dave explains the LPM adoption Operate step and its role in evolving the portfolio Kanban. * The importance of aligning with investments and reviewing new ideas is discussed. * The portfolio sync event, which happens monthly, is described in detail. * The process of visualizing work and making it visible to all participants is explained. Strategic Portfolio Review and Participatory Budgeting * Dr. Dave introduces the strategic portfolio review event, which happens quarterly. * The role of leadership in creating and optimizing portfolio solutions is emphasized. * The participatory budgeting event happens twice a year and is described as a collaborative process for funding different solutions. * The concept of using "Monopoly money" to understand investment priorities is explained. Investment Horizons and Risk Management * Dr. Dave discusses the concept of investment horizons (Horizon 0, 1, 2, and 3) and their importance in managing risk and investments. * The balance between near-term opportunities and long-term strategy is highlighted. * The importance of guiding investments by horizons is emphasized. * The process of making choices about investments and managing risk is explained. Tips for Implementing LPM Operate Step * Dr. Dave provides tips for implementing the LPM operate step, including establishing flow and setting WIP limits. * The importance of not overloading teams with too many tasks i...

    35 min
  2. 30 AUG

    E132: Lessons from Enterprise Business Agility Transformations

    Dr. Dave A. Cornelius and Mike McKiggan discuss lessons from enterprise business agility transformations. They emphasize the importance of aligning incentives, providing space for learning, and addressing resistance through curiosity and listening. Mike shares experiences working with Fortune 500 clients, highlighting the need for clear communication, working agreements, and team continuity. He stresses the importance of executive sponsorship, middle management's role in removing impediments, and the significance of employee happiness and engagement. Mike advises leaders to reinforce change, avoid adding cost, and consider the unique context of each transformation. Watch the Video Introduction and Overview of Business Agility Transformations * Dr. Dave A. Cornelius introduces the podcast and the topic of lessons from enterprise business agility transformations. * Mike McKiggan discusses the challenges of transformations, including changing behavior, ways of working and introducing new language. * Dr. Dave emphasizes the importance of honoring past successes and acknowledging the need to change in a volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous (VUCA) business climate. * Dr. Dave introduces Mike McKiggan, highlighting their partnership on a business agility transformation initiative and their recent connection at the Agile 2024 conference. Mike McKiggan's Introduction and Reflection * Mike McKiggan shares his background in IT, focusing on large-scale transformations and the human side of technology. * He emphasizes the importance of culture over strategy and shares his experiential learning approach. * Dr. Dave asks Mike to introduce himself, which Mike does, highlighting his 20 years in IT and his focus on the human side of technology. * Mike discusses the importance of building trust and being vulnerable to achieve good working agreements. Challenges in Enterprise-Level Business Agility Transformations * Mike shares a specific example of a challenge while working with a Fortune 500 client in a federally regulated environment. * The resistance from the development community and leaders was due to the perception of being too busy for the transformation. * Mike and his team started with curiosity and listening to stakeholders, which led to adjusting their strategy and aligning incentives. * They saw a significant shift in engagement and advocacy from resistors by providing space and rewards for learning new skills. Organizational Change Management and Misconceptions * Dr. Dave and Mike discuss the importance of understanding what's in it for each stakeholder in organizational change management. * Mike introduces the SCARF model by David Rock, which focuses on the emotional impact of change on individuals. * They discuss common misconceptions about business agility practices, such as the belief that transformational outcomes are self-evident. * Mike shares an example of a client where the focus on managing risk conflicted with the goal of speed to market, emphasizing the need for a balanced scorecard. Culture of Business Agility and Traditional Practices * Dr. Dave and Mike discuss the challenge of changing culture in organizations with deeply rooted traditional practices. * Mike emphasizes the importance of identifying a coalition of the willing and starting small with easy experiments. * He highlights the need to honor past successes and reduce friction to change by acknowledging the reasons behind the current state.

    43 min
  3. 11 AUG

    E131 Guiding LPM Strategize Step with Generative Leadership

    Trust, collaboration, and AI adoption in portfolio management. * Yuval and Dr. Dave discuss the importance of trust and collaboration in portfolio management. * Generative leaders build trust by integrating the "we trust you to achieve our goals" gap tenet, fostering work ownership, and empowering teams.   Agility in various industries, starting with visualizing workflow. * Yuval recites a Hebrew song by an Israeli group and discusses the lyrics' meaning and cultural significance. * Yuval helps organizations leverage agility at scale through coaching, training, and advising, focusing on pragmatic interventions and Lean/agile principles. * Yuval suggests starting with existing work processes rather than strategizing from scratch.   Strategic planning, goal setting, and team collaboration. * Yuval emphasizes the importance of setting explicit outcomes and goals for agile scaling. * Yuval: Collaborative goal setting and planning integration at the portfolio level. * Yuval: Magic of pi planning, breakout, and integrating at portfolio level. * Yuval discusses framing strategy in desired outcomes to enable innovation.   Setting goals and measuring outcomes in agile development, focusing on empathy and trust-building. * Yuval emphasizes the importance of focusing on outcomes and impact in goal-setting. * Yuval encourages leaders to classify goals and language to ensure alignment with portfolio vision. Fostering trust and ownership in Agile leadership through transparency and customization. * Yuval suggests using visualizations and KPIs to connect strategies to daily work. * Leaders must trust their people and provide the necessary information for decision-making. * Yuval argues for customizable agility solutions to ensure user buy-in.   Strategizing for LPM adoption using OKRs and Agile practices. * Leader recommends using OKRs to improve continuous improvement, align strategies, and measure impact. * Yuval suggests using a Kanban system to manage OKRs and improve strategizing. * Dr. Dave and Yuval discuss the importance of adaptive practices in leadership. * Yuval shares his experience with gap leadership and experimentation.   Watch the Video

    37 min
  4. 21 JUN

    E130: Guiding LPM with Generative Leadership – Guest Phil Gardiner

    The conversation revolved around the importance of organizing around value to foster collaboration, team resilience, and innovation. Leaders must co-create unique spaces where people can thrive and succeed, starting small and gradually scaling Lean Portfolio Management. Aligning portfolios with value streams is crucial for resilient teams, and leaders must understand existing structures and cultures before introducing new principles and practices. Effective leadership engagement is essential for successfully implementing SAFe initiatives, and leaders must model desired behaviors and invest their credibility in the new way of working.   Leveraging Lean Portfolio Management to improve organizational efficiency. * Phil Gardiner and Dr. Dave discuss the importance of focusing on value streams in Lean portfolio management. * Dr. Dave and Phil Gardiner discuss leveraging safe Agile principles to create empowering environments. Implementing Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) in organizations, focusing on gradual change and buy-in. * Phil shares their passion for Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) and its impact on leadership behaviors. * Phil emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and courage in the LPM journey. * Phil emphasizes identifying and understanding the value stream before implementing Lean Product Management (LPM). * Phil suggests that educating and involving stakeholders in the value stream identification and education workshop is crucial to getting buy-in and scale agile practices. Value stream mapping and organizing around value in a complex system. * Phil discusses value stream mapping, a collaborative approach to identify and improve operational flow. * Phil uses big room value stream mapping to unite diverse stakeholders, fostering shared understanding and alignment. * Phil shares insights on organizing around value, emphasizing the importance of virtual teams and flexible leadership. * Phil facilitates in-person and remote events, capturing aha moments and insights in an "Oh, aha parking lot." Value stream mapping and its impact on agile development. * Phil highlights the importance of value stream identification workshops, which capture waste and bottlenecks in the agile release train and portfolio organization. * During these events, senior leaders can be engaged and supportive of the new way of working, leading to immediate-term value and belief in the process. * Phil describes a development organization that was slow to deliver personalization tags, taking 3-6 months for requests to be fulfilled. * Dr. Dave discusses the importance of leadership in supporting a value-stream-focused organization, emphasizing the need for willingness and enablement. Organizing around value in software development. * Dr. Dave shares insights on organizational structure and communication in large companies. * Phil emphasizes the importance of understanding the mission and its impact on innovation and engagement. * Portfolio canvas creation helps connect the enterprise's strategy to the portfolio's vision and future state. Implementing Agile and Lean principles in organizations, focusing on leadership engagement and business outcomes. * Phil highlights the importance of executive engagement for successfully implementing SAFe practices. * Phil describes implementing Lean and Agile in a joint US Air Force-Army program, highlighting the importance of senior leadership engagement and business outcomes. * AT&T's Chief Marketing Officer attended a 2018 safe summit, sharing their experience with implementing Lean and Agile and the b...

  5. 14 JUN

    E129 Generative Leadership To Thrive – Guest Bryn Jones

    Dr. Dave A. Cornelius and Bryn Jones discussed generative leadership practices that foster adaptive organizations, focusing on tenets such as an abundance mindset, trusting individuals, and valuing diverse perspectives. They also explored the concept of generative leadership in the social sector, highlighting the importance of creating a positive organizational culture and valuing potential in marginalized communities. Additionally, they discussed the challenges of leading nonprofit organizations with an abundance mindset, including the scarcity mentality prevalent in the sector and the need for leaders to cultivate emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and a community-centric approach to systemic change.   Generative leadership practices for growth and success. * Generative leaders prioritize people's growth, trust, and teamwork. * Dr. Dave emphasizes the importance of learning from failure and creating a culture of psychological safety. * Gap leaders prioritize fun and joy in the workplace to enhance productivity and engagement.   Leadership, coaching, and personal growth. * Bryn shares a poem by Joy Harjo to inspire others. * Bryn is an executive and leadership coach, working with leaders and change agents to lead from a place of center and deep care. * Gathering Alon provides spaces for individuals and groups to connect to themselves and others authentically, without judgment or protection.   Leadership and coaching nonprofit leaders for positive change. * Bryn shares their story of becoming a single mom and their motivations for coaching nonprofit leaders. * Bryn's nonprofit experience informs coaching and consulting business. * Bryn reflects on their leadership journey, desiring to lead for positive change but encountering resistance due to negative connotations of the term "leader." * Bryn seeks resources to understand what it means to lead toward change, finding a lack of support in the nonprofit sector.       Nonprofit leadership and abundance mindset. * Nonprofit leaders struggle with an abundance mindset due to organizational constraints. * Bryn reads excerpts from Dr. Dave's book on generative leadership, highlighting its focus on creating and growing people for a new or changed experience.   Nonprofit challenges, including scarcity mindset, funding, turnover, and boundary setting. * Organizer shares stories of migrants' resilience and love despite dire circumstances. * Executive directors face funding constraints and high turnover rates, causing stress and impacting leadership style. * Nonprofit leaders struggle with boundary setting due to their heart for change and desire to help more, leading to burnout and under-resourcing. * Nonprofit leaders must prioritize individual and collective boundary setting to avoid overcommitting and ensure sustainability.   Embracing a growth mindset for innovation and learning from failures. * Coach's client is a leader who embraces learning from failures, shifting from "that's not what we wanted" to "let's learn and grow." * The client's ability to adapt and learn from mistakes has become a daily operating principle for her as a leader. * Innovation is key to long-term success but requires skills like inquiry, curiosity, and practice.   Empowering nonprofit leaders to drive systemic change through collaboration and a community-centric approach. * Bryn discusses the importance of inquiry in problem-solving, using protocols like "peeling the onion" and "adaptive planning.

  6. 13 JUN

    E128 Guiding Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) with Generative Leadership, Guest Luke Hohmann

    Dr. Dave and Luke Hohmann discuss the benefits of Lean Portfolio Management with generative Adaptive Practices, emphasizing the importance of creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement. They highlight the challenges of implementing LPM in existing organizations and present an alternative approach by focusing on solutions rather than value streams. Dr. Dave and Luke Hohmann emphasize the importance of positive energy in systems, aligning stakeholders to prioritize initiatives, and adopting an abundance mindset towards organizational change. They also discuss the importance of decentralization and participatory budgeting in LPM, highlighting the benefits of involving a large number of people in decision-making and considering the opinions of others in the team.   Action Items * [ ] Luke to share his Tequila Lime marinade steak recipe with Dr. Dave [0:42:24] * [ ] Dr. Dave to include Luke's recipe in the show notes for listeners [0:42:24] * [ ] Luke to plug his book "Profit Streams" in the show notes [0:44:56]   Outline Generative Adaptive Practice for Lean Portfolio Management. * Dr. Dave discusses Lean portfolio management and generative Adaptive Practice. * Dr. Dave and Luke Hohmann discuss the eight tenets of Adaptive Practice, including trusting team members to achieve goals and embracing failure as an opportunity to learn. * Dr. Dave encourages listeners to share inspiring songs or spoken word pieces, with some providing a few words of inspiration while others have a few songs and bars to share.   Leadership, agile methodology, and civic engagement. * Luke Hohmann shares their extensive experience in Agile and software development, highlighting their contributions to the field and their nonprofit focused on civic engagement and tech for good. * Luke Hohmann defines personal brand as providing positive energy to systems in need. * Dr. Dave aligns with Luke Hohmann's work on generative leadership and positive statements in the workplace.   Aligning priorities and investments in a large organization. * Dr. Dave highlights the importance of an abundance mindset in LPM, as it helps organizations paint a compelling picture of a thriving portfolio. * Luke Hohmann emphasizes the need for alignment in LPM, as it ensures that investments are made against the organization's abundance of great ideas. * Luke Hohmann emphasizes the importance of alignment among business leaders to achieve strategic objectives. * Luke Hohmann and Dr. Dave discuss the need for alignment on initiatives and work to achieve a common goal.   Adopting lean portfolio management in an organization. * Luke Hohmann suggests investing 40% of the portfolio budget in Latin America, with 15% for new product development for specific North American clients. * Luke Hohmann explains that people's fitness habits change over time and require one week of training for every month of unfitness. * Luke Hohmann explains the importance of mapping out the current portfolio process to identify practices aligned with lean, agile ways of working. * Dr. Dave acknowledges that successful companies were successful before introducing lean-agile ways of working and emphasizes the importance of keeping the cadence of existing processes.   Decentralization of decision-making authority in organizations. * Luke Hohmann explains how organizations already have decentralized control, and lpm is not a radical change. * Luke Hohmann argues that organizations should decentralize decision-making authority based on individual experienc...

  7. 13 JUN

    E127 Guiding Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) with Generative Leadership – Introduction

    Dr. Dave A. Cornelius, aka Dr. Dave, discusses the intersection of generative leadership and Lean portfolio management. They emphasize the importance of adopting an abundance mindset, trust, and a willingness to learn from failure. Dr. Dave highlights the challenges and opportunities of implementing Lean Portfolio Management (LPM).  Dr. Dave adds context on how these practices can be applied in a workplace with multiple generations. The speaker also stresses the need for executive buy-in, change management, and a human-centric approach to implementing Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) successfully.   Action Items * [ ] Promote upcoming learning opportunities on generative leadership to the organization. * [ ] Interview experts who can share experiences implementing different LPM adoption steps. * [ ] Read Dr. Dave's book "Generative Leadership The Thrive" for more insights. * [ ] Join the next podcast episode on discussing the abundance mindset tenant of GAP.   Generative leadership practices for Lean portfolio management. * Dr. Dave discusses generative leadership and lean portfolio management practices. * Dr. Dave emphasizes the importance of leaders having an abundance mindset and fostering a culture of trust, empowerment, and learning from failure. * Gap leaders prioritize partnering, experimentation, and continuous learning to drive success in the future of work.   Lean portfolio management practices for strategic investments. * Dr. Dave discusses Lean portfolio management practices for maximizing investments. * Dr. Dave discusses prioritizing budgets, investments, and compliance in digital solutions. * Benefits of LPM include improving strategic initiatives, accelerating decision-making, and reducing friction.   Implementing lean portfolio management with a focus on human-centric leadership practices. * Dr. Dave highlights the challenges leaders face in adopting lpm, including losing control and resistance from value stream teams. * The generative leadership approach emphasizes head, heart, hands, and habits to guide organizations through lpm adoption. * Dr. Dave highlights the importance of human-centric elements in LPM adoption, including an abundance mindset, openness to people, and co-creation. * GAP tenets (head, heart, hands, and habits) guide adopting LPM practices, focusing on willingness, trust, and experimentation. Implementing Lean portfolio management to grow business. * Dr. Dave outlines a strategy to expand market share among environmentally conscious Gen Y Gen Z consumers by 5% within two years. * AI is a hot topic, and the company may adopt AI to fuel entrepreneurial capabilities by 2025. * Dr. Dave discusses aligning leadership and stakeholders and organizing around value streams to deliver value. * Strategize and budget for portfolio, execute through portfolio events and validate learning.   Adopting Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) in organizations. * Dr. Dave explains the Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) adoption roadmap to executives and leadership teams. * He proposes a vertical slice approach to deliver value incrementally and validate learning. * Dr. Dave outlines steps for successful LPM implementation, including defining portfolios and creating an artifact. * He emphasizes the importance of change management and stakeholder buy-in for LPM’s success. * Dr. Dave uses an empathy map canvas to understand the needs of the leadership team and organization. * He captures information through dialogue and observations to gain insights into the outsi...

  8. 23 MAR

    E126: Special Guest LaChelle Adkins, America’s SuperMom

    LaChelle Adkins, America’s SuperMom, Special Guest, KnolShare with Dr. Dave Podcast Hello, and welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast. I am Dave A. Cornelius, affectionately called Dr. Dave, your host. Today's conversation is about the 'Social Change Advocates' and their role in making the world better for us. In today's world, being a 'Social Change Advocate' means having the courage to stand up for what’s right and make a difference in the world. It’s about using the power of your voice, taking action, and bringing communities together to create positive change. Our world is complex and ever-changing, and it’s important to listen to the cries for justice and equality that echo through the digital sphere and beyond. As a Social Change Advocate, you play a critical role in anticipating and influencing change, advocating for policies and practices that uplift marginalized communities and bring people together. Your work as a Social Change Advocate goes beyond borders and barriers, using innovative tools and technologies to amplify underrepresented voices and create a more inclusive future. With empathy, determination, and a commitment to education and dialogue, you can help shape a better world where everyone can dream big and actively participate in creating the change they want to see. My special guest today is LaChelle Adkins, “America’s SuperMom.“  Welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave Podcast.   LaChelle Adkins, America’s SuperMom - KnolShare with Dr_ Dave Podcast Summary * Social change advocacy and its impact. 0:04 * LaChelle Atkins discusses social change advocacy and its role in creating a more inclusive future. * Mental health, family, and advocacy. 2:07 * LaChelle shares a song that inspires them, "No Weapon Formed Against Me" by Fred Hammond and discusses how it helps them stay motivated and focused during challenging times. * LaChelle identifies themselves as "America's Supermom," a TV producer with 15 children, and discusses their role as a mother and creator. * LaChelle shares her personal story of depression and suicide attempts to help others. * Mental health during the pandemic. 6:54 * Club co-founder shares how the pandemic brought the family closer together. * LaChelle creates "smile for wellness" movement during pandemic, focusing on 5 pillars for mental health: sleep, mood, inner voice, laughter, and energy. * Personal growth, coalition building, and listening to inner voices. 11:39 * LaChelle shares their personal journey of learning the importance of sleep and its impact on their mental and physical health. * LaChelle emphasizes the importance of humility and recognizing that they don't have to do everything alone, and that prayer is a crucial tool for finding strength and guidance in their personal and professional life. * LaChelle shares their personal journey of learning to listen to their own inner voice and let go of ego to resolve challenges. * LaChelle's inner voice is lost during depression, but they find it by giving space for others to have their own voices. * Self-love, activism, and education. 17:17 * LaChelle shares personal journey of building confidence through self-forgiveness and trust in their own voice. * LaChelle emphasizes the importance of self-love and journaling for personal growth and empathy. * Dr. Dave agrees and adds that loving oneself is crucial to loving others and God. * LaChelle emphasizes the importance of living the advice you want to give to others, as children learn by mimicking behavior.

    30 min


Dr. Dave Cornelius conversations with influential leaders about generative leadership, organizational coaching, product development, and design thinking

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