The Awake Yoga Meditation Podcast

Awake Yoga Meditation
The Awake Yoga Meditation Podcast

Powerful tools for you to feel love now—and at any moment. Techniques and teachings from yoga philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, Kriya Yoga, and more that actually work and help us live a happier, more peaceful life while supporting wisdom and kindness in all.

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    What Is the Best of Life? (And How You Can Experience It)

    Dear Feel Love Now Community, In every moment, we have the opportunity to open our hearts and attune ourselves to the best of life. By simply turning within and saying, "I am willing to cooperate with the best of life," we awaken our awareness to the divine presence that is always here. The best of life is not something to seek outside of ourselves—it is already present. It is the breath moving through us, the sunlight warming our skin, the love and kindness radiating from those around us. When we choose to notice and appreciate this sacred interconnectedness, life unfolds in ways beyond imagination. Let this practice be your invitation to transformation. The more we tune into beauty, joy, and goodness, the more they expand within us. Here’s one of our favorite quotes from the video: “Anytime we would love to help ourselves feel or think or know or experience more of the best of life, turn within and open our heart and say, ‘I am willing to cooperate with the best of life.’ And then tune in to: What is the best of life in this moment?’ You’re activating all of your senses and your inner awareness and noticing the best of life in this moment is that divine life is here breathing me. The best of life in this moment is that this glorious sunshine is shining down and it’s pouring down upon me. So, I’m able to open to this pure life energy. The best of life is that there’s so much light and love and kindness and joy in the hearts of everyone who is in this room and everyone who’s meditating online now and in the future. And then you start to notice you’re interconnected with this network of beauty, this network of goodness, this network of joy. And then what happens is you’re moving from moment to moment in that energy. The more that you choose to notice and appreciate the best in life, the more the best of life continues to unfold through us. This allows us to self-transform. Each of us has an unlimited capacity to self-transform.” We also shared this video on YouTube, but wanted you to be able to have it on your Substack video player as well, in case you prefer that. Having it on Substack makes it easy for you to see any other podcasts, videos, articles, or full meditation services that might be available in the Power to Change Series by clicking here. If you have heard this teaching before, we invite you — as Swami so often invites us — to hear it as if you are hearing it for the first time. Often we receive these teachings right when we need them. In loving service,The Karma Yoga Team at AYM P.S. If you are interested in joining the Karma Yoga Team to expand your practice of selfless service, love in action, please click here. There’s even more for paid subscribers This is a free post made available to everyone. If you are not yet a paid subscriber to Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda, consider becoming one today to receive exclusive audio talks, articles, meditation service replays, access to the archives, and so much more. Consider making a financial contribution to Awake Yoga Meditation Your generosity makes it possible for AYM to share Kriya Yoga, meditations, and teachings of truth with people around the world. It also allows the community to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). The presiding teacher for Awake Yoga Meditation is Swami Nityananda. Consider making a financial contribution to Swami’s Bowl As the presiding teacher, Swami Nityananda selflessly offers her wisdom without taking a salary from Awake Yoga Meditation. Your gift honors her giving and ensures she can continue to share her invaluable teachings. The tradition of meditation communities like Awake Yoga Meditation is to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). All of the other myriad expenses of life are offered from student to teacher through Swami’s Bowl. Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    27 min
  2. 1 MAR

    How to Have Peace in Your Life

    Dear Feel Love Now Community, Every challenge we face is an invitation to return to divine awareness. The energy that recognizes resistance is the same energy that has the power to transform it. By staying present and observing our emotions without attachment, we open the door to peace, faith, and clarity. Fear can shift into trust. Frustration can dissolve into acceptance. The moment we choose to reconnect with our true self, we align with the infinite love and wisdom that is always available. Here’s one of our favorite quotes from the video: “‘Unless one has realized peace within, where else can one find it?’ [from the Bhagavad-Gita]. This is telling you: peace dwells within you at the core of your being. So for each of us, the question is: Am I allowing the peace that I am to unfold itself? In my thoughts? In my feelings? In my words? In my actions? Am I allowing myself to live in the frequency of peace? I alone can give that gift to myself. How incredible. And what a gift to give to myself. So today, this very day, in this now moment, I choose to create peace for myself and I choose to let that current of energy of peace be so pure that it expands. It fills my heart. It fills my body. It fills my mind. It fills my life. And then, guess what will happen? You will notice you are living in a peaceful world.” We also shared this video on YouTube, but wanted you to be able to have it on your Substack video player as well, in case you prefer that. Having it on Substack makes it easy for you to see any other podcasts, videos, articles, or full meditation services that might be available in the Power to Change Series by clicking here. If you have heard this teaching before, we invite you — as Swami so often invites us — to hear it as if you are hearing it for the first time. Often we receive these teachings right when we need them. In loving service,The Karma Yoga Team at AYM P.S. If you are interested in joining the Karma Yoga Team to expand your practice of selfless service, love in action, please click here. There’s even more for paid subscribers This is a free post made available to everyone. If you are not yet a paid subscriber to Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda, consider becoming one today to receive exclusive audio talks, articles, meditation service replays, access to the archives, and so much more. Consider making a financial contribution to Awake Yoga Meditation Your generosity makes it possible for AYM to share Kriya Yoga, meditations, and teachings of truth with people around the world. It also allows the community to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). The presiding teacher for Awake Yoga Meditation is Swami Nityananda. Consider making a financial contribution to Swami’s Bowl As the presiding teacher, Swami Nityananda selflessly offers her wisdom without taking a salary from Awake Yoga Meditation. Your gift honors her giving and ensures she can continue to share her invaluable teachings. The tradition of meditation communities like Awake Yoga Meditation is to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). All of the other myriad expenses of life are offered from student to teacher through Swami’s Bowl. Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    29 min
  3. 21 FEB

    How to Heal from Pain

    Dear Feel Love Now Community, When we are in touch with our soul, we have everything—peace, joy, kindness. This is the natural state of our being, always available within. Meditation and selfless service help us reconnect with this wholeness, allowing love and serenity to flow effortlessly. The more we align with our true self, the more we experience the fullness of life. Here’s one of our favorite quotes from Swami Nityananda “One thing that someone said to me—and the just said it in passing. They said, ‘When I am in touch with my soul, I have everything. I have peace. I have joy. I have kindness.’ That’s healing right there. And so that was the way that that beautiful being expressed it, just naturally. It’s a natural byproduct of meditating. It’s a natural byproduct of practicing Karma Yoga. You come into contact with this energy of wholeness within you.” We recently shared this video on YouTube, but wanted you to be able to have it on your Substack video player as well, in case you prefer that. Having it on Substack makes it easy for you to see any other podcasts, videos, articles, or full meditation services that might be available in the Truth, Love, & Justice Series by clicking here. If you have heard this teaching before, we invite you — as Swami so often invites us — to hear it as if you are hearing it for the first time. Often we receive these teachings right when we need them. In loving service,The Karma Yoga Team at AYM P.S. If you are interested in joining the Karma Yoga Team to expand your practice of selfless service, love in action, please click here. There’s even more for paid subscribers This is a free post made available to everyone. If you are not yet a paid subscriber to Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda, consider becoming one today to receive exclusive audio talks, articles, meditation service replays, access to the archives, and so much more. Consider making a financial contribution to Awake Yoga Meditation Your generosity makes it possible for AYM to share Kriya Yoga, meditations, and teachings of truth with people around the world. It also allows the community to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). The presiding teacher for Awake Yoga Meditation is Swami Nityananda. Consider making a financial contribution to Swami’s Bowl As the presiding teacher, Swami Nityananda selflessly offers her wisdom without taking a salary from Awake Yoga Meditation. Your gift honors her giving and ensures she can continue to share her invaluable teachings. The tradition of meditation communities like Awake Yoga Meditation is to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). All of the other myriad expenses of life are offered from student to teacher through Swami’s Bowl. Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    39 min
  4. 13 FEB

    Why Noticing Fear Within You Is Actually Helpful

    Dear Feel Love Now Community, Every challenge we face is an invitation to return to divine awareness. The energy that recognizes resistance is the same energy that has the power to transform it. By staying present and observing our emotions without attachment, we open the door to peace, faith, and clarity. Fear can shift into trust. Frustration can dissolve into acceptance. The moment we choose to reconnect with our true self, we align with the infinite love and wisdom that is always available. Here’s one of our favorite quotes from the video: “If we notice any feeling of resentment or resistance or old thoughts or old feelings or old energy patterns, just notice with neutrality. That energy that is aware through us that’s able to see, ‘Oh, resistance is present or frustration is present or upset is present,’ that’s divine energy that’s giving us that awareness. That same divine energy gives us the ability to Self-transform. So anytime I notice that, what he’s saying is just be diligent. Keep noticing. From moment to moment, keep noticing and notice that I have the power to change. So, if I notice a feeling of fear, transform that into a feeling of love or faith or trust or confidence. Whatever would be your opposite to fear. I just gave some words—love, faith, trust, confidence—whatever would be your opposite. If you notice a feeling of upset or frustration, transform that into acceptance, into serenity, into tranquility—whatever would be your opposite to upset or frustration. And so on. Anything that we notice that we say, ‘Okay, this is giving me a feeling of discomfort, this is making me feel like I’m not connected to this divine, perfect energy that’s within me,’ just notice, ‘Oh, I’m feeling disconnected. I have the power to transform that energy, to liberate that energy, and empower me from within to feel connection. And so, in truth, it’s very, very natural. We meditated on this last week. If we ever feel, ‘I feel lost, I feel lonely, I feel incomplete,’ that’s an indicator that we’re being invited to connect with ourself. We’re being invited to connect with the Divine within ourself. As I connect with the Divine within myself, then I will be able to connect with the good an beauty that dwells in all hearts.” We also shared this video on YouTube, but wanted you to be able to have it on your Substack video player as well, in case you prefer that. Having it on Substack makes it easy for you to see any other podcasts, videos, articles, or full meditation services that might be available in the Power to Change Series by clicking here. If you have heard this teaching before, we invite you — as Swami so often invites us — to hear it as if you are hearing it for the first time. Often we receive these teachings right when we need them. In loving service,The Karma Yoga Team at AYM P.S. If you are interested in joining the Karma Yoga Team to expand your practice of selfless service, love in action, please click here. There’s even more for paid subscribers This is a free post made available to everyone. If you are not yet a paid subscriber to Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda, consider becoming one today to receive exclusive audio talks, articles, meditation service replays, access to the archives, and so much more. Consider making a financial contribution to Awake Yoga Meditation Your generosity makes it possible for AYM to share Kriya Yoga, meditations, and teachings of truth with people around the world. It also allows the community to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). The presiding teacher for Awake Yoga Meditation is Swami Nityananda. Consider making a financial contribution to Swami’s Bowl As the presiding teacher, Swami Nityananda selflessly offers her wisdom without taking a salary from Awake Yoga Meditation. Your gift honors her giving and ensures she can continue to share her invaluable teachings. The tradition of meditation communities like Awake Yoga Meditation is to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). All of the other myriad expenses of life are offered from student to teacher through Swami’s Bowl. Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    28 min
  5. 6 FEB

    How the Words ‘I Am’ Can Bring You Joy

    Dear Feel Love Now Community, When we say “I am”, we are actively shaping our reality. This teaching, rooted in both Biblical and Yogic traditions, reveals how our words and thoughts connect us to divine source energy. As the Gayatri Mantra reminds us, radiance flows into time and space—just as our consciousness flows into our daily experience. Here’s one of our favorite quotes from the video: “So right after the Divine says to Moses, ‘Put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground,’ Moses asks the Divine, ‘What name do you call yourself?’ And that’s the famous place where the Divine says, ‘I am that I am.” “Each of us—from the standpoint of the yogic teachings—is participating in that great I am. Each of us is connected with pure source energy. So, the Gayatri Mantra says radiance projects into time and space. We are continually participating in that flow of creative energy. “Every time we say ‘I am,’ whatever follows the ‘I am,’ we are helping to activate that. And so, just pay attention to your own thought patterns, your own words, the predominating features of what do we add to ‘I am,’ for each of us. There’s an incredible power to change right there in that self-awareness.” We also shared this video on YouTube, but wanted you to be able to have it on your Substack video player as well, in case you prefer that. Having it on Substack makes it easy for you to see any other podcasts, videos, articles, or full meditation services that might be available in the Power to Change Series by clicking here. If you have heard this teaching before, we invite you — as Swami so often invites us — to hear it as if you are hearing it for the first time. Often we receive these teachings right when we need them. In loving service,The Karma Yoga Team at AYM P.S. If you are interested in joining the Karma Yoga Team to expand your practice of selfless service, love in action, please click here. There’s even more for paid subscribers This is a free post made available to everyone. If you are not yet a paid subscriber to Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda, consider becoming one today to receive exclusive audio talks, articles, meditation service replays, access to the archives, and so much more. Consider making a financial contribution to Awake Yoga Meditation Your generosity makes it possible for AYM to share Kriya Yoga, meditations, and teachings of truth with people around the world. It also allows the community to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). The presiding teacher for Awake Yoga Meditation is Swami Nityananda. Consider making a financial contribution to Swami’s Bowl As the presiding teacher, Swami Nityananda selflessly offers her wisdom without taking a salary from Awake Yoga Meditation. Your gift honors her giving and ensures she can continue to share her invaluable teachings. The tradition of meditation communities like Awake Yoga Meditation is to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). All of the other myriad expenses of life are offered from student to teacher through Swami’s Bowl. Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    32 min
  6. 4 FEB

    You Have the Power to Not Suffer

    Dear Feel Love Now Community, Swami Shankarananda offers a profound reminder: we hold the responsibility for how we respond to life’s experiences, and within that responsibility lies the power to transform them. In this meditation with Swami Nityananda, we explore the deep connection between self-awareness and liberation from suffering, drawing inspiration from the timeless teachings of Yogic and Buddhist traditions. Here’s one of our favorite quotes from the video: “Swami Shankarananda says this, ‘Since I’m responsible for every reaction I have to life, that means I have the power to change my reactions.’ He also says, ‘When do you suffer? The moment you forget that there’s only one power and that’s all God power.’ He also says, ‘So long as you don’t know yourself, you’re going to suffer. So long as I don’t know myself, I believe there is something other than myself that determines how I feel.’ So, for each of us, we’re giving ourselves the gift of the power to change. The teachings in the Yogic tradition and also in the Buddhist tradition—in many traditions—are all about this.” We also shared this video on YouTube, but wanted you to be able to have it on your Substack video player as well, in case you prefer that. Having it on Substack makes it easy for you to see any other podcasts, videos, articles, or full meditation services that might be available in the Power to Change Series by clicking here. If you have heard this teaching before, we invite you — as Swami so often invites us — to hear it as if you are hearing it for the first time. Often we receive these teachings right when we need them. In loving service,The Karma Yoga Team at AYM P.S. If you are interested in joining the Karma Yoga Team to expand your practice of selfless service, love in action, please click here. There’s even more for paid subscribers This is a free post made available to everyone. If you are not yet a paid subscriber to Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda, consider becoming one today to receive exclusive audio talks, articles, meditation service replays, access to the archives, and so much more. Consider making a financial contribution to Awake Yoga Meditation Your generosity makes it possible for AYM to share Kriya Yoga, meditations, and teachings of truth with people around the world. It also allows the community to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). The presiding teacher for Awake Yoga Meditation is Swami Nityananda. Consider making a financial contribution to Swami’s Bowl As the presiding teacher, Swami Nityananda selflessly offers her wisdom without taking a salary from Awake Yoga Meditation. Your gift honors her giving and ensures she can continue to share her invaluable teachings. The tradition of meditation communities like Awake Yoga Meditation is to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). All of the other myriad expenses of life are offered from student to teacher through Swami’s Bowl. Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    31 min
  7. 01/10/2024

    How to Know if You’ve Found God (and How to Do It)

    Dear Feel Love Now Community, In this episode, Swami Nityananda weaves together teachings from Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Yogananda, Swami Shankarananda, and more to help us understand how to recognize God’s presence within us and how God’s guidance works through us in the midst of our own lives. She explains how Kriya Yoga, meditation, love, and affection work together to connect us to divine kindness, wisdom, and inventiveness so that the particular song or frequency or vibration that can only be shared through us can be shared into the world for the benefit of all. If you’re reading this in your podcast feed and have not subscribed yet to our official newsletter on Substack, Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda, consider subscribing for a lot more content like this. We share articles, audios, videos, and eCourses that offer powerful tools for you to feel love now—and at any moment. These techniques actually work and help you live a happier, more peaceful life while supporting wisdom and kindness in all. To subscribe, visit: In loving service,The Karma Yoga Team at AYM P.S. If you are interested in joining the Karma Yoga Team to expand your practice of selfless service, love in action, please visit Consider making a financial contribution to Awake Yoga Meditation Your generosity makes it possible for AYM to share Kriya Yoga, meditations, and teachings of truth with people around the world. It also allows the community to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). The presiding teacher for Awake Yoga Meditation is Swami Nityananda. Visit: Give to AYM Consider making a financial contribution to Swami’s Bowl As the presiding teacher, Swami Nityananda selflessly offers her wisdom without taking a salary from Awake Yoga Meditation. Your gift honors her giving and ensures she can continue to share her invaluable teachings. The tradition of meditation communities like Awake Yoga Meditation is to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). All of the other myriad expenses of life are offered from student to teacher through Swami’s Bowl. Visit: This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    29 min
  8. 10/09/2024

    Impossible To-Do Lists and How Yogis Approach Them

    Dear Feel Love Now Community, In this episode, Swami Nityananda weaves together teachings from Krishna, Lahiri Mahasaya, the Bhagavad-Gita, Patanjali, Swami Shankarananda, and the Buddha to help us deepen our understanding of how we are so much more vast than this individual lifetime. She describes how this awareness—which sees from the perspective of our soul—can see beyond the separate self and move beyond stress, constraint, and feelings of sadness and trauma and transform from the feeling of “I’ve got to figure this all out myself” to “I feel God’s presence with me and God's support in this.”If you’re reading this in your podcast feed and have not subscribed yet to our official newsletter on Substack, Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda, consider subscribing for a lot more content like this. We share articles, audios, videos, and eCourses that offer powerful tools for you to feel love now—and at any moment. These techniques actually work and help you live a happier, more peaceful life while supporting wisdom and kindness in all. To subscribe, visit: In loving service,The Karma Yoga Team at AYM P.S. If you are interested in joining the Karma Yoga Team to expand your practice of selfless service, love in action, please visit Consider making a financial contribution to Awake Yoga Meditation Your generosity makes it possible for AYM to share Kriya Yoga, meditations, and teachings of truth with people around the world. It also allows the community to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). The presiding teacher for Awake Yoga Meditation is Swami Nityananda. Visit: Give to AYM Consider making a financial contribution to Swami’s Bowl As the presiding teacher, Swami Nityananda selflessly offers her wisdom without taking a salary from Awake Yoga Meditation. Your gift honors her giving and ensures she can continue to share her invaluable teachings. The tradition of meditation communities like Awake Yoga Meditation is to support the presiding teacher’s Dakshina (reimbursement of basic living expenses for housing, transportation, and insurance). All of the other myriad expenses of life are offered from student to teacher through Swami’s Bowl. Visit: This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    26 min


Powerful tools for you to feel love now—and at any moment. Techniques and teachings from yoga philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, Kriya Yoga, and more that actually work and help us live a happier, more peaceful life while supporting wisdom and kindness in all.

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