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Hi, I am Huimin, a Mandarin instructor from Taiwan. I've been teaching Mandarin since 2004. I would like to share some thoughts, insights, things that I enjoy, like movies and books, and also my experiences of learning and teaching languages.
Meanwhile, I hope your Mandarin will be improved while following my podcast.

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Learn Mandarin in Mandarin with Huimin Learn Mandarin in Mandarin with Huimin

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Hi, I am Huimin, a Mandarin instructor from Taiwan. I've been teaching Mandarin since 2004. I would like to share some thoughts, insights, things that I enjoy, like movies and books, and also my experiences of learning and teaching languages.
Meanwhile, I hope your Mandarin will be improved while following my podcast.

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    #115. 你覺得寂寞嗎? Do you feel lonely? (Level: B1-B2)

    #115. 你覺得寂寞嗎? Do you feel lonely? (Level: B1-B2)

    Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: https://www.maayot.comBook a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

    1 寂寞 , Jìmò , lonely
    2 待在台灣 , dài zài táiwān , stay in Taiwan
    3 外向 , wàixiàng , Outgoing
    4 活潑 , huópō , Lively
    5 交不到朋友 , jiāo bù dào péngyǒu , Can't make friends
    6 鄉村 , xiāngcūn , rural
    7 以家庭為重 , yǐ jiātíng wéizhòng , Family first
    8 沿海城市 , yánhǎi chéngshì , Coastal cities
    9 老弱婦孺 , lǎo ruò fùrú , old, weak, women and children
    10 生活重心 , shēnghuó zhòngxīn , the center of life
    11 管孩子的功課 , guǎn háizi de gōngkè , Manage children’s homework
    12 成績進步 , chéngjī jìnbù , school grades improved
    13 一般來說 , yībān lái shuō , Generally speaking
    14 就算..也 , jiùsuàn.. Yě , Even if...
    15 交通費 , jiāotōng fèi , transportation expenses
    16 住宿費 , zhùsù fèi , Accommodation fee
    17 預算 , yùsuàn , Budget
    18 把房貸付清 , bǎ fángdài fù qīng , Pay off the mortgage
    19 保障 , bǎozhàng , secure
    20 負擔不起 , fùdān bù qǐ , Can not afford
    21 寧願…也 , nìngyuàn…yě , Rather…
    22 培養興趣 , péiyǎng xìngqù , cultivate interest
    23 失敗 , shībài , fail
    24 根本沒有機會 , gēnběn méiyǒu jīhuì , No chance at all
    25 面對面 , miànduìmiàn , face to face
    26 讀書會 , dúshū huì , book club
    27 閱讀 , yuèdú , read
    28 個性不合 , gèxìng bùhé , Personality incompatibility
    29 封閉 , fēngbì , isolated
    30 接近大自然 , jiējìn dà zìrán , Close to nature
    31 組織 , zǔzhī , organization
    32 憂鬱 , yōuyù , melancholy
    33 悲傷 , bēishāng , sad
    34 被困住 , bèi kùn zhù , trapped
    35 熟悉的地方 , shúxī dì dìfāng , familiar place
    36 恢復 , huīfù , to recover
    37 自動推薦 , zìdòng tuījiàn , Automatic recommendation
    38 創辦人 , chuàngbàn rén , founder
    39 興奮 , xīngfèn , excited
    40 同時 , tóngshí , at the same time
    41 成立 , chénglì , established
    42 組織 , zǔzhī , organization
    43 社團 , shètuán , Societies, clubs
    44 人生地不熟 , rénshēng dì bù shú , Unfamiliar place

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    • 19 min.
    #114.去安養院看奶奶 Visiting Grandma (Level: B1-B2)

    #114.去安養院看奶奶 Visiting Grandma (Level: B1-B2)

    ·Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: https://www.maayot.comBook a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

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    • 19 min.
    #113.地震來了 The earthquake rocked Taiwan(Level: B2)

    #113.地震來了 The earthquake rocked Taiwan(Level: B2)

    Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: https://www.maayot.comBook a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

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    • 18 min.
    #112.一日導遊體驗 Tour guide experience (Level: B1-B2)

    #112.一日導遊體驗 Tour guide experience (Level: B1-B2)

    Book a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

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    • 16 min.
    #111. 去健身房的理由 The reason why I go to the gym(Level A2-B1)

    #111. 去健身房的理由 The reason why I go to the gym(Level A2-B1)

    Book a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

    生詞 vocabulary
    1 . 眼光 , Yǎnguāng , a taste of selecting good things
    2 . 互動 , hùdòng , interaction
    3 . 培養閱讀習慣 , péiyǎng , develop reading habits
    4 . 滿牆的書 , mǎn qiáng de shū , wall full of books
    5 . 這一幕 , zhè yīmù , This scene
    6 . 親密的時光 , qīnmì de shíguāng , intimate time
    7 . 被愛的感覺 , bèi ài de gǎnjué , feeling of being loved
    8 . 聽眾的回饋 , tīngzhòng de huíkuì , audience feedback
    9 . 上健身房 , shàng jiànshēnfáng , Go to the gym
    10 . 精神不好 , jīngshén , tired
    11 . 困難 , kùnnán , difficulty
    12 . 心情轉換一下 , xīnqíng zhuǎnhuàn yīxià , change your mood
    13 . 民營健身房 , mínyíng jiànshēnfáng , Private gym
    14 . 會員制 , huìyuán zhì , membership
    15 . 器材 , qìcái , equipment
    16 . 設備 , shèbèi , facilities
    17 . 爭取客戶 , zhēngqǔ kèhù , win customers
    18 . 重視客戶感受 , zhòngshì kèhù gǎnshòu , Pay attention to customer feelings
    19 . 業務專員 , yèwù zhuānyuán , sales person
    20 . 積極 , jījí , aggressive
    21 . 專業化 , zhuānyè huà , specialization
    22 . 有效率 , yǒu xiàolǜ , Efficient
    23 . 運動量 , yùndòngliàng , amount of exercise
    24 . 比例 , bǐlì , Proportion
    25 . 海報 , hǎibào , poster
    26 . 肌肉 , jīròu , muscle
    27 . 印象 , yìnxiàng , impression
    28 . 鍛鍊肌肉 , duànliàn jīròu , build muscle
    29 . 重量訓練 , zhòngliàng xùnliàn , weight training
    30 . 舉重 , jǔzhòng , weightlifting
    31 . 啞鈴 , yǎlíng , dumbbel
    32 . 壺鈴 , hú líng , kettlebell
    33 . 金剛芭比 , jīngāng bābǐ , King Kong Barbie(Pretty girl with toned muscles)
    34 . 飲食方式 , yǐnshí fāngshì , diet
    35 . 專業知識 , zhuānyè zhīshì , expertise
    36 . 心肺運動 , xīnfèi yùndòng , cardiorespiratory exercise
    37 . 伸展 , shēnzhǎn , stretch
    38 . 拉筋 , lā jīn , stretch
    39 . 遙控器 , yáokòng qì , remote control
    40 . 肌耐力 , jī nàilì , muscular endurance

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    • 15 min.
    #110. 我最喜歡的圖書館My favorite libary (Level A2)

    #110. 我最喜歡的圖書館My favorite libary (Level A2)

    Mandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Book lessons with this code to get more discount: huimin Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW
    生詞 vocabulary
    1     空調       (,) Kòngtiáo     (,) air conditioner
    2     冬暖夏涼       (,) dōng nuǎn xià liáng (,) Warm in winter and cool in summer
    3     布告欄   (,) bùgào lán    (,) bulletin board
    4     答案       (,) dá'àn    (,) Answer
    5     有獎徵答       (,) yǒu jiǎng zhēng dá    (,) Prize-winning answers
    6     抽獎       (,) chōujiǎng    (,) lottery
    7     鉛筆       (,) qiānbǐ   (,) pencil
    8     颱風       (,) táifēng  (,) typhoon
    9     地震       (,) dìzhèn  (,) earthquake
    10  榮譽感   (,) róngyù gǎn (,) sense of honor
    11  完成       (,) wánchéng   (,) to complete
    12  分心       (,) fēn xīn  (,) distracted
    13  專心       (,) zhuānxīn      (,) to concentrate
    14  精神不好       (,) jīngshén bù hǎo (,)be tired
    15  躺下去   (,) tǎng xiàqù   (,) lie down
    16  暖氣       (,) nuǎnqì  (,) Heater
    17  乾燥       (,) qiánzào (,) dry
    18  冰冷       (,) bīnglěng      (,) cold
    19  空間       (,) kōngjiān       (,) space
    20  身分證   (,) shēnfèn zhèng   (,) identity card
    21  居留證   (,) jūliú zhèng (,) resident permit
    22  證件       (,) zhèngjiàn    (,) Documents
    23  設計       (,) shèjì      (,) design
    24  影響別人       (,) yǐngxiǎng biérén (,) disturb others
    25  包廂       (,) bāoxiāng     (,) a private room, a booth
    26  登記       (,) dēngjì   (,) Register
    27  會議室   (,) huìyì shì      (,) meeting room
    28  申請       (,) shēnqǐng     (,) Apply
    29  討論室   (,) tǎolùn shì    (,) discussion room
    30  流口水   (,) liú kǒushuǐ   (,) Slobber
    31  置物櫃   (,) zhìwù guì   (,) locker
    32  被偷走   (,) bèi tōu zǒu  (,) stolen
    33  貼心的設計   (,) tiēxīn de shèjì     (,) Thoughtful design
    34  落地窗   (,) luòdìchuāng (,) Floor-to-ceiling windows
    35  一整排   (,) yī zhěng pái (,) a whole row
    36  躺椅       (,) tǎngyǐ   (,) lounge chair
    37  讀者       (,) dúzhě   (,) reader
    38  陳列式書櫃   (,) chénliè shì shūguì     (,) Display bookcase
    39  暢銷書   (,) chàngxiāo shū    (,) best seller
    40  校園       (,) xiàoyuán      (,) campus
    41  清醒       (,) qīngxǐng      (,) wide awake
    42  建築       (,) jiànzhú (,) architecture
    43  打烊       (,) dǎyàng (,) closing (for stores, shops)

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    • 17 min.


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