220 episodes

This podcast interviews work from home entrepreneurs, illustrates insights into how to find and hire affordable digital services, and advice for nonprofits to thrive without spending a dime online.

Featured on Small Business Trends, Home Business Magazine, CNBC, Time, Business Insider.

Working From Home With Mike Zima Michael Zima

    • Business

This podcast interviews work from home entrepreneurs, illustrates insights into how to find and hire affordable digital services, and advice for nonprofits to thrive without spending a dime online.

Featured on Small Business Trends, Home Business Magazine, CNBC, Time, Business Insider.

    Truth Social, Gettr, Rumble & Telegram Start Web 3.0 Wars

    Truth Social, Gettr, Rumble & Telegram Start Web 3.0 Wars

    Web 3.0 is the new buzzword. But what is it, and will it be much of the same?

    The truth has been hidden, buried, and labeled untrustworthy.

    The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies as oil floats on water.

    -Don Quixote

    The truth has surfaced and started a fragmentation of our internet.

    The internet was never supposed to be centralized. Censorship broke the internet in half, and Web 3.0 is not about the metaverse or cryptocurrency.

    Web 3.0 is about YOUR community and Bitcoin.

    Without going down that rabbit hole of orange pills. Let’s see what’s happening with social networks.

    Truth Social launched with a Trump stamp of approval. Probably as good as his steaks and university.

    There’s nothing new here with Parlar, Gettr, Telegram all emerging as different platforms to tear social networks apart.

    We had Friendster, MySpace, Xanga, and all of that faded away.

    It became easier to speak with your friends, faster to look up old buddies, and quicker to send ideas to YOUR community.

    Before long, it was a parade of information we grew numb to after all those friend requests and years of liking.

    People on platforms can no longer express their idea to THEIR community, trolls stoke the flames, and personal attacks and bullying are where we are at in mature social media platforms.

    Truth Social is promoting the most advanced AI to moderate content

    on its platform from violence, bullying, hate speech, and even spam.

    If you’re on Gettr right now, all your replies will have tons of spammers selling junk.

    But is censorship the objective here?

    Facebook seems to think so!

    Basically, on the same day.

    Facebook is gunning after Truth social is sharing their AI supercomputer.

    Is the answer to social media more censorship?

    More computers?

    More centralization?

    Probably not.

    The evolution of social media has been happening for over 25-years.

    You got mail.

    You got poked.

    You got deplatformed.

    Words. Truth. Integrity.

    We are heading into a post-Facebook world.

    If you want to participate inside the metaverse and try to “earn” a digital life.

    The same caveats we have in social media today inside a new restricted metaverse reality.

    A closed economy.

    Facebook tried to create Libra.


    Facebook rebranded it as Diem.


    Communication is what powers social media.

    The number #1 driver for social networks is advertising revenue.

    There is no other business model.

    Over 20-years, it’s been the same.

    Banner ads.

    Facebook and Advertising agencies are

    spending millions of dollars to launch Metaverse ads.

    Resources are pouring in when we are ignoring problems in reality.

    Here’s a banner from artist David Sebastian.

    “Billionaires are spending millions in the metaverse while people are starving in our universe!!!”

    So, it’s the same business model re-hashed into another form.

    Web 3.0 is the new slogan.

    There’s nothing new about it.

    Silicon Valley knows what the future of Web 3.0 is all about.

    It’s bitcoin.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikedzima/

    Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/michaelzima

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikezima/ 

    Website: https://zimamedia.com

    • 4 min
    Google MUM, its a new algorithm that’s 1,000x more powerful than BERT

    Google MUM, its a new algorithm that’s 1,000x more powerful than BERT

    Google previews the new MUM algorithm update. Mum stands for Multitask Unified Modal (mum). 

    Google demoed this on stage during an I/O conference.

    It’s 1000 times more power than BERT.

    Although no public rollout date was announced, it’s easy to speculate about its future in search.

    Well, if you’ve been following Zima Media, it’s the past. We have been informing our clients about advances in Artificial Intelligence since 2014.

    Subscribe and like this video to stay ahead of the competition on digital marketing trends.

    MUM can work in 75 languages, and it understands and generates language as we saw with OPEN AI GPT-3.

    The breakthrough comes with understanding different mediums of digital content. 

    For years, the limitations to succeeding on Google have been primarily limited to the text on your website.

    We have been preparing for AI-driven algorithmic rankings, and we saw advancements in 2018 with E-A-T.

    We were stunned with the results of producing content with a high E-A-T score; we even discontinued most backlink buildings.

    Content is the biggest differentiator in your niche, and now that applies to every medium of content Google can index.

    Mum will process images, text, and videos as we have covered in previous videos.

    Since MUM is a “multi-modal,” Google can start combining text, images, and videos in Search Result pages.

    Imagine getting a curated list of search results like a Pinterest board? 

    Elaborate pieces of information coming together to answer complex questions and situations.

    We will closely watch MUM as we could anticipate this updating launching in installments over the next several months.

    Link, Share and Subscribe if you liked this podcast.


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikedzima/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/michaelzima

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikezima/

    #googlemum #googlealgorithm #coreupdate

    • 2 min
    Marketing Mistakes #5: Neglecting Your Website

    Marketing Mistakes #5: Neglecting Your Website

    We have looked into such common marketing mistakes as not knowing your results, not investing in SEO and content, not running advertising campaigns, and ignoring your social media.

    Today, we’re going to discuss another fatal mistake →

    Neglecting Your Website

    Your website is the face of your business. If it doesn’t give a good first impression, no one will want to revisit it. Since marketing's primary goal is to bring people to your site, its quality is responsible for the results of all your marketing efforts, including SEO and Google Ads.

    If you see that users leave your site shortly after opening it and you have only a few sales, maybe it means you need to improve your website to attract more leads.

    Here are a few important questions you need to ask yourself:

    ☑️  Is your site fast? (If your website visitors have to wait 3 seconds before the page loads, don’t be surprised when they leave without even checking out what you have to offer.)

    ☑️  Does your site look good on mobile? (If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, then you might be losing 44.7% of sales from mobile devices.)

    ☑️  When was the last time you updated your website? (If you don’t keep up with the latest industry news, don’t publish new content, and don’t maintain your site’s design fresh, you might be losing a lot of money.)

    ☑️  Do you have testimonials on your site? (If you want to gain trust in the eyes of Google and your prospects, you should include as many testimonials as you can on your website.)

    ☑️  How do you generate leads from your website? (If you want your potential customers to take action, you need to have a way to gather emails from potential customers to make them realize your product or service is the solution to their problem.)

    ☑️ Do the answers to these questions satisfy you? If not, it’s time for a change in your marketing strategy.

    Now, you are aware of the five most common mistakes such as: Not Knowing Your Results, Not Investing in SEO & Content, Not Running Advertising Campaigns Because the Budget Is Small, Ignoring Social Media, and Neglecting Your Website. So, you better try avoiding them as much as possible.

    If you missed our previous videos, you can find the links below. Also, feel free to go ahead and download our Free Marketing Audit right now! Just click the link in the description and get to know whether you’re doing your marketing right!

    And if you’re ready to boost your business, don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your marketing strategy and discover how we can help you improve it.  

    Link, Share and Subscribe if you liked this prodcast.

    Here's your 5 marketing mistakes template👇

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikedzima/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/michaelzima
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikezima/

    #marketingmistakes #digitalmarketingtips #webdesign

    • 3 min
    Marketing Mistakes #4: Ignoring Social Media

    Marketing Mistakes #4: Ignoring Social Media

    We have already talked about such common marketing mistakes as not knowing your results, not investing in SEO and content, and not running advertising campaigns. If you haven’t checked them yet, you can find links in the description.

    Today, we’re going to discuss another big mistake → 

    Ignoring Social Media

    Writing amazing content without sharing it is pointless. Now, almost everyone has a profile on various social media platforms, including your customers. And if you aren’t taking advantage of this free opportunity to reach your target audience, you might be slowing down your marketing efforts.

    If you don’t remember the last time you posted on social or whether you even have a business profile, maybe you should start working on improving your social media strategy.

    Here are a few important questions you need to ask yourself before jumping to any conclusions:

    ☑️   Do you have a Facebook Business Page? (If you’re a business, you should have one. It gives you many more opportunities than just a personal page.)

    ☑️   When was your last company post on social media? (Consistency is the key. Make your potential customers expect the updates and useful insights from you. If you don’t post on social, it makes it much easier for your audience to forget about you.)

    ☑️   How many followers do you have on social media? (Remember that it’s better to have 300 relevant followers than 3000 random people or bots that don’t care about your business.)

    ☑️   Do you have trust signals such as testimonials and reviews? (If you have reviews and testimonials, it’s a signal for your target audience to trust your brand and know that you’re not another scam business.)

    ☑️   How many website visitors are coming from social media? (If you don’t get any traffic from social media, you should rethink your social media strategy and adjust it accordingly.)

    ☑️   Do you have a social media calendar? (If you want to post consistently and ensure you’re not repeating yourself, having a social media calendar is a must.)

    ☑️   When was the last time you optimized your strategy? (Social media platforms change very often, and your social media strategy should reflect those changes to keep up with their algorithms.)

    ☑️   Are your competitors active on social media? (If your competitors aren’t taking the full advantage of social media, maybe it’s your chance to overcome them with the help of a well-thought-through strategy.)

    Can you answer these questions easily? If not, it might be time you rethink your marketing strategy.

    Link, Share and Subscribe if you liked this video.

    Here's your 5 marketing mistakes template👇



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikedzima/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/michaelzima

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikezima/

    #marketingmistakes #digitalmarketingtips #socialmedia

    • 2 min
    Marketing Mistake #3: Not Running Advertising Campaigns Because Your Budget Is Small

    Marketing Mistake #3: Not Running Advertising Campaigns Because Your Budget Is Small

    We have already talked about such common marketing mistakes as not knowing your results and not investing in SEO and content. If you haven’t checked them yet, you can find links in the description.

    Today, we’re going to elaborate on another crucial mistake → 

    Not Running Advertising Campaigns Because Your Budget Is Small 

    The key to successful advertising isn’t only increasing your daily budget but also making sure to set up your campaigns properly. 

    It includes creating a strong strategy, following the best practices, targeting keywords with a high search volume, keeping a close eye on your competitors, constantly testing new ads and ideas, and knowing your industry advertising averages to have realistic expectations.

    If you spend a fortune without getting results, maybe you should restructure your campaigns, stop focusing on low-performing keywords, change your bidding strategy, create better ads, and review your target audiences. 

    These are the questions you need to ask yourself:

    ☑️  How many site visitors do you have from Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn Ads? (If you’re getting more conversions from Facebook and only a few from other platforms, you should focus on Facebook since it’s already working for you.)

    ☑️  Are you remarketing to previous website visitors and clients? (If you don’t encourage your past website visitors to complete their purchase, then who will? Your advertising strategy should always include a remarketing campaign.)

    ☑️  What is the Click-Through Rate of your ads? (The average click-through rate on Google Ads is 2%, but if you polish and experiment with your ad copy you might get 15% and increase the chance of getting a conversion.)

    ☑️  How often do you create new ads? (Advertising is all about testing. It means that you need to review your campaigns and try something new at least once per week to find out what works best for your business.)

    ☑️  What is your advertising ROI and cost per lead? (In short, do you lose or gain money from your advertising efforts? Of course, you’d want to stick to the latter. Average advertising ROI is 300%, but with the right advertising tactics you can get it up to 1000% and more.)

    ☑️  Are you taking advantage of advanced and new ad formats? (If you don’t use dynamic and responsive search ads yet, it’s time to restructure your ad campaign as they have proven to drive more clicks and increase the conversion rate.)

    ☑️  How much money do you invest compared to your competitors? (The more money you spend on advertising, the more exposure your ads get. If your daily ad budget is $30 while your competitor is spending $150 on the same keywords, you can easily guess whose ads will get more clicks and possibly bring more purchases or leads.)

    ☑️  Are you spending money the right way after all or could you improve your advertising campaigns for more sales, more leads, and a higher return on ad spend?

    In our next video tomorrow, we’re going to talk about the fourth most common marketing mistake you might be making. 

    Stay tuned and if you’re curious, go ahead and download our Free Marketing Audit right now! Just click the link in the description and get to know whether you’re doing your marketing right!

    Here's your 5 marketing mistakes template👇



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikedzima/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/michaelzima

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikezima/

    #marketingmistakes #digitalmarketingtips

    • 3 min
    Marketing Mistake #2: Not Investing in SEO & Content Because It’s Too Slow

    Marketing Mistake #2: Not Investing in SEO & Content Because It’s Too Slow

    Last time we talked about the first marketing mistake businesses usually make - not knowing your results. If you haven’t checked it yet, you can find the link in the description.

    Now, it’s time for mistake #2 →

    Not Investing in SEO & Content Because It’s Too Slow

    Did you know that 90% of web pages never get any traffic? While it’s good to run successful advertising campaigns, it’s still crucial to work on your website’s SEO & Content to get free organic traffic and leads. Yes, you can’t see the results overnight, but, in the long run, quality content and proper SEO optimizations will pay off by bringing you more website visitors and prospects.

    If your website doesn’t get enough organic traffic, maybe it’s time to create a proper content plan to boost it.

    But first, here are a few important questions you need to ask yourself:

    ☑️   Do you have any articles on the first page of Google? (If yes, awesome, if no, you should start working towards this goal. Of course, it takes time to get there, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.)

    ☑️   Is your content bringing you any traffic? (If you’re posting blog posts but no one visits them, you should rethink your strategy and maybe focus on less competitive topics.)

    ☑️  Do you have a content plan in place? (If you have an end goal, your content plan should reflect it. In other words, posting content without a specific purpose won’t bring you much.)

    ☑️  How much time do people spend reading your content? (If your website visitors spend only 30 seconds on a 1500-word article, they probably don’t find it very useful or relative. Yet, if they spend at least 3 min on it, then you’re on the right path.)

    ☑️  Do people share your blog posts? (If users read your articles but rarely share them, then they don’t find it particularly compelling or more insightful than the already existing content on the internet. It’s time to give them more value and unique insights.)

    ☑️  Has your content generated any leads or sales? (If your content doesn’t make people want to buy your products or services, maybe you should rethink its structure or experiment with lead generation tactics and CTAs.)

    So, were the answers what you were expecting? If not, it's another sign you need a change in your strategy.

    In our next video tomorrow, we’re going to talk about the third most common marketing mistake you might be making. Stay tuned and if you’re curious, you can download our Free Marketing Audit right now! Just click the link in the description and get to know whether you’re doing your marketing right!

    Link, Share and Subscribe if you liked this podcast.

    Here's your 5 marketing mistakes template👇



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikedzima/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/michaelzima

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikezima/

    #marketingmistakes #digitalmarketingtips

    • 3 min

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