Episode 53: Star Wars D6 from West End Games

Podcast Save for Half podcast

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Ok, 37 years ago and not so far away the Star Wars RPG was first published by West End Games. We consider the game itself, the idea of dice pools, and answer that age-old question of why are there no ladders to buy in the Star Wars Universe? Come for the enthusiasm of DM Corbett for memories of playing the game; stay for DM Mike’s surprising lack of ‘Bahs’ in this show!

No Rebels were harmed in the making of this podcast, because the Stormtroopers couldn’t hit them!

Links mentioned in this show:

Open D6 OGL (WEG Star Wars, Ghostbusters, etc.)

Star Wars Supplements (used for canon)

Star Wars WEG on Wikipedia

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